Akella Mallikarjuna Sharma's Laya Training Methods

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Post by cmlover »

If you wish to debate the Training Techniques of Akella Mallikarjuna Sharmaji, you may do so here in a dignified and objective manner. No comments on personalities. Laya experts may freely express their views and pursue a scholarly discussion. Shri Sarmaji is requested to respond to questions if he pleases.

Let us all cooperate and preserve the intellectual and educational atmosphere in this Forum.


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Post by cmlover »

manjunath wrote:Sorry if written any thing wrong. I happen to visit Vizag and Vijayawada frequently last one year. I met some of Telugu friends and musician families in few concerts held there..and stayed in their houses for few days .There was a huge controversy on Akella ji’s students, his methods and not accepted by any musicians or lectures in A.P. This was indicated by not a ordinary persons all were renowned musicians. Another point was he never forced his children and grand children to learn music, since he felt not worth for good living. But he advises every one to learn music without studies. Some one was indicated even Akella ji pointed out Shyamasastry ,Purandaradasa for their wrong works. If he is really greater than them, it will be good if universities recognize him. To learn his methods students have to buy his books and CDs if not immediately ,later. Also there was a indication, Karnatic sangeetham is based on bhakthi Rasa , it required competent manodharma and simple guidance to excel and not the skales, parameters and methods. Teachers should not put systems for manodharma sangetham and bhakti. It should come naturally if some one interested in it. Also there was a discussion on his selection of the students. Point was he selects on laya test basis for training . But sells books to all through some teachers. This is wrong and one should not hurt the feelings of the children who wants to learn music. God has given laya in every one and this should not become a constraint to learn classical music. For a good student teachers efforts are less and they them self will come with simple training. Majority of the students are afraid of Maths subject and not with music. If Music is taught with interest many musicians will come up. If a poor student is made good from the system that will be called a good education method and not the good student to best one. This comment has come up only on his LAYA test method and not on anything else.

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Post by girish_a »

cmlover, I feel it would be better not to quote Mr. Manjunath verbatim here, as I feel his comments are a little irreverent, and could lead to hurt feelings and make the discussion go off on a tangent. I suggest that you edit Mr. Manjunath's comments so as to make it more objective and impersonal.

Last edited by girish_a on 28 Feb 2009, 19:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

Lest folks will pounce on me for interfering with their Freedom of Expression, I will not edit raw posts except for 'objectionable language'. The person posting should be questioned for his/her views and he/she has the right to defend or cede. Since I have no personal expertise I will not be moderating this debate!

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Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, cmlover, Just now I have accidentally seen this thread which you have started for the benefit of the aspirants. I shall certainly respond and do the needful as per my knowledge permits. amsharma.

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Post by msakella »

Dear members, Wherever I give Lecture-demonstration or conduct a work-shop on music I did never declare that my findings only are the final. More over, I always welcome any difference of opinion as such differences only help enhance the value of any system. I am always open for any rational discussion. amsharma
Last edited by msakella on 28 Feb 2009, 21:08, edited 1 time in total.

Nick H
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Post by Nick H »


Wouldn't it be a good thing to leave manjunath alone with his malicious gossip?

Let it be greeted with a resounding silence: let us ignore it.

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Post by mridhangam »

cmlover wrote:
manjunath wrote:This comment has come up only on his LAYA test method and not on anything else.

If you can say that the Laya Test method of Akella sir is wrong you have to prove it in clear terms and also cite and give examples of how it is poor or bad or wrong. Without empirical exercise and scientific reason finding our rasikas here are neither wayward nor fools to accept ur verdict about Akella Sir. Please prove your stand else the thread might just pass of as just a spurious thread. And we have instances many of the members who have been blocked from posting for obnoxious thread and you may also end up with such a fate.

I hope you will appreciate my questions. When u refute u better prove.

And one more thing i m not in anyway connected with Akella Garu. I havent even met sir.

Thank you
Last edited by mridhangam on 01 Mar 2009, 01:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by mridhangam »

nick H wrote:Rasikas,

Wouldn't it be a good thing to leave manjunath alone with his malicious gossip?

Let it be greeted with a resounding silence: let us ignore it.
Nick I am not going to leave it since he has raised a point about teaching techniques and that too about LAYA in which both of us are interested. Let him explain his stand and prove what is Akella's method and What is Manjunath's method in a logical and scientific way. let Mr.Manjunath not speak for someone else. If someone is behind Mr.Manjunath let him or her come to the open and say. then let us all learn. If Mr.Manjunath himself has found something wrong with Akella Sir's teaching then let him say that in clear, understandable terms. Then let us decide for ourselves. You cannot sell anything with nothing in it.

Last edited by mridhangam on 01 Mar 2009, 01:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by coolkarni »

Well I have had a good exposure to Akellaji and cant help penning some words from my perspective.

He is certainly old fashioned .One who does not believe that the road to dilution has to be taken , because Society demands it.
He has his views, some of them very strong and audible.
Which may cause embarassment ,say while having dinner in a packed HUSH HUSH Restaurant .
But he believes in them.

As far as monetary issues ar concerned , his demands have been practically nothing.
Over the years ,I have disappointed him ,perhaps , by not arranging his lecdems as part of our series.
It is a fact that I did not see a great thirst for the kind of stuff he was willing to propogate.(Since I am Laya-Disabled)
But months later when I met him with Sbala , the only question he was interested in was
" Did you finish those exercises "
Never mind if Sbala had just started dating a lady who was to become his wife within a few months :)

True.As one goes nearer to him , one is privy to the seamier side of the Music field -
However soft the seam.
But I have made my judgement that he speaks his mind on those issues , ONLY when asked.

He has answered the question of his own kids not taking up music , purely for lack of talent .
And because of the choices he gave them as adults.
Not because he did not believe in his own principles.

Making him answerable to the questions raised by Manjunath is improper , especially when One looks at all the posts till date by Manjunath.
And If I were Haribabu , I would not have chosen the path he has , after his recent experiences.

Most Vidwans Change Tracks and Gurus on their road to growth and I know it is a very difficult path.
And a painful Choice.
Not very difficult to get the reasons.
I myself love my maths Teacher in Middle School as well as Engineering for totally different reasons.

The Chap at My Engg College was an agriculturist and he would barge in from his fields(Siddaramaiah) at the appointed hour at a Sunday Special Class (Closer to Exam times) , ask us for any random question from any of the previous exam papers , struggle with it in front of us and, 9 times out of 10, would solve it.

The Middle school Teacher looked like God to me -to my young eyes.
He was so fastidious.Everything was possible by him .

The College Professor was as human as one could get.He never felt bad about the 1 problem he failed to crack.That one question, it turned out , would help us more than the 9 he had cracked.

What fascinates me about the workshop is that NSG Sir has "guaranteed" a set of knowledgeable students ,. something which Chennai has not offered till now - Since the first work shop I attended at Sastri Hall .
Akella Will Love it .
Even then ,He was equally sincere with the small gathering that included the likes of me :)

As far as making money through Books and Cds are concerned - I have been involved with VK in the logistics part to make it possible to be uploaded .But I have never got the slightest impression that he has been after money.

He comes from a different generation with a different set of values- something that is fast disappearing from our lives.
Outspoken , he is .
Like anyone else who is built like a WWF wrestler.
It is that energy that makes him do it , perhaps.

SO to conclude , it must be an interesting time at the workshops.
Coming , as it does, in a period where I have come across another instance of brutalising Girirajasutha Thanaya by the so called Carnatic Fusion artists, we as unbiased bystanders should laud these efforts .

PS I have been learning my ropes to keep away from contentious subjects , for fear of making more enemies here , but wrote this for Akella's sake.These words are not for extending an argument and so I will not be coming back with a response to responses.
Last edited by coolkarni on 01 Mar 2009, 07:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sbala »

coolkarni wrote:But months later when I met him with Sbala , the only question he is interested in is " Did you finish those exercises " Never mind if Sbala had just started dating a lady who was to become his wife within a few months :)
Hope this doesn't result in another thread called 'sbala's dating methods'.

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Post by coolkarni »

I have some idea
Arranging her hairstyle , yet again , in plaits and discussing about DNA structure
Lifting her and walking past a thorny bush as part of your Martial Dance Training

More when we meet - we have lesser tolerance for this kind of banter,here, these days :)

Nick H
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Post by Nick H »

I don't think that manjunath's post should have been allowed --- but I hasten to stress that that is my personal opinion and not in any way picking argument with the moderators of this site. Moderators cannot win! If they had deleted this post, someone wold be crying for free speech*.

Still, I have to applaud Cool's informed, level-headed and fair statement.

*I rather like the stated moderators' view of this aspect on one of the internets biggest blog sites: of course there is free speech on the internet, you can say anything you like on your own website!

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Post by bilahari »

If you look at manjunath's posts, they have initially been very complimentary of Akellaji, and then suddenly now derogatory. This has coincided exactly with the Vinay Rahul spat. Thus Manjunath's post was not, I'd say, rational and certainly did/does not merit our discussion. I'm with Nick on this. But this is just my opinion.

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Post by coolkarni »

Thanks Haribabu for the clarification.I was not referring to your decisions per se.
Only the thread on the NEW GURU.
I do accept your concern regarding your son's interests.Only wanted to point out that this comes up in most Artists career and that it has been a tradition to be discreet about these issues.
Otherwise my only intention was to give a correct picture of Akellaji.
Last edited by coolkarni on 01 Mar 2009, 13:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

We had made this thread available in the interest of 'Freedom of Expression'. The initiator Mr Manjunath has since ceased to participate or corroborate his contentions. Apparently Sarmaji has graciously accepted to discuss his methods and answer queries during the forthcoming workshop at NSG sir's residence.
http://rasikas.org/forums/viewtopic.php? ... house.html
Further discussions can be profitably carried out in those sessions and may be reported at this Forum. Additional valuable clarifications have been provided by other participating members. Since there is no need to prolong the discussions herein, this thread is now happily closed for further discussions.

Thanks for all your kind participations!
