Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

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Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by classicallover »

Saint Tulasidas created a Prashnavali , which actually is an answer grid. Nine types of answers are given in the grid. If you want to know whether a certain work will be successful, just close your eyes and put your finger on one of the lettered squares at random. Depending on the letter obtained, one of the answers will emerge.

The procedure to get the answer :

1. Close your eyes and pray to God to give a favourable result.
2. Think of the question, close your eyes and put your finger on one of lettered squares in the grid.
3. Note the letter selected, and start counting from the letter from left to right first and then from top to bottom
4. All the letters so collected will form an answer which would be from one of the nine answers.

The answer grid is considered very holy and an effective guide.

Please don't :

A. repeat the process for the same question.
B. ask more than one question a day.
C. ask for optional answers like shall I or shall I not go to buy a TV today. It doesn't help. Be positive in your asking.
D. ask questions to test the grid. Lest you may be tested !!
E. throw the paper anywhere you like. Keep it in puja room.

Softwares and online grids are also available but they cannot have the same sanctity as a printed hardcopy.

( How to upload pics - jpeg, gif, etc on this forum ? I can upload the pics for the grid and answers. )
Last edited by classicallover on 08 Dec 2012, 22:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by Rsachi »

Dear Classical Lover,
I have created a step by step instruction for you in this new post on how to post a picture:
Please try it. I think it should work.
Good luck!
Sachi R

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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by classicallover »




Procedure :

Close your eyes and pinpoint your pencil or probe on one square. Write down that letter . Then start counting and write down the letter in every 9th square ( excluding the pinpointed square ). Start counting from left to right first upto the bottom and then continue from top until you reach the original square again. Assemble all the letters and you will get one of the nine answers. The meaning of the answers is given below them in easier Hindi.

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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by cmlover »

Pl give an example.
Say the question is "Will the earth come toan end on Dec 12th according to the Mayan calendar"?
Say we randomly started on the last but one letter 'na' on the second row...

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

Check this:

As suggested therein, count and select the letters. The strings of letters/words you get will be part of any one of the nine listed verses of Ramcharitamanas.

You have selected 'न' from the second line! If you start counting as instructed, you will get - नगरकीजेसबकाजा ... ..., or when separated into words नगर कीजे सब काजा .... This is part of the No.2 song, i.e. प्रबिसि नगर कीजे सब काजा हृदय राखि कौसलपुर राज
For this verse, the quoted result is: SUCCESS IS ASSURED!

IN SHORT, there are only nine verses; and there are only two answers - (1) Success is assured, (2) Success is doubtful.


If you do not want to go through this drill, you can use a 3x3 grid having numbers from 1 to 9. Select any number and get the answer!

The Sita Chakram given in 'pAmbu pancAngam' is a better option ! It gives 9 different answers !!


As for the construction of this 'Prashnavali', it is not complicated. Prepare a grid of 15x15 (as in this case) which results in 225 squares. If these are to be allotted to 9 verses, each one will get 25 squares. Now, select any nine verses having 25 letters each. A few letters more or less may not be a problem - there is a way out to handle them. Rg Veda verses in Gayatri chandas (with 24 letters) may be appropriate. First nine mantras of Rg Veda are in Gayatri; these can be taken. Or, select anything similar. Fill the first square with the first letter of the first verse, in the tenth square fill the second letter, etc.; After completing the first verse, start the second verse from the second square. Continue the process with all verses to complete all the squares. If there are blank squares; to fill these, break the letters (e.g. break का into two) to fill two squares instead of one! If there are shortage of squares to fit in the verses, two letters may be allotted to a square instead of one!

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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by cmlover »

Thanks PB
I am getting the gist as well as the mechanics of the construction.
Somebody should construct one based on Kamba Ramayana!

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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by classicallover »

On closer look, the number of " success assured " answers are five, while " success doubtful " answers are four. There is no such answer like " success denied " or no success. That is because, Saint Tulsidas knew what is Dharma. As per Dharma Shastra, no doctor, lawyer, purohit , astrologer or teacher should discourage the persons coming to them for redressal of grievances or relief.

Among the two types of answers too, there is a gradation or shades of success indicated.

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Re: Shalaka Prashnavali - Ramacharitmanas

Post by maduraimini »

Can anyone please post some Kabir Dohas? Thanks.

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