Is the eduppu variable for Ata tala varnams?

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Is the eduppu variable for Ata tala varnams?

Post by sureshvv »

Usually I have found that ata tala varnams have the eduppu on the ring finger. Is this true? Can this be changed?

In a recent concert I attended, the eduppu was on the beat. It seemed very consistent in total though.

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Re: Is the eduppu variable for Ata tala varnams?

Post by MaheshS »

Discussion on Ata tala varnam eduppu's,


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Re: Is the eduppu variable for Ata tala varnams?

Post by shankarank »

I will add one more to the speculations. The number "3" is significant in carnatic music and a short phrase can have the opportunity to pause with odd feel over even. "5" might have felt longer especially in a slow pace.

A half an eduppu in Adi tAlA 2 kalai for example gets a remainder divisible by 3 : 16 -4 = 12 before the sahitya can pause even in the middle of pURvAnga after the first two aksharas.

dEsadi tAla of modern times in shorter span gives a a remainder divisible by 5. 16 - 6 = 10.

A 3/4th eduppu in 2-kaLAI gives a remainder divisible by 5 until the mid pURvanGA position ( 2 Aksharas)

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Re: Is the eduppu variable for Ata tala varnams?

Post by shankarank »

Actually, going from bhairavi and kalyAni varNams - taking it from ring finger lands the first word viriboNi and vanajakshi on the Sasabda kriya (Arudhi landing , pause and kArvai ( vowel elongation post that)) - which is central to many kriti and pallavi constructions. And that is the clear musical reason for setting it that way!

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