AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

To teach and learn Indian classical music
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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations: 20

Most unfortunately, from time immemorial, no logic method to learn music very quickly and efficiently has ever been evolved by our Sangitakalanidhis & Padmashrees (we have even some fake Sangitakalanidhis & Padmashrees too) to cater the needs of the poor aspirants. Except me I have never seen another person in our forum who extensively and logically writes about our poor aspirants to find remedies to their plights. Presuming music a bullock cart an aspirant barely needs the basic knowledge how to efficiently manage the two bulls, beat & note of the cart to perform the journey in music without any incident. But, very sadly, instead, our stalwarts chose in making a student perennial dependent upon the so called GURU for many elongated years to come in merely listening to the items sung by the teacher and to reproduce them by absolute imitation only but not to get any knowledge as this facilitates the teacher not only to carry on his/her regular practice of the art but also simultaneously to escape from the responsibility of inculcating the required knowledge into the aspirant. In our great country,
INDIA even computers think twice to work honestly.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

From 644th to 650th post other title of the topic is intruded.

Now the topic 'Students discontuance' is at two places and if I want to continue from where should I continue?

This is your website and you have every liberty to do what you like. But, I shall be thankful if Mods solve my problem and guide me properly. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Hello Mods,
At this fag end of my life I cannot become a hypocrite and remain as a mere spectator of events of this forum. This is dead against my consciousness and I want to get out of this forum with immediate effect. Kindly do the needful and releive me immediately. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by RasikasModerator1 »

@msakella We have fixed the title and corrected some post numbers. We missed that. It's a problem when we are moving posts, that automatically the title is not changed. But now there should not be any problem.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Ok dear, I am satisfied and shall come back. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 21:

From my age of 3 yrs. I was playing Mridangam without learning from anybody but imitating other Mridangists. From 8 yrs. I was teaching and performing too in music. Having faced a lot of problems both as an aspirant and as an inefficient teacher too I have bitter experiences even after my retirement. That's why my utmost preference has always been to strive hard in shaping the poor aspirant as a reliable teacher far more than a parasitic performer.

In the absence of any logical method of learning music, since many centuries, mainly the invaluable time, energy and money of the poor aspirant are going waste and this simultaneously paved way to the teachers to take this an an advantage and deceive not only the poor aspirants and their parents but also the innocent public too.

For all these things a 'time-bound and result-oriented' logical (not traditional at all) plan has to be evolved and implemented with the main aim of enabling the aspirant sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas alongwith brief Ragalapanas too even before learning the first Kriti hardly within the first year of learning and with the barest minimum dependence upon the teacher. By the grace of the Almighty this has become possible and since last two years a
beneficial package of Kalpanaswaras has been implemented and in the meantime more than 30 kids have been trained in both the Telugu States to sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas even before learning the first Kriti hardly within the duration of two months. This package has financial incentives also for talented kids. For example while the value of this package is of $ 500/- for 60 days duration an amount of $ 400/- will be paid back to the candidate who can finish off successfully within 15 days, $ 300/- to the candidate of 30 days, $ 200 to the candidate of 60 days. Beyond that no amount will be paid back but the candidate is allowed to finish off within 75 days (in India this is in Rupees). This was held through phone & WhatsApp/Telegram.

This is of the basic 2-level of the total 5-level Kalpanaswaras project for the aspirants of both Vocal & Instrumental disciplines. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 21:

While initiating (not teaching or cheating) the kids in learning music the main aim must be to inculcate the knowledge of beat and note and how to manage them independently while moving further and further
in singing creative music but not merely imitating the teacher while singing a number of compositions for many years. Even in trying to sing this creative music many experiments revealed that Svarakalpana is the main entrance to creative music and if the aspirant is properly guided by an efficient and honest teacher and equipped with the needed pdf, audio & video files such aspirant prospers excellently and very quickly.

For this mainly the aspirant must go through certain typical and critical rhythmical exercises compulsorily to attain higher standards. For example two YouTube links in which two very critical rhythmical exercises exhibited by a 13 yr. old kid Chi. Prajna are furnished hereunder (telephone numbers are not furnished as they are not allowed previously by some learned people). She is the disciple of my disciple Chy. Sow
Krishnaveni from Warangal.

I shall be very glad if any other music-teacher tries to
make their students render the same and furnish the respective links of their videos hereunder. amsharma

Prajna-Khanda chapu:

Prajna-Mishra chapu:

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 23 :

Since last more than 15 years I have relentlessly been working dawn to dusk on the easy methods in learning our music for the benefit of our kids. Along with them I have been doing so many other related things also like writing notated books folloed by audio CDs/DVDs, hundreds of videos in youtube
and several articles in etc., etc., by which thousands of our kids all over the globe are being benefitted directly or indirectly saving their invaluable time, energy and money a lot all over the globe. Much of all these details are available in the back pages of this thread. But, most surprisingly, in general, no sensible teacher has ever come out to exihibit the talents of their kids through these columns.

All along these years of study and experimentation it became very clear that the efficient and honest music-teacher sings or plays himself/herself for less than 5% but initiates the student work independently for more than 95% and all other teachers are only to make money under the guise of a great GURU but can never make the student sing or play Svarakalpanas or Ragalapanas on their own even though they are not cheaters or rogues or traitors or hypocrites but great Gurus and gentlemen. That's why no sensible teacher has ever come out to exihibit the talents of their kids through these columns and there is no point in posting our students' achivements in these insensible columns.
In fact, this 'Bigginers 'Q & A' - Learning Area' thread is a criminal waste never having any discussions at all. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 24

I have no objection if you all stamp me as a cheater or rogue or traitor and unanimously remove me along with all my articles I have written from this insensible forum with immediate effect but I never hesitate to call all these music-teacher-enemies who cannot make the kids sing mathematical and creative Svarakalpanas in all the six popular Talas within one year CHEATERS or ROGUES or TRAITORS of this land spoiling all the kids since many centuries right from the first day of learning music.
Many misdeeds of them have already been reiterated many times in my previous articles but all our hypocrites have always been used either to turn a blind-eye or a deaf-ear towards them. The person who cannot train his/her students in this manner cannot be called as a music-teacher at all. These CHEATERS or ROGUES or TRAITORS are the sole cause for all this chaotic and pathetic condition of the music aspirants worldwide.

As each and every music-teacher himself/herself has very well been aware that he/she is a CHEATER or ROGUE or TRAITOR none of them came out open and challenged me to prove them wrong which I would have done it very easily then and there. But, all others who do not want to call them CHEATERS or ROGUES or TRAITORS have thus become the true hypocrites.

Since last more than twenty years I have very closely been observing all these musicians all over the globe and found that there is not even a single efficient and honest music-teacher among all of them who sings or plays for less than 5% only and initiates the students work independently for more than 95% in the process of singing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within a year even before learning the first Kriti. Can any music-teacher do this
and furnish the chronological evidence of the respective videos?

And as per my past experience it is not that easy with all these egoistic, selfish and foolish music-cheaters to transform them into efficient and honest music-teachers to produce highly talented students in maintaining higher standards of our art
and I have already furnished many more details of these gentlemen in many articles of this thread.

In the 22nd item of these helpful observations a little
13 yr. old kid Chi. Prajna (6 months baby in music),
disciple of my disciple, Chi.Sow. Krishnaveni from Warangal rendered two typical rythmical exercises very efficiently and excellently. The music-teacher who can make his students efficiently render the above two exercises is a reliable music-teacher and by sincerely following the logical method he/she only can make his/her students sing both mathematical and creative Svarakalpanas in all the six popular Talas hardly within the duration of only one year and all others cannot do this. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 25

While the parasitical Sangitakalanidhis and Padmashrees have always been used only to squeeze the society the teacher always feel it as a duty and strives hard to enlighten the society.
But, a police constable turned thief must be punished very severely, a music-teacher turned
cheater or rogue or traitor must also be punished very severely and, simultaneously, a true-music-teacher must also be honoured openly and suitably.

Now recently I have entrusted this '2021-Kalpanasvara project-3' to my disciple
WglKv Krishnaveni. She in turn has been doing her best by ably training her disciples in this project.
The following links are of her disciple, KolkataKv Chandrabala's recordings and both must be honoured with accolades. amsharma

20210323-01.trisra roopakam- K.S -1,2,3 2nd level by Kolkata kv P.Chandra bala ... oW9ZHY-79i

20210327-03.Misrachapu K.S-1,2,3 2nd level by Kolkata kv P.Chandrabala ... g4B62GNoYI

20210329-02.Roopakam K.S-1,2,3 2nd level by Kolkata kv P.Chandrabala ... zq9uwZIln2

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 26

Since many centuries the egoistic and selfish music-teachers, instead of enabling the aspirant manage both with the beat and note wantonly made him/her perennial dependent upon the teacher for an elongated period of many years to come in the process of directly listening to him singing and
learning a large number of compositions. From Sangita Sampradaya Pradarshini around 1900 even though compositions even with symbolised notation are available this notations have been ditched off by these Great Gurus. Thus for many years giving the aspirant the notated compositions or pre-recorded CDs have been out of question!

Music should be learnt by listening to others music
direct face to face or pre-recorded music. Even though the sound-recording gadgets came into existence long long ago none of these CHEATERS or
ROGUES or TRAITORS ever brought out any music book with notated compositions and pre-recorded CDs.

For the first time in the history I have brought out five music books with 3 kinds of notations and pre-recorded CDs. With the help of the same
the aspirant, KolkataKv Chadrabala in the previous post sang both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras very ably and excellently. Can any other music-teacher attempt this to do?

In the same manner recently 10 yrs. old kid, Chi. Varnika, daughter of WglKv Krishnaveni sang all the Alankaras @ 1-2-3-4-6 & 8 per beat.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 27

Since last more than 20 years I, without singing myself even Sa or Pa, have been able to initiate many kids render not only intricate rhythmical exercises but also sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within the first year of learning even before learning the first Kriti.

In this respect I have also uploaded many videos of my disciples to my Youtube channel as a
chronological proof showing that any efficient and honest music-teacher can certainly do so not only in helping the poor aspirants and their respective parents but also to the art. But, till now not even a single Sangitakalanidhi or Sangitakalacharya or Padmashree had ever done so. Then are they not
cheaters or rogues or traitors or am I a cheater or rogue or traitor for having successfully done so???

Even from the first day of lesson without singing or dancing himself/herself who properly and efficiently initiates the student in singing or dancing is the only efficient teacher. In such case you will not find even a single efficient teacher on this globe! That's why all these cheaters or rogues or traitors agitate for the removal of this inconvenient clause or for reservations. Then what about these fake Sangitakalanidhis or Sangitakalacharyas or Padmashrees. They can also ask for reservations. Why not!

I have no business to demean any music-teacher if he/she proves his/her efficiency and honesty by making the students sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas
hardly within the first year even before learning the first Kriti alongwith the respective chronological evidence.

Can the Honourable Moderators of this forum take proper action upon the culprits and to set things right not only in helping our poor aspirants and their respective parents but our music also?

I don't understand why you people are supporting these most harmful culprits of the society and are afraid to take stern action upon these culprits.
Or you suitably encourage and honour the efficient and honest music-teachers alongwith their talented kids or remove me from this wasteful thread alongwith all my posts with immediate effect.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 28

In continuation to the previous 25th item of the Kalpanaswara project headed by WglKv Krishnaveni
Chi. Sow. KolkataKv P. Chandrabala successfully finished the 2nd level of Kalpanaswaras of Adi (medium-tempo) and the respective Google Drive-link is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

20210402- Adi (medium tempo) K.S-1,2,3 2nd level- by Kolkata Kv P.Chandra bala ... ZJm5Io80zx
మనలో చాలామంది కంచానికీ మంచానికీ మాత్రమే పరిమితమౌతారు!

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 29

In 1964 summer holidays my beloved Guru late
Nedunuri Krishnamurthy very ably and efficiently guided me starting with Shankarabharana-Adi-varna.

He sang the Purvanga of the Varna @ 1 nps speed and asked me to write the detailed notation which took four long hours from 7 to 11 pm at Vijayawada.
That was the great turning point of my music life.
Again on the next day it took another four hours to write the detailed notation of the Uttaranga. Thus, he was the real guide for my turning point then.

But, later, just two years before his demise, when I met him I could remind him that it was not the way to initiate the student without singing himself and explained him in detail. He readily agreed and from then onwards he never said akella was my disciple.
That's why my name was absent from the list of his students at that time.

Thus, the person without singing himself makes the student sing independently is the true guide. However, this cannot be written in words as language has its own limitations. Till now, i have never met such a truthful guide. amsharma.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 30

Very sadly, morre than 99% of our musicians are very highly egoistic, selfish and foolish persons.
(I was also one among those great gentlemen for most of my life but, only by the grace of the Almighty realised, came out of all those illogicalities and been serving our kids truely and truthfully) For this I have already mentioned umpteen evidences many a time by which thousands. of aspirants have been put in loss and been unable to get out of that horrible ditch. No music-teacher can face my questions as they all are logic based, tested and came out with a
'time-bound and result-oriented' plan of action. Even without singing Sa or Pa even once in the classroom
I can initiate the kid sing mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within the duration of only one year even before learning the first Kriti. This I have been doing since last more than 20 years all over the globe. Many of them are in my Youtube channel and some of them even with chronological evidence.

I can very well prove that all these music institutions and music Departments of various universities are filled with high level illogicalities ultimately effecting the poor aspirant. All this I am writing this not to find fault with them or for any self-aggrandisement at all but to save our kid-aspirants from all these illogicalities and atrocities. Even after reading this post I very well know that everybody prefers to turn a blind-eye or a deaf-ear towards them as it is much easier to do so than rectifying the mountains of defects.

In this respect I have been writing various articles mostly in Telugu since last more than 20 years and the compilation of all of them is available in a bookform from the following link:

Akellavari Vyasalu: ... sp=sharing

As per our Hindu tradition it is always healthy either to turn a blind-eye or to turn a deaf-ear towards all such things mercilessly leaving away all our kid-aspirants to their own fate. And in such case you will certainly get lot of support and appreciation too.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 31

To tell the fact I am very heavily indebted to 'RASIKAS.ORG' and all the respective and affectionate persons bearing with all my irritative odds and extending their whole hearted cooperation in continuing all my music activities like this historical Kalpanaswara-project very efficiently and successfully all along these years.

Only by the grace of the Almighty I have been able to rectify many of the illogicalities in helping our poor aspirants learning music all over the globe with the help of the rarest topic, TALAPRASTARA, my five music books alongwith the symbolised Gamakas, symbolised muktayis, symbolised and detailed notations, pre-recorded CDs/DVDs and hundreds of
YouTube videos.

I feel extremely happy for being able to efficiently and honestly serve all our people all along these years through my 'akella-army'. amsharma
Last edited by msakella on 06 Apr 2021, 00:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 32

In continuation to the previous 28th item of the Kalpanaswara project headed by WglKv Krishnaveni
Chi. Sow. KolkataKv P. Chandra-bala (younger sister of our bosom friend Chandra-mauli-USA)
successfully finished the 2nd level of Kalpanaswaras of Adi (Trisra-gati) and the respective Google Drive-link is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

20210405-Tisra adi K.S - 1,2,3 2nd level - by Kolkata Kv P.Chandra bala ... KBLL16CSCi

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 33

I am unable to reconcile myself still to remain in this forum and serve our society through my 'akella-army'.

At last, now, I sincerely feel that I am not fit to be with this kind of insensible people and that I can certainly become more helpful to more number of aspirants if I get out of this forum. Hence I am leaving this forum. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 34

Even animals strive hard for their kids. That's why I work for days and nights until my last breath for our kids only. But, many of our cheaters, rogues and traitors who doesn't strive hard even for their own kids are useless than the animals. That's why I don't like to remain with them.

In my last 32nd post I have furnished the audio links
of WglKv Krishnaveni's disciple (our bosom friend, Chanra-mauli's younger-sister, Chi. Sow. Chandra-
Bala's Kalpanaswaras sung in Adi-Trisra-gati). Now,
finally I would like to furnish her Kalpanaswara-links
excellently sung in the last and final Adi (slow-tempo)-tala. amsharma

20210406-Adi Chouka K.S1,2,3 2nd level - by Kolkata Kv P.Chandra bala ... LO9yBOICF1

Bye bye.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 35

Nearly 10 years back, having become vexed with the most harmful attitude and behaviour of our egoistic and selfish music-cheaters, rogues and traitors, when once I have hinted to restrict the usage of all my videos in Youtube, one aged person from Paris rang up to me around midnight and requested me not to do so as hundreds of poor
interested aspirants have been benefitted a lot through all my notated books, CDs and YouTube
videos. Later, he also took some lessons of rhythmical exercises for a couple of months from me.

Again today the same horrible feeling provoked me to remove all my videos in my Youtube channel at one stroke but, not only some inner sense reminded that old person's request from Paris but also my grandson, Chi. Akella Niranjan (who is also a musician) obstructed me in doing so and encouraged me only to minimise all my music activities hereafter for the truly needy and honest music-teachers.

At this age of 82 I am fully satisfied with whatever I did for music till now and, thus, I hereafter want to minimise all my music activities. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by RasikasModerator1 »

Dear akella garu, we understand how you feel. We also know that many have not appreciated the often very harsh words, and we admins have been asked many times by many rasikas why we we let it go. We also tried and we also feel that you should just present your kids videos without such harsh words on all others, but we have understood that we can't do much to change that, so we have accepted.

But we are keeping this thread running since 15 years now because of the benefit of the methods. Also setting up this section as well as these threads was your idea in the early days of where we could all meet in person also.

All musicians and great people in the end are remembered for their music even though other aspects of their lives may or may not have been at the same level -- those things are usually forgotten and time ensures that only the best things will survive. Many teachers teachings live on and benefit others long after their time. So a life's work should not be destroyed in one moment of anger or frustration.

So in the end we hope that slowly the world will take what is good and forgive all the misunderstandings.

We also request you to never remove your precious content from YouTube and all. You may never know who may benefit even after many years. We also have no intention of wiping out our history as we are the number 1 music resource out there even in the age of social media and all and there will never be another That would be like killing our 2 decades of work. We will not do such a thing.

Let it be there as it is. Time will decide the rest.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

I am very much bothered about the teaching methods followed by all our so called great-music-teachers by making the poor aspirants perennial dependents upon them wantonly elongating the process for many years of their life. While I, being the true teacher, am worried of their perennial dependence and wantonly elongated wasteful music-life, you are all bothered about your own reputation and forum’s reputation. Excellent, may God bless you all! I very well know that you never like to remove my thread being the only thread in your forum very deeply involved in the affairs of the poor aspirants.

Nearly 10 years back when I have indicated to some of my friends in USA to go through my thread and respond as I am mostly dealing with the problems of the poor aspirants they very flatly refused to do so.

I am always out spoken. I am not a hypocrite. I always appreciate the real talent. While all other so called music-teachers are always harmful to the poor aspirants directly or indirectly my akella’s army alone has been doing honest service to music on the globe.

You all are very efficient in supporting these so called music-cheaters only but you cannot bring out even a single teacher who, without singing himself even Sa or Pa, can initiate the kids sing Svarakalapana in all the six popular Talas within the duration of only one year even before learning the first Kriti. Do it and show me all your efficiency and honesty or openly accept your hypocrisy supporting the music-cheaters.

Pratyaksham Bala
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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by Pratyaksham Bala »

... army
This sounds ominous when linked with the now-deleted command to annihilate without hesitation a particular group.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Even 24 hrs. time is not enough to our most efficient, knowledgeable and Honourable Moderators to bring out even a single efficient and honest music-teacher who, without singing himself/herself even Sa or Pa, can properly initiate the kids sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas, which is the basic crux of our classical Carnatic music, hardly within the very first year of learning even before learning the first Kriti under a 'time-bound and result-oriented' plan of action.

This is not that easy like finding fault with a honest music-teacher instead of condemning the most harmful acts of the music-cheaters. If none of them is ready to be called as cheater or rogue or traitor let him/her come out open and prove himself/herself efficient and honest music-teacher and I am always ready to bow down before him/her as I never have any enimity with any music-teacher on the globe but hate his/her mis-deeds destroying the invaluable lives of several thousands of our poor kid-aspirants.

Forum's duty is always to maintain higher standards of learning music without minding the benefit or loss like a businessman but not to stoop down to hypocritically support the cheaters or rogues or traitors or culprits of our land. Moderators must be noble but not like businessmen.

What right these Moderators have to support these cheaters, rogues, traitors and culprits of the land when they all have become most harmful persons of the music society since many centuries. If they do so are they fit to act as Moderators of this sacred Forum? No, not at all!

It is the primary duty of the teacher to always equip the aspirant with the needed basic knowledge to go further and further independently in his journey of learning music but not with a number of items or compositions learnt as a perennial dependent in a wantonly elongated process.

That's why I, without singing myself, shall initiate the aspirant sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within the duration of only one year even before learning the first Kriti. Can any other
music-teacher on the globe do so???

Nowadays highly selfish hypocrites are increasing day by day sacrificing the moral values of all the institutions. That's why the God-sent Corona has been downloaded and the rest is going on.

Unless and until any music-teacher proves himself/herself efficient and honest in initiating the kids in learning music I certainly call him/her cheater only. What is wrong with it??? I can certainly prove their cheating at any time and place.

If these Moderators themselves support such cheaters or rogues or traitors or culprits directly and openly, then, what is the difference between these two categories, where all the ethics have gone, who will save our kid-aspirants in future and to whom shall we believe and rely upon hereafter? Many are not aware that all these years by following these egoistic, selfish and foolish music-cheaters our music society already lost a lot. If these Moderators still like their suicidal acts much it is left to their wisdom and God alone must save the poor aspirants following this Forum.

Since last more than 20 yrs. Akella's army has always been striving hard in doing the needful to the music society very efficiently and very honestly unlike any other music-cheater on the globe. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

If the efficient and honest music-teacher properly initiates even little kids can very efficiently and successfully sing even the intricate Kalpanaswaras very easily.

11 yr. old Varnika, daughter of my disciple Chi. Sow. WglKv Krishnaveni, having properly been intiiated by her mother sang the first level of KS-1 of Ammaravamma-Kalyani-Trisra-rupaka very confidently, excellently and successfully. The respective url is furnished for the benefit of the interested kids.

In our Akella's methods of learning music the teacher sings for less than 5% or nothing but initiates the student sing independently for more than 95%. Can any other music-teacher do this???

WglKv Krishnaveni:
20210410-01.Trisra rupakam K.S-1,1st level by WglKv Varnika ... JB3v9d8Oda

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by RasikasModerator1 »

@msakella It is surprising to hear such words from you on us. In what way are we responsible that we should be lumped into this category? With all due respect and our 2 decades relationship, I simply do not understand the sudden change in your tone. As forum admins, our job is to run the forum which is a full time activity which we have been doing inspite of so much professional and personal commitments as a service to music. We have not gained one paisa out of this, but we also have spent our valuable time, energy and money.

It is not our job to organize a competition of teachers.

You may please see that this whole section is only otherwise full of occasional requests. When it comes to actual content that is of real benefit, only you are having 3 sticky threads at the top. If others have any links to share they are only sharing in Internet resources or musicians or ragas. The maximum content is only coming from you all these years. Almost 15 years back rasikas forum was the first to appreciate your contributions. We were the only ones then to understand the value and appreciate that you are sharing this much for free in a public forum. On YouTube also, you were one of the very first people to teach all the basics far back in those days (I mean 13 years back) when YT was only a new development and we appreciated you for taking the lead. I hope all this has not been suddenly forgotten.

Even if others complain to us for any reason we have not entertained it because of our relationship since many years. I do not understand why you are complaining and what for. In what way have we also become the enemy?

I feel you have changed also over the years akella garu.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by srkris »

Namaste Akella garu, please avoid harsh language. This is a discussion forum.

As moderators and admins, we have been very patient and very respectful of your significant contributions to this forum and also to the world of Carnatic Music. It will be sad for us to prevent you from contributing as a result of complaints that are being received that your language is increasingly being perceived as offending other artists and members.

Please let us keep things friendly. If you feel you have a right to abuse other members, moderators or artists, we will need to revoke access. We hope it will not lead to that situation.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In 'Some helpful observations - 31' I have very clearly mentioned about all your affectionate relationship and I am very heavily indebted to you in this respect.

Except in respect of these music-cheaters I don't have any different opinion about you. And, all the more, I like Chi. Chandramauli (Vasanthakokilam)
very much and his affectionate cooperation each and every time.

You are absolutely wrong. Only by the grace of the Almighty I have very well been blessed with each and everything in my life and I am the fortunest person upon earth among all musicians. Always I have been guided and protected by the Almighty.
I have no desire at all except efficiently and honestly serving the kid-aspirants all over the globe and this is being fulfilled excellently by all my disciples, friends and well-wishers all over the globe.

If you the forum members feel bad of my harsh words towards the music-cheaters and keep me away I don't care anny one of you as I am doing the
right thing and you all are collectively commiting the blunder of supporting the most harmful music-cheaters, rogues, traitors and culprits of the music-society. Unless they all realise the facts of their deceipts towards the kid-aspirants and take oath to help them in each and every manner I never need to forgive them or give up my harsh words as they all are the real culprits. As, you all are also suupporting them in this respect forgetting all their mis-deeds I am compelled to leave you also all along with all those music-cheaters. By God's grace I am ready to go to any extent in helping our kid-aspirants learning our music in this respect.

God will never forgive you all for supporting all these

I never crave for anything as I am fully blessed and protected by the Almighty, Shirdi Saibaba.

Just now, few hours back, I have uploaded the audio of a little kid singing an intricate variety of the first level KS-1 of a difficult Tala. How many came out to appreciate it, none. In fact, many of the music-teachenrs must follow this in making their students also sing these Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas. Even though I have been furnishing all such details of aspirants in this thread since many years not only the response is very poor
but also none of these music-teachers have ever furnished similar details of their students in this thread even to inspire other students.

Many of these music-cheaters are always interested in singing a number of Kriti-like compositions only of
Annamayya or Ramadasa or Purandaradasa etc., but not in initiating their students sing different levels of mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas. Even though these things are prescribed in some of the syllabi many teachers
skip them off and try to manage in the examinations
by conniving with the examiners. Many are not at all
aware of all these underhand dealings. There are many such problems of these poor aspirants in all these music institutions and music Departments
of all the Universities. All these selfish teachers and Professors of these music Departments connive with each other to manage with the office-staff and other higher-ups and finally these aspirants are facing a hell. It becomes a very long story to write here with all my umpteen experiences in this respect. I am too tired to write all these details.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In 2010 within 10 months' training I could make Chi.Shreenidhi, granddaughter of Late Nageshwaran,
sing 45 mts. concert in which she sang a Varna in Chturashra & Trisra-gatis and Kharaharapriya- Prakkala-Chapu along with intricate mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras and brief Ragalapana.

In the same manner wiithin 3 years of logical training I could make a 7 yr. old kid Chi. Rishabh Ranganathan of Chicago play a high level successfull Violin concert at Shri Parthasarathy Swamy Sabha, Chennai. All these videos are available in my Youtube channel.

All these things became possible in the 'time-bound and result-oriented' plan of action.

Since last more than 20 years I have been working days and nights to save the kids from the atrocities of the so called music-cheaters. You people can never imagine in which way this music-teacher deceives both the aspirant and their parents simultaneously to squeeze money from them but escaping from fulfilling his/her own responsibilities.
Ultimately the poor kid bears the loss unknowingly.

At this old age of 83, having gone through all kinds of related problems but with the main aim of saving our kids from all these miseries and, at the same time, without losing the standards my Akella's army has relentlessly been working with the full hearted cooperation of all you people. Without your full cooperation and understanding I cannot move even an inch in this Himalayan task.

For all this, my Akella's army needs moral and physical support from all you people from all over the globe to attain the aim of serving our kid-aspirants with a 'time-bound and result-oriented' plan of action. Interested, enthusiastic, efficient and honest youth-teachers are required to run this Akella's army very efficiently and successfully under the banner of 'Kalpanaswara-project'. If these properly trained youth-teachers enter into this field and start working much of these music-cheaters disappear from the picture.

Trainees under this KS-project has to undergo a rhythmical test and selected to take the training for one year by telephone or Whatsapp or Duo video etc., without moving from their home even in this pandemic season. There will be three classes in every week on alternative days with a 50 $ fee for each day class totalling to 600 $ per month. But, each and every selected aspirant must work from 2 to 4 hrs. daily and show the respective audio or video to the teacher who works for all the 30 days in a month from their homes.

Presently similar plan is being implemented by the members of Akella's army here. If this is acceptable
this could be implemented all over the globe to cater
quality education in music. Interested, enthusiastic,
honest youth can contact my mobile number 9908822992 for details.

If this is acceptable to you all we shall try to implement this to serve our kids efficiently.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by rajeshnat »

Akella Garu
Your viewpoints and teaching methods has indeed produced result . Even way back in 2010 many have appreciated ,but for every post if the attack and tone of yours becomes repetitive , unfortunately even your well researched teachings (away from many teachers who do not teach that well) is permanently hidden.

Please Please donot ever take content ever out of YouTube. That is as bad as burning places of worship . I have also heard few videos of yours. I once talked with a professional carnatic musician from andhra/telengana state . He/She had so much respect for the approach and he/she said that there is merit in what you say .

The fact that you rewired yourself past 60 years is something everybody is considering in their careers, home, behavior etc but falling in the rut and not able to act differently. You indeed showed a lot of originality as a teacher. I am not a musician but i think every musician who is aspiring or feeling bit strangulated in their career should look at your youtube videos to reassess and work on the unknown , not identified weakness.

For almost 15 months the carnatic music artists are having a big lull in their performance , It may last few more months for sure. You being 80 plus , you just have to bless the future aspirants and go slow or preferably cut your repetitive attacks . You NOT repeating attacks will increase more chances of future aspirants to hear and assimilate your lovely lessons. Many in the world are only looking at the content and message which you have given in plenty. Thank you for all your work. You should never delete any youtube contents, there is a future supernova MSG or PMI or GNB who will get your deep teachings and show may be 30 years later a brand new Carnatic Music just like how these supernovas came in.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

rajeshanat dear,

Thank you for your kind appreciation and suggestion. I never delete any of my videos as they have been used by many aspirants all over the globe. I feel extremely happy for being helpful to our kids.

I shall certainly follow the suggestions of my well-wishers in becoming helpful to our society.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

As per the healthy suggestion of my friend 'rajeshanat' keeping my vast experience of failures and successes as a music-teacher(in respect of the performing arts a highly experienced teacher is mostly needed to any society than a parasitical performer) I would like to write some important points (along with all the previous ones)for the benefit of our kids.

While following the suggestions of any experienced
personalities one must try to get the answers for
the logical 'what-why-when-how' for any suggestion.
In general, everybody thinks himself very great and try to pass on his own suggestions to show-up his/her greatness. But, without getting the above logical answers of it if anybody follows them there is every possibility of failure. Just to avoid that better do this first and follow (even me)

I may not be an expert in writing and speaking in English (not that bad) but by the umpteen failures and successes in music-teaching (of course, not cheating however) field I have become an expert in music (both in vocal and violin). By following me anybody can possibly avoid failures, as I have already tasted them fully and trying to possibly avoid them.

(I am 80 plus, can i avoid the regular login & logout?
If not what is the loss, pl. clarify).

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Entire music of the Universe is iincluded in our Karnataka music only. Unless one goes too deep into it he/she cannot find its universality in our music and, moreover, only Almighty must bless us with this ability. But, very sadly, due to the egoism, selfishness and foolishness our musicians are unable either to find it themselves to enjoy or to show it to others.

After my introspection happened only after my retirement in 2001 by the grace of the Almighty
I have realised gradually what i have to do for our
society. Later, to educate all the music teachers working in all our 12 Govt. Music institutions and
SV Music College, Tirupati (EO Shri KV Ramanachary) I have visited each institute once in every 3 months between 2005 & 2007.

At that time, when i had the Darshan of my Param Guru late Dr. Shripada Pinakapani, Kurnool and demonstrated my Shruti instrument alongwith the raga-wise tuning. On listening to this he felt extremely happy and suggested to do the same in Chennai Music Academy. Thus, on his initiation
I have demonstrated this in Chennai Music Academy on 20061217 under the Presidentship of my friend
Sangitakalanidhi Shri TN Sheshagopalan. At the end he spoke and commented 'An excellent demonstration by my friend Sharmagaru but this is not useful to our Karnataka music'. As this is of
HD Shruti-sense very few only could properly respond to this kind of tuning.

Interested persons can sing the notes of the respective ragas alongwith the respective notes of this instrument as furnished hereunder. Enjoy.

001 - Ragas having G2 & Pa ... p=drivesdk

002 - Ragas having G2 & Pa. ... p=drivesdk

003 - Ragas having G2, Pa & D2. ... p=drivesdk

004 - Ragas having G1 & Pa. ... p=drivesdk

005 - Ragas having G1 & D1 but without Pa. ... p=drivesdk

006 - Ragas with M1 but without Pa. ... p=drivesdk

007 - Ragas with M1 & D2 but without Pa. ... p=drivesdk

008 - Ragas with D2 but without M1 or Pa. ... p=drivesdk

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Nearly 40 or 50 years back i have found that our traditional Tambura has its own limitations and, in fact, is not at all helpful to bring out all the facets of our great Karnataka music. Then I have designed a Shruti instrument in which both Tamburas of three octaves usable with M1 or Pa as per the need and Shruti-box with 4 octaves of Sa & Pa, two octaves of
G1 &. 2, D1 & 2 with choice of usage (many of the details are already finished elsewhere).

I am compelled to give even these few details here keeping the responsive aspirants only in vew.. msakella.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

The teacher-cook must sit in a chair and initiate orally the aspirant-cook in cooking without getting down from the chair and such person is the real
teacher-cook. It is same even in respect of learning music. I and my Akella's army has been doing this since last more than 15 years logically initiating
the aspirants sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within a year even before learning the first Kriti hardly within the first year of learning.

I heartily appreciate if any music-teacher honestly does it and help the poor aspirants. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

At any time and place i can very certainly prove any music-teacher either a cheater or liar or rogue or traitor beyond any doubt as, except the soldiers of my Akella's army, no other music-teacher can efficiently or honestly initiate any aspirant sing or play in the process of learning music without singing or playing himself/herself less than 5% or nothing.

In general, no fool even think of digging the grave of his/her own kids. Bur, our Indians are so intelligent
that, being unaware of this deceit, they all have always been doing so in respect of learning music from their music-teacher.

Having worked as a music-teacher in Govt. Miusic Colleges for 35 long years and having gone through an introspection happened only by the grace of the Almighty after 5 yrs. after my retirement in 2001,
I could realise all my illogical blunders in my teaching life by which my students have become perennial impotent dependents upon me learning a number of items or compositions in a wantonly elongated process of learning running for many years.

Having realised this from then onwards I have propagated this criminal loss in my very limited friends' circle. They all have realised the truth and among them few efficient and honest music-teachers have started the logical system of learning in which the process goes through a very strict 'time-bound and result-oriented' plan of action. By all this right from the first day of learning the aspirants will be initiated to work independently mainly basing upon their instinctive abilities to sing Kalpanaswaras as the main criteria in all the six popular Talas even before learning the first Kriti hardly within the first year of learning. Thus we all are able to save very few hundreds of aspirants from these musical-atrocities.

Much of these details have already been furnished in all my previous posts of this thread. Interested persons can go through them and do the needful in saving our own kids. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »


One of my very affectionate friends very recently wrote ---

'You are an acclaimed accomplished level person . Rasikaa are for toddlers and dabblers .You don't even have to participate there. It is my opinion.

We cannot change everyone in this world. It is not even needed.

Your contribution and effort will speak for itself.

It is only a matter of time'.

I wrote ---

'Yes dear. What you wrote may be right.
But having a long acquaintance with some gentlemen of them i want to carry on with them'.


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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Recently i read a very very sad news in which a father of two small kids wantonly killed the mother
making his own small kids motherless. Very very heart-rending news to bare with!!!

It is truly very very very heart-rending for having become very cruelly deceived by our own brothers in respect of our great music.

Instead of inculcating the knowledge of managing both beat and note in our music our egoistic and selfish brother-rogues, just to escape from theiir responsibilities, have very cruelly made the poor aspirants perennial dependents upon their teachers for their lifetime. How very very very sad to know???

Even now, even after having come to know that this
suicidal act could immediately be stopped with a permanent solution of making the kids sing even both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras hardly within the first year of learning that too even before learning the first Kriti all these music-cheaters are not ready to come out of that cruel act and save our own kids from this horrible life. Are we humans?????

Irrespective of others i must act as human and do my duty. I have been doing that and i shall continue that until my last breath. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

To tell the fact, while, on one side, our Karnataka music has been benefitted a lot on another side much has also been lost by these knowledgeable
Tamilian egoistic and selfish attitudes.

In the regime of Telugu Nayaka Kings in our South India Telugu language has become the supreme and as there were no political parties in that regime nobody could even talk against this language. That's why the monumental work 'Sangita Sampradaya Pradarshini' was also brought out in Telugu having been printed in Ettayapuram. But, later after Independence, after the entrance of the most selfish
political parties the regional influences had their upper hand which lead even to the language egotism like prohibiting the speech in Telugu language in the Music Academy (but singing Telugu compositions is fortunately allowed).

As all these parasitical performers always want to earn everything much they all have been used to sing all the compositions composed in all the different languages in this respect. But, due to the different regional attitudes of the different States
leading to the music examinations with different titles, but allowing the compositions composed in the same Ragas & Talas, have been introduced by all these money minded Governments and their authorities but creating umpteen problems to the aspirants studying music in different States. All these Sangitakalanidhis & Padmashrees are very busily engaged in their own task of earning money,
honours and titles etc., leaving the poor aspirants to their own fate.

Had they truly been intelligent and honest they would have found the rarest topic TALAPRASTARA by themselves, they would have welcomed Shonthi
Venkataramanayya's easy and fast methods of learning music then and there, they would have heartily welcomed the symbolised notation of Subbarama Dikshitar and propagated well, they
would have properly defined and categorised the Kampitas & Gamakas as per the need of the present day and they would also have done so many other things i have mentioned in all my previous articles to really stand as the elder brothers of Karnataka music of our South India, the only greatest system of music on the globe. As they are not that broad-minded enough to foresee and settle all these issues emicably we the brothers and sisters of this land of later generations have been suffering a lot. As all these expert-Sangitakalanidhis or Padmashrees are mostly of performance perspective and very less of teaching perspective they all are unable to imagine the plights of the poor aspirants and to find solvations. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In general, each and every music-teacher sings items like Sarala-swaras or compositions of Ramadasa or Annamayya or Purandaradasa or of some other composer, make the aspirant also sings alongwith him/her in the regular music-class. Even though i have been writing umpteen posts in this thread since many years appealing to all the music-teachers to teach creative music as the criteria. But, very sadly, not even a single music-teacher has ever come out open boldly and produced his/her students singing Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas alongwith brief Ragalapanas except the soldiers of my Akella's army all over the globe. This means no music-teacher is able to do this. Then, why shouldn't i call them cheaters or liars or rogues or traitors as they all are not delivering their duties and responsibilities efficiently and honestly as music-teachers like me and my army.

To tell the fact, there are umpteen short-cut methods
coupled with umpteen teaching aids like pdf, audio & video files in efficiently and honestly initiating the aspirants in independently working upon
different rhythmical exercises, in singing
or playing various Kampitas & Gamakas, in singing
Kalpanaswaras & Ragalapanas and in getting amazing results. But, till now, i never revealed all those short-cut methods as they always go on changing from person to person and all the soldiers of our Akella's army know many of these short-cut methods. Persons interested in knowing these short-cut methods must contact us to get the required training from our experts.

In fact, each and everybody knows what any music-teacher is singing and asking the aspirant also sing alongwith him/her in the process of teaching but, except controversial and critical teachers like me, others do not know in which way they are deceiving the aspirants and others. Be careful!!! msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

I am writing this keeping the responsive people only in view.

In this modern age having so many facilities to do things ver efficiently and very fast l very sincerely feel that all our musicians must think to come out of the traditional and illogical ways of doing things and to find logical ways in doing things very efficiently and fast and pass them on to the kids of this generation. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 36:

Deceiving innocent people is very easy. That too deceiving innocent aspirants and their parents in learning this invisible fine-art has its own advantages to the favour of the highly egoistic and highly selfish music-teachers where no logical system has ever been formulated to help the poor aspirants and their parents.

Having worked in different capacities right from the
Gazetted-night-watch-man to Principal for 35 years in seven Govt. Music institutions of Andhra Pradesh
in different places i was fortunate enough not only to find different local traditions of the art but also to find different personalities of hundreds of these music-teachers. Besides all this even after my retirement i have very widely travelled in all the four Southern States holding umpteen Lec-dems and workshops on different intricate topics of this subject.

In general, each and every aspirant learns music to become a prominent musician and earn everything as much as he/she can by his/her expertise. But due to so many reasons many of them become compelled to settle as music-teachers only even though none of them is fit to be as a teacher. Now, this has undoubtedly been proved by not finding even a single efficient and honest music-teacher having come out open since last more than 15 years in spite of my several appeals in this respect.

One may ask how can you tell so while billions of music-teachers are already available all over the globe. As these musicians themselves never want to spill out their own beans of their duties and responsibilities either performers or teachers have never been defined by any musician at all. Most of these performers are mostly of performing perspective only but very less of teaching perspective. All these performers think singing themselves and making the poor aspirants also sing alongwith them itself is teaching and since many centuries they have also been making others also believe in this. By all this, unfortunately, many are not aware that this kind of teaching is nothing less than cheating. Even without singing or playing music themselves for less than 1% can any teacher of them make the aspirant sing or play music on his/her own independently? Since last more than 15 years in spite of my fervent appeals no music-teacher has ever came out and proved his efficiency or honesty in quickening the process of learning music by which this obviously reveals that many of the greedy teachers are not interested in honestly helping the aspirants and their parents either by quickening the process of learning or initiating them in singing Kalpanaswaras and Ragalapanas within one year even before learning the first Kriti. But they don't like to be called as cheaters or liars or rogues or traitors but Gentlemen!!!

In the absence of a 'logical, time-bound and result-oriented' system of learning music a music-teacher taught eight Varnas, 10 Kritis and two Kritis of them with Ragalapanas and Kalpanaswaras
in eight long years. Instead of making the aspirant
able to utilise his own instinctive abilities in learning compositions and singing creative music on his/her own what is the logic behind dumping 20 Varnas wasting his invaluable time, energy and money???
Nobody comes out open to point out such criminal lapses of these music-teachers but every Tom & Dick condemns if i use any harsh word against them!!!

Logically the music-teacher who exceeds more than 5% of the duration of the class-hour is not a teacher at all but a cheater. But, very sadly, neither the aspirant nor his/her parents being unaware of this fact are honouring the teacher as God!!!

Music-teachers are not my enemies at all. Moreover
I was also one among them but realised and been
striving hard to possibly help the poor aspirants and their parents. If they also realise and do the needful
it helps a lot to our society. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Read in continuation with the post No.687:

One of my very affectionate friends very recently wrote ---

'You are an acclaimed accomplished level person . Rasikaa are for toddlers and dabblers. You don't even have to participate there. It is my opinion.

We cannot change everyone in this world. It is not even needed.

Your contribution and effort will speak for itself.

It is only a matter of time'.

Yes, dear, i am compelled to agree with you as nowadays many of the people have been used to do things only for self-aggrandisement but under the guise of 'service-oriented'. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 37:

Even though we have umpteen institutions like Chennai Music Academy headed by umpteen Sangitakalanidhis & Padmashrees in ably serving our Karnataka music in their own ways none of them is able to come out open to hold discussions at length upon the logical methods followed in a 'time-bound and result-oriented' process of learning our music. While i have been able to very efficiently and successfully do these things and producing even Chronological evidence through the videos of my YouTube channel none of them is either able to do so or even to condemn these methods in the very
interests of our poor aspirants all over the globe.
What a pity of our country!!! msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 38:

I very well know in which way all our honorable music-teachers possibly try to wantonly elongate
the process of teaching music for many months or years to come making the aspirant perennial dependent upon the teacher taking full advantage of the innocence of the poor-aspirants and their parents which has willfully been done since many centuries.

I have seen many of these music-teachers follow their own illogical methods in teaching their own
syllabus with a large number of Gitas (which are not at all allowed to sing on the dais), large number of Varnas (many sing concerts even without Varna) and a very large number of other compositions but many of them don't think to make the aspirants appear for any music-examination and to gat a certificate.

Even though there are very strict logical and helpful methods to initiate the aspirants sing both the mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras even within the first year of learning and even the aspirants and their parents are also very eagarly expecting their kids sing such Kalpanaswaras very quickly none of these inefficient and dishonest teachers do things in favour of these aspirants and their parents. Now i am 83 yrs. old, came across thousands of music-teachers but did never come across even a single such efficient and honest music-teacher at all. If any music-teacher is brought to me along with his/ her disciples then and there i can very certainly prove his/her inefficiency and dishonesty. But, very sadly, no music-teacher ever comes out open to prove his/her efficiency or honesty as no music-teacher ever tries to rectify
his/her own defects and become helpful to both the aspirants and their parents. That is the pity!!

At the same time anybody may doubt whether i myself am fully efficient and fully honest. I can never tell that i myself am fully efficient and fully honest
but i can very certainly tell i am more logical, efficient and honest than any other music-teacher in being helpful both for the aspirants and the parents
as well. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In general, all over the globe, while many of the knowledgeable people are striving hard working from dawn to dusk in inventing new things and to extend them to all the people over the globe i feel very very sad for having born as one among these
egoistic, selfish and foolish Indian musicians becoming a menace to our own people, our own culture and our own country. msakella

i could not post the entire matter as it was refused to
have it 3 or 4 times. Hence i was compelled to post the last para of it as this was not refused. msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Today also i have tried to post the same 39 th observation again but it was again, surprisingly,
refused on the plea of some error, This is the first time
to me in this forum to happen like this. Now i have to doubt whether there is any ulterior motive in this
refusal of my post? msakella

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by srkris »

Namaste Akella ji, there is no ulterior motive, please try again or email it to me so I can post it on your behalf if you continue to face any errors.

As you can see you are able to continue to post so I am not sure what the error is about.

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Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16

Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Some helpful observations - 39:

Honestly what are the duties and responsibilities of the music-teacher?

Very basically the aspirant must be initiated (not
taught) to work independently in a logically and very strictly 'time-bound and result-oriented'' process
and learn how to sing the creative music mostly relying upon the instruments like keyboard metronome, or other material like pdf, audio, video and other files provided by the teacher.

There are certain parameters to test the efficiency of the person. For example the musician who cannot render the rhythmical exercises furnished in the following link cannot and should not act as a music-teacher but can act as a performer only.

Khanda Chapu:

Misra Chapu:

But, in general, most of the persons are inefficients only. However, in spite of their in-efficiency, as they also want equal status with all the efficients, they all have helped to possibly dilute even these parameters to suit their in-efficiencies. Thus, many are not aware that, accordingly, not only the standards of the art but even the system of learning the art has also been diluted very badly effecting both the art and the aspirants simultaneously.

Even in selecting the items up to Varnas or in properly initiating the aspirant or in properly equipping the aspirant with the needed material or in making the entire process of learning music very strictly logical and 'time-bound and result-oriented'
all the kids are able to sing both mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras hardly within only one year even before learning the first Kriti amazingly thus saving the time, energy and money of the aspirant and simultaneously helping the parents too. Visit
the following link in which the chronological order of the respective videos are furnished in respect of two kids residing at Hyderabad.

AMS Jyothirmayi, Sai Meghana & Akhil: ... Bwfx1O_rLu


Since last more than 20 yrs. even if i, without singing myself for more than 5%, have been initiating all my students in working independently along with the keyboard, metronome, pdf, audio and video files and becoming able in singing mathematical and creative Kalpanaswaras in all the six popular Talas hardly within only one year, that too, even before learning the first Kriti and uploading the respective videos like the above all our music-teachers have been used either to turn a blind-eye or a deaf-ear conveniently. Even if they all never stop making the poor aspirants victims of their misdeeds i have to stop writing such repetitive posts abusing them all cheaters, liers, rogues and traitors. When they all are maintaining their status quo what is wrong in maintaining my status quo i don't understand!!!

If anyone of them comes out open and prove his/her efficiency and honesty by doing in the manner i have been doing i shall bow down to that person. Is there anybody???

In general, all over the globe, while many of the knowledgeable people are striving hard working from dawn to dusk in inventing new things and to extend them to all the people over the globe i feel very very sad for having born as one among these
egoistic, selfish and foolish Indian musicians becoming a menace to our own people, our own culture and our own country. msakella

Posts: 2127
Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16

Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Now I hereby furnish an Youtube-link in which a 10 yrs. old little kid, Chi. Sahiti Manasa, disciple of Chi. Sow. Mahawadi Sitamahalakshmi (9346455812) from Hyderabad, learning in Akella’s method of learning demonstrating some very intricate rhythmical exercises.

In general, most of the music-teachers somehow avoid initiating their students render such intricate rhythmical exercises and the parents of the students also prefer to learn Kriti like things only but not this kind of exercises.

After many failures in the methods of teaching for more than 40 years and, only by the grace of the Almighty, having been blessed with a ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ system of initiation by an efficient and honest music-teacher, I have found that it makes the matters very quicker and easier to the aspirant-kids if, after a suitable rhythmical test prescribed for this purpose, such talented kids are properly initiated to follow all such intricate rhythmical exercises it helps a lot to proceed very quicker and easier within a time-bound programme. I have tried so many kinds of methods in learning (not teaching), well settled in this method getting amazing results which helps a lot both the aspirants and parents too. That is why I encourage many teachers to follow this method for getting better results very quickly. I shall be very happy if any of our teachers also do like this and furnish the respective youtube links of their kids in this thread. msakella

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