Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

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Vignesh G
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Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by Vignesh G »

Hey all,

Could Someone kindly provide a word by word meaning of the following Kriti in Saveri by Mysore Sadashiva Rao?


shrI kAmakOTi pIThasthitE karuNA kaTAkSi
EkAmra pati hrdaya nilayE namAmi shrI kAmAkSi


nAgAdhIsha vinutE himagiri sutE
shrI kAncIpurAdhIshvari varada sOdari shankari

Charanam 1

kadambavana nilayE kanja lOcanE bhavAni
madamba vana vijita shashi bimbE vara suguNa kadamba lalitAmba

Regards...Vignesh :)

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by rshankar »

Please note the corrections to the lyrics in red - these are very important as the meaning will change completely: 'nAgAdhISa' will mean the master of snakes, which doesn't make sense, and 'vana vijita SaSi bimba' will become meaningless.

As always, corrections welcome.

SrI kAmakOTi pIThasthitE karuNA kaTAkshi
EkAmra pati hRdaya nilayE namAmi SrI kAmAkshi

Resident (sthitE) of the divine (SrI) kAmakOTi pITham (of Sri Adi Sankara); whose side-glances (katAkshI) are filled with compassion (karuNA); who makes a home (nilayE) in the heart (hRdaya) of Siva (in his form as the matchless [Eka] Lord [pati] of the mango [Amra]); I worship/bow down to (namAmi) the divine (SrI) kAmAkshI (she, whose eyes represent sarasvati [kA] and lakshmI [mA])

nAkAdhISa vinutE himagiri sutE
SrI kAncIpurAdhISvari varada sOdari SaMkari

The daughter (sutE) of the snow-clad mountain (himagiri); praised (vinutE) by the lord/king (adhISa) of the sky/heavens (nAka) (i.e., dEvEndra); mistress (adhISvari) of the divine (SrI) city (pura) of kAncI; sister (sOdari) of varadarAja/vishNu; the creator (kari) of auspiciousness (SaM) (also means the consort of SaMkara/Siva)

caraNam 1
kadambavana nilayE amba kanjalOcanE bhavAni
madambA vadana vijita SaSi bimba vara suguNa kadamba lalitA (amba)

Resident (nilayE) of the kadamba groove (vana); with eyes (lOcanE) like lotuses (kanja); Oh bhavAni (consort of bhava/Siva)
My (mad) mother (ambA)! With a face (vadana) that defeats (vijita) the orb (bimba) of the moon (SaSi) [1]; Oh fragrant (kadamba) [2], graceful and lovely lady (lalitA) of superlative (vara) virtue (suguNa).

[1] Since the moon has the imprint of a hare (SaSa), it is called SaSadhara or SaSi
[2] I have translated it as fragrance here, as it is used in the context of the kadamba flower in the previous line of the caraNam

Vignesh G
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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by Vignesh G »

rshankar wrote: 22 Nov 2018, 00:44 Please note the corrections to the lyrics in red - these are very important as the meaning will change completely: 'nAgAdhISa' will mean the master of snakes, which doesn't make sense, and 'vana vijita SaSi bimba' will become meaningless.

As always, corrections welcome.

SrI kAmakOTi pIThasthitE karuNA kaTAkshi
EkAmra pati hRdaya nilayE namAmi SrI kAmAkshi

Resident (sthitE) of the divine (SrI) kAmakOTi pITham (of Sri Adi Sankara); whose side-glances (katAkshI) are filled with compassion (karuNA); who makes a home (nilayE) in the heart (hRdaya) of Siva (in his form as the matchless [Eka] Lord [pati] of the mango [Amra]); I worship/bow down to (namAmi) the divine (SrI) kAmAkshI (she, whose eyes represent sarasvati [kA] and lakshmI [mA])

nAkAdhISa vinutE himagiri sutE
SrI kAncIpurAdhISvari varada sOdari SaMkari

The daughter (sutE) of the snow-clad mountain (himagiri); praised (vinutE) by the lord/king (adhISa) of the sky/heavens (nAka) (i.e., dEvEndra); mistress (adhISvari) of the divine (SrI) city (pura) of kAncI; sister (sOdari) of varadarAja/vishNu; the creator (kari) of auspiciousness (SaM) (also means the consort of SaMkara/Siva)

caraNam 1
kadambavana nilayE amba kanjalOcanE bhavAni
madambA vadana vijita SaSi bimba vara suguNa kadamba lalitA (amba)

Resident (nilayE) of the kadamba groove (vana); with eyes (lOcanE) like lotuses (kanja); Oh bhavAni (consort of bhava/Siva)
My (mad) mother (ambA)! With a face (vadana) that defeats (vijita) the orb (bimba) of the moon (SaSi) [1]; Oh fragrant (kadamba) [2], graceful and lovely lady (lalitA) of superlative (vara) virtue (suguNa).

[1] Since the moon has the imprint of a hare (SaSa), it is called SaSadhara or SaSi
[2] I have translated it as fragrance here, as it is used in the context of the kadamba flower in the previous line of the caraNam

Thanks a lot for this sir :D

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by Sachi_R »

Beautiful. Thank you.

Two points:
madambA should be madamba (sambodhana)
varasuguNakadamba means one who is a big collective/gathering of noble virtues. Again a short a as sambodhana.

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by Rajani »

Beautiful, Ravi!

Yes, As Sachi Sir says, since Kadamba also means collection or group, we could interpret the last line as one who has a bunch of great virtues. But short kadamba is not a sambodhana. The two epithets are merged as a single samaasa (vara-guNa-kadambA and lalitA) and that makes the ending of kadamba short.

In fact it is not 2 but three epithets, vadana vijita SaSi bimbA and the earlier mentioned ones, which make one long samaasa (compound word). Hence bimba ending is also short.

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by Sachi_R »

Thank you, Rajani-ji

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by rshankar »

Thank you for the corrections, Rajani and Sachi! Makes way more sense now. I’ll edit the post accordingly.

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by rshankar »

Please note the corrections to the lyrics in red - these are very important as the meaning will change completely: 'nAgAdhISa' will mean the master of snakes, which doesn't make sense, and 'vana vijita SaSi bimba' will become meaningless.

As always, corrections welcome.

SrI kAmakOTi pIThasthitE karuNA kaTAkshi
EkAmra pati hRdaya nilayE namAmi SrI kAmAkshi

Resident (sthitE) of the divine (SrI) kAmakOTi pITham (of Sri Adi Sankara); whose side-glances (katAkshI) are filled with compassion (karuNA); who makes a home (nilayE) in the heart (hRdaya) of Siva (in his form as the matchless [Eka] Lord [pati] of the mango [Amra]); I worship/bow down to (namAmi) the divine (SrI) kAmAkshI (she, whose eyes represent sarasvati [kA] and lakshmI [mA])

nAkAdhISa vinutE himagiri sutE
SrI kAncIpurAdhISvari varada sOdari SaMkari

The daughter (sutE) of the snow-clad mountain (himagiri); praised (vinutE) by the lord/king (adhISa) of the sky/heavens (nAka) (i.e., dEvEndra); mistress (adhISvari) of the divine (SrI) city (pura) of kAncI; sister (sOdari) of varadarAja/vishNu; the creator (kari) of auspiciousness (SaM) (also means the consort of SaMkara/Siva)

caraNam 1
kadambavana nilayE amba kanjalOcanE bhavAni
madamba vadana vijita SaSi bimba vara suguNa kadamba lalitA (amba)

Resident (nilayE) of the kadamba groove (vana); with eyes (lOcanE) like lotuses (kanja); Oh bhavAni (consort of bhava/Siva)
My (mad) mother (amba)! Oh graceful and lovely lady (lalitA) with a face (vadana) that defeats (vijita) the orb (bimba) of the moon (SaSi) [1], and a multitude (kadamba) of superlative (vara) virtues (suguNa)!

[1] Since the moon has the imprint of a hare (SaSa), it is called SaSadhara or SaSi
EDITED based on the input of Sachi and Rajani

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by cmkrithika »

May I request notations for this too please?

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Re: Meaning for Shree Kaamakoti-Kriti-Saveri-Mysore Sadashiva Rao

Post by Lakshman »


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