Word to word meaning of Navarasa shloka on Shiva

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Word to word meaning of Navarasa shloka on Shiva

Post by kzivraj »

Hello everyone,

Please can someone in the forum help me with word to word translation of the Shiva Shloka composed by Melattur Veerabhadrayya, Guru of Ramaswami Dikshitar below?

ShringArO vAmabhAgE paTu-makuTa-taTI dhAmni ShAMtaH trizUlE
vIraH hAsOttha-vAhE paramata karuNO bhaikSa-pAtrE asti-hArE |
bhIbhatsO bAhu-bhUzAnila-bhuji bhayabhUHadbhutaH khaMTAnnalE
raudraM phAla-stanEtrE navarasabharitaH pArvatI-sahitaH sa pAtu naH ||

Look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance.
Best wishes,

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Re: Word to word meaning of Navarasa shloka on Shiva

Post by Rajani »

Some spelling corrections are marked in bold :

ShringArO - Love (for Parvati who is)
vAmabhAgE - in the left side,

ShAMtaH - serene
paTu-makuTa-taTI-dhAmni - in the large crown (of matted locks)

vIraH - heroism
trizUlE - in the trident,

atha + hAsO (hAsO'tha)- then humour
vAhE - in the vehicle (bull)

atha - then
param karuNO - great pity or pathos
bhaikSa-pAtrE - in the begging bowl

bhIbhatsO - hidenousness
(a)sthi-hArE - in the bone-garland,

bhayabhUH - causing fear
bAhu-bhUShA(a)nila-bhuji - in the snake adornning the arms,

adbhutaH - wondrous
kaNTha nIlE - in the blue neck,

raudraM - anger
phAla-stha nEtrE - in the eye situated on the forehead,
navarasa bharitaH pArvatI-sahitaH - filled with Navarasas, in the company of Parvati
sa pAtu - may He protect
(naH - us.)

Note : for the metre to be corrrect the last word naH should not be there. It won't affect the meaning. The metre is Sragdhara (21 aksharas every line)

Also khaMTAnnalE does not fit, and is probably kaNThanIlE - please check and post here if something else.

Posts: 81
Joined: 24 Jul 2008, 19:41

Re: Word to word meaning of Navarasa shloka on Shiva

Post by kzivraj »

Thank you Rajani for taking time to provide me with the word to word meaning. This is really very helpful.

Truly appreciate it.

Best wishes,

Rajani wrote: 14 Sep 2023, 18:57 Some spelling corrections are marked in bold :

ShringArO - Love (for Parvati who is)
vAmabhAgE - in the left side,

ShAMtaH - serene
paTu-makuTa-taTI-dhAmni - in the large crown (of matted locks)

vIraH - heroism
trizUlE - in the trident,

atha + hAsO (hAsO'tha)- then humour
vAhE - in the vehicle (bull)

atha - then
param karuNO - great pity or pathos
bhaikSa-pAtrE - in the begging bowl

bhIbhatsO - hidenousness
(a)sthi-hArE - in the bone-garland,

bhayabhUH - causing fear
bAhu-bhUShA(a)nila-bhuji - in the snake adornning the arms,

adbhutaH - wondrous
kaNTha nIlE - in the blue neck,

raudraM - anger
phAla-stha nEtrE - in the eye situated on the forehead,
navarasa bharitaH pArvatI-sahitaH - filled with Navarasas, in the company of Parvati
sa pAtu - may He protect
(naH - us.)

Note : for the metre to be corrrect the last word naH should not be there. It won't affect the meaning. The metre is Sragdhara (21 aksharas every line)

Also khaMTAnnalE does not fit, and is probably kaNThanIlE - please check and post here if something else.

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