Amrutha Venkatesh @ Sankritilya, SF Bay Area

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Amrutha Venkatesh @ Sankritilya, SF Bay Area

Post by thanjavooran »

Santa Clara Convention center, Santa Clara. CA

concert by 16 00 hrs
Amrutha Venkatesh – Vocal, Rajeev
Mukundan – Violin,Arjun Ganesh – Mridangam

The concert started at 16 15 hrs with usual introduction of Artistes.

Following is the list of songs

Varnam Shanmukapriya and Behag composed by TVG
Girija Ramana. Gambira Nattai. R N S
Balakrishnan Padham. Dhanyasi. R N S
Brovabarama. Bahudhari. R
Kandha vaa vaa. Varali. N S
Devi Jagajanani. Sankarabharnam. R N S Thani
Amirkalyani. R

I could not stay beyond 18 45 hrs due to health reasons.
Excellent concert. Vioiln closely followed the vocalist. His Dhanyasi was good.
Mirududhangam played well. Thani was good. After thani she started Hindusthani. Ameer kaLyani

Crowd slowly increased after each song.
In general an excellent evening for me as I attended a concert after a lapse of 4 yrs.
14 05 2023
Last edited by thanjavooran on 16 May 2023, 08:42, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: sankritilaya. Sataclara Covention Center

Post by arasi »

At first, I thought it was a write up by your granddaughter that we used to read after you stopped attending concerts. in CA during your visits. Good to know that you could be at a concert and enjoy part of it at least! The singer was Amritha Venkatesh too (kindly edit the subject line to add: Amrita Venkatesh At--please make it SANTA CLARA also. Hope someone continues writing about the concert. Have a healthy and happy stay in CA :)

Amrutha V is an excellent young musician possessing a sweet voice and a fertile imagination. Her strives to add to her repertoire, she is creative and is capable of exploring that gift in her. Her smile adds to it all.

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Re: Amrutha Venkatesh @ Sankritilya, SF Bay Area

Post by iamsundar »

This is my first live concert listening to Amrutha. Quite impressed by her impeccable sense of kala-pramanam and her preference for melody (over gimmicks). Sowkyam is the word that comes to mind.

Good choice of krithis & ragas. Felt Shankarabharanam could have carried a bit more punch & weight. Having said that, drawing any comparison between Semmangudi's rendition of Devi Jagath Janani (which is what comes to mind) and any other performance would be entirely unfair.

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Joined: 08 Nov 2007, 09:29

Re: Amrutha Venkatesh @ Sankritilya, SF Bay Area

Post by mmani »

Thanks, Shri Thanjavooran and Shri imasundar. Dear Arasi - Her name is, yes, Amrutha Venkatesh

Here is the full list:
Varnam-SingAraVElavA-DviRaga (ShanmukhapriyA, BehAg)-Adi-Dr. TV Gopalakrishnan
Girija ramanA-GambhIranAttai-CatusraTriputa-Mysore VasudevAcAryA
Balakrishnan PAdamalar-Dhanyasi-Rupakam-PApanAsam Sivan
nI valE deivamu-Yadukula Kambhoji-cApu-MD Ramanathan
kAvAvA-varAli-Adi-pApanAsam Sivan
dEvi JagadJanani-shankarAbharanam-Adi-swAti tirunAl
RTP!Katradhu Kai Mannalavu-Hamir Kalyani, Ranjani, Nalinakanthi, Kapi-Khanda jAtiTriputa (DviNadai-PUrvAngam!Tisra, UttarAngam!Chatusra)
viruttam!(nAlEnSeyyum),murugA murugA enanI Sol-hamsAnandhi-Adi-ArunagrinAdhar, Kovai Subri
dEvarnAmA!hannutA benne thA-kAmavardhinI-aTa-Purandara dAsar
TheerAtha VilayAttu Pillai-sindhu bhairavi-Adi-Subramanya bhArathiyAr
tillAnA! dhIm tana nAdhr dhr dhIm-ratipatipriya-Adi-Dr. TV Gopalakrishnan
mangalam!ninAmA rUpamulaku-SowrAshtram-Adi-Tyagaraja

Though very tempting - as we (SanKritiLaya) are the Tour (and Bay Area concert) sponsor - we desist from reviewing and defer to the Rasikas (like Thanjavooran and iamsundar)


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