need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Place to go if you want to ask someone identify raga, tala, composer etc or ask for sāhitya (lyrics) or notations or translations.
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need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by cyberrekha »

I need lyrics and meaning for varnam on meenakshi by madurai r muralidharan in simhendramadyamam raga.
It starts like Maye Manamthanitharul. Thanks

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by Lakshman »

mAyE manam kanindaruL (pv). rAgA: simhEndramadhyam. Adi tALA. Madurai Muralidharan.

P: mAyE manam kanindaruL purivAyE madurai vaLar mInAkSi
A: nIyE dinam tiru naTanam purivAyE naTarAjan magizhavE
(muktAyi svara sAhitya)
nIyE kadambavanam tannil udittAyE malayadhvajan malarAl
akhila bhuvanamdil uditta tarashilAda aruL suvarE shrI amba
pugazh purivAyE tuNai purivAyE
C: Ananda bhairavi dina bhAvanAga kalai sEndu naTamiDum
1: kAr tanai magizhum nI kalaimagaLum nI malai magaLum nI tuNai
aruLum nI punavum isai nI tudi dayavu nI pulan magizhum nI tiruporuLum

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by cyberrekha »

Thank you soo much.

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by rshankar »

Here is the full varNam - what you have is incomplete.

mAyE manam kanindaruL purivAyE madurai vaLar mInAkSi
nIyE dinam tiru naTanam purindAyE naTarAjan magizhavE

tUyE kadamba vanamtanil udittAyE maladhvajan magaLAm
tAyE mahiSAsura vadam purindAyE mAkALI mahESvarI

muktAyi svara sAhityam
akhila bhuvanamadil uyirgaL tazhaittiDavE aruLum bhuvanESvari ambA
ayanum ariyum magizh aranin manam kavarum umaiyavaLE unai paNindEn tuNai purivAyE

AnandabhairavI dinam bhAva rAga tALam SErndu naTamiDum (Ananda…)

caraNasvara sAhityam 1
annai unnaipaNindEn yendan tuyar kaLaivAi (Ananda…)

caraNasvara sAhityam 2
agaramudalAna vaLarmatiyE yezhil
magaram vAr kuzhal tigazh oliyE
perum jagamuzhudum pugazh guNanidhiyE
dinam aram peruga tiran taruvAi SankarI (Ananda…)

caraNasvara sAhityam 3
nI kalaimagaLum nI alaimagaLum ni malaimagaLum nI
Silai yezhilum nI ulaginiSai nI SRti layamum nI
muraLi paNiyum tiru uruvE nI (Ananda...)

caraNasvara sAhityam 4
Om aim hRIm SrIm yenum oliyinil viNNum maNNum niRai oLiperum
cindai niRaindavaLE vindai purindavaLE mundai vinaigaLai kaLaindaruL purivAi
porumaiyuDam iruLagala arumaiyuDam perumai pera ODi ADi vADi nADi
manrADum yenadu nilai kaNDum unadu manam iLagiDavum vazhiyilaiyO (Ananda…)

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by rshankar »

cyberrekha wrote:I need lyrics and meaning for varnam on meenakshi by madurai r muralidharan in simhendramadyamam raga.
I recently had a similar request - I am sorry I did not respond to this one earlier:

Typically, Madurai Sri Muralidaran's varNams are very simple, but this one can be both simple and very profound...

mAyE manam kanindaruL purivAyE madurai vaLar mInAkSi
nIyE dinam tiru naTanam purindAyE naTarAjan magizhavE

Oh personification of illusion (mAyE) [1], please let your heart/mind (manam) become tender (with love) kanindu), and shower (purivAyE) your grace (aruL) (on me/us), Oh mInAkshI who dwells (vaLar) in madurai! You are the one (nIyE) who performed (purindAyE) [2] the divine (tiru) dance (naTanam) [3] to Siva’s (naTarAjan) [4] delight (magizhavE).

tUyE kadamba vanamtanil udittAyE maladhvajan magaLAm
tAyE mahiSAsura vadam purindAyE mAkALI mahEshvarI

Oh pure one (tUyE)! You arose (udittAyE) in (tanil) a forest/grove (vanam) of kadamba flowers [5] as the daughter (magaLAm) of the pANDya king malayadhvaja. Oh mother (tAyE), the mighty (mA) kALI, consort of Siva (ISvarI), you destroyed/killed (vadam purindAyE) the demon mahisha.

muktAyi svara sAhityam
akhila bhuvanamadil uyirgaL tazhaittiDavE aruLum bhuvanEshvari ambA
ayanum ariyum magizh aranin manam kavarum umaiyavaLE unai paNindEn tuNai purivAyE

Oh mother (ambA), the mistress of the universe (bhuvanESvarI) who showers her grace (aruLum) so that all living beings (uyirgaL) in the entire (akhila) universe (bhuvanam adil) may thrive/flourish (tazhaittiDavE)! Oh umAdEvi (umaiyavaLE) who captivates (kavarum) the heart (manam) of Siva (aranin), and in whom brahmA (ayanum) and vishNU (ariyum) delight in (magizh), I have worshiped (paNindEn) you (unai), please grant me (purivAyE) your support and protection (tuNai) [6].

AnandabhairavI dinam bhAva rAga tALam shErndu naTamiDum (Ananda…)

Oh pArvatI (Anandabhairavi) who dances (naTamiDum) etarnally (dinam) [7] to the perfect confluence (SErndu) of expression of emotion (bhAva), melody (rAga) and rhythm (tALam) [8]!

caraNasvara sAhityam 1
annai unnaipaNindEn yendan tuyar kaLaivAi (Ananda…
Oh mother (annai) (who dances eternally to the perfect confluence of bhAva, rAga and tALa), I have worshiped (paNIndEn) you (unnai), please remove (kaLaivAyE) my (yendan) sorrows (tuyar).

caraNasvara sAhityam 2
agaramudalAna vaLarmatiyE yezhil
magaram vAr kuzhal tigazh oliyE
perum jagamuzhudum pugazh guNanidhiyE
dinam aram peruga tiran taruvAi shankarI (Ananda…)

Oh brilliant intellect (vaLarmatiyE) [9] who manifests in everything, starting with (mudalAna) the letter a (akaram/agaram)! Oh comely (yezhil) and brilliant sound (oliyE) [10], resplendent (tigazh) with tresses (kuzhal) that look like they are covered (vAr) with honey-bees (magaram) [11]! Oh mighty (perum) repository (nidhi) of sterling character (guNa), praised (pugazh) everywhere (muzhudum) in the world (jagam)! Oh consort of SaMkara (SaMkarI) (who dances eternally to the perfect confluence of bhAva, rAga and tALa), please grant (taruvAi) me the ability/skills/knowledge (tiRan) necessary to ensure that moral virtues (aRam) abound (peruga) [12] at all times (dinam) [7].

caraNasvara sAhityam 3
nI kalaimagaLum nI alaimagaLum ni malaimagaLum nI
Silai yezhilum nI ulaginishai nI shruti layamum nI
muraLi paNiyum tiru uruvE nI (Ananda...)

You (nI) are sarasvatI (kalaimagaLum) [13], lakshmI (alaimagaLum) [14] and pAravtI (malaimagaLum) [15], all in one. You (nI) are the beauty (ezhilum) of sculpture (Silai), you are the music (iSai) in the world (ulagu), you are both the musical pitch (Sruti), and musical time (layamum). You (nI) (who dances eternally to the perfect confluence of bhAva, rAga and tALa) are the divine (tiru) form (uruvE) that is worshiped (paNiyum) by the composer Muralidaran (muraLi).

caraNasvara sAhityam 4
Om aim hrIm shrIm yenum oliyinil viNNum maNNum niRai oLiperum
cindai niRaindavaLE vindai purindavaLE mundai vinaigaLai kaLaindaruL purivAi
porumaiyuDan iruLagala arumaiyuDan perumai pera ODi ADi vADi nADi
manrADum yenadu nilai kaNDum unadu manam iLagiDavum vazhiyilaiyO (Ananda…)

In the intonation (oliyinil) of the dEvi bIjAkshara mantra that goes (yenum) ‘Om aim hrIm SrIm’, the earth (maNNum) and the skies (viNNum) will become (peRum) suffused/replete (niRai) with light/enlightenment (oLi). Oh dEvi who fills (niRaindavaLE) my thoughts (cindai), who performs (prundavaLE) wondrous (vindai) deeds, please destroy/remove (kaLaindu) the consequences of my previous (mundai) deeds/actions (vinaigaLai), and bless (aruL purivAi) me! Even after witnessing (kaNDum) my (yenadu) piteous state (nilai) in which I am running (ODi), wandering (ADi), seeking (nADi), struggling (manrADum), and withering away (vADi) in order to achieve self-control/patience (poRumai) as well as (uDan) for the darkness (iruL) [16] around me to be dispelled (agala), and achieve (pera) greatness/excellence (arumai) along with (uDan) fame (perumai), is there no way (vazhiyilaiyO) for your (unadu) heart (manam) to become soft and tender (iLagiDavum), (Oh devi who dances eternally to the perfect confluence of bhAva, rAga and tALa)?

[1] mAyE is a term of many meanings, including ‘a woman of extraordinary wisdom’, ‘a woman with supernatural powers’ etc., all of which are applicable here
[2] The verb ‘purital' can be translated in a multitude of ways, and I love the way the composer has used it in many of its possible meanings
[3] I think ‘tiru naTanam’ in this context refers to the lAsya that pAravti performs when she accompanies Siva as he dances the Ananda tANDavam
[4] Siva as the foremost exponent of the fifth or nATya vEda becomes the lord/king (rAjA) of all of the practitioners of the nATya vEda who are called naTa (male) and naTi (female) – hence naTarAja
[5] kadamba vana nilayE (resident of the kadamba grove) is a fairly standard way of referring to the dEvi (as in ‘kadamba vana nilayE, ambA kanja lOcanE bhavAnI’ made famous by Smt. MSS) – kadamba is also called nIpa
[6] tuNai is commonly used for companionship, but in this context, it means support (a companion is also a form of support, I guess)
[7] dinam literally means daily/everyday
[8] A very beautiful way of making pAravti’s dance = bharatanATyam!
[9] vaLar madiyE can also mean ‘as beautiful as the full moon’
[10] The oli/sound referred to here is the OmkAra
[11] The imagery here I think is that the black tresses (vENI, nIla samAna kuntaladharI is how Adi Sankara describes her in his annapUrNAshTakam) of the dEvi look like a swarm of bees – alternately, since she is sugandhikuntalAmbA (she of the self-fragrant tresses), the fragrance could be attracting a swarm of honey bees
[12] peruga literally means to flow
[13] kalaimagaL – the woman (magaL) who is the embodiment of art (kalai)
[14] alaimagaL – the daughter (magaL) of the waves/ocean (alai)
[15] malaimagaL – the daughter (magaL) of the mountain (malai)
[16] Darkness is physical, mental and spiritual
Last edited by rshankar on 06 Jun 2013, 08:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by aaaaabbbbb »

rshankar Ji,

Brilliant, as can be expected!

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by rshankar »

Thank you Smt. Savitri.

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by sands98 »

Happy day.

Can i get the music notation for
Maaye varnam please ..


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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by Maheswari »

Can you please give music notations for Mayer Varnam ( Madurai R Muralidharan) - Nattuvangam

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Re: need lyrics and meaning for simhendramadyamam varnam

Post by Lakshman »

Notations for Madurai Muralidhara's compositions are not available.

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