Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Classical Music of North India
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Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by Ranganayaki »

Artist: Utsav Lal, Piano
Accompanied by: TBD :)
Venue: The Kennedy Center, Washington, DC
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Kennedy Center in Washington DC presented a Hindustani concert yesterday by Utsav Lal, known as the “Raga Pianist”. This was only my second Hindustani concert, the first one being a couple of days before that. Not being very familiar with Hindustani music, I find it hard to say very much, but yesterday’s experience was exhilarating.

Utsav Lal is a young man, almost still a child, and may be about 18 years old. He lived in Delhi and apparently currently lives with his family in Ireland. He is also a (western) classical and jazz pianist.

The concert began according to the tradition with an alaap, jhod and jhala in rag yaman (Kalyani in our CM). Utsav played with flair, his ideas flowed unhindered and he has complete mastery over the piano keyboard and taal. He played in perfect rhythm, without any overt show of taal. After the jhod, he played two compositions in raag yaman: one in a 7 beat cycle (rupak taal) and a second one in a faster tempo, in 16-beat teental.

After an intermission, he played what appeared to be mostly Carnatic raga Bagheshri.. At the end of the piece he did announce the raga to be Bagheshri, and I looked it up later and discovered that this raga is mentioned in different lists as equivalent to both Bagheshri and Sri Ranjni.. I did not experience the flavor of Sri Ranjani and to me it seemed all Bagheshri. I was clueless to the taal in the compositions – again, he played two pieces. I found out later that the first one was an 11-beat rudra taal, and then a faster tempo ek taal.

He then came back with a lovely mix of ragas, some kind of non-traditional blend as I found out later, and played a lovely Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram, and then suddenly, unexpectedly moved into Vaishnava Janato.. and the piece was a play between the two songs, moving from one to the other seamlessly and back. This piece was all improvisation, creativity and pizzazz and definitely brought to mind the jazz influence. This is supposedly not acceptable in a traditional concert, from a purist’s point of view, but I am sure he felt the freedom that an audience without preconceived ideas could give him.

I once again got my wish when he concluded with Hamsadhwani to my surprise. I wasn’t even aware that I loved Hamsadhwani so much, that I would (again) wish for it, as I had found myself doing earlier in the afternoon, and there, he played it too!

I wish I could say more and convey to you why I was so overjoyed with the music. I left the concert with that feeling of having received a loving gift. But I don’t have the technical knowledge to comment in greater detail even in Carnatic terms and I can only tell you that it was a sweet, stirring couple of hours. You should have seen his fingers fly, his imagination and his ideas flow, and his rapport with the tabla player, who was obviously excellent, and who seemed to enjoy the pianist too. The two seemed to have a strong regard for each other. Utsav Lal played with a constant focus on the tabla.. and each exchange brought forth smiles from both. I really wished I had greater knowledge but I am thankful that I could at least feel my way around the concert.
Last edited by Ranganayaki on 15 Mar 2011, 00:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by VRV »


A very nice review. Thank you. Would you know who accompanied Utsav Lal on the tabla. Was this a Millenium stage 6:00 PM recital or was it held elsewhere at the center. In your review you mentioned an intermission. Was the concert more than an hour and was this a ticketed event. Lastly when writing a review, please put the date of the event somewhere so that it is easy to search later on if someone has more info to provide on the artist. A nice place is always before you start the review. A format as follows would help.

Artist Name:
Accompanied by:

Once again thank you for the review.

Vinod Venkataraman

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Re: Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by Ranganayaki »

VRV, thank you! I did not mention that I was definitely going to find out the name of the Tabla player. I will get back to you on that. I will edit my posting to add the date very soon. Thank you for the suggestion. I really don't like the format, from a writing point of view.. but if it is helpful in any way, I will certainly add it. I could do that at the end of the writing, but put it at the top, so that it it right there, but doesn't take away my enjoyment :).

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Re: Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by VRV »


The format is a mere suggestion. If it impedes your writing flow in anyway please do not use it. Please use a format that makes you comfortable.

Vinod Venkataraman

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Re: Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by Ranganayaki »

VRV, missed answering your other questions.

This was not a Millenium Stage performance. It began at 7 30 and ended around 9 30. It was held at the Terrace Theater, capacity 475. The auditorium was full. And it was a ticketed event.

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Re: Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by rajeshnat »

In CM they start with hamsadhwani and likely go to that Prathi madhyama KalyAni. Usually in HM , almost all concerts have this yama raja dose of kalyAni(I meant yaman start) and ended with hamsadhwani , glad you enjoyed his play and thank you for your review.

Very recently Madurai GS Mani alternated shriranjani and bhAgeshri and sang a number like a HM-CM jugalbandhi and talked about how one can measuredly treat gamakas and give both bhAgeshri and shriranjani,that reference is there in my review which is right now bumped up.

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Re: Utsav Lal at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Post by Ranganayaki »

Rajesh, I remembered reading that review with the Bagheshri - Sri Ranjani comparison and tried to find it again using search terms, and couldn't. I thought I was mistaken, and had read it elsewhere and not at rasikas. Thank you for pointing to it.

Would you remember the details of what GS Mani said regarding the gamaka in the two versions? I did not get a Sri Ranjani flavor at all when I heard the Bagheshri, but there was a lot of the Carnatic Bagheshri in Utsav Lal's playing, as I said. Can you or anyone else explain this in greater detail?

Rajesh, I really don't dislike any ragas, no matter how much they are used, though I might get bored of some songs - I really didn't mind the Kalyani :) and the poor raga seems to just ask for that kind of word play :)!

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