Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

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Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

This is now available in the wiki (meanings to be added). I am planning to add other original literature both in Sanskrit and other languages


The text needs to be parsed pada-wise and english meanings of each nāma need to be added.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by cmlover »

Now one can easily do text search in it.
What is the Font used?

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

All unicode fonts (for example Arial) should work

All text on the wiki follow IAST - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internatio ... literation

These are the letters used:

a i u ṛ ḷ --- short vowels
ā ī ū ṝ ḹ --- long vowels
ai, e (for Dravidian languages the distinction is made between short e and long ē), for sanskrit e always is taken as long.
au, o (same treatment in Dravidian as ē above, for ō)
ṃ ḥ --- anuswAra and visarga (for Tamil ḥ is used for the Aytam)

k kh g gh ṅ
c ch j jh ñ
ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh ṇ
t th d dh n
p ph b bh m
y r l v
ś ṣ s h

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

The reason I decided to add other literature is to see how the carnatic composers have borrowed lexical terms from prevailing literature.. we are told Dikshitar was a Srividya upasaka and borrowed terms from the Lalita Sahasranama..

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by vgovindan »

I have converted this into Devanagari version using my software. I am studying it comparing with printed editions. I shall come back with my comments.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by vgovindan »

Slokas 1 - 10
2 - simhAsana - also means 'throne'
2 - sama anvitA - I think, if at all, it should be split as 'sam-anvitA'
2 - krOdhA kAra - krOdha AkAra

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

Thanks Sri Vgovindan. I will update it with your suggestions. You can register and update as well if you like.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by arasi »

Glad that you started this, srkris.

Good to see Vgovindan participating.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

Thanks Arasi. If Dikshitar used terms from the Lalitopakhyana as a base for his compositions on Śakti, obviously other composers would have used other sources for their inspired compositions, so other literature will need to be also in the wiki to see what the composer concerned really was thinking about when they were composing.

A lot of significant work is going to follow.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by cmlover »

One other could be Valmiki Ramayana though it will be bulky.
Our Govindan with his vast experience of Thyagaraja will be able to track the references in Thyagaraja's compositions...

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

I have Valmiki Ramayana on my laptop all ready :-)

Not translated though, anvaya is more difficult than I thought.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by vgovindan »

I am unable to edit the post. Therefore, I am giving hereunder my suggestions.
(Names upto 200)
mUla nyAsa -
for 'cintita phalA vAptyarthE' read 'cintita phala avAptyarthE'

for 'aNimAdibhi rAvRtAM' read 'aNimAdibhir-AvRtAM'

for 'smarE dambikAM' read 'smarEd ambikAM'

stOtra -
15 - for 'ashTamI candra vibhrAja-dalikasthala SObhitA'
read 'ashTamI candra vibhrAjad-alikasthala SObhitA'

Meaning -
4 - for 'fire pitcher' read 'fire pit'

8 - rAga svarUpa pASADhyA
'rAga' IMHO means 'attachment', 'desire'.

9. for 'krOdhA kAra' read 'krOdha AkAra'

25. for 'Suddha vidya' read 'Suddha vidyA'

28. 'kAmESa' refers to Her consort kAmESvara and not cupid.

41. for 'Indra kOpa' read 'Indra gOpa'.

48. for 'who has the store house' read 'who is the store house'.

52. for 'angasthA' read 'ankasthA'.

59. for 'padmA Tavi' read 'padma aTavi'.

76. for 'Vishuka' read 'Vishukra'.

77. for 'look of the face' read 'look at the face'.

81. for 'pasupatha arrow' read 'pasupatha missile'.

82. for 'arrow' read 'missile'.

86. for 'madya' read 'madhya'.

100. for 'tie' read 'knot'.

103. for 'in the form of she who orders' read 'in the AjnA chakra'

108. for 'shaTcakrah pari' read 'shaTcakrah upari'.

109. for 'mahA saktiH' read 'mahA AsaktiH'.

111. for 'thread from lotus' read 'fibre of lotus stalk'.

123. it is generally split as 'SAradA ArAdhyA'.

144. words 'of the ties of the world' seem to be superfluous.

152. 'causeless' is more appropriate.

154. 'upAdhi' generally refers to 'attributes'.

158 and 159. 'mada' is generally translated as 'pride', 'arrogance'.

174. 'nirbhavA' would mean 'beyond cyclces of birth and death'.

176. 'vikalpa' is generally translated as 'alternative'.

178 and 179. 'bhEda' is generally translated as 'differentiation'.

180. 'nirnASA' would mean 'eternal' or 'beyond destruction'.

181. 'nishkriyA' would mean 'actionless'.

182. nishparigrahA' - She is the bestower of every gift. None can gift her anything. That is the purport.

190. 'durgA' generally means 'difficult to access'.

199. 'Sakti' is generally translated as 'energy'.

Rest will follow.
V Govindan

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by srkris »

Dear Sri Govindan, you will now be able to edit. I will incorporate your suggested corrections in any case.

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by vgovindan »

On a second thought, I would not like to edit it myself, because you have taken a lot of pain in compiling this. You should be having your own reasons for giving the meaning versions. Therefore, I would request you to consider my suggestions and incorporate or modify or reject as you may consider it necessary.
V Govindan

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Re: Śrī Lalitā Sahasranāma (Roman Transliteration)

Post by vgovindan »

My comments on SlOkas 201-300 are as under -

200. 'mangaLa' is generally translated as 'auspicious'.

201. 'sadgati' is generally translated as 'salvation'.

203. 'sarvamayI' would generally be translated as 'who is everything'

207. 'unmanI' is a technical term for highest form transcendental state.

210. for 'mahAlakshmIr' read 'mahAlakshmIH'.

212. 'mahA' would generally refer to 'mahat' - the all embracing.

215. 'mAyA' - illusory nature of appearance.

217. for 'mahASaktir' read 'mahASaktiH'. Sakti is 'power' or 'energy'.

223. for 'mahAbuddhir' read 'mahAbuddhiH'.

224. for mahAsiddhir' read 'mahAsiddhiH'.

232. for 'will be' and 'to be' read 'is'

234. 'mahA tripura sundari' is the name of 'para dEvatA'. 'tripurA' generally refers to the three-fold aspects like 'seer', 'seeing' and 'seen' - 'measure' , 'measurer' and 'measured'.

236. this refers to 64 fine arts.

240. 'candra maNDala' refers to region of 'sahasrAra'.

251. 'cit' refers to pure consciousness.

253. 'vijnAna' generally refers to 'wisdom'.

256. viSva rUpA - Universal form perceived by jIva in waking state.

257. jAgariNI - jIva in waking state.

258. svapantI - jIva in dream state

259. taijasAtmikA - Luminous form perceived by jIva in dream state

260. suptA - jIva in deep sleep.

261. prAjnAtmikA - Pure conscious state (conjoined with avidyA) in which jIva remains in deep sleep.

262. turyA - Pure conscious state of jIva pervading the three states - waking, dream and deep sleep - stated to be experienced in samAdhi.

265 - brahma rUpA - Form of brahmA (Trinity).

275 - bhAnu maNDala madhyasthA - for 'sun's universe' read 'solar orb'

282 - 283 - 284 - 'sahasra' generally means 'countless'.

286 - 'vidhAyinI' is generally translated as 'established'.

287 - this would be translated as 'whose commandments are vEdAs'.

289 - for 'sindhoora fills up' read 'sindhoora that fills up'.

291 - 'dharma' is ethical conduct.

292 - 'pUrNa' is generally translated as 'all encompassing whole'.

298 - who is counterpart of nArAyaNa.

299 - 'nAda' is 'cosmic sound' - music is only an aspect of 'sound'.

V Govindan

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