AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Shape your kid as a musician on your own:
There are many similarities in the process of teaching either for cooking or motor-cycle-driving or music to the aspirant. Without cooking himself/herself unless the teacher initiates the aspirant to perform cooking on his/her own it is not possible to learn cooking efficiently. In the same manner, even while teaching the driving of a motor-cycle, the teacher, himself/herself siting on the pillion rider and making the aspirant sit in the driver’s seat, must initiate the aspirant properly in driving the motor-cycle. In the same manner, even though all are well aware that music also is a performing art, pitiably enough, none of the music-teachers, as they all are performers only but not teachers at all, are used to make the process of teaching or learning of music performance oriented and fast. Had even a single person of them been an efficient music-teacher he/she would have certainly and successfully made some of his/her students, at the least, sing the intricate Svarakalpana and brief Ragalapana like some of my students. More over, I sincerely feel, the duty of the efficient music-teacher is to arrange and initiate the aspirant to do things on his/her own even in the absence of the teacher and also to instill sufficient confidence in the aspirant to proceed further and further day by day.
We South Indians are generally used to hate either Harmonium or modern Casio either in teaching or learning or singing our Karnataka music as they do not allow playing our different Gamakas. It is also the truth up to some extent. To tell the fact, I was also of the same opinion for many years. But, only after my retirement, in my various experiments on the modern methods in teaching music to kids (but not to elders, of course) I have found the musical-instrument, ‘Casio’ helps the kids a lot far more than a teacher in learning up to the crucial Varnas. If the parents are also knowledgeable in music it helps still more to the kid. Even if the parents are not knowledgeable enough in music but if the kid himself/herself is talented and brilliant he/she can proceed further and further very fast in learning music basing upon the Casio. Even if an intelligent kid starts learning music in this novel method of teaching around his 5th year of age, no doubt, he/she can become able to successfully sing a one hour concert even before 10 years of his age with minimum dependence upon his efficient teacher. In this respect there is a proven plan to be implemented meticulously by the vigilant parents and this is furnished hereunder in detail.
This initiation could even be started to 1 or 2 years old kids by exposing them only to listen to the inspirative instrumental music furnished in the first 2 tracks of my CD, AMS Easy Methods-2007 which could be down loaded from ... hods-2007/. Among them the 1st track is of one kind (Chaturashra-gati) and the 2nd track is of another kind (Trisra-gati). It is desirable to expose the kid to only one kind of them on a single day and to another kind on the next day but not both on the same day in the beginning. After exposing him/her to the videos, AMS Kids’ Rhythmelodies furnished in the featured list of items in ‘youtube - msakella’s youtube’ the musical-instrument, Casio could also be provided if the aspirant shows positive inclination to handlle the same. It will be helpful if the kid follows the videos observing the hands of the player in the videos. Interested parents can very well implement this and are welcome to approach me even through Skype for proper guidance and help, if needed.
In fact, any electronic musical-instrument having two octaves along with a Metronome can well be used for this purpose. In general, in such musical-instrument, in each octave, twelve notes with a key for each note i.e., 12 keys are provided. Among these twelve notes while 1-3-5-6-8-10-12 are white-keys being in the same line the remaining in-between 2-4-7-9-11 are black-keys being in the upper-line. At the first instance, the kid has only to play the white-keys of this instrument according to the beat of the Metronome and, only later he/she also has to sing along with the notes of the instrument according to his/her own Shruti. While the Metronome serves the purpose of rhythm the Transpose allows the player to play only the white keys pertaining to the notes of Shankarabharana irrespective of the Kids’ choice of Shruti. Thus, Casio-MA-150 in which both these facilities of Metronome and Transpose are furnished or any other similar instrument could very well be used for this purpose.
1.Put on the electronic-musical-instrument having minimum two octaves i.e., 15 white-keys on the lower line and 10 black-keys on the upper-line and arrange to emanate the sound continuously without any interruption.
2.Take an adhesive tape and apply it to the 1st white-key the Shadja of the lower octave pressing it down and not to get up again to bring out the basic Shruti continuously.
3.Put on the Metronome at 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) which runs @ two beats per each second.
4.Write figures 1S, 2R, 3G, 4M, 5P, 6D, 7N, 8S serially on the 8 white-keys of the next higher octave from 8th to 15th pertaining to Shankarabharana-raga (Shankarabharana having more independent notes is only preferable to start with unlike Mayamalavagaula having only pairs of notes).
01.Tell your kid to press these 8 white-keys serially one after the other from 8th to 15th and back again from 15th to 8th each one 4 times and @ one note per each beat of Metronome.
Numbers of keys: 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888
Numbers of keys: 8888 7777 6666 5555 4444 3333 2222 1111
But, tell him/her not to sing along with that music at the first instance. Let him/her play for 5 or 10 minutes minutes each time and, in total, for one hour or even more daily in this manner. Later, also encourage him/her to sing along with all these notes.
02.Later, let him/her play @ one note per each beat of Metronome.
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11
02.Trisra-gati: Later, let him/her play with a single hand @ 3 notes per each beat of 60 bpm of Metronome following the videos.
03.Khanda-gati: Later, let him/her play with both the hands @ 5 notes per each beat of 60 bpm of Metronome following the videos.
Later, he/she can very well be initiated to follow the lessons furnished in the AMS Easy Methods-2007 CD. msakella
There are many similarities in the process of teaching either for cooking or motor-cycle-driving or music to the aspirant. Without cooking himself/herself unless the teacher initiates the aspirant to perform cooking on his/her own it is not possible to learn cooking efficiently. In the same manner, even while teaching the driving of a motor-cycle, the teacher, himself/herself siting on the pillion rider and making the aspirant sit in the driver’s seat, must initiate the aspirant properly in driving the motor-cycle. In the same manner, even though all are well aware that music also is a performing art, pitiably enough, none of the music-teachers, as they all are performers only but not teachers at all, are used to make the process of teaching or learning of music performance oriented and fast. Had even a single person of them been an efficient music-teacher he/she would have certainly and successfully made some of his/her students, at the least, sing the intricate Svarakalpana and brief Ragalapana like some of my students. More over, I sincerely feel, the duty of the efficient music-teacher is to arrange and initiate the aspirant to do things on his/her own even in the absence of the teacher and also to instill sufficient confidence in the aspirant to proceed further and further day by day.
We South Indians are generally used to hate either Harmonium or modern Casio either in teaching or learning or singing our Karnataka music as they do not allow playing our different Gamakas. It is also the truth up to some extent. To tell the fact, I was also of the same opinion for many years. But, only after my retirement, in my various experiments on the modern methods in teaching music to kids (but not to elders, of course) I have found the musical-instrument, ‘Casio’ helps the kids a lot far more than a teacher in learning up to the crucial Varnas. If the parents are also knowledgeable in music it helps still more to the kid. Even if the parents are not knowledgeable enough in music but if the kid himself/herself is talented and brilliant he/she can proceed further and further very fast in learning music basing upon the Casio. Even if an intelligent kid starts learning music in this novel method of teaching around his 5th year of age, no doubt, he/she can become able to successfully sing a one hour concert even before 10 years of his age with minimum dependence upon his efficient teacher. In this respect there is a proven plan to be implemented meticulously by the vigilant parents and this is furnished hereunder in detail.
This initiation could even be started to 1 or 2 years old kids by exposing them only to listen to the inspirative instrumental music furnished in the first 2 tracks of my CD, AMS Easy Methods-2007 which could be down loaded from ... hods-2007/. Among them the 1st track is of one kind (Chaturashra-gati) and the 2nd track is of another kind (Trisra-gati). It is desirable to expose the kid to only one kind of them on a single day and to another kind on the next day but not both on the same day in the beginning. After exposing him/her to the videos, AMS Kids’ Rhythmelodies furnished in the featured list of items in ‘youtube - msakella’s youtube’ the musical-instrument, Casio could also be provided if the aspirant shows positive inclination to handlle the same. It will be helpful if the kid follows the videos observing the hands of the player in the videos. Interested parents can very well implement this and are welcome to approach me even through Skype for proper guidance and help, if needed.
In fact, any electronic musical-instrument having two octaves along with a Metronome can well be used for this purpose. In general, in such musical-instrument, in each octave, twelve notes with a key for each note i.e., 12 keys are provided. Among these twelve notes while 1-3-5-6-8-10-12 are white-keys being in the same line the remaining in-between 2-4-7-9-11 are black-keys being in the upper-line. At the first instance, the kid has only to play the white-keys of this instrument according to the beat of the Metronome and, only later he/she also has to sing along with the notes of the instrument according to his/her own Shruti. While the Metronome serves the purpose of rhythm the Transpose allows the player to play only the white keys pertaining to the notes of Shankarabharana irrespective of the Kids’ choice of Shruti. Thus, Casio-MA-150 in which both these facilities of Metronome and Transpose are furnished or any other similar instrument could very well be used for this purpose.
1.Put on the electronic-musical-instrument having minimum two octaves i.e., 15 white-keys on the lower line and 10 black-keys on the upper-line and arrange to emanate the sound continuously without any interruption.
2.Take an adhesive tape and apply it to the 1st white-key the Shadja of the lower octave pressing it down and not to get up again to bring out the basic Shruti continuously.
3.Put on the Metronome at 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) which runs @ two beats per each second.
4.Write figures 1S, 2R, 3G, 4M, 5P, 6D, 7N, 8S serially on the 8 white-keys of the next higher octave from 8th to 15th pertaining to Shankarabharana-raga (Shankarabharana having more independent notes is only preferable to start with unlike Mayamalavagaula having only pairs of notes).
01.Tell your kid to press these 8 white-keys serially one after the other from 8th to 15th and back again from 15th to 8th each one 4 times and @ one note per each beat of Metronome.
Numbers of keys: 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888
Numbers of keys: 8888 7777 6666 5555 4444 3333 2222 1111
But, tell him/her not to sing along with that music at the first instance. Let him/her play for 5 or 10 minutes minutes each time and, in total, for one hour or even more daily in this manner. Later, also encourage him/her to sing along with all these notes.
02.Later, let him/her play @ one note per each beat of Metronome.
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11
02.Trisra-gati: Later, let him/her play with a single hand @ 3 notes per each beat of 60 bpm of Metronome following the videos.
03.Khanda-gati: Later, let him/her play with both the hands @ 5 notes per each beat of 60 bpm of Metronome following the videos.
Later, he/she can very well be initiated to follow the lessons furnished in the AMS Easy Methods-2007 CD. msakella
- Posts: 56
- Joined: 09 Sep 2011, 22:38
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
AMS Sir,
I went through the lessons on youtube and they are simply awesome!!!
Will come back if and when I have any specific doubt.
Thanks a ton!!!
I went through the lessons on youtube and they are simply awesome!!!
Will come back if and when I have any specific doubt.
Thanks a ton!!!
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, GNB_LGJ_PR, Thank you for your kind appreciation. I have been striving hard in making the process of teaching or learning our music much easier and fast and also in making our kids self-dependents. I shall always try to clear off any of the doubts of the interested persons in this respect. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Shape your kid as a musician on your own:
Today I have uploaded three videos pertaining to three kinds of rhythms, Trisra-gati, Chaturashra-gati and Khanda-gati. The interested parents can arrange to their kids even right from their age of 1 year to follow them with the help of two cane-sticks. This helps them a lot in stabilising their rhythmical abilities which are very useful in learning different rhythmical intricacies of music in furture. The respective URLs are also furnished hereunder. msakella
AMS-Kids’ Rhythms 01.Trisra-gati:
AMS-Kids’ Rhythms 02.Chaturashra-gati:
AMS-Kids’ Rhythms 03.Khanda-gati:
Today I have uploaded three videos pertaining to three kinds of rhythms, Trisra-gati, Chaturashra-gati and Khanda-gati. The interested parents can arrange to their kids even right from their age of 1 year to follow them with the help of two cane-sticks. This helps them a lot in stabilising their rhythmical abilities which are very useful in learning different rhythmical intricacies of music in furture. The respective URLs are also furnished hereunder. msakella
AMS-Kids’ Rhythms 01.Trisra-gati:
AMS-Kids’ Rhythms 02.Chaturashra-gati:
AMS-Kids’ Rhythms 03.Khanda-gati:
- Posts: 10958
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Wonderful, akellaji. I highly recommend everyone to take a few minutes to watch this. Young and Old. This can be the laya bAla pADam even before formal musical lesson starts, as akellaji states. Experiment with kids and see if they imitate all this over time.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, vasanthakokilam, What you wrote is absolutely right. They are the bAla pADams to which all the parents who are truly interested in shaping their kids as musicians must initiate their kids to follow and imitate them regularly right from their younger age.
Long long ago, had our ancestors took serious interest in this respect they would have certainly imposed this kind of excercises like our mathematical-tables to all our kids and the scenario of our present day music would have entirely been in a different way. Unfortunately, this did not happen due to the selfish, parasitical and conservative attitudes of many of them. In the same manner, than merely singing some Ragalapana, Kriti, little Niraval and Kalpanasvaram, had singing both Purvanga and Uttaranga of a critical Varna @ 4, 6 & 8-notes been made compulsory either for the Radio auditions or music-competitions or music-examinations or slections for the Scholar-ships or appointments as Teachers etc., the music-standards of the present day would have been very high.
Any musician who basically cannot sing both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of a critical Varna @ 4, 6 & 8-notes per each second should never be declared to have passed any one of the above and any musician who cannot also demonstrate the same Varna @ one note per each second in detail along with singing the same @ 4, 6 & 8-notes should not even be selected for the Teacher’s post. Unfortunately, due to the selfish, careless and negligent attitude of the ‘efficients’, the ‘inefficients’ in the society are dominating and helping to deteriorate the standards in the guise of their ‘reservations’ and the entire society is gradually becoming impotent. God alone must save our community. amsharma
Long long ago, had our ancestors took serious interest in this respect they would have certainly imposed this kind of excercises like our mathematical-tables to all our kids and the scenario of our present day music would have entirely been in a different way. Unfortunately, this did not happen due to the selfish, parasitical and conservative attitudes of many of them. In the same manner, than merely singing some Ragalapana, Kriti, little Niraval and Kalpanasvaram, had singing both Purvanga and Uttaranga of a critical Varna @ 4, 6 & 8-notes been made compulsory either for the Radio auditions or music-competitions or music-examinations or slections for the Scholar-ships or appointments as Teachers etc., the music-standards of the present day would have been very high.
Any musician who basically cannot sing both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of a critical Varna @ 4, 6 & 8-notes per each second should never be declared to have passed any one of the above and any musician who cannot also demonstrate the same Varna @ one note per each second in detail along with singing the same @ 4, 6 & 8-notes should not even be selected for the Teacher’s post. Unfortunately, due to the selfish, careless and negligent attitude of the ‘efficients’, the ‘inefficients’ in the society are dominating and helping to deteriorate the standards in the guise of their ‘reservations’ and the entire society is gradually becoming impotent. God alone must save our community. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today I have uploaded two videos of the Poorvangam and Uttarangam of Kambhoji-Adi-Varna sung by 7 years old kid, Chi. Samkeerthana @ 4, 6 & 8 per beat and the respective URLs of Youtube are also furnished hereunder. amsharma
Kambhoji-Varna-Purvangam :
Kambhoji-Varna-Uttarangam :
Kambhoji-Varna-Purvangam :
Kambhoji-Varna-Uttarangam :
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Hi all, In the 3 kinds of easy Muktayis of Kalpanasvaras furnished in the Addendum of AMS Easy Methods-2007 uploaded to ... hods-2007/ , serial numbers have been furnished to the 2nd variety of Prastara-muktayis only and the same have not been furnished to the other two varieties as it involves much concentration and hard work to get them and my physical condition, at this old age, is not allowing me to do it. But, recently, my disciple Chi. Vijaya Raghava of Bangalore, who could swallow this entire topic of ‘Talaprastara’ within 4 days only, designed a programme to get all the required details of the Prastaras. Basing upon it, now, I could obtain all the required serial numbers of the Muktayis of the remaining other two varieties also and furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants. Among them, while the 1st figure is the serial-number of the Muktayi, the 2nd figure is the serial-number of the respective rhythmical-form and the 3rd figure is the total number of Prastaras obtained in the process of the respective permutation as per the ‘Talaprastara’.
Consider the first one listed below. Kalpanasvaras-01, 5(10) pertains to Khanda-chapu or Trisra-rupaka, 01(a) is the 1st variety carrying ‘5 1 1 1 1 1’, 497 is its serial-number and 512 is the grand-total number of the prastaras or permutations obtained in the process of permutatioin of 10-units. amsharma
8(32 & 64):
Kalpanasvaras-03: (along with 5 only)
06.01-1045737444817521695826839835335233188786542948514013342512254632988172231017188124332715895931424/ 1067993517960455041197510853084776057301352261178326384973520803911109862890320275011481043468288
06.02-1067962941195765548994425931955581726498039025909621634125509987354288605085194807542464614271113/ 1067993517960455041197510853084776057301352261178326384973520803911109862890320275011481043468288
06.03-1045737445745829041657671585951270111887037978079747497726439071213118424275057346859648892307593/ 1067993517960455041197510853084776057301352261178326384973520803911109862890320275011481043468288
Consider the first one listed below. Kalpanasvaras-01, 5(10) pertains to Khanda-chapu or Trisra-rupaka, 01(a) is the 1st variety carrying ‘5 1 1 1 1 1’, 497 is its serial-number and 512 is the grand-total number of the prastaras or permutations obtained in the process of permutatioin of 10-units. amsharma
8(32 & 64):
Kalpanasvaras-03: (along with 5 only)
06.01-1045737444817521695826839835335233188786542948514013342512254632988172231017188124332715895931424/ 1067993517960455041197510853084776057301352261178326384973520803911109862890320275011481043468288
06.02-1067962941195765548994425931955581726498039025909621634125509987354288605085194807542464614271113/ 1067993517960455041197510853084776057301352261178326384973520803911109862890320275011481043468288
06.03-1045737445745829041657671585951270111887037978079747497726439071213118424275057346859648892307593/ 1067993517960455041197510853084776057301352261178326384973520803911109862890320275011481043468288
- Posts: 10958
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Thanks very much Akellaji. This very clearly brings together many topics you have been writing about for the past several years. The name 'kalpanaswara' only indicates that it is the manodharma/improvisation on the swara front. May be it should have been called Swaralayakalpana or Layaswarakalpana but that ship had sailed long time back. Many members of our forum who pay attention to this kind of stuff know how much laya-centric the kalpanaswara part is. I wonder how many rasikas out there in the general world know this basic aspect about our music.
What you have provided above, with the help of your software savvy disciple, clearly shows the relationship between the Talaprastara perfected many centuries back and kalpanaswaras practices of the present day. The treasure trove of audio examples provided by you brings theory and practice together into a coherent whole, bringing the past to the present so to say, using the technologies that are at our disposal today. These things were not possible in prior generations and we are indeed living in interesting times.
Thanks very much for the enormously significant work you have undertaken. I wish I can stand on the CM roof top and shout out 'Pay Attention.'
Thank you, sir.
(P.S. added some bold and underline to make the sections standout )
What you have provided above, with the help of your software savvy disciple, clearly shows the relationship between the Talaprastara perfected many centuries back and kalpanaswaras practices of the present day. The treasure trove of audio examples provided by you brings theory and practice together into a coherent whole, bringing the past to the present so to say, using the technologies that are at our disposal today. These things were not possible in prior generations and we are indeed living in interesting times.
Thanks very much for the enormously significant work you have undertaken. I wish I can stand on the CM roof top and shout out 'Pay Attention.'
Thank you, sir.
(P.S. added some bold and underline to make the sections standout )
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, vasanthakokilam, Thank you for your kind appreciation. As you wrote, this topic Prastara has been lost much of it and as per my guess and the available evidence, in the history of our Karnataka music, since many centuries, Tacchur Singaracharya Bros. only knew the screts of this topic. But, unfortunately, they have not given these clues even in any one of their 5 or 6 treatises they wrote. There is no other topic in our music than this which is more absorbing, even than the 22 Shrutis having no precision. That is why I have invested more than 40 years of my life to find and give it to our kids in tact as this is part of our great culture and, I sincerely feel, it is our primary duty to find and pass it on to our kids properly. There may be some people who may not like it just like a person who does not like sweet. But, that does not mean to throw all sweets out of all shops. However, there are people like my disciple Chi. Vijaya Raghava to do all the needful in this respect and also to heartily appreciate like you. This itself shows that my toil has not been wasted and this is far more than enough to get full satisfaction. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
In continuation to the 354th post of this thread the further details pertaining to the same topic are furnished hereunder for the interested parents. They are welcome to contact me to my Skype address ‘msakella2002’ if they need.
Every person who knows only s, r, g & m of the seven notes thinks that he can not only sing music well but also teach well and starts both. Any aspirant works hard only with a selfish motive to become a performer. But, many such aspirants who cannot shine as performers will be compelled to live on music by teaching others what they know even though they do not fit to teach. But, the persons who can shine as performers will also resort to teach to earn something more in their lean time even though they themselves do not know that they are not fit to teach. The real problem is the parents can neither assess the quality of the music-teacher, nor the quality of the lesson taught to the aspirant nor the quality of music the aspirant attained. Taking advantage of all this, every musician, though inefficient in teaching, resorts to teach and the poor aspirants and their parents become the prey of him/her. Among these two categories of performers and teachers while the performer strives hard only for his/her self aggrandizement the teacher strives hard to serve the society which is very noble and ideal. However, very sadly, most of the honours or titles or awards will be given to the selfish performers only.
In any country R & D (Research & Development) goes on continuously in standardizing things and achiving higher standards in all kinds of fields saving the invaluable time, human energy and money. But, in respect of our music, while the dogmatic conservatives do not like to standardize some of the aspects the music-teachers never want to quicken the process of teaching as it very badly affects their regular earnings. Presently, eventhough we are highly blessed in many ways with the modern technology, unfortunately, this is facilitating more to spread their tentacles all over the globe and earn more money etc., than properly utilizing it to quicken the process and enhance the quality of learning for the benefit of the aspirants and their parents. Even though the aspirants and their parents sincerely wish to learn in these modern methods they all are compelled to rely upon all these honourable music-teachers only. In spite of repeated requests to some of the Chennai-based-musicians to do something to properly symbolize our system of notation bringing the like minded people together nobody did anything even after the lapse of more than one year. They all talk very high of Subbarama Deekshitar for symbolizing the notation in his Sampradaya Pradarshini but do nothing either to continue it or to develop it or even to condemn it.
I also have worked as Lecturer and Principal for 35 years in the Govt. Colleges of Music & Dance of Andhra Pradesh and only after 5 years after my retirement I fully realized that I was not an efficient and reliable teacher, though honest. From then onwards, to pay back to the society, I have given up even my lucrative artistic life and, only by the grace of the Almighty, having found a reliable method in teaching music, taken its propagation as the mission for the rest of my life.
In fact, in which way we are able to save our invaluable time or energy or money by quickeing the process of our travel by utilising the modern conveyance facilities like motor-cycle or car or train or aero-plane or helicopter etc., the process of learning music could also be quickened by properly symbolizing the system of our notation and utilising the modern gadgets like CDs or DVDs or mp3 players or ipods etc., etc. As all are aware that music can neither be taught nor learnt, the needed technicalities which pave way to arrive at the destination in learning music must be taught very quickly to the aspirant. As the music is a performance-oriented art many experiments revealed that the process of learning must also be made performance-oriented by initiating the aspirant to perform accordingly. Even while teaching the needed technicalities to the aspirant an efficient, honest and reliable teacher only can quicken the process by minimizing the items to be taught and properly initiating the aspirant towards Manodharma Sangita on his/her own right from the first day of learning by performing and learning simultaneously.
All are aware that even without the basic knowledge of music and even without a music teacher to guide many aspirants are able to efficiently and accurately reproduce a cine-song by mere listening to a pre-recorded song many a time. This obviously reveals that anybody can very easily reproduce the pre-recorded, fixed and un-changed music by continuous listening of it even without any guidance and this is the base for all my experiments not only in successfully quickening the process of teaching music but also in making it ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ unlike in the past for the benefit of both the aspirants and their parents in particular.
In the age old method of quatitative teaching a number of items or compositions are serially sung for half-an-hour or 1 hour in the class by the teacher himself/herself and the aspirant is asked to follow singing along with him/her by imitation. After the class nothing remains to rely upon in his/her regular practice to the poor aspirant in the absence of the teacher to give him/her self-confidence. More over, even after 5 or 10 years of learning several compositions the aspirant is unable to sing Swarakalpana or Ragalapana efficiently with self-confidence. Now, in the modern method of qualitative teaching all the items or compositions to be learnt are given both in notation and pre-recorded audio and video files to the aspirant even in the beginning. Later, the aspirant has to go through them repeatedly, practice them along with the Casio machine which never goes wrong and reproduce it in the class in the presence of the teacher. Even the teacher, very simply, has to verify and point out the mistakes. Then the aspirant has to go through the notation, audio & video files again, practice them again along with the Casio machine, correct himself/herself and sing in the next class. For this purpose to minimise the dependence of the aspirants upon the teachers a number of notated compositions, audio & video files are provided in www.sangeethamshare and Thus, by going through the notation, audio & video files a number of times while the kids, having no other avocations, can progress very quickly the aged persons can progress very slowly. Just like making the aspirant knowledgeable in the co-ordination of the hands and legs in driving a cotor-cycle, even in music, instead of teaching a number of compositions, it is very important to make the aspirant knowledgeable and self-confident dealing with the intricacies of both the rhythm and different oscillations of notes to efficiently manage with the different problems of them in the process of learning music.
The following method works well effectively and efficiently for the kids between 6 & 8 years of age who can very easily finish most of the learning and even perform the technicalities efficiently even before the completion of 12 years of age. Kids even before 6 years of age could also be encouraged to learn music in this method.
The following is the general method to be adapted to all the kids. But, basing upon the level of their individual instinctive rhythmical sense necessary modifications could be made by the efficient teacher (not performer please) to get good and quick progress.
01. Download the contents of AMS Easy Methods-2007-CD-1 & 2 from ... hods-2007/ ... PerSecond/. From CD-1 play the track 001. Instrumental music-4, which is in Chaturashra-gati, repeatedly on a CD player and arrange speakers in different rooms of your house to make the kid listen to it continuously.
02. Alternatively, play the first video of AMS-Rythmelodies also, which is available from ‘’ in the same manner and encourage the kid to follow providing two cane-sticks. This could be followed for 15 days or one month or even more depending upon the progress of the kid.
03. If the kid is able to follow the first video successfully the track 002.Instrumental music-3, which is in Trisra-gati, should be played in the same manner. Along with it alternatively, the second video of AMS-Rhythmelodies should be played to enable the kid follow it along with the cane-sticks.
Important-note: Until the kid becomes able to follow it successfully he/she should not be allowed to preceed further.
04. If the kid is able to follow the second video also successfully the third video of AMS-Rthythm, which is in Khanda-gati, should be played to enable the kid follow it along with the cane-sticks again. Even if the kid cannot follow it he/she should be allowed to proceed further.
05. Later, in Casio-MA-150, in which mainly two facilities of Metronome and Transpose are also furnished, the 13 notes located between the 15th and 22nd white-keys of the 3rd octave among the keys of the four octaves of the instrument should be marked with abbreviations.Among them the white-keys should serially be marked with S, R2, G2, M1, P, D2, N2 & S and the upper-black-keys should serially be marked withy R1, G1, M2, D1 & N1. Later, the 1st video of AMS-Rhythmelodies should be played and the kid should be encouraged to do the same playing the Casio along with the Metronome 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) independently. While doing so press ‘09’ of ‘Elec.Organ-3’ of sounds, keep the 8th white-key of the Shadja of the 2nd octave pressed and apply adhesive tape to the key to continuously produce the sound of basic “Shadja’.
06. Thus.the kid should be encouraged to observe the 01.01.Rhythmelodies pertaining to Chaturashra-gati and later, to play the same on the casio along with the Metronome 120 bpm. In the same manner the kid should be encouraged to follow all the following 16-videos serially. It helps a lot if the kid is exposed to this music regularly for 3 or 4 hours daily.
01.Chaturashra-gati: . . . . . . (@ 2 notes per second) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(@ 2 notes per second) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (@ 4 notes per second) . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
05.sss,-rrr,-ggg,-mmm, . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- )
06.sss,-ssr,-ssg,-ssm, . . . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
01.sss-rrr-ggg-mmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(@ 3 notes per second)
02.sss-ssr-ssg-ssm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- )
03.srg-rgn-gmp-mpd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- )
01.s,s,s-r,r,r-g,g,g-m,m,m- . . . . . . .. . .(@ 5 notes per second)
02.s,s,s-s,s,r-s,s,g-s,s,m- . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
03.sss,s-rrr,r-ggg,g-mmm,m- . . . . . . . ( -do- )
04.sss,s-sss,r-sss,g-sss,m- .. . . . . . . .( -do- )
05.sgr,g-rmg,m-gpm,p- . . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
07. Later, the 15th white-key, the basic ‘Shadja’ of the 3rd octave should be pressed accordingly along with the upward and downward arrows of ‘Transpose’ either to increase or decrease the pitch to select suitable Shruti of the kid. This Shruti should be used in the regular practice of the kid to play and sing along with Casio regularly.
08. Later, the aspirant could follow the contents of the CD-1 & 2 along with the videos available from ‘’ and proceed further. amsharma
Every person who knows only s, r, g & m of the seven notes thinks that he can not only sing music well but also teach well and starts both. Any aspirant works hard only with a selfish motive to become a performer. But, many such aspirants who cannot shine as performers will be compelled to live on music by teaching others what they know even though they do not fit to teach. But, the persons who can shine as performers will also resort to teach to earn something more in their lean time even though they themselves do not know that they are not fit to teach. The real problem is the parents can neither assess the quality of the music-teacher, nor the quality of the lesson taught to the aspirant nor the quality of music the aspirant attained. Taking advantage of all this, every musician, though inefficient in teaching, resorts to teach and the poor aspirants and their parents become the prey of him/her. Among these two categories of performers and teachers while the performer strives hard only for his/her self aggrandizement the teacher strives hard to serve the society which is very noble and ideal. However, very sadly, most of the honours or titles or awards will be given to the selfish performers only.
In any country R & D (Research & Development) goes on continuously in standardizing things and achiving higher standards in all kinds of fields saving the invaluable time, human energy and money. But, in respect of our music, while the dogmatic conservatives do not like to standardize some of the aspects the music-teachers never want to quicken the process of teaching as it very badly affects their regular earnings. Presently, eventhough we are highly blessed in many ways with the modern technology, unfortunately, this is facilitating more to spread their tentacles all over the globe and earn more money etc., than properly utilizing it to quicken the process and enhance the quality of learning for the benefit of the aspirants and their parents. Even though the aspirants and their parents sincerely wish to learn in these modern methods they all are compelled to rely upon all these honourable music-teachers only. In spite of repeated requests to some of the Chennai-based-musicians to do something to properly symbolize our system of notation bringing the like minded people together nobody did anything even after the lapse of more than one year. They all talk very high of Subbarama Deekshitar for symbolizing the notation in his Sampradaya Pradarshini but do nothing either to continue it or to develop it or even to condemn it.
I also have worked as Lecturer and Principal for 35 years in the Govt. Colleges of Music & Dance of Andhra Pradesh and only after 5 years after my retirement I fully realized that I was not an efficient and reliable teacher, though honest. From then onwards, to pay back to the society, I have given up even my lucrative artistic life and, only by the grace of the Almighty, having found a reliable method in teaching music, taken its propagation as the mission for the rest of my life.
In fact, in which way we are able to save our invaluable time or energy or money by quickeing the process of our travel by utilising the modern conveyance facilities like motor-cycle or car or train or aero-plane or helicopter etc., the process of learning music could also be quickened by properly symbolizing the system of our notation and utilising the modern gadgets like CDs or DVDs or mp3 players or ipods etc., etc. As all are aware that music can neither be taught nor learnt, the needed technicalities which pave way to arrive at the destination in learning music must be taught very quickly to the aspirant. As the music is a performance-oriented art many experiments revealed that the process of learning must also be made performance-oriented by initiating the aspirant to perform accordingly. Even while teaching the needed technicalities to the aspirant an efficient, honest and reliable teacher only can quicken the process by minimizing the items to be taught and properly initiating the aspirant towards Manodharma Sangita on his/her own right from the first day of learning by performing and learning simultaneously.
All are aware that even without the basic knowledge of music and even without a music teacher to guide many aspirants are able to efficiently and accurately reproduce a cine-song by mere listening to a pre-recorded song many a time. This obviously reveals that anybody can very easily reproduce the pre-recorded, fixed and un-changed music by continuous listening of it even without any guidance and this is the base for all my experiments not only in successfully quickening the process of teaching music but also in making it ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ unlike in the past for the benefit of both the aspirants and their parents in particular.
In the age old method of quatitative teaching a number of items or compositions are serially sung for half-an-hour or 1 hour in the class by the teacher himself/herself and the aspirant is asked to follow singing along with him/her by imitation. After the class nothing remains to rely upon in his/her regular practice to the poor aspirant in the absence of the teacher to give him/her self-confidence. More over, even after 5 or 10 years of learning several compositions the aspirant is unable to sing Swarakalpana or Ragalapana efficiently with self-confidence. Now, in the modern method of qualitative teaching all the items or compositions to be learnt are given both in notation and pre-recorded audio and video files to the aspirant even in the beginning. Later, the aspirant has to go through them repeatedly, practice them along with the Casio machine which never goes wrong and reproduce it in the class in the presence of the teacher. Even the teacher, very simply, has to verify and point out the mistakes. Then the aspirant has to go through the notation, audio & video files again, practice them again along with the Casio machine, correct himself/herself and sing in the next class. For this purpose to minimise the dependence of the aspirants upon the teachers a number of notated compositions, audio & video files are provided in www.sangeethamshare and Thus, by going through the notation, audio & video files a number of times while the kids, having no other avocations, can progress very quickly the aged persons can progress very slowly. Just like making the aspirant knowledgeable in the co-ordination of the hands and legs in driving a cotor-cycle, even in music, instead of teaching a number of compositions, it is very important to make the aspirant knowledgeable and self-confident dealing with the intricacies of both the rhythm and different oscillations of notes to efficiently manage with the different problems of them in the process of learning music.
The following method works well effectively and efficiently for the kids between 6 & 8 years of age who can very easily finish most of the learning and even perform the technicalities efficiently even before the completion of 12 years of age. Kids even before 6 years of age could also be encouraged to learn music in this method.
The following is the general method to be adapted to all the kids. But, basing upon the level of their individual instinctive rhythmical sense necessary modifications could be made by the efficient teacher (not performer please) to get good and quick progress.
01. Download the contents of AMS Easy Methods-2007-CD-1 & 2 from ... hods-2007/ ... PerSecond/. From CD-1 play the track 001. Instrumental music-4, which is in Chaturashra-gati, repeatedly on a CD player and arrange speakers in different rooms of your house to make the kid listen to it continuously.
02. Alternatively, play the first video of AMS-Rythmelodies also, which is available from ‘’ in the same manner and encourage the kid to follow providing two cane-sticks. This could be followed for 15 days or one month or even more depending upon the progress of the kid.
03. If the kid is able to follow the first video successfully the track 002.Instrumental music-3, which is in Trisra-gati, should be played in the same manner. Along with it alternatively, the second video of AMS-Rhythmelodies should be played to enable the kid follow it along with the cane-sticks.
Important-note: Until the kid becomes able to follow it successfully he/she should not be allowed to preceed further.
04. If the kid is able to follow the second video also successfully the third video of AMS-Rthythm, which is in Khanda-gati, should be played to enable the kid follow it along with the cane-sticks again. Even if the kid cannot follow it he/she should be allowed to proceed further.
05. Later, in Casio-MA-150, in which mainly two facilities of Metronome and Transpose are also furnished, the 13 notes located between the 15th and 22nd white-keys of the 3rd octave among the keys of the four octaves of the instrument should be marked with abbreviations.Among them the white-keys should serially be marked with S, R2, G2, M1, P, D2, N2 & S and the upper-black-keys should serially be marked withy R1, G1, M2, D1 & N1. Later, the 1st video of AMS-Rhythmelodies should be played and the kid should be encouraged to do the same playing the Casio along with the Metronome 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) independently. While doing so press ‘09’ of ‘Elec.Organ-3’ of sounds, keep the 8th white-key of the Shadja of the 2nd octave pressed and apply adhesive tape to the key to continuously produce the sound of basic “Shadja’.
06. Thus.the kid should be encouraged to observe the 01.01.Rhythmelodies pertaining to Chaturashra-gati and later, to play the same on the casio along with the Metronome 120 bpm. In the same manner the kid should be encouraged to follow all the following 16-videos serially. It helps a lot if the kid is exposed to this music regularly for 3 or 4 hours daily.
01.Chaturashra-gati: . . . . . . (@ 2 notes per second) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(@ 2 notes per second) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (@ 4 notes per second) . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
05.sss,-rrr,-ggg,-mmm, . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- )
06.sss,-ssr,-ssg,-ssm, . . . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
01.sss-rrr-ggg-mmm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(@ 3 notes per second)
02.sss-ssr-ssg-ssm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- )
03.srg-rgn-gmp-mpd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( -do- )
01.s,s,s-r,r,r-g,g,g-m,m,m- . . . . . . .. . .(@ 5 notes per second)
02.s,s,s-s,s,r-s,s,g-s,s,m- . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
03.sss,s-rrr,r-ggg,g-mmm,m- . . . . . . . ( -do- )
04.sss,s-sss,r-sss,g-sss,m- .. . . . . . . .( -do- )
05.sgr,g-rmg,m-gpm,p- . . . . . . . . . . . ( -do- )
07. Later, the 15th white-key, the basic ‘Shadja’ of the 3rd octave should be pressed accordingly along with the upward and downward arrows of ‘Transpose’ either to increase or decrease the pitch to select suitable Shruti of the kid. This Shruti should be used in the regular practice of the kid to play and sing along with Casio regularly.
08. Later, the aspirant could follow the contents of the CD-1 & 2 along with the videos available from ‘’ and proceed further. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
In my view, the GURU is just like mother who gives only very highly protiened food to her kid even without any iota of husk. Such an efficient, honest and reliable Guru not only feeds his student with the barest needful material but also instills self-confidence making him/her efficient and independent in working on his/her own in the process of getting the knowledge of Manodharma Sanigita, the crux of our music, within the most minimum span of time.
But, as we have only professional performers who mostly prefer to perform but will also resort to teach the aspirants to earn more money even in their lean time but not professional teachers at all, they (they themselves do not know that they are not teachers at all) un-knowingly tax the aspirants right from the first day of the music-lesson singing themselves all the umpteen Saralees, Jantas, Datus, Hecchu-sthayi-swaras and Taggu-sthayi-swaras each one-dozen or even more, Alankaras in all the 35 Talas, 2 or 3 dozens of Gitas, one-dozen of Svarajathis, 4 or 5 dozens of Varnas and hundreds of Kritis or Keertanas and making the aspirant follow them singing all those items unnecessarily elongating the process for many years to squeeze more money from the poor aspirants and their ignorant parents. An efficient teacher sings only the minimum but initiates and makes the aspirant sing the maximum.
Most unfortunately, I have also been taught in the same manner by all my teachers and I too also, in turn, have un-knowingly taxed my poor students in the same manner for 35 long years of my Govt. service as Lecturer in Violin and Principal. Only after 5 years after my retirement while writing my first book, Sangita Svararaga Sudha, when, at the first instance, I casually wrote the 12 Saralees, 12 Jantas, 6 Datus and later writing the Alankaras started with the first Alankara in Dhruva-tala the first tube-light went on in my brain opening my eyes. Is it justifiable to an experienced teacher like me to start the Alankaras to a small kid with one of the most complicated Dhruva-tala, which has absolutely been avoided by 99% of our composers? By doing this un-justifiable act which is absolutely suicidal in respect of a litlle kid just started learning music I have acted like an in-experienced cheater only but not as an experienced teacher. Is it not the duty of the so called teacher to minimize the toil for the sake of his/her poor student? This has become the first-step for the introspection of my entire teaching-life particularly in respect of the methodology of teaching of both Vocal and Violin about which nothing has ever been written in any book nor been made clear by any professional teacher till now. Then only, I have realized that the basic duty of an efficient, honest and reliable teacher is to directly teach only the important technicalities of this performing-art and to always initiate the aspirant much in doing things on his/her own either in the presence or even in the absence of the teacher not only to minimize the toil of the student but also either to make him/her independent in all respects instilling self-confidence in the aspirant by enhancing his/her abilities or to make the process of teaching possibly ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ unlike in the past. In the high interests of our kids I have possibly minimized their toil and simultaneously energiged their talents making the following modifications in teaching only the usual items but finding amazing results unlike in the past.
01. Among the Shruti and Laya while the Shruti is Rakthi and the Laya is Shakthi the Shruti is constant and there will not be any regular increase in it. But the aspirant has to work hard to increase his abilities in respect of Laya with the help of a Metronome to get a well disciplined increase in different speeds and enough self-confidence in proceeding further on his/her own. All the interested parents must realize that even little kids could very well be exposed to the videos of ‘AMS-Kids’ Rhythms’ available in ‘’ to increase their rhythmical sense, knowledge and abilities simultaneously.
As all know, in the aspect of rhythm, we have been provided with 5 varieties of Gatis among which there are only one even and four odd-numbers of value of Gatis at 1:4 ratios indicating the four-time importance of odd among them. This obviously reveals that each and every musician must become able to manage with the minimum number of odd i.e., 3-Trisra-gati also, at the least, in addition to the only one even, Chaturashra-gati. But, as our elders have not given the needed preference to the odd-gatis but for the even Chaturashra-gati, our abilities have never been exposed to the odd-gatis much somehow leaving us as impotents in this respect. That is why, basically being a Mridangist in the beginning, I have included the least odd Trisra-gati also along with the Chaturashra-gati and accordingly formulated 28-Special-laya-exercises to which the kid must certainly be exposed right from the first day of the lesson. To help the aspirants in this respect I have uploaded two CDs to ‘sangeethamshare’ along with written pdf files and audio-files and nearly 700 videos to ‘youtube’ which are free and open for one and all on our globe.
Unless the aspirant is able to basically manage with rendering of the seven-jati-alankaras both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis he/she should never be allowed at all to start even the Saralee-svaras just like a non-MBBS not allowed to make a surgical-operation.
02. More over, in respect of Alankaras I have made many experiments on the kids and accordingly while there are four implications, 1.Maintaining the rhythm efficiently 2. Rendering the different Angas of the Tala properly 3.Pronouncing the respective syllables of the seven notes and 4.Singing the respecative sounds of these seven notes, in singing these Alankaras of seven Talas, to make the learning easier, for the first time in the history, I have newly formulated the seven-jati-alankaras bringing them down to only two implications, 1.Maintaining only the rhythm efficiently with the beats of both the hands but without rendering the Talangas and 2.Pronouncing only the Jati-syllables. More over, to make it easier, I have also divided the seven Alankaras into two groups, first group containing only short-syllables in increasing order of the total of units in each cycle consisting of 4, 6, 10 & 14-units of Eka, Rupaka, Mathya and Dhruva-talas respectively and the second group containing the longer and odd-number of syllables consisting of 10, 14 & 7-units of Jhampa, Ata and Triputa-talas respectively. As teaching the kids all the Alankaras in all the 35-talas in Chaturashra-gati only is useless like purchasing 3 or 4 dozens of hand-kerchiefs only and sending the kid out with hand-kerchiefs only I have prescribed to render the seven Alankaras @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8-syllables per beat to strengthen their rhythmical abilities. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance.
It is very important to note that many of the kids are able to efficiently sing even a cine-song by constantly listening to it many a time and even without any guidance. In the same manner if the audio-files of these CDs are also loaded into a mobile ipod or mp3 player to enable the kid listen to them many a time wherever he/she goes he/she can very efficiently reproduce them as they are. All the parents must mind that the tender age up to 12 years of the kid is most invaluable and it is very easy to finish off the learning of the needed technicalities of the classical-music even before the completion of 12 years of age by the proper initiation of an efficient, honest and reliable teacher.
03. Later, I have restricted with 6 or 8 Nos. of Saralee-svaras, 4 Janta-svaras, 3 Datu-svaras and the aspirants must be initiated to practice strictly in Shankarabharana (visit ‘AMS-Kids’ Rhythmelodies’ furnished in ‘’) consisting of six independent notes (s, r, g, p, d & n) as against the usual Mayamalavagoula having only one independent note (n). Later, in the seven-svara-alankaras, as each and every Alankara carries 10-avartas of music, I have modified reducing each of them to 8-avartas by singing all of them in a Panchama-varja-raga which makes the process easier to the kid while singing them in 3 degrees (8-4-2 avartas and without any remainder) of speed. Later, the aspirants must be initiated to regularly practice all the above in all the 32 Avivadi-melas with plain notes only playing and singing along with the Casio. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance. All the aspirants and their parents must realize that regular practice relying upon the Casio-MA-150 even in the absence of their teacher helps them a lot amazingly in their progress.
04. Later, while teaching the Gitas, I have restricted them to only 6 numbers i.e., 5 Sadharana-gitas and only 1-Lakshana-gita, only to get reasonable acquaintance with all the 12 notes. Taxing the aspirants with 2 or 3 dozens of Gitas is not at all desirable as these Gitas are neither helpful to the aspirant like Varnas nor allowed to sing on the dais. More over, like a small kid who is just trying to stand on his/her own legs should not at all be encouraged to run, only plain notes must be taught up to Gitas and the different kinds of oscillations should only be demonstrated and taught beginning only from the Varnas but not from the Gitas. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance. All the aspirants and their parents must realize that regular practice relying upon the Casio-MA-150 even in the absence of their teacher helps them a lot amazingly in their progress.
05. To make the aspirants able enough to deal with the different kinds of oscillations they must be initiated to listen to the Varnas in the Ragas Natakuranji, Kambhoji and Darbar giving more importance to the three notes i.e., Sadharana-gandhara, Shuddha-madhyama and Kaishiki-nishada which have more radius of Gamaka than all other notes. Later they have to follow the Varnas in the Ragas Shankarabharana, Kalyani, Begada, Todi and Saveri in Adi-tala and one Varna in Bhairavi-ata-tala followed by famous Bhairavi-Svarajati of Shyama Shastry. This particular seriatim is formulated giving importance to the inter-relation of Gamakas of different notes. At the first instance, the aspirants must only be initiated to listen to all these Varnas many a time following the respective audio and video-files @ one nps (note-s per second) magnifying all the Gamakas to get proper acquaintance with all the intricacies of them. It helps a lot to the aspirants in getting the proper knowledge of notation if they very strictly sing the Svara, at the first instance, later Akara and lastly the lyric. In their regular practice they must very strictly sing both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of each and every Varna @ 4, 6 & 8-nps (visit singing of kids in youtube). All the aspirants and their parents must realise that this is the very highly protiened food to the aspirants of music. But, unfortunately, most of the music-teachers not only avoid to teach or demonstrate all these intricacies to the aspirants but also discourage them to sing these intricacies telling some cock and bull stories as they themselves are not efficient enough either to sing or demonstrate or explain them properly. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance. All the aspirants and their parents must realize that regular practice relying upon the Casio-MA-150 even in the absence of their teacher helps them a lot amazingly in their progress. Simultaneously practice of different rhythmical exercises along with the respective svara-exercises later helps the aspirant sing the mathematical-svara-kalpana on his own in which way the chanting of the mathematical-tables later makes the kids efficient in dealing with mathematics. By all this at the end of the completion of all these Varnas the aspirant must become able to sing Kalpana-svaras on his own paving way to sing Ragalapana also later. If not the method of teaching must be presumed defective. Even though many of the fanatic, lunatic and conservative music-teachers oppose these methods of teaching in their self-interests, this is a well proven novel method of teaching music making the kid deal with the Manodharma Sangita efficiently and successfully within a very short time without learning even a single Kriti.
For an average kid it takes a maximum of two years duration to learn all the above items if he/she very regularly practises for a total duration of two hours daily upto Gitas and 4 hours after Gitas.
If any efficient, honest and reliable music-teacher comes out and proves this method defective and gives any other effective method with evidences which reasonably quickens the process of learning without compromising with the standards I shall certainly withdraw my method and follow his/her method. amsharma.
But, as we have only professional performers who mostly prefer to perform but will also resort to teach the aspirants to earn more money even in their lean time but not professional teachers at all, they (they themselves do not know that they are not teachers at all) un-knowingly tax the aspirants right from the first day of the music-lesson singing themselves all the umpteen Saralees, Jantas, Datus, Hecchu-sthayi-swaras and Taggu-sthayi-swaras each one-dozen or even more, Alankaras in all the 35 Talas, 2 or 3 dozens of Gitas, one-dozen of Svarajathis, 4 or 5 dozens of Varnas and hundreds of Kritis or Keertanas and making the aspirant follow them singing all those items unnecessarily elongating the process for many years to squeeze more money from the poor aspirants and their ignorant parents. An efficient teacher sings only the minimum but initiates and makes the aspirant sing the maximum.
Most unfortunately, I have also been taught in the same manner by all my teachers and I too also, in turn, have un-knowingly taxed my poor students in the same manner for 35 long years of my Govt. service as Lecturer in Violin and Principal. Only after 5 years after my retirement while writing my first book, Sangita Svararaga Sudha, when, at the first instance, I casually wrote the 12 Saralees, 12 Jantas, 6 Datus and later writing the Alankaras started with the first Alankara in Dhruva-tala the first tube-light went on in my brain opening my eyes. Is it justifiable to an experienced teacher like me to start the Alankaras to a small kid with one of the most complicated Dhruva-tala, which has absolutely been avoided by 99% of our composers? By doing this un-justifiable act which is absolutely suicidal in respect of a litlle kid just started learning music I have acted like an in-experienced cheater only but not as an experienced teacher. Is it not the duty of the so called teacher to minimize the toil for the sake of his/her poor student? This has become the first-step for the introspection of my entire teaching-life particularly in respect of the methodology of teaching of both Vocal and Violin about which nothing has ever been written in any book nor been made clear by any professional teacher till now. Then only, I have realized that the basic duty of an efficient, honest and reliable teacher is to directly teach only the important technicalities of this performing-art and to always initiate the aspirant much in doing things on his/her own either in the presence or even in the absence of the teacher not only to minimize the toil of the student but also either to make him/her independent in all respects instilling self-confidence in the aspirant by enhancing his/her abilities or to make the process of teaching possibly ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ unlike in the past. In the high interests of our kids I have possibly minimized their toil and simultaneously energiged their talents making the following modifications in teaching only the usual items but finding amazing results unlike in the past.
01. Among the Shruti and Laya while the Shruti is Rakthi and the Laya is Shakthi the Shruti is constant and there will not be any regular increase in it. But the aspirant has to work hard to increase his abilities in respect of Laya with the help of a Metronome to get a well disciplined increase in different speeds and enough self-confidence in proceeding further on his/her own. All the interested parents must realize that even little kids could very well be exposed to the videos of ‘AMS-Kids’ Rhythms’ available in ‘’ to increase their rhythmical sense, knowledge and abilities simultaneously.
As all know, in the aspect of rhythm, we have been provided with 5 varieties of Gatis among which there are only one even and four odd-numbers of value of Gatis at 1:4 ratios indicating the four-time importance of odd among them. This obviously reveals that each and every musician must become able to manage with the minimum number of odd i.e., 3-Trisra-gati also, at the least, in addition to the only one even, Chaturashra-gati. But, as our elders have not given the needed preference to the odd-gatis but for the even Chaturashra-gati, our abilities have never been exposed to the odd-gatis much somehow leaving us as impotents in this respect. That is why, basically being a Mridangist in the beginning, I have included the least odd Trisra-gati also along with the Chaturashra-gati and accordingly formulated 28-Special-laya-exercises to which the kid must certainly be exposed right from the first day of the lesson. To help the aspirants in this respect I have uploaded two CDs to ‘sangeethamshare’ along with written pdf files and audio-files and nearly 700 videos to ‘youtube’ which are free and open for one and all on our globe.
Unless the aspirant is able to basically manage with rendering of the seven-jati-alankaras both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis he/she should never be allowed at all to start even the Saralee-svaras just like a non-MBBS not allowed to make a surgical-operation.
02. More over, in respect of Alankaras I have made many experiments on the kids and accordingly while there are four implications, 1.Maintaining the rhythm efficiently 2. Rendering the different Angas of the Tala properly 3.Pronouncing the respective syllables of the seven notes and 4.Singing the respecative sounds of these seven notes, in singing these Alankaras of seven Talas, to make the learning easier, for the first time in the history, I have newly formulated the seven-jati-alankaras bringing them down to only two implications, 1.Maintaining only the rhythm efficiently with the beats of both the hands but without rendering the Talangas and 2.Pronouncing only the Jati-syllables. More over, to make it easier, I have also divided the seven Alankaras into two groups, first group containing only short-syllables in increasing order of the total of units in each cycle consisting of 4, 6, 10 & 14-units of Eka, Rupaka, Mathya and Dhruva-talas respectively and the second group containing the longer and odd-number of syllables consisting of 10, 14 & 7-units of Jhampa, Ata and Triputa-talas respectively. As teaching the kids all the Alankaras in all the 35-talas in Chaturashra-gati only is useless like purchasing 3 or 4 dozens of hand-kerchiefs only and sending the kid out with hand-kerchiefs only I have prescribed to render the seven Alankaras @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8-syllables per beat to strengthen their rhythmical abilities. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance.
It is very important to note that many of the kids are able to efficiently sing even a cine-song by constantly listening to it many a time and even without any guidance. In the same manner if the audio-files of these CDs are also loaded into a mobile ipod or mp3 player to enable the kid listen to them many a time wherever he/she goes he/she can very efficiently reproduce them as they are. All the parents must mind that the tender age up to 12 years of the kid is most invaluable and it is very easy to finish off the learning of the needed technicalities of the classical-music even before the completion of 12 years of age by the proper initiation of an efficient, honest and reliable teacher.
03. Later, I have restricted with 6 or 8 Nos. of Saralee-svaras, 4 Janta-svaras, 3 Datu-svaras and the aspirants must be initiated to practice strictly in Shankarabharana (visit ‘AMS-Kids’ Rhythmelodies’ furnished in ‘’) consisting of six independent notes (s, r, g, p, d & n) as against the usual Mayamalavagoula having only one independent note (n). Later, in the seven-svara-alankaras, as each and every Alankara carries 10-avartas of music, I have modified reducing each of them to 8-avartas by singing all of them in a Panchama-varja-raga which makes the process easier to the kid while singing them in 3 degrees (8-4-2 avartas and without any remainder) of speed. Later, the aspirants must be initiated to regularly practice all the above in all the 32 Avivadi-melas with plain notes only playing and singing along with the Casio. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance. All the aspirants and their parents must realize that regular practice relying upon the Casio-MA-150 even in the absence of their teacher helps them a lot amazingly in their progress.
04. Later, while teaching the Gitas, I have restricted them to only 6 numbers i.e., 5 Sadharana-gitas and only 1-Lakshana-gita, only to get reasonable acquaintance with all the 12 notes. Taxing the aspirants with 2 or 3 dozens of Gitas is not at all desirable as these Gitas are neither helpful to the aspirant like Varnas nor allowed to sing on the dais. More over, like a small kid who is just trying to stand on his/her own legs should not at all be encouraged to run, only plain notes must be taught up to Gitas and the different kinds of oscillations should only be demonstrated and taught beginning only from the Varnas but not from the Gitas. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance. All the aspirants and their parents must realize that regular practice relying upon the Casio-MA-150 even in the absence of their teacher helps them a lot amazingly in their progress.
05. To make the aspirants able enough to deal with the different kinds of oscillations they must be initiated to listen to the Varnas in the Ragas Natakuranji, Kambhoji and Darbar giving more importance to the three notes i.e., Sadharana-gandhara, Shuddha-madhyama and Kaishiki-nishada which have more radius of Gamaka than all other notes. Later they have to follow the Varnas in the Ragas Shankarabharana, Kalyani, Begada, Todi and Saveri in Adi-tala and one Varna in Bhairavi-ata-tala followed by famous Bhairavi-Svarajati of Shyama Shastry. This particular seriatim is formulated giving importance to the inter-relation of Gamakas of different notes. At the first instance, the aspirants must only be initiated to listen to all these Varnas many a time following the respective audio and video-files @ one nps (note-s per second) magnifying all the Gamakas to get proper acquaintance with all the intricacies of them. It helps a lot to the aspirants in getting the proper knowledge of notation if they very strictly sing the Svara, at the first instance, later Akara and lastly the lyric. In their regular practice they must very strictly sing both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of each and every Varna @ 4, 6 & 8-nps (visit singing of kids in youtube). All the aspirants and their parents must realise that this is the very highly protiened food to the aspirants of music. But, unfortunately, most of the music-teachers not only avoid to teach or demonstrate all these intricacies to the aspirants but also discourage them to sing these intricacies telling some cock and bull stories as they themselves are not efficient enough either to sing or demonstrate or explain them properly. The aspirants can go through the respective pdf, audio and video-files mentioned above for their guidance. All the aspirants and their parents must realize that regular practice relying upon the Casio-MA-150 even in the absence of their teacher helps them a lot amazingly in their progress. Simultaneously practice of different rhythmical exercises along with the respective svara-exercises later helps the aspirant sing the mathematical-svara-kalpana on his own in which way the chanting of the mathematical-tables later makes the kids efficient in dealing with mathematics. By all this at the end of the completion of all these Varnas the aspirant must become able to sing Kalpana-svaras on his own paving way to sing Ragalapana also later. If not the method of teaching must be presumed defective. Even though many of the fanatic, lunatic and conservative music-teachers oppose these methods of teaching in their self-interests, this is a well proven novel method of teaching music making the kid deal with the Manodharma Sangita efficiently and successfully within a very short time without learning even a single Kriti.
For an average kid it takes a maximum of two years duration to learn all the above items if he/she very regularly practises for a total duration of two hours daily upto Gitas and 4 hours after Gitas.
If any efficient, honest and reliable music-teacher comes out and proves this method defective and gives any other effective method with evidences which reasonably quickens the process of learning without compromising with the standards I shall certainly withdraw my method and follow his/her method. amsharma.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today two respective videos pertaining to the Purvanga and Uttaranga of Chalamela-Darbar-Adi-Varna sung @ 4, 6 & 8-units per beat by 8 year old Sankeerthana are uploaded to ‘AMS-Kids’ Singing or Playing Varnas’ of ‘’ for the benefit of the aspirants. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today with the kind help of our brother-member, vasanthakokiilam, the English and Telugu pdf files of 5-Varnas mainly utilizing Kaishiki-nishada are uploaded to the 2nd CD of AMS Easy Methods-2007 to sangeethamshare to be helpful for the kids learning the crucial varnas. ... nglish.pdf ... Telugu.pdf
amsharma ... nglish.pdf ... Telugu.pdf
- Posts: 15
- Joined: 14 Aug 2008, 15:21
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Is it possible to download the 2-CDs in bulk at a time from Sangeethamshare? It's rather cumbersome to download file by file.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear b/s-member, suhasm, Very sorry, as I am not much acquainted with the computer-technology I cannot suggest you anything in this regard. However, having uploaded this material to this site, our brother-member, vasanthakokilam may be able to give you the needed guidance in this regard. amsharma
- Posts: 10958
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
I have had this request from one other person before as well. I need to get in touch with our good friends at sangeethapriya for some guidance on this. Please stay tuned.
Personal Opinion:
On the other hand, let me state this without getting preachy. This kind of focused learning material requires continuous and steady practice and not casual listening. Downloading everything has its advantages but there is also the risk of forgetting about it after downloading.
So in a convoluted sense, not having them all in one shot ( either self imposed or situation like this which is imposed on people ) may force someone to organize a daily work flow where they get one or two at a time and focus on just those few topics and then move on to the next item when needed.
It is not that different from getting one or two books from the library, read them, return them and then get a few more. People who have a home library with a lot of books may take it easy and not read them on the premise that they can always get to them. A lot of people in that situation never do. It is one of those things where scarcity is a great motivator and work-flow organizer!! ( this is not to say having a home library is necessarily bad. )
Having said all this, I will see what can be done to make it easier to download.
Personal Opinion:
On the other hand, let me state this without getting preachy. This kind of focused learning material requires continuous and steady practice and not casual listening. Downloading everything has its advantages but there is also the risk of forgetting about it after downloading.
So in a convoluted sense, not having them all in one shot ( either self imposed or situation like this which is imposed on people ) may force someone to organize a daily work flow where they get one or two at a time and focus on just those few topics and then move on to the next item when needed.
It is not that different from getting one or two books from the library, read them, return them and then get a few more. People who have a home library with a lot of books may take it easy and not read them on the premise that they can always get to them. A lot of people in that situation never do. It is one of those things where scarcity is a great motivator and work-flow organizer!! ( this is not to say having a home library is necessarily bad. )
Having said all this, I will see what can be done to make it easier to download.
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 07 Mar 2012, 22:04
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
I agree completely with what member vasanthakokilam has said here. Sharma-garu has packed a LOT in each lesson and very systematically, he takes the student step by step into more and more complexity. While I do understand that it might seem exasperating to download numerous, short files, please be patient - it will all be worth it. Sometimes it takes me a few days to feel confident enough to move on to the next lesson, so I feel it is okay if you download just a few files each time.
- Posts: 9443
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 02:03
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Unless you plan to take a laptop to a deserted island and work through the material without interuption 
Seriously, though... there are more realistic reasons. Being without internet could be very conducive to spending time on study, and certainly study could be combined with some sort of retreat.
suhasm, I'm not a regular user of Sangeethamshare and I do not know what will work, but you could look at software which is designed to handle individual files as one task, eg the DownThemAll addin for Firefox.

Seriously, though... there are more realistic reasons. Being without internet could be very conducive to spending time on study, and certainly study could be combined with some sort of retreat.
suhasm, I'm not a regular user of Sangeethamshare and I do not know what will work, but you could look at software which is designed to handle individual files as one task, eg the DownThemAll addin for Firefox.
- Posts: 15
- Joined: 14 Aug 2008, 15:21
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
It is sadly not possible to use a batch downloader. I have already tried. But Sangeethamshare is too clever. I suppose they don't want to tax their servers.
[ Rightly so-otherwise many would have downloaded the entire Sangeethamshare collection offline by now
And as you said, there are various reasons for wanting to download it at once. My reason being that I'm a student in IISc,Bangalore and we do not get internet in our hostel rooms. So, it is not possible for me to download files one at a time when I'm practising. That is why I want to download the whole gamut of files at once.
It is sadly not possible to use a batch downloader. I have already tried. But Sangeethamshare is too clever. I suppose they don't want to tax their servers.
[ Rightly so-otherwise many would have downloaded the entire Sangeethamshare collection offline by now

And as you said, there are various reasons for wanting to download it at once. My reason being that I'm a student in IISc,Bangalore and we do not get internet in our hostel rooms. So, it is not possible for me to download files one at a time when I'm practising. That is why I want to download the whole gamut of files at once.
- Posts: 10958
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Alright Nick, you tell me when you are going to a deserted island and I will make an exception for you
( btw, some deserted islands can still get a shower of music over cellular internet, so they need not be musical deserts..Ha..)
suhasm, understood. Let us see what our friends at sangeethapriya say. I can definitely zip them up in logical chunks and upload as a few files. But such duplication has its own problems. Akellaji provides periodic updates to some of the files and I would like to avoid accidental errors like forgetting to update the zipped archive etc. So I am looking for a more elegant method.

suhasm, understood. Let us see what our friends at sangeethapriya say. I can definitely zip them up in logical chunks and upload as a few files. But such duplication has its own problems. Akellaji provides periodic updates to some of the files and I would like to avoid accidental errors like forgetting to update the zipped archive etc. So I am looking for a more elegant method.
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 30 Apr 2009, 23:15
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
You are correct, intentionally bulk downloading has been disabled in sangeethapriya/sangeethamshare. We had some bitter experience in the past when there was mass leeching. We exhausted our bandwidth quota and had to pay a lot for excess bandwidth. Also, the heavy load affected other sites that were hosted in the same box and the hosting company was not happy about it. We had to move to a dedicated server due to this.suhasm wrote:@Nick
But Sangeethamshare is too clever. I suppose they don't want to tax their servers.
[ Rightly so-otherwise many would have downloaded the entire Sangeethamshare collection offline by now]
Having said that, as a special consideration for AMS folder, I will explore a way to download a set of files in one go, instead of downloading 1 file at a time .
I will come back on this shortly.
- Posts: 9443
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 02:03
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
My suggestion was tactless, but anyway suhasm was ahead of me, and you have the situation covered. I'm sorry that I entirely forgot the implications for a site like yours of such mass downloading.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear b/s-member, suhasm, If you are in Bangalore I can very well send the entire material by courier.
If you send me your postal address along with your phone number and I shall send them by courier if you want. amsharma
If you send me your postal address along with your phone number and I shall send them by courier if you want. amsharma
- Posts: 15
- Joined: 14 Aug 2008, 15:21
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
@eesha, Thank you
I'm sure many would benefit if you allow one-time downloading of Akellaji's CDs.
Also, if not on the Sangeethamshare servers, perhaps you could create a google account for this purpose and upload the CDs on it's Google Drive. Google Drive has no bandwidth limits. It will provide an easy solution to this problem.
Offtopic: Is there any way at all for one to obtain the entire (or a large part) of the Sangeethamshare collection offline?
I have searched long and hard for someone with an extensive Carnatic music collection (non-copyrighted, of course). But so far such a collection has eluded me. Sangeethamshare seems to be closest thing, though it is online.
Thank you for that magnanimous offer Akellaji. But, let me wait till eesha gets back to us about the uploading.

I'm sure many would benefit if you allow one-time downloading of Akellaji's CDs.
Also, if not on the Sangeethamshare servers, perhaps you could create a google account for this purpose and upload the CDs on it's Google Drive. Google Drive has no bandwidth limits. It will provide an easy solution to this problem.
Offtopic: Is there any way at all for one to obtain the entire (or a large part) of the Sangeethamshare collection offline?
I have searched long and hard for someone with an extensive Carnatic music collection (non-copyrighted, of course). But so far such a collection has eluded me. Sangeethamshare seems to be closest thing, though it is online.
Thank you for that magnanimous offer Akellaji. But, let me wait till eesha gets back to us about the uploading.

- Posts: 366
- Joined: 30 Apr 2009, 23:15
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
@suhasm :
The total size of AMS collection is around 1 GB. Trying to download 1 GB at a stretch is prone to failures unless we do it as a torrent download
The solution that I will provide will allow a set of files totaling to say, 50 MB, at a time so that recovery from download failure is easier
On your other query, there may be people who might be regularly downloading all the concerts, though I dont know who they are.
sangeethapriya founder , Srini, has the entire collection and he may send you a copy for a small donation to sangeethapriya plus costs of hard disk + shipping. He can ship within USA & Canada only
The total size of AMS collection is around 1 GB. Trying to download 1 GB at a stretch is prone to failures unless we do it as a torrent download
The solution that I will provide will allow a set of files totaling to say, 50 MB, at a time so that recovery from download failure is easier
On your other query, there may be people who might be regularly downloading all the concerts, though I dont know who they are.
sangeethapriya founder , Srini, has the entire collection and he may send you a copy for a small donation to sangeethapriya plus costs of hard disk + shipping. He can ship within USA & Canada only
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today two respective videos pertaining to the Purvanga and Uttaranga of Vanajakshi-Kalyani-Adi-Varna sung @ 4, 6 & 8-units per beat by 8 year old Sankeerthana are uploaded to ‘AMS-Kids’ Singing or Playing Varnas’ of ‘’ for the benefit of the aspirants. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear all, Previously I have uploaded 3-video-files pertaining to AMS-Kids’Rhythms to ‘’. But, later, as evolution takes its own process, it is felt to modify the same for the benefit of our kids in getting more rhythmical abilities even right from their early age. In this process, now, 13-videos pertaining to Khanda-gati, 13-videos pertaining to Divyasankeerna-gati (double-duration of Trisra-gati) and 12-videos pertaining to Mishrasankeerna-gati (double-duration of Chaturashra-gati) are uploaded today to the same site. The respective parents can expose their kids even right from their first years of age to the videos of Mishrasankeerna-gati of 8-units at the first instance and later to the videos of Divyasankeerna-gati and Khanda-gati for better results. The relevant URLs are also furnished hereunder. amsharma
Groups of 5-units pertaining to Khanda-gati:
Groups of 6-units pertaining to Divyasankeerna-gati:
Groups of 8-units pertaining to Mishrasankeerna-gati:
Groups of 5-units pertaining to Khanda-gati:
Groups of 6-units pertaining to Divyasankeerna-gati:
Groups of 8-units pertaining to Mishrasankeerna-gati:
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
The details of the videos of the previous post are furnished hereunder in a tabular form to be helpful to the aspirants. amsharma
Serial-number 5-units 6-units 8-units
01. L - R - R L L - R R - L - R - L - R -
02. R - L - L L R - R L - R - L - R - L -
03. R R L - L L L R L L R L - R - L L R -
04. R L L R - R R L R R L L - R R L L R -
05. L - R L R L R R L R R L L R R L L R -
06. L R L R - L L L R R R L R L R L R L -
07. R R L L - R R R L L L R L L R - L L -
08. L L R R - L R - L R - R R L - L R – L
09. R L L R - R L - R L - L R L R L L R -
10. R R R L - R L - L L - R L R L R R L -
11. L R L L R L R - R R - R R L L R R L -
12. L R L R R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R
13. L R L R L- R L R L R - R L R L R L
While ‘L’ indicates the left-hand beat, ‘R’ indicates the right-hand beat and ‘-‘ indicates the gap of 1-unit.
Serial-number 5-units 6-units 8-units
01. L - R - R L L - R R - L - R - L - R -
02. R - L - L L R - R L - R - L - R - L -
03. R R L - L L L R L L R L - R - L L R -
04. R L L R - R R L R R L L - R R L L R -
05. L - R L R L R R L R R L L R R L L R -
06. L R L R - L L L R R R L R L R L R L -
07. R R L L - R R R L L L R L L R - L L -
08. L L R R - L R - L R - R R L - L R – L
09. R L L R - R L - R L - L R L R L L R -
10. R R R L - R L - L L - R L R L R R L -
11. L R L L R L R - R R - R R L L R R L -
12. L R L R R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R
13. L R L R L- R L R L R - R L R L R L
While ‘L’ indicates the left-hand beat, ‘R’ indicates the right-hand beat and ‘-‘ indicates the gap of 1-unit.
- Posts: 10958
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
On behalf of Akellaji, I am posting the above info in a table format.

- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, vasanthakokilam, Thanks a lot. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today two respective videos pertaining to the Purvanga and Uttaranga of Samininne-Shankarabharana-Adi-Varna sung @ 4, 6 & 8-units per beat by 8 year old Sankeerthana are uploaded to ‘AMS-Kids’ Singing or Playing Varnas’ of ‘’ for the benefit of the aspirants.
As far as my knowledge goes, I did never find any music-teacher who efficiently initiates his/her disciples sing both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of all the Varnas they have learnt @ 4, 6 & 8-units. In maintaining higher standards even none of our so called stalwarts ever insisted upon following this without any exception or compromise as none of them are not teachers but performers only. Had they did it the entire scenario of our Great Karnataka-music would have been much different. Only after five years after my successful retirement as Lecturer and Principal I could find the importance of it and formulated different rhythmical exercises for the kids to arrive at that destination. Thus, in this modern method of teaching music, now, in our music-institutions being developed in these twin-cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad each and every student who finishes off learning 9 Varnas (8-Adi-tala- varnas and 1-Ata-tala-varna) becomes able to render both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of each Varna of them sing @ 4, 6 & 8-units successfully and efficiently. amsharma
As far as my knowledge goes, I did never find any music-teacher who efficiently initiates his/her disciples sing both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of all the Varnas they have learnt @ 4, 6 & 8-units. In maintaining higher standards even none of our so called stalwarts ever insisted upon following this without any exception or compromise as none of them are not teachers but performers only. Had they did it the entire scenario of our Great Karnataka-music would have been much different. Only after five years after my successful retirement as Lecturer and Principal I could find the importance of it and formulated different rhythmical exercises for the kids to arrive at that destination. Thus, in this modern method of teaching music, now, in our music-institutions being developed in these twin-cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad each and every student who finishes off learning 9 Varnas (8-Adi-tala- varnas and 1-Ata-tala-varna) becomes able to render both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of each Varna of them sing @ 4, 6 & 8-units successfully and efficiently. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
A true teacher always tries to strengthen his disciple both in the Shruti and Laya aspects. Among them as Shruti gives Rakti and Laya gives Shakti to the aspirant Laya is more important in instilling confidence into the aspirant than Shruti.
That is why our ancestors prescribed 5 gatis among which while there is only one even-gati of Chaturashra(4) there are four odd-gatis, Trisra(3), Khanda(5), Mishra(7) and Sankeerana(9), obviously bringing out the importance of the odd-gatis. That is why, along with the single even-gati Chaturashra, it is very important to train the aspirants even in the least odd-gati, Trisra to make him/her able to manage with both the even and odd-gatis. But, as most of these music-teachers themselves are unable to manage with this least odd-gati, Trisra they not only prefer to teach singing either the Alankaras or Varnas in this Trsira-gati to their disciples but also discourage them their level best in doing so. Even in the Music colleges or in the Music Departments of the Universities, being one of the members of the Board of Studies, even though I have insisted upon and included this in the syllabus itself, none of the teachers are teaching them but, some how, are conniving with the Examiners to skip this off in the examinations. That is why, from all these institutions, in the absence of any academic supervision, many of the aspirants are successfully getting only the Certificates of Diploma or BA or MA or M.Phil or Ph.D in music but becoming impotents in managing with the Mridangam. Basically, being a Mridangist, I have realized this only after five years after my retirement and, sincerely, doing the needful in this respect successfully. I very well know that all our music-teachers prefer only to profusely abuse me in respect of bringing out this fact to the notice of one all than following me.
Today I have added three more videos to the playlist ‘AMS-Kids’ Singing or Playing Varnas & Kritis’ of ‘’ in which two Kids (Tattva Prakasika) sang both the Purvanga & Uttaranga @ 4-6-8 Kriyas per each Kriya of three Varnas in the Ragas Natakuranji, Kambhoji & Darbar for the benefit of the aspirants. Later other Varnas follow. amsharma
That is why our ancestors prescribed 5 gatis among which while there is only one even-gati of Chaturashra(4) there are four odd-gatis, Trisra(3), Khanda(5), Mishra(7) and Sankeerana(9), obviously bringing out the importance of the odd-gatis. That is why, along with the single even-gati Chaturashra, it is very important to train the aspirants even in the least odd-gati, Trisra to make him/her able to manage with both the even and odd-gatis. But, as most of these music-teachers themselves are unable to manage with this least odd-gati, Trisra they not only prefer to teach singing either the Alankaras or Varnas in this Trsira-gati to their disciples but also discourage them their level best in doing so. Even in the Music colleges or in the Music Departments of the Universities, being one of the members of the Board of Studies, even though I have insisted upon and included this in the syllabus itself, none of the teachers are teaching them but, some how, are conniving with the Examiners to skip this off in the examinations. That is why, from all these institutions, in the absence of any academic supervision, many of the aspirants are successfully getting only the Certificates of Diploma or BA or MA or M.Phil or Ph.D in music but becoming impotents in managing with the Mridangam. Basically, being a Mridangist, I have realized this only after five years after my retirement and, sincerely, doing the needful in this respect successfully. I very well know that all our music-teachers prefer only to profusely abuse me in respect of bringing out this fact to the notice of one all than following me.
Today I have added three more videos to the playlist ‘AMS-Kids’ Singing or Playing Varnas & Kritis’ of ‘’ in which two Kids (Tattva Prakasika) sang both the Purvanga & Uttaranga @ 4-6-8 Kriyas per each Kriya of three Varnas in the Ragas Natakuranji, Kambhoji & Darbar for the benefit of the aspirants. Later other Varnas follow. amsharma
- Posts: 151
- Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 19:03
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Akella garu,
My name is Vinod Venkataraman. I would like to get in touch with you. I do not use YIM. Please email me your phone number and email address. You can send email to
My name is Vinod Venkataraman. I would like to get in touch with you. I do not use YIM. Please email me your phone number and email address. You can send email to
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, VRV, Today I have sent the required details to your email address. You are welcome to contact me at any time. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
In our so called Gurukulas the Gurus were the highly popular performers giving hundreds of their concerts. Mostly they were used to travel more in attending their concerts to different places and, thus, remaining in their home town for a very few days only in a month. In those few days whenever and whatever they sing/play was treated as a music-lesson to the inmates of that Gurukula.
Nearly 50 years back, prior to the invention and introduction of the tape-recorder, the aspirants were compelled to rely upon the teacher or the inmates or the local concerts only either to listen to the music or to correct their lessons learnt. Thus, for more than 10 or 20 or even 30 years the process of learning music was going on and always singing/playing the compositions itself has been treated as teaching music but not defining the technicalities of it. Thus, since many centuries, elongating the process of teaching music by singing/playing all the kinds compositions has become handy to all the music-teachers to squeeze more money from the aspirants and, even now, they all prefer to utilize the modern technology only to spread their tentacles all over the globe by Skype to earn more money but not to find ways in utilizing the same in making the process truthfully ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ to the poor aspirant.
The teacher of driving a motor-cycle must sit on the pillion, make the learner sit in the driver’s seat and initiate him/her to drive the machine explaining the hand or leg operations. In the same manner the mother, sitting in a chair, must initiate her daughter to do things while teaching her the process of cooking. The same thing applies to music also as all these are performance oriented arts. However, the balancing while riding an ordinary cycle or the inter-relation of the accelerator and the clutch in a motor-cycle could never be defined in words but only be felt by the learner. In the same manner, even in music, the teacher must initiate the aspirant sing the lesson on his/her own but the aspirant must himself/herself feel the music.
Even though many of the inefficient music-teachers hesitate to agree with me I, as a Mridangist and teacher of Vocal and Violin, have made umpteen experiments on a number of students and they all ultimately revealed that it requires a particular level of instinctive-rhythm which could be manageable not only with the Chaturashra-gati but also with the Trisra-gati to perform the classical music efficiently. That is why I always initiate all my students to sing/play all the compositions they have learnt up to Varnas @ 4-6-8 notes per each Kriya of the Tala and each and every music-teacher must follow this in the high interests of our kids.
In this novel process of qualitative method of teaching music in which the process is very strictly made ‘time-bound & result-oriented’ while the teacher’s role is less than 10% the aspirant’s role is more than 90%. To make the aspirants work hard on their own even in the absence of the teacher they are initiated to work basing upon the notational documents of the compositions along with the respective audio-files and video-files. Even though the conservatives do not prefer pre-recorded music it has been proved that hard work of the aspirants relying more upon the Casio and respective audio and video files will only help them a lot in their quick progress. In the same manner, another twins, Chis. Havisha and Vihisha, residents of USA are learning music from me since 25-10-2012 by attending the classes twice a week by Skype. Many may not even believe me if I write that I did never sing in any of these classes for more than a couple of minutes. Now, five videos of these twins are uploaded to Youtube and the respective URLs are also furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants. amsharma
02-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Chalamela-Natakuranji-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
02-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Taruni-Kambhoji-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
11-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Chalamela-Darbar-Adi-Varna@ 4-6-8:
19-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Samininne-Shankarabharanam-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
27-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Vanajaakshi-Kalyani-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
Nearly 50 years back, prior to the invention and introduction of the tape-recorder, the aspirants were compelled to rely upon the teacher or the inmates or the local concerts only either to listen to the music or to correct their lessons learnt. Thus, for more than 10 or 20 or even 30 years the process of learning music was going on and always singing/playing the compositions itself has been treated as teaching music but not defining the technicalities of it. Thus, since many centuries, elongating the process of teaching music by singing/playing all the kinds compositions has become handy to all the music-teachers to squeeze more money from the aspirants and, even now, they all prefer to utilize the modern technology only to spread their tentacles all over the globe by Skype to earn more money but not to find ways in utilizing the same in making the process truthfully ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ to the poor aspirant.
The teacher of driving a motor-cycle must sit on the pillion, make the learner sit in the driver’s seat and initiate him/her to drive the machine explaining the hand or leg operations. In the same manner the mother, sitting in a chair, must initiate her daughter to do things while teaching her the process of cooking. The same thing applies to music also as all these are performance oriented arts. However, the balancing while riding an ordinary cycle or the inter-relation of the accelerator and the clutch in a motor-cycle could never be defined in words but only be felt by the learner. In the same manner, even in music, the teacher must initiate the aspirant sing the lesson on his/her own but the aspirant must himself/herself feel the music.
Even though many of the inefficient music-teachers hesitate to agree with me I, as a Mridangist and teacher of Vocal and Violin, have made umpteen experiments on a number of students and they all ultimately revealed that it requires a particular level of instinctive-rhythm which could be manageable not only with the Chaturashra-gati but also with the Trisra-gati to perform the classical music efficiently. That is why I always initiate all my students to sing/play all the compositions they have learnt up to Varnas @ 4-6-8 notes per each Kriya of the Tala and each and every music-teacher must follow this in the high interests of our kids.
In this novel process of qualitative method of teaching music in which the process is very strictly made ‘time-bound & result-oriented’ while the teacher’s role is less than 10% the aspirant’s role is more than 90%. To make the aspirants work hard on their own even in the absence of the teacher they are initiated to work basing upon the notational documents of the compositions along with the respective audio-files and video-files. Even though the conservatives do not prefer pre-recorded music it has been proved that hard work of the aspirants relying more upon the Casio and respective audio and video files will only help them a lot in their quick progress. In the same manner, another twins, Chis. Havisha and Vihisha, residents of USA are learning music from me since 25-10-2012 by attending the classes twice a week by Skype. Many may not even believe me if I write that I did never sing in any of these classes for more than a couple of minutes. Now, five videos of these twins are uploaded to Youtube and the respective URLs are also furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants. amsharma
02-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Chalamela-Natakuranji-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
02-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Taruni-Kambhoji-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
11-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Chalamela-Darbar-Adi-Varna@ 4-6-8:
19-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Samininne-Shankarabharanam-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
27-10-2013: Havisha & Vihisha singing Vanajaakshi-Kalyani-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8:
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
For the benefit of the aspirants the following videos are uploaded to the respective playlists of ‘’. amsharma
AMS-Kids’ rendering Jatis & Svaras:
9 years old Bhavana-Ata-jati-alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4-units in 1+2+3+4=10 Avartas respectively rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
9 years old Bhavana-Dhruva-Jati alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8-units rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
6 years old Adithi-Ata-jati-alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4-units in 1+2+3+4=10 Avartas respectively rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
6 years old Adithi-Dhruva-Jati alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8-units rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
SLE-01-1-Eka-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-2-Rupaka-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-3-Mathya-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-4-Dhruva-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-5-Jhampa-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-6-Ata-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-7-Triputa-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
AMS-Kids’ rendering Jatis & Svaras:
9 years old Bhavana-Ata-jati-alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4-units in 1+2+3+4=10 Avartas respectively rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
9 years old Bhavana-Dhruva-Jati alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8-units rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
6 years old Adithi-Ata-jati-alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4-units in 1+2+3+4=10 Avartas respectively rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
6 years old Adithi-Dhruva-Jati alankara @ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8-units rendered on 2-5-10 at Bangalore
SLE-01-1-Eka-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-2-Rupaka-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-3-Mathya-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-4-Dhruva-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-5-Jhampa-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-6-Ata-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
SLE-01-7-Triputa-tala-jati-alankara-Eka-kala with two hands
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
The Guru and the Manodharma-sangita are the two very important words which all our musicians always like to harp on.
This is a very sacred word which, I feel, nowadays, suits to Adhyaatmika-vidya only but not to any other subjects as the respective teachers of other subjects are used to fulfill their personal gains only but not their duties or responsibilities. But, as our musicians very seriously feel to enjoy this high level of life they are always used to fabricate everything around it.
Having interacted with many Gurus since so many years in music, having even myself acted as a teacher (cheater) for many years working in the Govt. Music institutions of Andhra Pradesh and, at last, having experimented in so many ways, only by the grace of the Almighty, I have found out many incredible facts in the methods in teaching our music. When we have successfully implemented them we have found amazing end-results and thus the process of learning music is quickened to the maximum duration of 5 years. By all this it helped me to have my own logical and rational views in respect of our music-teachers or Gurus which most of these teachers may not agree with me.
In our Indianity while mother naturally occupies the highest place in the universe Adhyaatmika-gurus were also kept at higher level even than the father or mother or even the Almighty. But, in respect of our music, what are the duties and responsibilities of a Guru and to how much extent they are truthfully fulfilled by these so called Gurus is a million-dollar question which no music-teacher comes out to honestly answer.
Anywhere the teachers must strive hard to fulfill the needs of their students and then only they can claim to be honest and sincere teachers. In general, many aspirants are able to reproduce a cine-song very efficiently by merely listening to it many a time from a pre-recorded CD and even without the help of any teacher. This obviously reveals that learning music doesn’t necessarily need a teacher at all. But, the aspirant needs a singer to facilitate him/her listen to the song many a time. The aspirant’s dependency starts from this basic level and the Guru, naturally takes the advantage of exploiting this. Thus, on one hand while the music is the only invisible and independent fine-art in making it very problematic to learn, the Guru has become a must to rely upon for listening to the music on the other. More over, adding fuel to the fire, while selecting a teacher no aspirant or his/her parents have any yardstick either to assess the expertise of a teacher or to assess the level of the lesson taught or even to assess the level of knowledge the aspirant himself/herself attains by learning the lesson. By all this the aspirant is compelled to depend upon the teacher. But, nowadays, due to the plentiful availability of the modern gadgets like ipods or mp3 players etc., the aspirants are able to depend far more on these gadgets than their teacher. Thus, getting the needed help in the form of notated books, pre-recorded CDs or Videos etc., the teacher’s role has already been reduced to a guide even though teachers are not ready to accept this. That is why, every musician possibly discourages the aspirants to use these gadgets and no musician comes forward to even bring out such books with notated compositions along with pre-recorded CDs containing the same compositions sung in the same notation lest the teacher looses his/her grip over the aspirant. In many music-institutions and departments many teachers have even openly expressed that their students may not attend the institutions regularly by supplying such material by which they may have to loose their jobs. That is why, while there are text books for all the subjects in all the educational institutions, no texts books are ever supplied or even prepared either for theory of practicals in any of these music-institutions or departments (that is why I strived very hard and brought out such text books for both theory and practicals in respect of the Certificate & Diploma examinations in our State). Such text books are supplied only in respect of the candidates of ‘distance education in music’ only to earn money. If every teacher strives hard to provide all the items to be taught in the form of a notated book along with CDs it helps a lot to the kids. But, how many teachers are honestly doing it? If they won’t do this how can they claim themselves to be honest and sincere teachers? Here, at Secunderabad, we supply most of the material on the first day of learning the lesson in our institution, Swarabhangima and it is left to the kid’s choice to eat as much and as quickly as he/she can and proceed further.
While purchasing or acquiring something everybody wishes to get the best quality of it at cheaper rate and at the earliest. In the same manner even in respect of giving the music-education to their kids all the parents prefer the best quality of it at cheaper rate and very fast. Even on 21-12-2013, in the discussion held at the Music Academy (, with the same idea of honestly and sincerely helping the poor kids and their parents, Shri Pappu Venugopalarao also dared to raise this very important and controversial point of reducing the duration of learning music to 3 years. But, even without taking it into congnisance, it was unanimously declared by the so called experts (?) that minimum duration of 15 years is needed for this purpose. Very sadly, in that great gathering there was not even a single person who suggested even to look into this important point even in the interest of our kids and their parents in saving their invaluable time, energy and money. Mostly keeping the loss in their personal gains in their view everybody in that meeting kept mum shamefully.
In the same manner, all our musicians, while openly praise Subbarama Dikshitar, on one hand, for having brought out symbolized notation in his ‘Sampradayapradarshini’, surprisingly, none of them ever provides such notated books along with CDs nor even tries to do something further in respect of symbolized notation for the benefit of our kids and the art.
Always efficiency, honesty and sincerity have their own place irrespective of the time and place. Here, at Secunderabad, several parents residing even at far off places are shifting their residences to nearby places to get admission to their kids into our music-institution, Swarabhangima. Presently, we have around 100 school-going kids and more than 30 of their mothers are also learning music in our institution. We have another 150 school-going kids in our 8 branches in this area. Our other branches also started in different places of our State and even in Chennai and Bangalore. This is the sign of the thumping success of our efficiency, honesty and sincerity and our music-institute is the only place for efficiency, honesty and sincerity. In fact, every honest and sincere teacher must support and follow this in the sole interest of our kids and their parents and the art. If not, this obviously reveals that there is not even a single honest and sincere teacher in entire Chennai.
In this speedy age, while every thing is quickened up by properly utilizing the modern facilities, our so called ‘Gurus’, aiming only in getting their personal gains, prefer only to cling to the age old, elongated and suicidal qualitative method in teaching a number of items only but without much of the needed grammar.
Recently, even web casting of the live concerts also started along with Lec-dems on musical appreciation. In respect of our music, while learning is the first level, the second level is exhibition of the art and the last is the appreciation. But, all our musicians are more interested in the last one only which helps for their self-aggrandisement. I have never even heard of holding any live discussions on the methods in learning music for the benefit of our poor kids.
Very importantly, while there must be only one logical method of teaching in the process of standardization, every music-teacher claims to have his/her own method of teaching and follows his/her own syllabus. Even though all these problems are bare facts no musician can even understand them as he/she is mostly of performer’s perspective. At the same time no music-teacher comes forward even to discuss them even in the interest of the aspirants.
For example, the teacher must initiate the person who is hungry to eat as much as he/she can. But, in this process the teacher also need not all along eat with him/her like our music-teacher who always sings himself/herself and ask the aspirant to follow him/her. In the same manner, even while teaching the driving of a motor-cycle the teacher, himself/herself sitting on the pillion and making the aspirant sit in the driver’s seat, must initiate the aspirant to drive while explaining him/her the application and operation of the constituent parts of the machine. After learning the driving the teacher doesn’t need to go along with him/her to different places. In this kind of performance-oriented subjects the process of teaching or learning also should be made performance-oriented and the teacher must act only as a guide and initiate the aspirant in doing things on his/her own and proceed further. Even though no music-teacher agrees with me, in my serious observation, I ultimately found that the abilities of the aspirant only play the important role in learning things while the teacher’s role is very limited.
Since many centuries all our musicians have always been used to create a very high opinion in respect of our Manodharma Sangita and that it should be acquired by the aspirant only by hard work. In my extensive experiments I have found that this could also be learnt very easily and, in this way, they all have been used only to escape from the responsibility of inculcating the respective knowledge in the aspirants.
Having held even a workshop on Svarakalpana and Ragalapana for 6 days (daily from 7 am to 7 pm with one hour recess in-between) in Kerala ( in 2013 I have expected to listen to a plan to learn them even from the experts participated in the discussion held on Manodharma Sanigita in the Music Academy on 21-12-2013. But, I was utterly disappointed.
To tell the truth, Manodharma is very simply the natural ‘Dharma’ of any individual either in walking or running or talking or teaching or learning or laughing or bathing or drinking or eating or sleeping etc., etc. In respect of Sangita our people are used to call it Manodharma Sangita.
Always the Manodharma is a mixture of instinctive and acquired abilities of any individual in doing things. While we have instinctive abilities right from our birth we acquire some more abilities basing upon our choice and need by understanding and grasping things basing upon our mental and physical abilities learning from others like the teacher or family member or outsider.
In the process of my extensive experiments on several aspirants it was proved that basing upon the efficiency, honesty and sincerity of the teacher and basing upon the understanding, grasping and hard work of the aspirant these abilities may differ from person to person. In my experiments it was also found that the efficiency of the teacher also has much influence upon both the instinctive and acquired abilities of the aspirant.
By all the above it was made clear that the illusion created by all our musicians in respect of this Manodharma Sangita is absolutely incorrect and that it could also be taught and learnt but following an effective plan of an efficient teacher. amsharma
This is a very sacred word which, I feel, nowadays, suits to Adhyaatmika-vidya only but not to any other subjects as the respective teachers of other subjects are used to fulfill their personal gains only but not their duties or responsibilities. But, as our musicians very seriously feel to enjoy this high level of life they are always used to fabricate everything around it.
Having interacted with many Gurus since so many years in music, having even myself acted as a teacher (cheater) for many years working in the Govt. Music institutions of Andhra Pradesh and, at last, having experimented in so many ways, only by the grace of the Almighty, I have found out many incredible facts in the methods in teaching our music. When we have successfully implemented them we have found amazing end-results and thus the process of learning music is quickened to the maximum duration of 5 years. By all this it helped me to have my own logical and rational views in respect of our music-teachers or Gurus which most of these teachers may not agree with me.
In our Indianity while mother naturally occupies the highest place in the universe Adhyaatmika-gurus were also kept at higher level even than the father or mother or even the Almighty. But, in respect of our music, what are the duties and responsibilities of a Guru and to how much extent they are truthfully fulfilled by these so called Gurus is a million-dollar question which no music-teacher comes out to honestly answer.
Anywhere the teachers must strive hard to fulfill the needs of their students and then only they can claim to be honest and sincere teachers. In general, many aspirants are able to reproduce a cine-song very efficiently by merely listening to it many a time from a pre-recorded CD and even without the help of any teacher. This obviously reveals that learning music doesn’t necessarily need a teacher at all. But, the aspirant needs a singer to facilitate him/her listen to the song many a time. The aspirant’s dependency starts from this basic level and the Guru, naturally takes the advantage of exploiting this. Thus, on one hand while the music is the only invisible and independent fine-art in making it very problematic to learn, the Guru has become a must to rely upon for listening to the music on the other. More over, adding fuel to the fire, while selecting a teacher no aspirant or his/her parents have any yardstick either to assess the expertise of a teacher or to assess the level of the lesson taught or even to assess the level of knowledge the aspirant himself/herself attains by learning the lesson. By all this the aspirant is compelled to depend upon the teacher. But, nowadays, due to the plentiful availability of the modern gadgets like ipods or mp3 players etc., the aspirants are able to depend far more on these gadgets than their teacher. Thus, getting the needed help in the form of notated books, pre-recorded CDs or Videos etc., the teacher’s role has already been reduced to a guide even though teachers are not ready to accept this. That is why, every musician possibly discourages the aspirants to use these gadgets and no musician comes forward to even bring out such books with notated compositions along with pre-recorded CDs containing the same compositions sung in the same notation lest the teacher looses his/her grip over the aspirant. In many music-institutions and departments many teachers have even openly expressed that their students may not attend the institutions regularly by supplying such material by which they may have to loose their jobs. That is why, while there are text books for all the subjects in all the educational institutions, no texts books are ever supplied or even prepared either for theory of practicals in any of these music-institutions or departments (that is why I strived very hard and brought out such text books for both theory and practicals in respect of the Certificate & Diploma examinations in our State). Such text books are supplied only in respect of the candidates of ‘distance education in music’ only to earn money. If every teacher strives hard to provide all the items to be taught in the form of a notated book along with CDs it helps a lot to the kids. But, how many teachers are honestly doing it? If they won’t do this how can they claim themselves to be honest and sincere teachers? Here, at Secunderabad, we supply most of the material on the first day of learning the lesson in our institution, Swarabhangima and it is left to the kid’s choice to eat as much and as quickly as he/she can and proceed further.
While purchasing or acquiring something everybody wishes to get the best quality of it at cheaper rate and at the earliest. In the same manner even in respect of giving the music-education to their kids all the parents prefer the best quality of it at cheaper rate and very fast. Even on 21-12-2013, in the discussion held at the Music Academy (, with the same idea of honestly and sincerely helping the poor kids and their parents, Shri Pappu Venugopalarao also dared to raise this very important and controversial point of reducing the duration of learning music to 3 years. But, even without taking it into congnisance, it was unanimously declared by the so called experts (?) that minimum duration of 15 years is needed for this purpose. Very sadly, in that great gathering there was not even a single person who suggested even to look into this important point even in the interest of our kids and their parents in saving their invaluable time, energy and money. Mostly keeping the loss in their personal gains in their view everybody in that meeting kept mum shamefully.
In the same manner, all our musicians, while openly praise Subbarama Dikshitar, on one hand, for having brought out symbolized notation in his ‘Sampradayapradarshini’, surprisingly, none of them ever provides such notated books along with CDs nor even tries to do something further in respect of symbolized notation for the benefit of our kids and the art.
Always efficiency, honesty and sincerity have their own place irrespective of the time and place. Here, at Secunderabad, several parents residing even at far off places are shifting their residences to nearby places to get admission to their kids into our music-institution, Swarabhangima. Presently, we have around 100 school-going kids and more than 30 of their mothers are also learning music in our institution. We have another 150 school-going kids in our 8 branches in this area. Our other branches also started in different places of our State and even in Chennai and Bangalore. This is the sign of the thumping success of our efficiency, honesty and sincerity and our music-institute is the only place for efficiency, honesty and sincerity. In fact, every honest and sincere teacher must support and follow this in the sole interest of our kids and their parents and the art. If not, this obviously reveals that there is not even a single honest and sincere teacher in entire Chennai.
In this speedy age, while every thing is quickened up by properly utilizing the modern facilities, our so called ‘Gurus’, aiming only in getting their personal gains, prefer only to cling to the age old, elongated and suicidal qualitative method in teaching a number of items only but without much of the needed grammar.
Recently, even web casting of the live concerts also started along with Lec-dems on musical appreciation. In respect of our music, while learning is the first level, the second level is exhibition of the art and the last is the appreciation. But, all our musicians are more interested in the last one only which helps for their self-aggrandisement. I have never even heard of holding any live discussions on the methods in learning music for the benefit of our poor kids.
Very importantly, while there must be only one logical method of teaching in the process of standardization, every music-teacher claims to have his/her own method of teaching and follows his/her own syllabus. Even though all these problems are bare facts no musician can even understand them as he/she is mostly of performer’s perspective. At the same time no music-teacher comes forward even to discuss them even in the interest of the aspirants.
For example, the teacher must initiate the person who is hungry to eat as much as he/she can. But, in this process the teacher also need not all along eat with him/her like our music-teacher who always sings himself/herself and ask the aspirant to follow him/her. In the same manner, even while teaching the driving of a motor-cycle the teacher, himself/herself sitting on the pillion and making the aspirant sit in the driver’s seat, must initiate the aspirant to drive while explaining him/her the application and operation of the constituent parts of the machine. After learning the driving the teacher doesn’t need to go along with him/her to different places. In this kind of performance-oriented subjects the process of teaching or learning also should be made performance-oriented and the teacher must act only as a guide and initiate the aspirant in doing things on his/her own and proceed further. Even though no music-teacher agrees with me, in my serious observation, I ultimately found that the abilities of the aspirant only play the important role in learning things while the teacher’s role is very limited.
Since many centuries all our musicians have always been used to create a very high opinion in respect of our Manodharma Sangita and that it should be acquired by the aspirant only by hard work. In my extensive experiments I have found that this could also be learnt very easily and, in this way, they all have been used only to escape from the responsibility of inculcating the respective knowledge in the aspirants.
Having held even a workshop on Svarakalpana and Ragalapana for 6 days (daily from 7 am to 7 pm with one hour recess in-between) in Kerala ( in 2013 I have expected to listen to a plan to learn them even from the experts participated in the discussion held on Manodharma Sanigita in the Music Academy on 21-12-2013. But, I was utterly disappointed.
To tell the truth, Manodharma is very simply the natural ‘Dharma’ of any individual either in walking or running or talking or teaching or learning or laughing or bathing or drinking or eating or sleeping etc., etc. In respect of Sangita our people are used to call it Manodharma Sangita.
Always the Manodharma is a mixture of instinctive and acquired abilities of any individual in doing things. While we have instinctive abilities right from our birth we acquire some more abilities basing upon our choice and need by understanding and grasping things basing upon our mental and physical abilities learning from others like the teacher or family member or outsider.
In the process of my extensive experiments on several aspirants it was proved that basing upon the efficiency, honesty and sincerity of the teacher and basing upon the understanding, grasping and hard work of the aspirant these abilities may differ from person to person. In my experiments it was also found that the efficiency of the teacher also has much influence upon both the instinctive and acquired abilities of the aspirant.
By all the above it was made clear that the illusion created by all our musicians in respect of this Manodharma Sangita is absolutely incorrect and that it could also be taught and learnt but following an effective plan of an efficient teacher. amsharma
Last edited by msakella on 12 Apr 2014, 07:07, edited 2 times in total.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Recently, our kids studying in our music-institute, Swarabhangima are invited to give a music concert of 2 ½ hours at Sadguru Sangita Sabha, Vijayawada on 30-11-2013. The respective link to the playlist containing the excerpts of 16 videos sung by our kids is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants and music lovers. amsharma ... ddDwpAP1bK
01. Jati-alankaras @ 4 & 3.
02. 3-5-7.
03. 4-5-7.
04. 3-5-7 - Swaras.
05. Swara-alankaras @ 1-2-3-4-6-8.
06. Gita in Shuddha Saveri @ 2-3-4.
07. Eranapai-Todi-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8.
08. Bits & Muktayis in Rupaka.
09. Bits & Muktayis in Khan-chapu.
10. Bits & Muktayis in Mishra-chapu.
11. Bits & Muktayis in Adi.
12. Sarojadalanetri-Shankarabharana-Adi with Kalpanaswaras.
13. Shankari shankuru-Saveri-Adi (Trisra-gati) with Kalpanaswaras.
14. Ammaravamma-Kalyani-Khanda-chapu with Kalpanaswaras.
15. Prakkalanilabadi-Kharaharapriya-Chapu with Kalpanaswaras.
16. Jnanamosagarada-Purvakalyani-Rupaka with Alapana & Kalpanaswaras. ... ddDwpAP1bK
01. Jati-alankaras @ 4 & 3.
02. 3-5-7.
03. 4-5-7.
04. 3-5-7 - Swaras.
05. Swara-alankaras @ 1-2-3-4-6-8.
06. Gita in Shuddha Saveri @ 2-3-4.
07. Eranapai-Todi-Adi-Varna @ 4-6-8.
08. Bits & Muktayis in Rupaka.
09. Bits & Muktayis in Khan-chapu.
10. Bits & Muktayis in Mishra-chapu.
11. Bits & Muktayis in Adi.
12. Sarojadalanetri-Shankarabharana-Adi with Kalpanaswaras.
13. Shankari shankuru-Saveri-Adi (Trisra-gati) with Kalpanaswaras.
14. Ammaravamma-Kalyani-Khanda-chapu with Kalpanaswaras.
15. Prakkalanilabadi-Kharaharapriya-Chapu with Kalpanaswaras.
16. Jnanamosagarada-Purvakalyani-Rupaka with Alapana & Kalpanaswaras.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today I have made a modification and 3 additions to the playlist of AMS-Special Laya Exercises in ‘’ for the benefit of the aspirants as furnished hereunder. amsharma
Replaced SLE-06 (c)-Mishra-jati-groups in Chaturashra-gati-Adi-tala-Dvi-kala with two hands, added 3 videos - SLE-Pre.Ex.-01-4---4 & 3, SLE-Pre.Ex.-02-4---4 & 5 and SLE-Pre.Ex.-03-4---4 & 7.
Replaced SLE-06 (c)-Mishra-jati-groups in Chaturashra-gati-Adi-tala-Dvi-kala with two hands, added 3 videos - SLE-Pre.Ex.-01-4---4 & 3, SLE-Pre.Ex.-02-4---4 & 5 and SLE-Pre.Ex.-03-4---4 & 7.
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Today 10 videos are uploaded to the play list, AMS-Inspiring instrumental music for kids of ‘’ for the benefit of the kids to initiate them into music-education right from very early age.
As per Roger Sperry, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1981, among the four parts of the brain of any kid one part responds positively to music even from very early age.
As music is the only universal language of sound and softens the very nature of any person everybody likes to learn music to run a peaceful life. Right from the birth of any kid as the mother is the first teacher her role is far above than anybody else in giving a peaceful life by giving the music-education to her kid. In this process the truly interested mothers can initiate their kids on their own in giving music-education to their kids very easily implementing the instructions given hereunder.
--- Download the videos from the play lists, AMS-Inspiring instrumental music (10 videos), AMS-Rhythms for kids (38 videos), AMS-Rhythmelodies for kids (16 videos) from ‘’.
--- In the play list, AMS-Inspiring instrumental music for kids, 5 videos are of Chaturashra-gati and another 5 videos are of Trisra-gati. Even right from the 3rd or 4th month the kid could be exposed to listen to this instrumental music daily two or three times @ 30 mts. or more each time. The Gati of music could also be changed in alternative weeks.
---In the play list, AMS-Rhythms for kids 12 videos (8-01 to 8-12) are of Chaturashra-gati, 13 videos (6-01 to 6-13) are of Trisra-gati and another 13 videos (5-01 to 5-13) are of Khanda-gati. As shown in the videos, two cane sticks and a plastic or wooden stool could be given to the kid and initiated to follow the videos of Chaturashra-gati serially. Basing upon the successful progress the kid could continue later with the videos of Trisra-gati and later with Khanda-gati also.
---In the play list, AMS-Rhythmelodies for kids 8 videos (01-01 to 01-08) are of Chaturashra-gati, 3 videos (2-01 to 2-03) are of Trisra-gati and 5 videos (3-01 to 3-05) are of Khanda-gati. Provide a ‘Casio’ machine having the facility of Metronome for the rhythmical support and Transpose for the selection of Shruti of the kid. At the first instance, the kid may be initiated only to play the Casio machine @ 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) speed of Metronome following the videos of Chaturashra-gati (8 nos.). Later, basing upon the successful progress the kid could be allowed to continue with the videos of Trisra-gati (3 nos.) and even with the videos of Khanda-gati (5 nos.).
--- Basing upon the successful progress the kid may also be initiated even to sing along with the built-in Metronome-speed of 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) and with the Shruti by operating the ‘Transpose’ suitably.
Mostly the parents should try to manage things on their own. If needed, basing upon the availability of the facility of internet they can contact my phone numbers (Land-line: 040-27054232 & Mobile-9908822992) or my Skype-address ‘msakella2002’ for the required guidance.
The videos from the play lists, AMS-Kids” rendering Jatis & Swaras and AMS-Kids” singing or playing Varnas and Kritis should also be downloaded and shown to the kids for their benefit. amsharma
Today 10 videos are uploaded to the play list, AMS-Inspiring instrumental music for kids of ‘’ for the benefit of the kids to initiate them into music-education right from very early age.
As per Roger Sperry, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1981, among the four parts of the brain of any kid one part responds positively to music even from very early age.
As music is the only universal language of sound and softens the very nature of any person everybody likes to learn music to run a peaceful life. Right from the birth of any kid as the mother is the first teacher her role is far above than anybody else in giving a peaceful life by giving the music-education to her kid. In this process the truly interested mothers can initiate their kids on their own in giving music-education to their kids very easily implementing the instructions given hereunder.
--- Download the videos from the play lists, AMS-Inspiring instrumental music (10 videos), AMS-Rhythms for kids (38 videos), AMS-Rhythmelodies for kids (16 videos) from ‘’.
--- In the play list, AMS-Inspiring instrumental music for kids, 5 videos are of Chaturashra-gati and another 5 videos are of Trisra-gati. Even right from the 3rd or 4th month the kid could be exposed to listen to this instrumental music daily two or three times @ 30 mts. or more each time. The Gati of music could also be changed in alternative weeks.
---In the play list, AMS-Rhythms for kids 12 videos (8-01 to 8-12) are of Chaturashra-gati, 13 videos (6-01 to 6-13) are of Trisra-gati and another 13 videos (5-01 to 5-13) are of Khanda-gati. As shown in the videos, two cane sticks and a plastic or wooden stool could be given to the kid and initiated to follow the videos of Chaturashra-gati serially. Basing upon the successful progress the kid could continue later with the videos of Trisra-gati and later with Khanda-gati also.
---In the play list, AMS-Rhythmelodies for kids 8 videos (01-01 to 01-08) are of Chaturashra-gati, 3 videos (2-01 to 2-03) are of Trisra-gati and 5 videos (3-01 to 3-05) are of Khanda-gati. Provide a ‘Casio’ machine having the facility of Metronome for the rhythmical support and Transpose for the selection of Shruti of the kid. At the first instance, the kid may be initiated only to play the Casio machine @ 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) speed of Metronome following the videos of Chaturashra-gati (8 nos.). Later, basing upon the successful progress the kid could be allowed to continue with the videos of Trisra-gati (3 nos.) and even with the videos of Khanda-gati (5 nos.).
--- Basing upon the successful progress the kid may also be initiated even to sing along with the built-in Metronome-speed of 120 bpm (beats-per-minute) and with the Shruti by operating the ‘Transpose’ suitably.
Mostly the parents should try to manage things on their own. If needed, basing upon the availability of the facility of internet they can contact my phone numbers (Land-line: 040-27054232 & Mobile-9908822992) or my Skype-address ‘msakella2002’ for the required guidance.
The videos from the play lists, AMS-Kids” rendering Jatis & Swaras and AMS-Kids” singing or playing Varnas and Kritis should also be downloaded and shown to the kids for their benefit. amsharma
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
To my 55th post in the sub-thread ‘Logical lapse in Manodharma Sangita Lec-dem in MA’ 50 years old Mr.Charles mcnulty from Paris (France) enthusiastically responded in his 56th post (with penname ‘cmcn’) and even spoke to me then and there by phone. Really I was moved by his enthusiasm and offered my guidance, if any. Thus, while attending the Skype-classes twice a week, being a foreigner, naturally, he is struggling to manage with the rhythmical intricacies even to maintain the Chaturashra-gati while rendering the Trisra-group of jatis.
In fact, till now, only such aspirants became my true teachers making me come down to their level in making them understand the things properly. Thus, in making him able to manage with these groups of Trisra (3), Khanda (5) and Mishra (7) in Chaturashra-gati, then and there I have formulated these three exercises (SLE-Pre.Ex.-01-4---4 & 3, SLE-Pre.Ex.-02-4---4 & 5 and SLE-Pre.Ex.-03-4---4 & 7) furnished in 390th post of this sub-thread and also making videos of them uploaded to “AMS-Special-laya-exercises’ of ‘’ for his guidance. Due to old age, only lately I have realized that it is necessary to define them here for the benefit of other aspirants also. That is why, now, I am defining them hereunder.
As per the -
1st SLE-Pre.Ex.-01-4---4 & 3 - in the duration of 3-fours rendered with three-finger-counts of the right-hand (3x4=12 - along with the in-between beats of the left-hand) 4-threes (4x3=12) fit in,
the 2nd SLE-Pre.Ex.-02-4---4 & 5 - in the duration of 5-fours rendered with five-finger-counts of the right-hand (5x4=20 - along with the in-between beats of the left-hand) 4-fives (4x5=20) fit in and
the 3rd SLE-Pre.Ex.-03-4---4 & 7 - in the duration of 7-fours rendered with seven-finger-counts of the right-hand (7x4=28 - along with the in-between beats of the left-hand) 4-sevens (4x7=28) fit in. But, at the first instance, it is always desirable to practice them with the alternative beats of both the hands to properly manage with the rhythm. amsharma
In fact, till now, only such aspirants became my true teachers making me come down to their level in making them understand the things properly. Thus, in making him able to manage with these groups of Trisra (3), Khanda (5) and Mishra (7) in Chaturashra-gati, then and there I have formulated these three exercises (SLE-Pre.Ex.-01-4---4 & 3, SLE-Pre.Ex.-02-4---4 & 5 and SLE-Pre.Ex.-03-4---4 & 7) furnished in 390th post of this sub-thread and also making videos of them uploaded to “AMS-Special-laya-exercises’ of ‘’ for his guidance. Due to old age, only lately I have realized that it is necessary to define them here for the benefit of other aspirants also. That is why, now, I am defining them hereunder.
As per the -
1st SLE-Pre.Ex.-01-4---4 & 3 - in the duration of 3-fours rendered with three-finger-counts of the right-hand (3x4=12 - along with the in-between beats of the left-hand) 4-threes (4x3=12) fit in,
the 2nd SLE-Pre.Ex.-02-4---4 & 5 - in the duration of 5-fours rendered with five-finger-counts of the right-hand (5x4=20 - along with the in-between beats of the left-hand) 4-fives (4x5=20) fit in and
the 3rd SLE-Pre.Ex.-03-4---4 & 7 - in the duration of 7-fours rendered with seven-finger-counts of the right-hand (7x4=28 - along with the in-between beats of the left-hand) 4-sevens (4x7=28) fit in. But, at the first instance, it is always desirable to practice them with the alternative beats of both the hands to properly manage with the rhythm. amsharma
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- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Yesterday, to make the matter in the previous post clearer to my student I have defined it in the following manner also. Interested aspirants can try this also for their benefit. amsharma
4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ||
7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ||
5 - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ||
3 - 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ||
4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ||
7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ||
5 - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ||
3 - 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ||
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- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
On 20-04-2014, 9 years old kid, Chi. Rishabh Ranganathan (alias Nandikeshwaran) appeared for another competition held in Cleveland, USA and won the first prize in Violin. He also sang a 15 mts. concert and received good response from the audience. The respective URLs of ‘youtube’ are furnished hereunder.
Mamavasadajanani-Kanada-Rupaka at Cleveland competition-2014:
Upacharamujesevarunnarani-Bhairavi-Rupaka at Cleveland competition-2014:
As per the details of his training he had started learning Vocal & Violin also from 14-10-2011, attending the classes weekly twice by Skype. Now, even before the completion of 3 years, on 27-12-2013, he gave a 45 mts. Violin-concert at Shri Parthasarathyswamy Sabha, Chennai and also became the USA Carnatic music idol in Vocal of his age group (visit and also refer the playlist, AMS-Kids’ singing or playing Varnas & Kritis-41 videos in ‘’).
In general, in such cases, the concerned teacher claims his efficiency in teaching for the success of the aspirant. But, in this respect, my umpteen experiments revealed that only the efficiency of the system and the abilities of the aspirant play a very important role in such cases and the teachers’ role as a guide remains at the minimum level only. However, in the Guru-dominated field of our music I don’t think that no music-teacher is ready to agree with this fact.
Thus, in respect of young Rishabh, while the logical and rational based qualitative system helped him in equipping him with the needed intricate rhythmical and technical abilities within a very short period of less than 3 years his intelligence, hard-work along with his parental encouragement paved way for his success. amsharma
Mamavasadajanani-Kanada-Rupaka at Cleveland competition-2014:
Upacharamujesevarunnarani-Bhairavi-Rupaka at Cleveland competition-2014:
As per the details of his training he had started learning Vocal & Violin also from 14-10-2011, attending the classes weekly twice by Skype. Now, even before the completion of 3 years, on 27-12-2013, he gave a 45 mts. Violin-concert at Shri Parthasarathyswamy Sabha, Chennai and also became the USA Carnatic music idol in Vocal of his age group (visit and also refer the playlist, AMS-Kids’ singing or playing Varnas & Kritis-41 videos in ‘’).
In general, in such cases, the concerned teacher claims his efficiency in teaching for the success of the aspirant. But, in this respect, my umpteen experiments revealed that only the efficiency of the system and the abilities of the aspirant play a very important role in such cases and the teachers’ role as a guide remains at the minimum level only. However, in the Guru-dominated field of our music I don’t think that no music-teacher is ready to agree with this fact.
Thus, in respect of young Rishabh, while the logical and rational based qualitative system helped him in equipping him with the needed intricate rhythmical and technical abilities within a very short period of less than 3 years his intelligence, hard-work along with his parental encouragement paved way for his success. amsharma
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Congratulations Rishabh, Akellaji and parents! That is a stellar achievement by Rishabh in such a short period of time. Akellaji, these successes by the students of your method should make more people take notice of the method.
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- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, vasanthakokilam,
Thank you for your kind appreciation.
In this life, even though I could not justify as a teacher in the beginning of my Government-service, only by the grace of the Almighty I could realize it later and started rectifying my defects gradually. Only after my retirement I am able to do on full scale by the grace of the Almighty. As HE has been making me do all these things I believe in HIM that HE will certainly do the needful and I leave everything to HIM. I am only an instrument in HIS hands and I am fully satisfied (even though I cannot satisfy others) with what I have been able to do to our people and our music. amsharma
Thank you for your kind appreciation.
In this life, even though I could not justify as a teacher in the beginning of my Government-service, only by the grace of the Almighty I could realize it later and started rectifying my defects gradually. Only after my retirement I am able to do on full scale by the grace of the Almighty. As HE has been making me do all these things I believe in HIM that HE will certainly do the needful and I leave everything to HIM. I am only an instrument in HIS hands and I am fully satisfied (even though I cannot satisfy others) with what I have been able to do to our people and our music. amsharma
- Posts: 10958
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:01
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
>I am fully satisfied .. with what I have been able to do to our people and our music. amsharma
In full agreement, Sir!
In full agreement, Sir!
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Dear brother-member, vasanthakokilam, I cannot repair others. Only by the grace of the Almighty I could repair myself even at this old age. What more do I need to ask HIM in this life? This is far more than enough. I have also been able to serve our people, though at small level, efficiently, honestly and sincerely even at this old age with the kind help of the noble people like you. I am far more fortunate enough than any other musician on earth. Thanks a lot, dear. amsharma
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- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
In my previous 392nd & 393rd posts I have given the details of three exercises in Chaturashra-gati which have been uploaded to the playlist ‘AMS-Special laya exercises of ‘youtube’. After doing this job, later, I thought that some of the aspirants may need similar exercises in Trisra-gati also. That is why; just now I have uploaded three more exercises pertaining to Trisra-gati also. Accordingly, the respective table has also been modified incorporating all these exercises and furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants. amsharma
4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ||
7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ||
5 - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ||
3 - 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ||
3 - 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ||
7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ||
5 - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ||
4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ||
4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ||
7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ||
5 - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ||
3 - 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ||
3 - 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ||
7 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ||
5 - 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ||
4 - 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ||
- Posts: 2127
- Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16
Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods
Just like the mother to her kid the duty of the teacher is also to know the needs of the aspirant and to fulfill them for the benefit of the aspirant. But, to tell the fact, as all the music-teachers are basically musicians and far more of performer’s perspective than the teacher’s perspective they themselves are not in a position either to know the needs of the aspirants or even to fulfill them.
Even though all the music-teachers teach the similar items or Talas or Ragas of Carnatic music, funnily, everybody claims to have his/her own methodology in teaching. But, unfortunately, they don’t realize that they all are merely following the illogical and irrational seriatim of items but not the grammar of music. Even those items the aspirants learn them by imitating their teacher while he/she sings but without the grammar.
Even while teaching it is desirable to the teacher to supply all the items to be taught to the aspirants along with the notated books, audio-files and video-files containing the same which facilitates the aspirants to rely upon them even in the absence of the teacher and practice on their own and learn as much and as quickly as they can basing upon their individual abilities. But, basically, as this kind of system is not followed in the quantitative system of teaching only very highly talented aspirants are able to come up.
Always thinking on these lines we have formulated a syllabus strictly basing upon the logical and rational views, brought out notated books, audio-files and video-files of all those lessons and supplied to each and every student even in the beginning. By all this, basing upon their individual abilities and hard work many talented students are able to swallow as much and as quickly as possible and become able to sing even concerts of 1 to 2 hrs learning in this standardized qualitative system of learning.
But, while admitting the aspirants into the class, it becomes very difficult to manage with both the efficients and in-efficients unless they all are efficiently trained to manage with both the even and odd-gatis i.e., Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis. In this respect it is very important to note that the 28-Speacial Laya-xercises are formulated for this purpose only and furnished along with the respective audio and video-files for the free utilization of all the aspirants all over the globe.
Very recently here on 26-04-2014 all our students have given a mini-concert for 2 hrs., bringing out all the items which, ultimately, helped them not only in becoming concert-singers but also efficient teachers.
SAMPRADAYA Sangeetha - Swara-Laya Vinyasa Sapthapadi (Based on AMS Easy Methods)
To exhibit an aspiring Student who has a real aptitude and right attitude - SAPTHAPADI - is the path of 7 Steps - sure ways to enable an aspirant to become a qualitative Carnatic Vocalist within a maximum duration of 5-years.
Step - I: Presentation of Ragam - Keerthana - Neraval - Swarakalpana with intricate arithmetical excellence.
Step - II: To present Step I, the student should be adept at the Varna Kramam, with profound knowledge of Gamakam & Kampitam, as also with the perfect ability to demonstrate the Gamakam & Kampitam of any part of any Varnam. Further, the Poorvangam and Uttarangam of the Varnam must be presented @ 4-6-8-notes per each Kriya.
Step - III: To learn Gamakam and Kampitam thoroughly, the aspirant should be fully familiar with all the Swaragatha-sthanas - for this to happen up to the completion of Geethams one has to be very strong at the flat-note position of all the Swaragatha-sthanas. For this, Geetham presentation also with Trisragati (i.e., 2-3-4 notes per each Kriya) is a must.
Step - IV: On one side, as we could note, while perfection is sought in Swaragatha-sthanas and Shruti; the student should definitely be put to rigorous training in Arithmetics i.e., LAYA intricacies from the inception. Here, the importance of prowess of uttering 1-2-3-4-6-8 syllables per each beat, in all the Sapta Talas is displayed.
Step - V: Student should also be accomplished to utter any Jaathi in both even and odd-gatis. This is shown in this Step called VIRUPULU or breaks. While 3-letters are running per beat in Trisra-gati Adi-talam the student displays the talent of uttering Jaathi containing 4 syllables, 5 syllables & 7 syllables per each Kriya that too in 3 varieties - (i) with individual syllables, (ii) with the combination of longer and shorter syllables and (iii) with first-consonant and rest silent, plus Avarthantha Chaturashra-break. This exercise is called 4-5-7.
Step - VI: Unlike in Step V, here, while 4-letters are running per beat in Chaturashra-gati Adi-talam the student pronounces 3 syllables, 5 syllables and 7 syllables (called 3-5-7), more over in 3-varieties again, with Avarthantha Khanda-break in the ending.
Step - VII: Most important and first step in our AMS Easy Methods - All Alankaras are taught primarily in Jathi-syllables, thereby named as JATI ALANKARAS. These Jathi Alankaras are taught in Chaturashra (4) and Trisra (3) Gatis to energise the student right from the word 'GO'.
The respective URL of the uploads to youtube is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants.
I shall be extremely happy if the reputed teachers also upload the videos of their talented students who are able to sing like our kids at all the different levels. amsharma ... OqCZzLWenk
Even though all the music-teachers teach the similar items or Talas or Ragas of Carnatic music, funnily, everybody claims to have his/her own methodology in teaching. But, unfortunately, they don’t realize that they all are merely following the illogical and irrational seriatim of items but not the grammar of music. Even those items the aspirants learn them by imitating their teacher while he/she sings but without the grammar.
Even while teaching it is desirable to the teacher to supply all the items to be taught to the aspirants along with the notated books, audio-files and video-files containing the same which facilitates the aspirants to rely upon them even in the absence of the teacher and practice on their own and learn as much and as quickly as they can basing upon their individual abilities. But, basically, as this kind of system is not followed in the quantitative system of teaching only very highly talented aspirants are able to come up.
Always thinking on these lines we have formulated a syllabus strictly basing upon the logical and rational views, brought out notated books, audio-files and video-files of all those lessons and supplied to each and every student even in the beginning. By all this, basing upon their individual abilities and hard work many talented students are able to swallow as much and as quickly as possible and become able to sing even concerts of 1 to 2 hrs learning in this standardized qualitative system of learning.
But, while admitting the aspirants into the class, it becomes very difficult to manage with both the efficients and in-efficients unless they all are efficiently trained to manage with both the even and odd-gatis i.e., Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis. In this respect it is very important to note that the 28-Speacial Laya-xercises are formulated for this purpose only and furnished along with the respective audio and video-files for the free utilization of all the aspirants all over the globe.
Very recently here on 26-04-2014 all our students have given a mini-concert for 2 hrs., bringing out all the items which, ultimately, helped them not only in becoming concert-singers but also efficient teachers.
SAMPRADAYA Sangeetha - Swara-Laya Vinyasa Sapthapadi (Based on AMS Easy Methods)
To exhibit an aspiring Student who has a real aptitude and right attitude - SAPTHAPADI - is the path of 7 Steps - sure ways to enable an aspirant to become a qualitative Carnatic Vocalist within a maximum duration of 5-years.
Step - I: Presentation of Ragam - Keerthana - Neraval - Swarakalpana with intricate arithmetical excellence.
Step - II: To present Step I, the student should be adept at the Varna Kramam, with profound knowledge of Gamakam & Kampitam, as also with the perfect ability to demonstrate the Gamakam & Kampitam of any part of any Varnam. Further, the Poorvangam and Uttarangam of the Varnam must be presented @ 4-6-8-notes per each Kriya.
Step - III: To learn Gamakam and Kampitam thoroughly, the aspirant should be fully familiar with all the Swaragatha-sthanas - for this to happen up to the completion of Geethams one has to be very strong at the flat-note position of all the Swaragatha-sthanas. For this, Geetham presentation also with Trisragati (i.e., 2-3-4 notes per each Kriya) is a must.
Step - IV: On one side, as we could note, while perfection is sought in Swaragatha-sthanas and Shruti; the student should definitely be put to rigorous training in Arithmetics i.e., LAYA intricacies from the inception. Here, the importance of prowess of uttering 1-2-3-4-6-8 syllables per each beat, in all the Sapta Talas is displayed.
Step - V: Student should also be accomplished to utter any Jaathi in both even and odd-gatis. This is shown in this Step called VIRUPULU or breaks. While 3-letters are running per beat in Trisra-gati Adi-talam the student displays the talent of uttering Jaathi containing 4 syllables, 5 syllables & 7 syllables per each Kriya that too in 3 varieties - (i) with individual syllables, (ii) with the combination of longer and shorter syllables and (iii) with first-consonant and rest silent, plus Avarthantha Chaturashra-break. This exercise is called 4-5-7.
Step - VI: Unlike in Step V, here, while 4-letters are running per beat in Chaturashra-gati Adi-talam the student pronounces 3 syllables, 5 syllables and 7 syllables (called 3-5-7), more over in 3-varieties again, with Avarthantha Khanda-break in the ending.
Step - VII: Most important and first step in our AMS Easy Methods - All Alankaras are taught primarily in Jathi-syllables, thereby named as JATI ALANKARAS. These Jathi Alankaras are taught in Chaturashra (4) and Trisra (3) Gatis to energise the student right from the word 'GO'.
The respective URL of the uploads to youtube is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants.
I shall be extremely happy if the reputed teachers also upload the videos of their talented students who are able to sing like our kids at all the different levels. amsharma ... OqCZzLWenk