Meaning of krishNAshtakam
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vasudevasutam dEvam kamsaChaNooraMardhanam (1)
DEvakeeParamAnandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
ataseePushpaSankAsham hAranoopuraShobhitam (2)
ratnakankaNakeyooram Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
kutilAlakaSamyuktam PoorNaChandranibhAsanam (3)
vilasatkundaladharam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
mandAragandhasamyuktam chAruhAsam chaturbhujam (4)
barhiPinchAvachoodangam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
utphalaPadmaPatrAksham neelajeemootasannibham (5)
yAdavAnam shiroratnam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
rukmiNi Kelisamyuktam PeetAmbara Sushobhitam (6)
avApta Tulasigandham krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
gopikAnAm KuchadwandwakukumAnkitavakshasam (7)
shriniketam MahEshwasam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
shrivatsAnkam Mahoraskam VanamAlAvirAjitam (8)
shankachakradharam Devam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
krishnAshTakamidam puNyam prAtarutthAya yah paThet (9)
koTiJanmaKrutam PApam SmaraNena Vinashyati.
DEvakeeParamAnandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
ataseePushpaSankAsham hAranoopuraShobhitam (2)
ratnakankaNakeyooram Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
kutilAlakaSamyuktam PoorNaChandranibhAsanam (3)
vilasatkundaladharam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
mandAragandhasamyuktam chAruhAsam chaturbhujam (4)
barhiPinchAvachoodangam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
utphalaPadmaPatrAksham neelajeemootasannibham (5)
yAdavAnam shiroratnam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
rukmiNi Kelisamyuktam PeetAmbara Sushobhitam (6)
avApta Tulasigandham krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
gopikAnAm KuchadwandwakukumAnkitavakshasam (7)
shriniketam MahEshwasam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
shrivatsAnkam Mahoraskam VanamAlAvirAjitam (8)
shankachakradharam Devam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
krishnAshTakamidam puNyam prAtarutthAya yah paThet (9)
koTiJanmaKrutam PApam SmaraNena Vinashyati.
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vasudevasutam = son of vasudeva
dEvam = the divine
kamsaChaNooraMardhanam = killer of kamsa and chaaNoora
DEvakeeParamAnandam = One wh ogives great joy to Devaki
Krishnam = to Krishna
Vande = praise
Jagadgurum = to the guru of the universe.
ataseePushpaSankAsham = brilliant with the atasee flower
hAranoopuraShobhitam = shining with garland and anklet
ratnakankaNakeyooram = jeweled bangle and upper arm bracelet
rest same as above
kutilAlakaSamyuktam = one with curly hair
PoorNaChandranibhAsanam = one whose face is like the full moon
vilasatkundaladharam = wearing playful ear ornament
rest same as above
mandAragandhasamyuktam = One with fragrant sandalwood paste
chAruhAsam = one with lovely smile
chaturbhujam = one with four hands
barhiPinchAvachoodangam = one who has peacock feather on his head
rest same as above
utphullaPadmaPatrAksham = One whose eyes are like the full blown lotus
neelajeemootasannibham = Whose (body) like the dark (waterladen) cloud
yAdavAnam shiroratnam = one who is the crest jewel of the yadava clan
rest same as above
rukmiNi Kelisamyuktam = One with the sportive Rukmini
PeetAmbara Sushobhitam = one brightly adorned with peethaambaram
avApta Tulasigandham = one who has the smell of Tulasi
rest same as above
gopikAnAm KuchadwandwakukumAnkitavakshasam = one whose body is smeared with lumkum from the love-play of the gopis
shriniketam = one in whome lakshmi resides
MahEshwasam = who is the life breath of Shiva
rest same as above
shrivatsAnkam = One who has the birth mark srivatsa
Mahoraskam = one who has broad chest
VanamAlAvirAjitam = one who has garland of wild flowers
shankachakradharam Devam = the divine who bears shanku and chakram
rest same as above
krishnAshTakamidam = This krishnaaShTakam
puNyam = holy
prAtarutthAya yah paThet = to one who sudies waking up in the morning
koTiJanmaKrutam PApam = sins done in crores of lives
SmaraNena Vinashyati = will be destroyed just by the thought.
dEvam = the divine
kamsaChaNooraMardhanam = killer of kamsa and chaaNoora
DEvakeeParamAnandam = One wh ogives great joy to Devaki
Krishnam = to Krishna
Vande = praise
Jagadgurum = to the guru of the universe.
ataseePushpaSankAsham = brilliant with the atasee flower
hAranoopuraShobhitam = shining with garland and anklet
ratnakankaNakeyooram = jeweled bangle and upper arm bracelet
rest same as above
kutilAlakaSamyuktam = one with curly hair
PoorNaChandranibhAsanam = one whose face is like the full moon
vilasatkundaladharam = wearing playful ear ornament
rest same as above
mandAragandhasamyuktam = One with fragrant sandalwood paste
chAruhAsam = one with lovely smile
chaturbhujam = one with four hands
barhiPinchAvachoodangam = one who has peacock feather on his head
rest same as above
utphullaPadmaPatrAksham = One whose eyes are like the full blown lotus
neelajeemootasannibham = Whose (body) like the dark (waterladen) cloud
yAdavAnam shiroratnam = one who is the crest jewel of the yadava clan
rest same as above
rukmiNi Kelisamyuktam = One with the sportive Rukmini
PeetAmbara Sushobhitam = one brightly adorned with peethaambaram
avApta Tulasigandham = one who has the smell of Tulasi
rest same as above
gopikAnAm KuchadwandwakukumAnkitavakshasam = one whose body is smeared with lumkum from the love-play of the gopis
shriniketam = one in whome lakshmi resides
MahEshwasam = who is the life breath of Shiva
rest same as above
shrivatsAnkam = One who has the birth mark srivatsa
Mahoraskam = one who has broad chest
VanamAlAvirAjitam = one who has garland of wild flowers
shankachakradharam Devam = the divine who bears shanku and chakram
rest same as above
krishnAshTakamidam = This krishnaaShTakam
puNyam = holy
prAtarutthAya yah paThet = to one who sudies waking up in the morning
koTiJanmaKrutam PApam = sins done in crores of lives
SmaraNena Vinashyati = will be destroyed just by the thought.
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I was wondering as to what this 'atasee' flower is. This word is not found in the Sanskrit Dictionary. However, in the Tamil Dictionary, the word 'atasi' is found meaning 'saNal' which is 'zaNa' in Sanskrit.cmlover wrote:ataseePushpaSankAsham = brilliant with the atasee flower
The word 'atasee' appears in the same context - hue of the Lord - in the following website also but no further explanation is available there - ... 00005.html
However as per Telugu Dictionary 'atasi' is 'comman flax' and the botanical name is 'Linum Usitatissimum'; you may take a look at the picture of the flower of this plant in the web site - ... r2=tab-web
As I expected, the flower is dark-blue in colour - the hue of the Lord.
There is a similar word 'kAsAmbu' - The Lord is called 'kAsAmbu mEnian'. There is a mention 'nava kAza' in the tyAgarAja kRti 'evarurA ninnu vinA' rAga mOhanaM. As per Sanskrit Dictionary 'kAza' is 'wild sugar-cane' and the botanical name is 'Saccharum spontaneum '. The flower of this plant also is dark-blue. You may view the picture of the plant at the website - ... r2=tab-web
V Govindan
Last edited by vgvindan on 12 Sep 2006, 17:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Kishnashtakam - Here is a great group rendition by Sri Voleti and other musicians
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Arasi, Yes, now that you helped me correlate those with the one in the picture.. This kindled another memory... While walking along a forest preserve, we saw a similar bunch of flowers but with the strangest of colors, it is a variation on the hot pink. We are sure we have never seen it before and when we asked around, someone hypothesized that they are planting such altered plants along the walking path...All this time we thought this is a natural forest preserve...