MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Carnatic Musicians
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Post by rajeshnat »

I took few snaps with my digital camera during suryaprakash's concert that was held at manakkAl's house .

This is a very special photo to me. I used to wonder looking at today's serene Shri manakkAl and trying to connect that yesteryear breakneck speed of manakkAl's rendition . I got an answer in this photo, look at Shri manakkAl's gambheera stage presence ofcourse enhanced by PMI(mrudangam)-TK Ramachandran(violin). I think sriram is also there with his mom(Smt padma rangarAjan). Who are the other two?
Last edited by rajeshnat on 26 Jun 2007, 19:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by rajeshnat »

manakkAl's being wished during marriage by one great statesman Shri rAjaji.

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Post by manakkalsriram »

Thanks, Rajesh. Great to view the photo from your camera. You are a man of wonders.

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Post by manakkalsriram »

The person behind PMI is his assistant and the other gentleman on the Kanjira is Veteran Kuthalam Viswanatha Iyer who was my first Guru.

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Post by manakkalsriram »

The photo of Appa with PMI was a kutchery in Cannanore(Kerala). I am the one sitting in the stage. In the morning ,on the day of the Kutchery, I was just seeing and touching PmI's mridangam with such love and attachment. Hardly did I realize at that time that I would be fortunate to be his disciple one day and also play on his different Mridangams(the way he took care of his mridangams one has to see to believe) for severe practice as well as for stage performances.

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Post by rajeshnat »

I must have embarassed sriram a lot when I asked him "Did you really play or is it just a photo pose". ManakkAl sriram said "No no no,I really played ". What a great soul shri chembai was ,encouraging a 10 or 12??year old manakkAl Sriram perhaps only shri chembai can only do !!.Accompanied by mAyavaram somu? - kanjira and tk ramachandran- violin. Particularly look at chembai in both the photographs, in the color he appears to say balE balE :), in black and white he certainly does not say balE balE .:| Topless and cute chembai bhagavathar is a priceless snap. For sure topless vidwans are out for ever.

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Post by rajeshnat »

Just thought I could pen few words about manakkAl rangarAjan - a musician , I have not had much awareness for many many years despite hearing only twice live in the last year.

ManakkAl rangarAjan and my PeriappA:
All started in 2002 when my PeriappA( dad's elder brother aged 75) who is in Delhi and I had a long talk saying that CM went thru a lull period after 60's till mid 80's . I had started recollecting MLV,MDR and KVN were possibly the greatest three in that lull period.

Then my PeriappA stopped , Do YOu know manakkAl rangarAjan?? I said I once heard in a NewYear Bash programme where manakkAl sang a cramped O RangasAyi in Music Academy organized by Carnatica , possibly assuming that Shri manakkAl was a second grade artist (some of you may recollect that post in

My PeriappA who knows a lot of CM said that manakkAl rangarAjan and his brother Shri varadarAjan used to come to our homes and teach my Atthai (Dad's sister)and my paternal grandfather encouraged a lot many musicians(that was also a late discovery).

My periappA who is a die hard fan of GNB and MLV , said that in 60's before he went to Delhi , he used to listen to so much of manakkAl because his music was just too original , started describing his Shankarabharnam and KAmbOdhi that he sang in madras where how his music was so mesmerizing . He also told me that how percussionists were all then struggling to keep pace with manakkAl's swara and pallavi gnanam. Still I did not believe much till I had a recording where he sang an outstanding brindAvana sAranga . To me that brindavana sAranga "kamalApta kula" of sadguru thyagarAjar where rangarAjan's rendition was just beyond words. Possibly may be I must have been carried away by brindavana sArangA which is one of my top 10 favourite rAgas. What was scintillating was the discovery thru him that brindavana SAranga which was usually dikshitar's mastery , I consider atleast in my personal books that maybe shri rangarAjan was the first daring musician possibly extrapolating with his extraordinary creativity mapping dikshitar to thyagarAjar in brindavana sArangA(with most of us having a frame of reference of sri rangapura and sounderarAjam). Also my periappA told about his great dwijAvanti which I have not experienced fully.

My periappa also told that every time once in few years when he visited madras from Delhi , he used to long to hear manakkAl's concert , but was not found too much in carnatic scene. I or periappA till day are not sure of why he was sporadic in cm scene possibly he was sick for few years (option #1), or manakkAl had poor marketing sense and was may be zero in pOliticking (I am assuming option #2 could be more true)

Still I did not believe my periappA's words as for the last 2 decades we are still fighting where I say MMI and SSI are the greatest , my periappA telling me no it is GNB/MLV etc.. , I was thinking my periappA is always biased with GNB's style of singing which is very omnipresent with manakkAl.

manakkAl rangarAjan and CMLover:
The search of manakkAl in 60's was not made by my periappa alone. Interestingly Our forum's cmlover did also search him for long before he settled in North America. This is what I heard from our cmlover few months before when we met. If you can recollect , some time before cmlover mentioned as a passing statement that he had heard manakkAl singing for 2 + hours one taayE yashodA in tOdi . I asked him are you sure he sang for two + hours . cmlover said Yes and gave a fantastic anecdote about manakkAl.

In suchindram near Trivandrum , there was a 7 day festival where every night there are carnatic concerts . On one of the most important nights, manakkAl was slotted to sing prior to nadaswara chakravarthi TN Rajarathinam pillai. Some where half way thru the concert , manakkAl was beginning to sing a grand tOdi alApanai . Hearing that tOdi alAPanai , TNR was mesemerized and asked the organizers not to cut short manakkAl's concert . manakkAl was let loose by TNR, the creativity of manakkAl extended for 2 + hours. I am told by cmlover Shri manakkAl sang close to 30 to 45 minutes of neraval in "KAlaniL chilambu". TNR was amazed at the end of the concert and praised our living legend . It would be worthwhile to recollect that all rasikAs and fellow musicians unanimously agree that tOdi is the crown jewel of carnatic music and TNR is the todi maharAja , so manakkAl receiving praise after praise from a king of tOdi itself speaks about his music.

manakkAl rangarAjan and me:
I have had the privilege to listen to him in only 2 live concerts one in IIT and the other in SKGS (both reviews are in this forum). manakkAl at the age of 84 was giving a great start at IIT with a niravidhi sukhadA in ravichandrikA with a rAgam ,slOkham, neraval and swaram (I am sure 99 % of today's musician will never take a daring submain as the first no). In skgs he sang an outstanding rAgamAliga swarams with vigour in the main kharaharapriya where his KAnadA ,ranjani and kuntalavarAli are still ringing in my ears.

Apart from the fact that what my periappA and cmlover have experienced , when I hear manakkAl I am able to connect what I would call "My personal trinities of Carnatic musicians MMI,SSI and GNB" . manakkAl consistently gives a cocktail of all the three , his music is just outstanding. There is a chance that many of you may misunderstand his sense of urgency style as vOttam , but to me he has got so much of knowledge and creative expressions that it just gushes like a niagara fall.As I write I am hearing a outstanding "mOhanam niagara fall alApanai from the Canada border" followed by just good "bhavanuta na niagara fall from the US border", but certainly having a sad feeling that I missed manakkAls HMB concert at NungambakkAm(our concert) because of work.

But hey I am just beginning to hear his kamAlapta kula in brindavana SAranga now , just 17 minutes and 17 seconds of bliss in cruise mode.Adieu!:)
Last edited by rajeshnat on 02 Sep 2007, 01:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

Thanks for rekindling those memories which are precious for me. Just one correction; the nereval with kalpana svaram was about 3 hrs (just keeping the record straight :)
Since your periappa is in my league I guess many of us believe that MaNakkaal Rangarajan was indeed the King (rAjan) of music. My prediction in those days was that MaNakkal among men and Ananthalakshmi SatagOpan (a bit later among women) would be the crowning glory in the CM firmament. I was wrong on both counts for whatever reason. I am glad that both are still around and it is the job (duty) of genuine CM lovers to capitalize on their presence on this planet!

Good luck in your endeavours!

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Post by arasi »

Wherever you are (!), it is good to hear from you today on one of CM's greats in your own inimitable style. CML had the good fortune of hearing maNakkAl in that memorable concert when the king of tODi fell for his tODi!
As for Ananthalakshmi Sadagopan, she still gets energized by music as in the old days while teaching and listening to good concerts...

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Post by srkris »


The B&W photo above, is that your arangetram?

I vaguely remember you said it was with Chembai & LS at Kapaleeswarar temple Mylapore?

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Post by manakkalsriram »

I was having a hectic tight scheduled programme last week and I just now saw your touching points about Appa. Two days back Appa had also been to Pudukottai for a kutchery organized in the memory of my Guru Palghat Mani Iyer. Naturally, Appa gave a performance giving special emphasis on Laya.

Regarding your points about Appa,which I enjoyed very much, I also wish to share with you some of my feelings. You had guessed rightly that appa was poor in the marketing area. He was not at any time sick. He was always bubbling with energy and enthusiasm and he could sing for any number of hours and music is his breadth. His stamina was amazing and he never knew tiredness in music Otherwise, in those days how could he have given daily three kutcheries a day and full night open concerts in Kerala. He would sing full throated irrespective of whether there were two rasikas or twenty thousand rasikas. ( In Pudukottai also he gave a three and a half concert even at this age continuously without a pinch of tiredness).

My feelings are
1) Appa knew only music and nothing else. He did not know public relations and was very principled. He was a poor observer of people. For example, a sabha organizer would have spoken to him the previous day, after a couple of days the same organizer would meet him somewhere in a function but Appa will not recogonise him. The organizer would be hurt and would think wrongly about appa as an egoistic man. He did not know how to speak at the right time. I was also very young and immatured at that time. Appa lost his father in his early days and there was nobody to advise him on this matter. My uncles could have done it , but they failed to. He was reserved and if rasikas flocked around him and praised him he would just nod his head.

2) Appa was very rigid. He was allergic to records or tapes being taken during the concert. Be it anybody including any VIP or being the Sabha President, he will not care for it. He will be adamant in the tape being not taken and then only continue the performance.

3) I think Appa’s origin to the music arena , the timing was wrong. Appa had entered the Music arena quite early equally competing with stalwarts of those days like GNB, SSI, MMI, etc., though my Appa was several years younger to them. That was the evergreen golden era of music where all were stalwarts. Appa must have been overshadowed or merged in that. Then only, a new era of musicians came into being after sometime. If Appa’s entry had been a little later, I think he would have reached the highest peak.

4) Appa ,when he entered , straightaway gained popularity and was established. Offers came to him in abundance and he did not have to struggle for a chance. This itself was a disadvantage, according to me. Appa did not know the suffering of getting a chance in a Sabha. For him, every place, whether big or small, was the same. For him, it was a cakewalk. If he had struggled in the beginning for establishing himself, then he would have thought in a different angle. But right from the beginning veterans like Chowdiah, rajamanickam Pillai, Palghat Mani Iyer, Palani Subramania Pillai, etc. were interested in accompanying him.

5) Leaders from Rajaji to MGR were his fans but Appa did not capitalize on that. He was very confident about his music. He would say, they know how I sing. If they want let them do something for me I will not ask for any favour. He did not believe in Biodatas also.

6) MGR was a great admirer of Appa’s music. In 1957 or 58, MGR was taking care of Kalaivanar’s daughter’s marriage at A.V.M. Rajeswari Kalyana Mandapam. At that time MGR had listened to the radio performance of my Appa ( till then he had not seen my Appa at all) and was so impressed and came straightaway to meet Appa at home and requested Appa to sing for the reception. Appa had some other Kutchery that day but MGR said, never mind I will change the date of the reception but Manakkal should sing. Appa sang for the reception and MGR was full of praise for Appa. Later few days before becoming the Chief Minister he had presided over the concert of Appa and myself as a ten year old boy was on the Mridangam. He kissed me on the stage and spoke in public about me “Pullikku pirandadu Punai Aagumaâ€

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Post by s_hari »

Sriram - Thanks for the detailed write up. I enjoyed knowning more details on his personality. I haven't listened to him.. It will good if you can share one of his concerts with us, hope i am not asking too much.


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Post by ninjathegreat »

Sriram sir - hearty birthday wishes to you father, late though it is... I do hope he sings for years to come...

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Post by cmlover »

As I read the narrative on the travails of pUjya MaNakkaal Rangarajan my eyes moistened (not just because of the recent eye surgery). I have heard the poignant 'kalaimaamaNi' episode directly from the maestro. I was hesitating to report it being afraid of breach of privacy; now it is better having been brought to light by Sriram himself. Now I know the answer to my nagging question why MaNakkaal never was awarded an SK or other fitting honours befitting his vidvat. He is indeed a nAda yogi whose sterling motto was:
karmaNyEva mE adhikAraH, mA phalEShu kadAcanaH |
(my job is to do my duty and not concern about the fruits of the labour)
or better in Tamil
en kaDan innisai seithu kiDappathE

In my view it is me (and the ilk of Rasikas of our time) who have failed him when the system failed to recognize, promote and encourage his excellence and clamour for due recognition. My humble belated apologies

Let it not happen again. I plan to discuss in a separate thread once I feel better the duties, responsibilities and obligations of a Rasika if CM is to retain its vigour! (Just as a prelude I mention how our indifference at this Forum is letting us lose a talented 'garland maker' who has the creative potential to vitalize and electrify CM!)

Thanks again Sriram for clearing the air, but do convey to the Maestro that he is still the greatest in some of our hearts!

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Post by manakkalsriram »

No, Kris, it is not the arangetram photo. It is the kutchery of Chembai on the occasion of the marriage reception of the daughter of Ghatam Vidwan Alangudi Ramachandran.

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Post by rajeshnat »

Nice writeup of shri manakAl, I only wished he did not have aversion of recordings. ... 210200.htm

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Post by VK RAMAN »

rajeshnat: If not copyright protected I like to hear: kamAlapta kula in brindavana SAranga

I am also moved by manakkalsriram description of his dad.
Last edited by VK RAMAN on 29 Nov 2008, 21:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cmlover »

Manakkal is not simply classicism personiified; humility too! If he was not awarded SK at the right time then we can understand why MDR was not awarded or why LGJ rejected it! He is the living biography of the golden era of CM. I am amazed at the vigour of this 86 year-young veteran. In fact I recollect all the best of the past masters still glittering in his repertoire as he is confessing that he imbibed the best from all of them. There were times in those days when I kept wondering whether they imbibed the best from him and became great which is probably true since he shied always away from fame and the limelight! His confession speaks pages for his humility!

After all what is a title of recognition. He is born with it Rangarajan (king of the (concert) platform). Again he is the King in the platform of the hearts (antarangarajan ) of discriminating Lovers of CM like Me!

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Post by rajeshnat »

VK RAMAN wrote:rajeshnat: If not copyright protected I like to hear: kamAlapta kula in brindavana SAranga
Carnatica has released this no in a commercial recording ... ucts_id=39

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Post by rajeshnat »

sriram's long and superb post of his dad (#161) is truncated . Mods please restore this post.

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Post by cmlover »

Though it was lost during the chageover, I luckily had a copy of it and I have now restored it fully!

(Thanks for bringing it to our attention!)

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Post by rajeshnat »

You are truly the greatest manakkAl rangarAjan fan :) :) . If at all mods did not post it, I was about to call sriram and ask if he has saved it in his pc to post it again.

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Post by bhavs_vasan »

Is it possible for me to get any information on Shri. Kuthalam Viswanatha Iyer. Im extremely sorry if I was wrong to post in here. But, this is the valid search result that I got on him.

Any information or photos related to Shri. Kuthalam Viswanatha Iyer if they could be shared and are available, could you please send it to me at

Thanks a lot

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Post by VK RAMAN »

Thank you rajeshnat.
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Rishi Sharma
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Post by Rishi Sharma »

I had the bhagyam of visiting Sri Manakkal Rangarajan at his place in Indira Nagar on 30th July 2009.
I just called their house that morning and spoke to Mami. She told me that I can visit them that day itself, but if I want to see Sri Sriram I have to be there by 12pm as he had a concert at Kanchipuram that evening.
They have a lot of warmth towards their rasikas and well-wishers. Sri Rangarajan was talking to us about his beginnings, the various photos on the walls and his KalaimAmani award which he received after much persuasion of Sri Kunnakudi. As it was around lunchtime, Mami requested us to have food.
I felt very much at home when I was with them.

I am attaching a photo taken at their house..

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Post by cmlover »

Thanks! Very nice picture. Glad to know that the Maestro and family are keeping well!
My personal regards...

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

:geek: wrote
Talking of Manakkal , it gives me great pleasure to announce that work has been launched on making a documentary on Manakkal Rangarajan . Funded purely by individuals , This is going to be yet another rasika-initiative . I talked about this long long ago at the carnatica debate and we are now acting on it .
While the announcements will be made by the real people behind this first attempt , My brief has been to tap into the thoughts of various Vidwans and Rasikas to help us leave a definitive document on these Masters .
And help continue this process , for a series of masters (still with us ) to whom we owe so much.
I spent a couple of hours with the Director of this project yesterday ( who has 21 documentaries to his credit - his most challenging one being on Subrahmanya Bharathi , by his own admission) who has also written a book of film appreciation .That book is a text book for several Universities, too.
This is a quick update .
Any written analyses of Manakkals Music , photographs , and anecdotes about the Man himself , would be welcome and used in this project . Being a rasika-initiative , the lines of developing the story is not expected to be on standard formats.

I will be starting a separate thread on this a bit later , but since you mentioned Manakkal , I thought I should tell something here.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

This is wonderul news :geek: Hope manakkAl sriram and his grandson also reviews the progress of the same. Would love to see the same soon...

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by veeyens3 »

Award for the great musician.
Date:18/12/2010 URL: ... 770400.htm

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by cmlover »

Great News! Congratulations Maestro!
You are our Living Legend!

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by anandasangeetham »

There are only two Nagumomu worth listening (my opinion) of BMK and other of Manakkal...with his rich timbre of voice and ravai saareeram it is a treat to listen...Nagumomu itself is a fast paced briga laden song and to hear from Manakkal is wow,,,,particularly at the Ganaleni and back to Nagumomu ...then the sangatis at the Charanams....simply great

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by cienu »

A nice write up on the doyen in todays "The Hindu"

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by venkatakailasam »

Manakkal Rangarajan-Sri Kanthimathim-Hemavathi(swarams excerpt)

Chetha Sri Balakrishnam - Manakkal Sri Rangarajan

Like the above a few videos have been kept for posterity

Thanks to us rasika for posting.

Last edited by venkatakailasam on 30 Dec 2010, 17:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by vs_manjunath »

Nice article. It's really wonderful to know that he was a self taught musician. He belongs to select few self taught musicians like Veena S Balachandar & Mali.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

Please read the post #157(in page 7) that I wrote and also read the below reply post which is a replica of #161 which got truncated because of migration early this year(I had this post thank god). This post #161 that is going to be posted next is a post of manakkAl sriram. Best wishes to rangarAjan sir
Last edited by rajeshnat on 30 Dec 2010, 20:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

Manakkal Sriram writes

I was having a hectic tight scheduled programme last week and I just now saw your touching points about Appa. Two days back Appa had also been to Pudukottai for a kutchery organized in the memory of my Guru Palghat Mani Iyer. Naturally, Appa gave a performance giving special emphasis on Laya.

Regarding your points about Appa,which I enjoyed very much, I also wish to share with you some of my feelings. You had guessed rightly that appa was poor in the marketing area. He was not at any time sick. He was always bubbling with energy and enthusiasm and he could sing for any number of hours and music is his breadth. His stamina was amazing and he never knew tiredness in music Otherwise, in those days how could he have given daily three kutcheries a day and full night open concerts in Kerala. He would sing full throated irrespective of whether there were two rasikas or twenty thousand rasikas. ( In Pudukottai also he gave a three and a half concert even at this age continuously without a pinch of tiredness).

My feelings are
1) Appa knew only music and nothing else. He did not know public relations and was very principled. He was a poor observer of people. For example, a sabha organizer would have spoken to him the previous day, after a couple of days the same organizer would meet him somewhere in a function but Appa will not recogonise him. The organizer would be hurt and would think wrongly about appa as an egoistic man. He did not know how to speak at the right time. I was also very young and immatured at that time. Appa lost his father in his early days and there was nobody to advise him on this matter. My uncles could have done it , but they failed to. He was reserved and if rasikas flocked around him and praised him he would just nod his head.

2) Appa was very rigid. He was allergic to records or tapes being taken during the concert. Be it anybody including any VIP or being the Sabha President, he will not care for it. He will be adamant in the tape being not taken and then only continue the performance.

3) I think Appa’s origin to the music arena , the timing was wrong. Appa had entered the Music arena quite early equally competing with stalwarts of those days like GNB, SSI, MMI, etc., though my Appa was several years younger to them. That was the evergreen golden era of music where all were stalwarts. Appa must have been overshadowed or merged in that. Then only, a new era of musicians came into being after sometime. If Appa’s entry had been a little later, I think he would have reached the highest peak.

4) Appa ,when he entered , straightaway gained popularity and was established. Offers came to him in abundance and he did not have to struggle for a chance. This itself was a disadvantage, according to me. Appa did not know the suffering of getting a chance in a Sabha. For him, every place, whether big or small, was the same. For him, it was a cakewalk. If he had struggled in the beginning for establishing himself, then he would have thought in a different angle. But right from the beginning veterans like Chowdiah, rajamanickam Pillai, Palghat Mani Iyer, Palani Subramania Pillai, etc. were interested in accompanying him.

5) Leaders from Rajaji to MGR were his fans but Appa did not capitalize on that. He was very confident about his music. He would say, they know how I sing. If they want let them do something for me I will not ask for any favour. He did not believe in Biodatas also.

6) MGR was a great admirer of Appa’s music. In 1957 or 58, MGR was taking care of Kalaivanar’s daughter’s marriage at A.V.M. Rajeswari Kalyana Mandapam. At that time MGR had listened to the radio performance of my Appa ( till then he had not seen my Appa at all) and was so impressed and came straightaway to meet Appa at home and requested Appa to sing for the reception. Appa had some other Kutchery that day but MGR said, never mind I will change the date of the reception but Manakkal should sing. Appa sang for the reception and MGR was full of praise for Appa. Later few days before becoming the Chief Minister he had presided over the concert of Appa and myself as a ten year old boy was on the Mridangam. He kissed me on the stage and spoke in public about me “Pullikku pirandadu Punai Aaguma”. A few days later he became the Chief Minister . If appa had put in a word to MGR , certainly MGR, having the highest regard for appa would have honoured him in many ways as well as made him the Asthana Vidwan of the State. With thousand of Commitments behind him as Chief Minister, how can one expect MGR himself to do it on his own for Appa without Appa reminding him. Appa did not realize these things.

7) The Kalaimamani Award was given late to Appa. You will be surprised if I tell you that few artists had come to Appa and got recommendation letter from him stating that they deserve to receive the award. It is the truth. You will be more surprised if I tell you that S.D. Sundaram was the chairman of the Kalaimamani Award for many years those days and he was a great admirer of Appa and had also learnt some songs from Appa. But Appa would not give a biodata or put in a word to Sundaram. So, they started assuming that it had already been given to him.

8) When Kunnakudi was in charge, he arranged a concert for my appa for the raga research December Series. On the phone, he asked appa whether he should put the Kalaimamani title for him, in the Hindu. Appa told him you can put it only if I had received it. Kunnakudi was shocked and could not speak for a few minutes. Then, he told Appa that he thought that it was given to him years back. Then he asked him I am here for the past three years, why did you not tell me this. Appa told him that you know that I am not in the habit of telling. Then only, Kunnakudi started exploring whether any other stalwarts have been missed to be given the award. Kunnakudi made it a point that even if it is late, appa had to receive it .

Appa has been singing from the inception of All India Radio. But he was given the Atop Grade just a couple of years back in spite of the fact that he had always been cooperative with AIR. He was in Agrade for all these decades. During Agrade till recently he used to get a letter stating that the next recording they would send to Delhi and after testing it they would decide whether he is fit for Atop grade. Appa would send the letter back stating that he was not interested in it and that he did not wish to get insulted in his last stages of his life, to get rejected. The judges who test my appa would certainly be junior to Appa . Is it fair for anyone to test the music of Appa who has competed with the likes of SSI and MMI. But somehow he received the Atop grade too late only couple of years back.

In Thiruvaiyaru Appa is even now a king there. He always sings in the main time there. But for the past 4 years , in spite of his Atop Grade,I am finding that whenever AIR Trichy broadcasts his performance from Thiruvaiyaru they just keep him in the afternoon timings,around 13.00 P.M.( worst timing where no madras relay is there) when amateurs are kept. That too, they keep only one song out of three songs. Even juniors are broadcast in the night timing with songs for whole half an hour. Appa is accustomed with all these things and he accepts it.

Even the padmashri award, if Appa had sent a bio data or put a word to the then President R.V., he had high chance of receiving it.

I started playing the Mridangam from 1970’s. My attendance in the school and college days was very poor. From 1970 to the period of 1985 Appa was having daily performances outside madras, throughout India , especially in kerala but not much in Madras. I have played frequently for the 3hours Thaye yashoda which CM lover mentions. I have enjoyed the golden moments . because the carnatic music scene underwent a drastic change only during the 90’s. You will not believe your ears rajesh if you listen to that Thaye yashoda appa sings, even Nadaswaram and Thavil vidwans will surrender to my father. CM lover is blessed to have seen it happen.

Only a few years back I started explaining to appa, the value of the Cds and the importance of he Biodata for an artist. He is able to understand these things now and I am happy that I have succeeded in spreading his music through Cds to the world and to a certain extent, people are able to recogonise him now.

But, all said and done, we have no regrets at all. Appa is always at joy. He is blessed with a gifted voice and good health till present. He is blessed with a good family and peaceful life. He has sung everywhere to his heart’s content with all the extraordinary veterans and gained true respect in the music field. Once he has committed a date for a performance, even if he is offered any amount of money for another performance on the same date he would not change it on any account. Couple of years back he had been abroad also to Singapore, Malaysia and a two month successful tour to London where people were amazed at his disciplined performances at this age. Even next month he is going to be honoured in Trivandrum. He has not at any time adhered to cheap means for the purpose of gaining popularity. He has lived a Gauravamana life till now.

As Rajesh Nat says, The asura sadhaka he has done, the vidwat and Gnana he possesses, and the daring confidence with which he can sing any song, it is impossible even to imagine it. I am blessed to be the proud son of such a living legend of music.

Rajesh, Appa and myself missed you badly for these two performances recently, one in narada gana sabha and the other one Muthiah Bhagavathar’s compositions.

No doubt our CM lover and your uncle are truly fortunate to have listened to my Appa in those days. As your uncle says, even Hindustani Musicians would envy my Appa’s Dwijavanti.

Btw, 4th September was Appa’s birthday. He was born exactly in Avani Rohini Nakshatra. So every Gokulashtami is his birthday.

Rajesh ‘s message had tempted me to write down my feelings. I am not in the habit of talking these things. Since it is the I thought that we can truly share our feelings. Hope I have not tested all your patience.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

That is a very interesting post. Particularly rangarajan mama is now 88, and he is been singing only for 62 years, that means he has started his concert only from the age of 26. In the age of young musicians adding years of their farex and lactogen days to their concert experience , his honesty is very refreshing .

Also there was 19 sangathis of pallavi in samAnevaru in kharaharapriyA , the ex doordarshan famous reviewer H Ramakrishnan has highlighted that point , it just shows there is so much musical spark in him

I have heard his "‘Kaatruveliyidai Kannamma" , his rendition was very moving . Particularly would love to hear his slow moving mAnji varugalAmO. It must have been a great contrast to his usual style of singing.

Pranams and happy newyear to the great musician. Hope his documentary is going in full swing.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by prasanna »

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by venkatakailasam »

HnumAnE - malayamArudham..A composition by Arunachala kavi...

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by natakapriyan »

Dear Rasikas , Please do attend the release function of Documentary "Carnatic Musician of the Era" on Manakkal.S.Rangarajan by VIMBAM(Landon)on 21st July 2012 @ 6 pm @ Vidyabharathi,56 Beemasena Garden road, Mylapore. You can have preview of the Documentary and enjoy Abishek Raguram's concert.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

manakkAl shri Rangarajan is 90 ... today..htm

For better housekeeping , recently reviewed manakkad dvd release is in the below url

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by prasanna »

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

prasanna wrote:Samanam Evvaru - Bliss! ...
Thank u , what a finesse , in the clip hearing while rangarajan mama renders a lighting sangathi from 05:05 to 05:10 is very good . MAmA indeed had an extraordinary stamina, with three percussions and a violin you still hear his majestic voice. I am assuming his daughter is in the violin(is her bhanumathi or something almost forgot her name) , who are the other accompanists, perhaps you can help or manakkal sriram can help?
If possible post his jujAvanthi too???

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by Pasupathy »

If possible post his jujAvanthi too???
Here's a Dwijavanthi of Manakkal Rangarajan( a composition of his brother, M Varadharajan...) + some more! ;-)






The AIR concert is typical of many I've listened. Usually will include a composition of his brother, a forgotten composer nowadays. A pity.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

Thank you pasupathy Sir.
While i have heard a bit better dwijavanthi in a live concert in ma-mini few years back, still there is a freshness in listening to his brother manakkal varadarajan composition in dwijAvanthi ,especially his ishta deivam being lord muruga. Few like karthikai balAnai in maand of manakkal varadarajan is just haunting.

Coming back to the above url ,i heard varali, ravichandrika , neelambari and dwijAvanthi . One has to see the originality of manakkal rangarajan , every sangathi has weight,weight and only weight :) . He is not interested in giving any melodious light touch because say the ragam is neelambari . I talked once with rangarajan mAma - he told me he had a manaseega influence from gnb and ssi , i added mmi(tooo) .

Certainly rangarajan mama though minimally learnt from his appA and his few brothers -But majorly a self taught musician perhaps was silently guided only by TNR nadaswara brigha laden far :ymparty: reaching throat parampAra. Will hear nasikabhooshani in my leisure tomorrow

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by Pasupathy »

Dear Rajeshnat,

Amen to all you nicely! My brothers and I were great fans of Sri MR in the 50's.... and have listened to a lot of MR's concerts.... The AIR concert is so typical ...there will always be one song of his brother. Great!

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by rajeshnat »

Pasupathy wrote:Dear Rajeshnat,

Amen to all you nicely! My brothers and I were great fans of Sri MR in the 50's.... and have listened to a lot of MR's concerts.... The AIR concert is so typical ...there will always be one song of his brother. Great!
Pasupathy Sir
About 2 years back when manakkal rangarajan was felicitated in PSS, many dignataries like Shri psn, TRS mama etc all talked . I was not agreeing where TRS mama was referring that manakkal rangarajan was not recognized at all . Actually if you have followed rangarajan mama , he was a super star from 1940's to 1960's or 1970's . What happened after that is only a mystery where recognition did not happen .. manakkal sriram , his son gave quite a few reasons mainly attributed to poor PR from rangarajan mama in a post that is in this thread.

Putting that aside , i have heard 3 anecdotes of rangarajan mama .

1. CMLover has listened to a longest todi in suchindram
2. Cleveland sundaram said he was a witness as an young boy in thiruchendur , where mama sang to about 40,000 to 50,000 rasikas.
3. My periappa who is 80 , also has said he has heard and was mesmerized by manakkal though in 1950's only in madras. There was a time few rasikas like him who crossed from being an intense gnb fan to manakkal rangarajan.

If you have any interesting anecdotes that you heard you can relate. May be you can pull also your brothers experiences.Take your time and write a long post on what all you heard live about manakkal rangarajan mama.
Last edited by rajeshnat on 25 Jan 2014, 21:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MaNakkAl Rangarajan

Post by cacm »

HE was such a super star that literally a fan club for him existed & we used to pester Sabha secys but we were all college students & had very little clout. As PRACTICALLY EVERY ONE EXCEPT MS, GNB, MMI, MLV, DKP were DOMINATING the scene to such an extent MOST OF THE GREATS LIKE TKR, KBS, DESIGAR,EVEN SSI had a HARD time getting places. Persons like Somu gravitated to a niche following. Manakkal was put down with the false argument that he ALWAYS sang too fast etc & was one dimensional WHICH WAS NOT TRUE. He also as an ARTIST was UNCOMPROMISING+ as his son has pointed out PR was not his strength......Anyways only those who bent their talents to prevailing winds like SSI got anywhere.....VKV

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