Sri MKR is no more

Remembering musicians of the recent past
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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by rajeshnat »

Nice post looking forward to your post , Take your time save it in notepad and then copy and paste. We lost few posts from your appa due to submit error.

Few posts that I just wanted to recollect after i put a post last week

His anecdote with SSI , see his choice of words just telling enough of what is civil without thumping his chest that he knows this musician and that musician. WE need only one rasika like him in the future , no point in having 1000 rasikas unlike him !!!
Last edited by rajeshnat on 22 Jan 2020, 19:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by rajeshnat »

MKR's own Profile in his own gripping writing style , this took a long time for me to get this as he posted in lounge

I always told MKR in person to write about his work and how he manouvered corporate american career. But I hope his son Mahesh , his daughter and Mahesh cousin Balashankar would cover significantly on what shri MKR could not write.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by rajeshnat »

rajeshnat wrote: 16 Jan 2020, 13:45 3.......
There was a post he made here in this jungle where he stated he had heard 4 live concerts of TNR and he told he just got mesemerized with TNR Music and the raga devata bhavam that TNR brought in. MKR was born i think in 1938 , TNR Passed away in 1956 .TNR stopped playing few years before his death ,let us even assume he played till his death. How can a less than 18 year old MKR, fall at the feet of the divine carnatic music in its purest form with TNR nagaswaram .A practicing musician like GNB, SSI , MMI have all done , they falling is because they know how their music falls in short in comparison with TNR manodharmam . I am assuming each would have thought O gosh what tODi i am singing let me hear TNR and get more from him .

But how did MKR get that spark in his head to settle for TNR and become his unabashed fan with just 4 live concerts even before the age of 18.

He was too independent and a very astute thinking rasika ,.He did not fall in some trap of let me just listen to what my parents heard and get into some sampradaya ring.

I would humbly think this less than 18 year old cm listening miracle had got very minimal influence with his parents. Gene is there yes but that is very minimal influence. His parents themself would have been astonished with their own son liking TNR even in that age . How can any one recollect the 4 live concerts of TNR unless MKR had deep impressions of each of the concert . To an extent post hearing TNR live concerts , all his rest of concert experience may have been slightly downhill in quality.
MKR fascination of TNR,. The below post is what i had in my mind when i wrote the above post.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by maheshram »

Dear @rajeshnat @rsr and others, I've attempted a sketch of my father's life in the forum section on Critics and Rasikas. I hope it is of some interest and value to answer some of your questions and share more information you may not know.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by RSR »

Dear Sir,
Thank you.
I will check in critics and rasikas section.
Came across his own narration at
I will benefit by adding your note to the narration.
Best Regards.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by rajeshnat »

This thread is done and dusted now that MKR sir biography is . WE can lock it .
Further lovely discussions can happen in MKR Thread

Nick H
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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by Nick H »

rajeshnat wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 14:42 Mods
This thread is done and dusted ...
Not necessarily. Sometimes people do not catch up with news like this for a long time. However belated, they may want to add their wishes.

@maheshram, I think my previous post expressed only my own personal shock and sadness that I spoke to your father for just one minute on what was to his last visit to India. I was confidently expecting to see him again within days, and it did not happen, and now never will.

I didn't express my condolences to you and to other family members and friends. Please consider it caught up with now.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by maheshram »

Thank you Nick. The sentiments were already there in your first post but still appreciate the additional comments.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by maheshram »

Most of you would have seen this but I love th is clip of Appa at Cleveland and the spontaneous appreciation from the great vidwans esp the senior ones Sri VVS and Suguna Mami.

Here's the video from Cleveland aradhana of Appa demonstrating vintage vidwans music surrounded by top vidwans that you both will appreciate:

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by narayan »

Dear maheshram,
Thanks very much for your pointers and also posts about Sri MKR. Looking forward to more when you find time. Being a Mumbaikar, it is especially interesting as some of the names and references are familiar, or bring back some memories.
I have met Sri MKR only once, in the US, in the late 1980's but it was a refreshing and unforgettable experience. We will all miss his positive presence here and elsewhere. I cannot think of a better representative of the name and raison d'être for this forum than Sri MKR. The clip you shared above and the clip of his singing Todi are only some examples of the sheer musicality of his experience of this world and we are all the richer for it.

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Re: Sri MKR is no more

Post by SrinathK »

@maheshram After hearing this frankly unbelievable have to hear to believe it mimicry of your father (and what a voice at that age, to imitate ARI, MMI and GNB amongst others), I only feel even more sad I could only meet him twice in person that too very briefly. What a karpoora buddhi he must have had to grasp phrases in that detail from those days where your ears were often the only available tape recorder around!

We could have spent days on nothing but music. Alas, I was too late. Still, that which is scarce is valuable and I shall count it my very great fortune I was able to fulfil my wish of getting to know him while he was around.

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