Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

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Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by draupadi »

Can somebody please post lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami". I would be very grateful.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Lakshman »

varaTTum svAmi. rAgA: sAvEri. Adi tala. Composer: ?

P: varaTTum svAmi (kumAra) (muttukumAra) avarkku vaghai solli pAraDI
A: tiraTTup-pAl kumaTTip-puraTTuttanamAi eLLi tOzhi ange pOnavan bAla kumAran ingE
C: iccagam sonnadellAm marandadO - inbamAi Ukki irundadO angE
paccai pAmbATTum viddai terindadO mettap - paDikkap-paDikka buddhi tirindadO metta
niccayam tappi manam accamilAmal angE iccai koNDu pOnavan paccai mayilEri

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by draupadi »

Thank you very much!!!!! Could somebody also help with the translation?

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

Is there an audio link? Some words need correction.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Lakshman »

I found out that the song is by Kavi Kunjara Bharati. Here are the complete lyrics:

varaTTum vandAl. rAgA: sAvEri. Adi tALA.

P: varaTTum vandAl avarkku vaghai solgirEnaDi
A: tiraTTup-pAl kumaTTip-puraTTuttanamAi ennait-tEDi angE pOna bAla kumAran ingE
C1: iccagam sonnadellAm marandadO enran iNakkam appOdu rucittirundadO inda
paccai pAmbATTum viddai terindadO mettap-paDikkap-paDikka buddhi tirindadO shonna
niccayam tappi manadaccamilAl angE iccai koNDu pOnavan paccai mayilEri ingE
2: koDutta marundu talai koNDadO naNDu kozhuttu vaLaiyai viTTu viNDadO ippO
taDutta kaDai malivu kaNDadO seida sattiya mANaiyellAm puraNDadO oru
kuDattil viLakku pOla naDattak-koNDu tOLinil aDuttirundu sevi kaDitta muzhu vanjakan
3: kalikkuNmai viLakkiya shIlan nALum kavi kunjarattukk-anukUlan himaya
malaik-kumari peTraruL bAlan ennai maruvi magizhum vaDivElan manam kalaikku
mangaiyar Ashai valaikkuL sikkum shikhaNDi malaik-kumaranin iniyenralaikkaDai vAsal tEDi

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Lakshman »

Meaning requested for this song please. Thanks.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

Lji..I will post in a bit.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

Lji - here's the translation of the pallavi, anupallavi, and the first and third caraNam. I am not clear about what is being refered to in the second.

This is a padam where the angry nAyika feels slighted by the fact that her paramour, muruga, has spent time with 'another' woman, and to add insult to injury, tries to pull wool over her eyes by claiming that he found himself at the other woman's place by mistake, when he was searching for the nAyikA.

varaTTum vandAl avarkku vagai solgirEnaDi

Let (him) come (varaTTum) (here)! When he comes (vandAl), I will be sure to set him (avarkku) straight (vagai solgirEnaDi) [1].

tiraTTup-pAl kumaTTip-puraTTuttanamAi ennait-tEDi angE pOna bAla kumAran ingE (varaTTum…)

(Let) the youthful (bAla) murugan (kumAran), who treacherously (puraTTutanamAi) went (pOna) there (angE) [2], (seemingly) in search (tEDi) of me (ennai) because he felt nauseated (kumaTTi) after eating ‘milk reduced with sugar’ (tiraTTuppAl) [3], (come) here (ingE) [4]! (When he does, I will be sure to set him straight)!

caraNam 1
iccagam sonnadellAm marandadO enran iNakkam appOdu rucittirundadO inda
paccai pAmbATTum viddai terindadO mettap-paDikkap-paDikka buddhi tirindadO shonna
niccayam tappi manadaccamilAl angE iccai koNDu pOnavan paccai mayilEri ingE (varaTTum…)

Has (he) forgotten (marandadO) all (ellAm) those words of flattery (iccagam) that he uttered (sonadu)? Did he relish (rucittirundadO) my (endan) acquiescence (iNakkam) [5] at that time (appOdu)? Has he understood (terindadO) chicanery (viddai) like (ATTum) this (inda) crude (paccai) snake (pAmbu)? Or, did his mind (buddhi) become twisted (tirindado) as he read (paDikka-paDikka) more and more (metta)? (Let him) who went (pOnavan) there (angE) of his own accord/with (koNDu) desire (iccai) after breaking (tappi) the assurance (niccayam) he had given (sonna) [6] me, without (illAmal) any fear/hesitation (accam) in his mind/heart (manadu), (come) here (ingE) atop (Eri) his colorful (paccai) peacock (mayil) (I will be sure to set him straight)!

caraNam 3
kalikkunmai viLakkiya shIlan nALum kavi kunjarattukk-anukUlan himaya
malaik-kumari peTraruL bAlan ennai maruvi magizhum vaDivElan manam kalaikka
mangaiyar Ashai valaikkuL sikkum shikhaNDi malaik-kumaran iniyenralaikkaDai vAsal tEDi (varaTTum...)

(Let) muruga (kumaran), the resident of SikhaNDi malai, the man of sterling character (SIlan) who explained/expounded (viLakkiya) the truth (unmai) to us in kali-yuga (kalikku), one who is always (nALum) [7] well-disposed (anukUlan) towards the poet (kavi) kunjara bhArati (kunjarttukku), the gracious (aruL) son (bAlan) born to (peTRa) the daughter (kumara) of the himalaya/himavAn (himaya-malai), the handsome spear-wielder (vaDivElan) who delights (magizhum) in embracing (maruvi) me (ennai), who gets caught/entangled/ensnared (sikkum) in the net/web (valaikkuL) of love (ASai) cast by women (mangaiyar) who want to lead his heart/mind (manam) astray (kalaikka) [8], (come)in search (tEDi) of the front entrance (talai kaDai vAsal) to my (en) house any more (ini) [9], (I will be sure to set him straight).

[1] avarkku vagai solgirEnaDi literally means “I will show/teach/tell (solgirEnaDi) him (avarkku) the proper way/means (vakai) (to do things)”
[2] angE in this padam refers to the house of the other woman
[3] tiraTTuppAl is a wonderful delicacy – did not know that it could induce nausea –even if consumed in excess!
[4] ingE in this padam refers to the nAyikA’s house/place
[5] the nAyikA’s acquiescence to accept muruga’s advances
[6] sonna is literally “that which was told”
[7] nALum is literally “daily/every day”
[8] kalaikka literally means “to destroy/disband/undo”
[9] EDITED based on PB-s explanation below
Last edited by rshankar on 04 Jun 2013, 22:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Lakshman »

Thanks so much rshankar. I will check on caraNa 2 to make sure the words are correct.

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

iniyenralaikkaDai vAsal tEDi
ini en talaikkaDai vAsal tEDi (இனி என் தலைக்கடை வாசல் தேடி)
'talaikkaDai vAsal' means 'front entrance (of the house)'

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

PB..thank you! Makes much more sense!

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

கொடுத்த மருந்து தலை கொண்டதோ?
நண்டு கொழுத்து வலையை விட்டு விண்டதோ?
இப்போ தடுத்த (இப்போது அடுத்த?) கடை மலிவு கண்டதோ?
செய்த சத்தியம் ஆணையெல்லாம் புரண்டதோ?
ஒரு குடத்தில் விளக்கு போல நடத்தக் (நடித்துக்?) கொண்டு
தோளினில் அடுத்தி இரண்டு செவி கடித்த முழு வஞ்சகன்

அடுத்தி - press, join

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

Lji - this one is really tough - I can't edit my previous post, so here is my attempt at the second caraNam. I hope the others will correct any mistakes here.

caraNam 2
koDutta marundu talai koNDadO? naNDu kozhuttu valaiyai viTTu viNDadO?
ippodaDutta kaDai malivu kaNDadO? seida sattiyam ANaiyellAm puraNDadO?
oru kuDattil viLakku pOla naDattaik-koNDu tOLinil aDutti irundu sevi kaDitta muzhu vanjakan (varaTTum…)

Has the love-potion (marundu) [1] that ‘She’ gave (koDutta) him gone (koNDadO) to his head (talai)? Has the crab (naNDu) become so fat (kozhuttu) that it has been taken out (viTTu) of the net (valaiyai) [2] and put up for sale (viNDadO) [3]? And now (ippOdu), has he come here, to the next (aDutta) doorway (kaDai), because he has realized (kaNDadO) it’s cheaper (malivu) here? Have all (ellAm) the oaths (sattiyam ANai) [4] he swore (seida) become false (puraNDadO) [3]? (Let) that total (muzhu) rogue/cheat/deceitful man (vanjacakan) who, assuming (koNDu) a deportment (naDattai) like (pOla) that of a (oru) lamp (viLakku) in a pot (kuDattil) [5], held/pressed (aDutti irundu) my shoulders (tOLinil), and whispered sweet nothings in my ears (Sevi kaDitta) (come here! When he does, I will be sure to set him straight).

[1] marundu typically means medicine, but here it means a medicine of special kind - sort of the potion that Snape would mix, perhaps?
[2] Lji kindly sent me the scanned pages with the sAhityam of this padam - and I think this word is vaLai, which means a circle/enclosure - is vaLai more appropriate here?
[3] I have translated viNDadO and puraNDado contextually - needs to be verified
[4] sattiyam and ANai both mean an 'oath' - I think they are used together to make the point that the nAyaka has broken several solemn oaths that he swore
[5] 'a lamp in a pot' (kuDattil viLakku) I think is a figure of speech (I am not familar with it) to mean something that is holy and pure and bright and open, everything the nAyaka is not, in this padam

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Dear sankar,
. In response to some points raised by you in the footnotes hereare some of my observations. If they bring any clarification and are helpful well and good.
marundhu--வசிய மருந்து, மருந்து வைத்தல்: a magic mixture surreptiously given with a view to attract/direct the love towards a particular person.
vaLai you are right it is வளை. a hole in the earth made by rodents. எலி வளை. a tamil proverb: நண்டு கொழுத்தால் வளையில் இருக்காது. The idea is if a crab grows bigger it will no longer stay(contended) in the small hole but it will come out in the open looking for " greener pastures".
- now he has realised that the shop next door. is cheaper( better)
-have all the promises and oaths he made thrown to the wind( overridden)
nadathai kondu= behaving like a docile /innocent guy சாது samarthu/ பையன்)
குடத்தில் இட்ட விளக்கு is also a proverb :"not known to the outside world";-"behaving like a lamp which lights only its small HOME
- keeping me pressed against his shoulder (so that I cannot see what is happening on the other side ; how picturesque for abhinayam!) he is whispering sweet nothings to
இரண்டு செவி =இரண்டாம் செவி into the ears of another (second ) person.
aduthi irundhu is also possible= keeping me pressed.

in anupallavi= thirattu pal thigattiyadhu= fed up with satiated( surfeit)instead of nausea.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

Mama - thank you so much for those explanantions. I would have never learned about these - that is why I love this forum! You made my day (week, and month too, perhaps)!
I am certain that these quaint usages of the language will become extinct since we no longer use the language in such a way. Even those of us that speak tamizh do not do it with the elan required to use such sayings and proverbs. I keep a list of the peculiar usages/sayings that my mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts use. I can guarantee that none of us (myself or my cousins) use those sayings anymore...:(
Ponbhairavi wrote:in anupallavi= thirattu pal thigattiyadhu= fed up with satiated( surfeit)instead of nausea.
I thought it was tigaTTi as well, but in the anupallavi, the word is 'tiraTTu pAl kumaTTi' which should be nauseating, right?

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

With all the explanations in post #14, I thought I would redo the whole thing with a comphrensive set of footnotes - so here goes:

varaTTum vandAl avarkku vagai solgirEnaDi

Let (him) come (varaTTum) (here)! When he comes (vandAl), I will be sure to set him (avarkku) straight (vagai solgirEnaDi) [1].

tiraTTup-pAl kumaTTip-puraTTuttanamAi ennait-tEDi angE pOna bAla kumAran ingE (varaTTum…)

(Let) the youthful (bAla) murugan (kumAran), who treacherously (puraTTutanamAi) went (pOna) there (angE) [2], (seemingly) in search (tEDi) of me (ennai) because he felt nauseated (kumaTTi) after eating ‘milk reduced with sugar’ (tiraTTuppAl) [3], (come) here (ingE) [4]! (When he does, I will be sure to set him straight)!

caraNam 1
iccagam sonnadellAm marandadO enran iNakkam appOdu rucittirundadO inda
paccai pAmbATTum viddai terindadO mettap-paDikkap-paDikka buddhi tirindadO shonna
niccayam tappi manadaccamilAl angE iccai koNDu pOnavan paccai mayilEri ingE (varaTTum…)

Has (he) forgotten (marandadO) all (ellAm) those words of flattery (iccagam) that he uttered (sonadu)? Did he relish (rucittirundadO) my (endan) acquiescence (iNakkam) [5] at that time (appOdu)? Has he understood (terindadO) chicanery (viddai) like (ATTum) this (inda) crude (paccai) snake (pAmbu)? Or, did his mind (buddhi) become twisted (tirindado) as he read (paDikka-paDikka) more and more (metta)? (Let him) who went (pOnavan) there (angE) of his own accord/with (koNDu) desire (iccai) after breaking (tappi) the assurance (niccayam) he had given (sonna) [6] me, without (illAmal) any fear/hesitation (accam) in his mind/heart (manadu), (come) here (ingE) atop (Eri) his colorful (paccai) peacock (mayil) (I will be sure to set him straight)!

caraNam 2
koDutta marundu talai koNDadO? naNDu kozhuttu valaiyai viTTu viNDadO?
ippodaDutta kaDai malivu kaNDadO? seida sattiyam ANaiyellAm puraNDadO?
oru kuDattil viLakku pOla naDattaik-koNDu tOLinil aDutti irundu sevi kaDitta muzhu vanjakan (varaTTum…)

Has the love-potion (marundu) [7] that ‘she’ gave (koDutta) him gone (koNDadO) to his head (talai)? Has the crab (naNDu) become so fat (kozhuttu) that it has left (viTTu) its small hole (vaLaiyai) [8] behind and come into the wide world looking for greener pastures (viNDadO)? And now (ippOdu), has he come here, to the next (aDutta) shop (kaDai) [9], because he has realized (kaNDadO) it’s cheaper (malivu) here? Have all (ellAm) the oaths (sattiyam ANai) [10] he swore (seida) been scattered to the winds (puraNDadO) [11]? (Let) that total (muzhu) rogue/cheat/deceitful man (vanjacakan) who, assuming (koNDu) a docile and seemingly innocent deportment (naDattai), like (pOla) a (oru) lamp (viLakku) in a pot (kuDattil) [12], held/pressed (aDutti irundu) me to his shoulders (tOLinil) [13], and whispered sweet nothings in my ears (Sevi kaDitta) [14] (come here! When he does, I will be sure to set him straight).

caraNam 3
kalikkunmai viLakkiya shIlan nALum kavi kunjarattukk-anukUlan himaya
malaik-kumari peTraruL bAlan ennai maruvi magizhum vaDivElan manam kalaikka
mangaiyar Ashai valaikkuL sikkum shikhaNDi malaik-kumaran iniyenralaikkaDai vAsal tEDi (varaTTum...)

(Let) muruga (kumaran), the resident of SikhaNDi malai, the man of sterling character (SIlan) who explained/expounded (viLakkiya) the truth (unmai) to us in kali-yuga (kalikku), one who is always (nALum) [15] well-disposed (anukUlan) towards the poet (kavi) kunjara bhArati (kunjarttukku), the gracious (aruL) son (bAlan) born to (peTRa) the daughter (kumara) of the himalaya/himavAn (himaya-malai), the handsome spear-wielder (vaDivElan) who delights (magizhum) in embracing (maruvi) me (ennai), who gets caught/entangled/ensnared (sikkum) in the net/web (valaikkuL) of love (ASai) cast by women (mangaiyar) who want to lead his heart/mind (manam) astray (kalaikka) [16], (come)in search (tEDi) of the front entrance (talai kaDai vAsal) to my (en) house any more (ini) [17], (I will be sure to set him straight).

[1] 'avarkku vagai solgirEnaDi' literally means “I will show/teach/tell (solgirEn) him (avarkku) the proper way/means (vakai) (to do things)” - the suffix 'aDi' indicates that the nAyika is pouring her heart out to her sakhi
[2] 'angE' in this padam refers to the house of the other woman
[3] 'tiraTTuppAl' is a wonderful delicacy – did not know that it could induce nausea –even if consumed in excess!
[4] 'ingE' in this padam refers to the nAyikA’s house/place
[5] the nAyikA’s acquiescence to accept muruga’s advances
[6] 'sonna' is literally “that which was told”
[7] 'marundu' typically means medicine, but here it means a love potion that 'she', the 'other woman' had given the nAyaka - sort of the potion that Snape would mix, perhaps? Confirmed by Sri Rajagopala Iyer (Post #14)
[8] See Sri Rajagopala Iyer’s explanation in post #14
[9] EDITED based on Sri Rajagopala Iyer’s explanation in post #14
[10] sattiyam and ANai both mean an 'oath' - I think they are used together to make the point that the nAyaka has broken several solemn oaths that he swore
[11] EDITED based on Sri Rajagopala Iyer’s explanation in post #14
[12] 'a lamp in a pot' (kuDattil viLakku) is a figure of speech to mean someone who is very private and not known to the outside world – like the lamp lights just the inside of the pot, so too this person ‘shines’ only inside their house – used sarcastically here to indicate that the nAyaka while pretending to stay within the confines of the house is letting his mind, eyes, and actions wander outside – EDITED based on Sri Rajagopala Iyer’s explanation in post #14
[13] Sri Rajagopala Iyer has provided a wonderful word picture of this in post #14 – the nAyaka holds the nAyika tightly to him, so that she is not able to see anything around her, or his actions, while all the while whispering sweet nothings into her ears
[14] 'sevi kaDitta' literally means “(the one) who bit (kaDitta) (my) ears (sevi)”
[15] nALum is literally “daily/every day”
[16] kalaikka literally means “to destroy/disband/undo”
[17] EDITED based on Sri PB’s explanation in post #10

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by rshankar »

Lji - is this a stand-alone padam, or is it part of kavi kunjara bhArati's azhagar kuravanji?

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Ponbhairavi »

thank you Dr shankar for your kind words.
I have read the whole translation again which is wonderful and accurate.
--It is குமட்டி and not திகட்டி. so you are right.The author has expressly wanted a stronger word.
- In charanam -1 -பச்சை பாம்பு ஆட்டும் வித்தை + could it be ":has he learnt the art ofmaking a green snake (a virgin girl ) dance to his tune."
- in charanam 2- ;இப்போது அடுத்த கடை மலிவு கண்டதோ ; which is the next shop? the nayika's house or the other woman's house? Both are possible since the kumaran is now expected to return to the nayika's house. If it is taken to mean the nayika's house ( your choice ) one word should be changed:
"has he come here to the next shop use" from" instesd of to that is :" has he come here from the shop next door".
'my alternative would be: has he gone to the next shop because he found it is cheaper there.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by arasi »

Some song!

Your alternative--because it's cheaper in the next shop--meaning 'more easily available and manageable' is my guess. The pachaip pAmbu reference works here--that the young one can be managed more easily.

As 'sock it to you!" as the song is, the complexity of it is seen in the conflicting feelings of the woman expressed here. In angry words, she establishes her superiority over an untrained courtesan. Yet, her fears about his abandoning her for a younger woman surfaces in the lines.

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Ponbhairavi »

Arasi- thanks.pachai pAmbu Attum viddai= may be the word trick would be better than the word art. whereas the movements of swan,deer, peacock and even elephant( cf Dr padma subramanyam,sGanesha walk ) have been depicted in other padams, this piece gives the unusual scope of depicting a crab's movements: reaching the exit of the hole, give an apprehensive look around with wide eyes and then move around hither and thither in jerky LATERAL movements

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Re: Lyrics and translation of padam "Varattum Swami"

Post by Indran »

Dear Rasikas,
Can someone send me this song or a link of the full version if possible please. Audio please.

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