Ambujam Krishna
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Ambujam Krishna - (born 1917 - died 1989) Ambujam Krishna graduated from Delhi University with a degree in Home Science. She was the daughter-in-Law of the Chennai Industrialist T.V.Sundaram Iyengar. Her musical training was under Karaikudi Ganeshan and Madurai Ganesha Bhagavatar. An extremely pious individual and an ardent lover of the arts, she composed in Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and MaNipravaaLam (two or more different languages in the same song). Her songs are noted for their imagination, chaste language, clarity of thought and inspired spontaneity. Her output has been published in four volumes under the title "Geetamala." The songs are not the result of planned execution but are rather a spontaneous outpouring of divine inspiration. Her approximately 600 songs have been set to tunes by many well-known vidwans like T.N.Seshagopalan, V.V.Sadagopan, Dr.S.Ramanthan, Madurai N.Krishnan, K.R.Kedaranathan, Semmangudi Shrinivasa Iyer and others who have brought out the bhava of the songs beautifully.
source :
An interesting article that came up in The Hindu is ... 720400.htm
Few quick questions:
Can we have some input on geetamala?
how they got tuned into what rAgas by whom would be nice?
source :
An interesting article that came up in The Hindu is ... 720400.htm
Few quick questions:
Can we have some input on geetamala?
how they got tuned into what rAgas by whom would be nice?
- Posts: 1273
- Joined: 10 Mar 2006, 07:55
This was tuned by the late SSI. Avery nice composition.Ambujam krishna's Enna solli azhaithal set to Ragam Kannada is a beautiful composition on Lord Krishna
I have heard a wonderful "punnagai onRE pOdumE" by ShEshagOpAlan, which I believe he tuned.
The Vani recording of Unnikrishnan's rendition of krishNA's compositions cite the name of the tunesmith for each item: (Refer 3/4 way down: ... Type=ccvoc)
Last edited by kmrasika on 20 Sep 2006, 06:36, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 393
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i am a new member of this forum. and i am so happy to read all the topics under various subjects. this site is really great.
thanks to the dear one who recommended this site to me.
i just love the song ' guruvayoorappane appan' written by Ambujam krishna set in reethi gowlai. is it possible to get the list of songs written by her ?
priya ram
thanks to the dear one who recommended this site to me.
i just love the song ' guruvayoorappane appan' written by Ambujam krishna set in reethi gowlai. is it possible to get the list of songs written by her ?
priya ram
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GITAMALA-Volume 5.
A volume of Ambujam Krishna's compositions tuned by Ananthalakshmi Sadagopan is released tomorrow.
THARAKAM, a CD containing songs from the volume is released at the same time by Rajalakshmi Audio. Sumitra Nitin has rendered the songs. She will also give a concert after the ceremony.
Thursday, 31st January at Sivagami Petachi Auditorium, 179, Luz Church Raod, Mylapore at 6-30 in the evening.
Sumitra Nitin is accompanied by HN. Bhaskar on the violin, B. Ganapathiram on the mrudangam and S.Karthick on the ghatam.
Wish I were there...
A volume of Ambujam Krishna's compositions tuned by Ananthalakshmi Sadagopan is released tomorrow.
THARAKAM, a CD containing songs from the volume is released at the same time by Rajalakshmi Audio. Sumitra Nitin has rendered the songs. She will also give a concert after the ceremony.
Thursday, 31st January at Sivagami Petachi Auditorium, 179, Luz Church Raod, Mylapore at 6-30 in the evening.
Sumitra Nitin is accompanied by HN. Bhaskar on the violin, B. Ganapathiram on the mrudangam and S.Karthick on the ghatam.
Wish I were there...
Last edited by arasi on 30 Jan 2008, 21:09, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 16860
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Just heard the Tharakam CD in its entirety. An interesting feature about it is the song 'eppaDi en manam pugundAyO?' in nATTakkuRinji. Ambujam Krishna's songs are in the tradition of the ALvARs, expressions of her visNu bhakthi, rAmA being the center of her lyrical outpourings. Here is an exception. It is a composition on Satya Sai Baba.
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Dear arasi,
It starts with Aparna ...Parvathi(?) & is in Nalina Kanthi. If you write me your address at I can mail you his EXCELLENT CONCERT at TIRUCHI on 20th century composers . Fantastic concert too! As you know he practically knew & heard every one of them! vkv
It starts with Aparna ...Parvathi(?) & is in Nalina Kanthi. If you write me your address at I can mail you his EXCELLENT CONCERT at TIRUCHI on 20th century composers . Fantastic concert too! As you know he practically knew & heard every one of them! vkv
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vkv43034 wrote:
aparNA pArvatI: rAgA: naLinakAnti. rUpaka tALA.
P: aparNA pArvatI AshritArti prashamanakari
A: krpAkari krshOdhari apAnga sundari shankari
navarasathara hAsinI namrajana sahAyini
naLina vAsini bhrtajana sAmrAjya pradAyini
C: kapAlO sahitE apAraguNa mahitE
nrpAlanutE kalyANI tapOmaya dAkSAyaNi
The song is by Kalyani Varadarajan (mudra is in the last line). Here re the lyrics:It starts with Aparna ...Parvathi(?) & is in Nalina Kanthi.
aparNA pArvatI: rAgA: naLinakAnti. rUpaka tALA.
P: aparNA pArvatI AshritArti prashamanakari
A: krpAkari krshOdhari apAnga sundari shankari
navarasathara hAsinI namrajana sahAyini
naLina vAsini bhrtajana sAmrAjya pradAyini
C: kapAlO sahitE apAraguNa mahitE
nrpAlanutE kalyANI tapOmaya dAkSAyaNi
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- Joined: 11 Sep 2008, 05:50
Could any member give me the lyrics for the following song of Smt.Ambujam Krishna.It is reqd for my grand daughter who learns carnatic music in Canada.I am from Madurai,India
Ennai kaividalaguma Rama, Innum paaraamugama,
Ezhai ennai kaividalaguma Rama.
My email id is Hope someone will surely help me. Thanks.
Ennai kaividalaguma Rama, Innum paaraamugama,
Ezhai ennai kaividalaguma Rama.
My email id is Hope someone will surely help me. Thanks.
- Posts: 16
- Joined: 21 Nov 2008, 11:56
can some one translate this? or does anyone know a good book I can purchase online with her compositions and their english translation?
enna sholli azhaithal
rAgA: kAnaDA. Adi tALA.
P: enna sholli azhaittAl varuvAyO eLiyEn enranai inidu ATkoLLa
A: pannaga shayanA parama dayAkarA padam paNindEn sadgati peravE nAn
C: abhayamenra karikkudaviya nAmamO AraNangin mAnam kAttadOr nAmamO
aran manattiDai sadA japittiDum nAmamO avaniyOr uraiyttiDum Ayiram nAmattil
enna sholli azhaithal
rAgA: kAnaDA. Adi tALA.
P: enna sholli azhaittAl varuvAyO eLiyEn enranai inidu ATkoLLa
A: pannaga shayanA parama dayAkarA padam paNindEn sadgati peravE nAn
C: abhayamenra karikkudaviya nAmamO AraNangin mAnam kAttadOr nAmamO
aran manattiDai sadA japittiDum nAmamO avaniyOr uraiyttiDum Ayiram nAmattil

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- Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 22:26
Here you go:
enna sholli azhaittAl varuvAyO eLiyEn enranai inidu ATkoLLa
Tell me, in response to which (enna) name of yours, that I call out (Solli) to welcome/invite (azhaittAl) you, will you come (varuvAyO) to admit me (enranai), a destitute (eLiyEn), into your good graces (ATkoLLa), my Lord?
pannaga shayanA parama dayAkarA padam paNindEn sadgati peravE nAn (enna Solli...)
Oh supremely (parama) compassionate (dayAkarA) lord, who reposes (SayanA) on the snake (pannaga) AdisEsha, I have bowed (paNindEn) at your feet (padam)! (In response to what name of yours that I call out to welcome/invite you will you respond/come) so that I attain (peravE) salvation (sadgati) [1]?
abhayamenra karikkudaviya nAmamO AraNangin mAnam kAttadOr nAmamO
aran manattiDai sadA japittiDum nAmamO avaniyOr uraiyttiDum Ayiram nAmattil (enna Solli azhaittAl)
Should I utter the name (nAmamO) [2] that came to the help (udaviya) of the elephant (karikku) and granted it succor (abhayamenra) [3]? Or should I call out the name (nAmamO) [4] that protected (kaTTadOr) the honor (mAnam) of the lady (AraNangin), darupadi? Maybe I should call out the name (nAmamO) [5] that Siva (aran) meditates upon (japittiDum) constantly (sadA) in his mind (manattiDai)? Tell me, (in response to which one of the) thousand (Ayiram) names (nAmattil) of yours that people of this world (avaniyOr) chant (uraittiDum) (will you come to admit me into your good grace)?
[1] gati itself means salvation/heaven etc, so sadgati means extremely good (sat) salvation
[2] The name the elephant called out was 'AdimUlam'
[3] abhayam - the stae of fearlessness that the lord offers - 'with me by your side, what have to fear?'
[4] draupadi called out 'krishNA'
[5] 'rAma' - According to the vishNu sahasranAmam, Siva explains to pArvati that the enunciation of the name 'rAma' gives the same benefit as that of ennunciating all thousand names (SrI rAma rAma rAmEti ramE rAmE manOramE | sahasra nAma tat tulyam rAma nAma varANanE ||)
EDITED - based on Sridhar and KMR's input.
enna sholli azhaittAl varuvAyO eLiyEn enranai inidu ATkoLLa
Tell me, in response to which (enna) name of yours, that I call out (Solli) to welcome/invite (azhaittAl) you, will you come (varuvAyO) to admit me (enranai), a destitute (eLiyEn), into your good graces (ATkoLLa), my Lord?
pannaga shayanA parama dayAkarA padam paNindEn sadgati peravE nAn (enna Solli...)
Oh supremely (parama) compassionate (dayAkarA) lord, who reposes (SayanA) on the snake (pannaga) AdisEsha, I have bowed (paNindEn) at your feet (padam)! (In response to what name of yours that I call out to welcome/invite you will you respond/come) so that I attain (peravE) salvation (sadgati) [1]?
abhayamenra karikkudaviya nAmamO AraNangin mAnam kAttadOr nAmamO
aran manattiDai sadA japittiDum nAmamO avaniyOr uraiyttiDum Ayiram nAmattil (enna Solli azhaittAl)
Should I utter the name (nAmamO) [2] that came to the help (udaviya) of the elephant (karikku) and granted it succor (abhayamenra) [3]? Or should I call out the name (nAmamO) [4] that protected (kaTTadOr) the honor (mAnam) of the lady (AraNangin), darupadi? Maybe I should call out the name (nAmamO) [5] that Siva (aran) meditates upon (japittiDum) constantly (sadA) in his mind (manattiDai)? Tell me, (in response to which one of the) thousand (Ayiram) names (nAmattil) of yours that people of this world (avaniyOr) chant (uraittiDum) (will you come to admit me into your good grace)?
[1] gati itself means salvation/heaven etc, so sadgati means extremely good (sat) salvation
[2] The name the elephant called out was 'AdimUlam'
[3] abhayam - the stae of fearlessness that the lord offers - 'with me by your side, what have to fear?'
[4] draupadi called out 'krishNA'
[5] 'rAma' - According to the vishNu sahasranAmam, Siva explains to pArvati that the enunciation of the name 'rAma' gives the same benefit as that of ennunciating all thousand names (SrI rAma rAma rAmEti ramE rAmE manOramE | sahasra nAma tat tulyam rAma nAma varANanE ||)
EDITED - based on Sridhar and KMR's input.
Last edited by rshankar on 22 Jan 2010, 19:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Yes, AraNangu here means woman. She uses this word in her tAlATTu song in kuRinji as well (aNNal rAmacandiranuDan AraNangu sItA).sridhar_rang wrote:Ravi,
AraNangu means woman/ lady. So #4 should refer to the draupadi mAna samrakshnam episode. It does not appear related to vEdas being rescued from the deluge. (probably you must have connected it to vEda reading it as ARangam instead of AraNangu)
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Re: Ambujam Krishna
Appreciate if anyone could post the lyrics for the song given below.
Song : Gati Niye Endru Kandridum
Raga : Thodi
Composer : Ambujam Krishna
Thanks in advance.
Appreciate if anyone could post the lyrics for the song given below.
Song : Gati Niye Endru Kandridum
Raga : Thodi
Composer : Ambujam Krishna
Thanks in advance.
- Posts: 14158
- Joined: 10 Feb 2010, 18:52
Re: Ambujam Krishna
dEvaki tan kula. rAgamAlikA. rUpaka tALA.
(rAgA: Anandabhairavi)
1. dEvaki tan kulak-kozhundAi kuvalayattil avatarittAi kAvalgaLaindu mIri gOkulattai shenraDaindAi
pAvai nallAL yashOdai magizh bAlakanAi vaLarndavanE mUvulagilum mudalvanE mukundanE tAlElO
(rAga: vasantA)
2: pEyorutti pAlUTTa uyiruNDAi avaL shAya mAya mighu sakaTanTantanai mALa anru nI udaittAi
AyaruDan kUDi onrAi vEinkuzhalai Udi shenru AvinangaL mEitta enran accutanE tAlElO
(rAgA: AbhEri)
3: uriyil veNNai tayirumuNDu uralinilE kaTTuNDu maramiraNDiDaiyE shenru maNIkUparkkaruL tandu
miraTTi ninra tAi kANat-tiranda pavazha vAyil aNDam IrEzhum kATTi ninra innamudE tAlElO
(rAgA: mAyAmALavagauLa)
4: Odi varum yamunai nadik-karai tanilE gOpiyarODu kUDik-kaLittADik-kuzhal Udi ninra gOpAlA
nADi oru nAgam shinam Odunga adan shiramadanil ADi ninrAi akhilam pOTra anburuvE tAlElO
(rAgA: nIlAmbari)
5: matakkariyin komboshittu mAman kamsan tanai nashittu mANbu mighu annai tandai magizha shirai mITTavanE maraiyavaruL karam tanda maDal kaNDu viraindEGi maNam muDittAi rukmiNiyai mAdhavanE tAlElO
(rAgA: Anandabhairavi)
1. dEvaki tan kulak-kozhundAi kuvalayattil avatarittAi kAvalgaLaindu mIri gOkulattai shenraDaindAi
pAvai nallAL yashOdai magizh bAlakanAi vaLarndavanE mUvulagilum mudalvanE mukundanE tAlElO
(rAga: vasantA)
2: pEyorutti pAlUTTa uyiruNDAi avaL shAya mAya mighu sakaTanTantanai mALa anru nI udaittAi
AyaruDan kUDi onrAi vEinkuzhalai Udi shenru AvinangaL mEitta enran accutanE tAlElO
(rAgA: AbhEri)
3: uriyil veNNai tayirumuNDu uralinilE kaTTuNDu maramiraNDiDaiyE shenru maNIkUparkkaruL tandu
miraTTi ninra tAi kANat-tiranda pavazha vAyil aNDam IrEzhum kATTi ninra innamudE tAlElO
(rAgA: mAyAmALavagauLa)
4: Odi varum yamunai nadik-karai tanilE gOpiyarODu kUDik-kaLittADik-kuzhal Udi ninra gOpAlA
nADi oru nAgam shinam Odunga adan shiramadanil ADi ninrAi akhilam pOTra anburuvE tAlElO
(rAgA: nIlAmbari)
5: matakkariyin komboshittu mAman kamsan tanai nashittu mANbu mighu annai tandai magizha shirai mITTavanE maraiyavaruL karam tanda maDal kaNDu viraindEGi maNam muDittAi rukmiNiyai mAdhavanE tAlElO
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Re: Ambujam Krishna
gati nIyE. rAgA: tODi. Adi tALA.
P: gati nIyE enru kadariDum enranai kaDaikkaNiyAda kAraNam yAdayyA
A: patitanAyinum un pAvana nAmam sholli matiyil un padamalar nItiyenak-koNDu
C: karuNA sAgaran nIyanrO rAmA adai arindu vandadu nAnanrO uyar
tAraka nAmam unadanrO adai uraittiDum enakkaruL tandiDum nALenrO
P: gati nIyE enru kadariDum enranai kaDaikkaNiyAda kAraNam yAdayyA
A: patitanAyinum un pAvana nAmam sholli matiyil un padamalar nItiyenak-koNDu
C: karuNA sAgaran nIyanrO rAmA adai arindu vandadu nAnanrO uyar
tAraka nAmam unadanrO adai uraittiDum enakkaruL tandiDum nALenrO
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- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Another song of her is Kolam kana vareeir-Natakurunji
Lyrics : Kolam kana. Raga: natakuranji. Adi tala. Composer: Ambujam Krishna.
P: kolam kana varir (tiruk) kosala balan karunalavalan malolan tiruk-
A: jnalam uyya bhanu kulattukkindu nila maghal karam konda raghuraman kalyanak-
C: tandai shol Etru kanakam Eghi dandaka munivarkkabhayam Indu
tanjamenra iruvarukku anjalenraruli daraniyor magizhvura dashamukhanai iruttu anujar muvar
pudai shuzha anjaneyan padam tanga janaka sutaiyudan kanaka simhasanattamar pattabhiraman tiruk-
Ranjini Gayathri have rendered this as a commercial album.
Here is a rendering by Madurai R Sundar-a close relative of Smt. Ambhujam Krishna.
Lyrics : Kolam kana. Raga: natakuranji. Adi tala. Composer: Ambujam Krishna.
P: kolam kana varir (tiruk) kosala balan karunalavalan malolan tiruk-
A: jnalam uyya bhanu kulattukkindu nila maghal karam konda raghuraman kalyanak-
C: tandai shol Etru kanakam Eghi dandaka munivarkkabhayam Indu
tanjamenra iruvarukku anjalenraruli daraniyor magizhvura dashamukhanai iruttu anujar muvar
pudai shuzha anjaneyan padam tanga janaka sutaiyudan kanaka simhasanattamar pattabhiraman tiruk-
Ranjini Gayathri have rendered this as a commercial album.
Here is a rendering by Madurai R Sundar-a close relative of Smt. Ambhujam Krishna.
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- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Ambujam Krishna
bAnu kulattudittu
tanjamenRa iruvarkku
Madurai Sundar is vidUshi Ananthalakhmi Sadagopan's nephew and student. That's why he knows a lot of Ambujam Krishna songs.
tanjamenRa iruvarkku
Madurai Sundar is vidUshi Ananthalakhmi Sadagopan's nephew and student. That's why he knows a lot of Ambujam Krishna songs.
- Posts: 4170
- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Thank you for the correction as well as for the information.arasi wrote:bAnu kulattudittu
tanjamenRa iruvarkku
Madurai Sundar is vidUshi Ananthalakhmi Sadagopan's nephew and student. That's why he knows a lot of Ambujam Krishna songs.
I am happy another Smt Ambhujam krishna has arisen in the horizon and as in the case of the elder one, her compositions have also been tuned by Vidushi AS. ( Iread about your compositions in another thread a couple of days back )
Being an elderly man of 76 years my blessings and best wishes are with you.
- Posts: 16860
- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Thank you, Venkata kailasam for your kind wishes. Another correction there. The songs were not tuned by AS. I am a vaggeyaAra in the sense I do not write the lyrics alone, but sing them too. As I am tAlam-impaired, she helped me with that aspect of it, my dear Mami.
Have you read the thread in General Discussions where modern composers are discussed ?
I do not know which class of composers I belong to now. What are my feelings about it? Anything which has merit is worth listening to. Just as a rAgam can be given new dimensions by able musicians (by which I mean not something of the artiste's own additions but of discoveries of what were already hidden there in the rAgam ). If it is new, so be it--but it's not something invented by the musician. If the music has merit, I'm all for it. This applies to lyrics too. Same old words, perhaps, but some different perspectives, and a few changes in vocabulary and expressions too, because several things change with time. Who said after kAlidAsA, no one should write a play, after kamban, not anything at all in tamizh? Every era has to have its own creators. The quality of what is created is what matters most. New compositions need not mean that they are going to replace the old gems.
You call yourself elderly. We are as young as we think. If we don't think that way, we elders will surely be oldies!
Have you read the thread in General Discussions where modern composers are discussed ?

You call yourself elderly. We are as young as we think. If we don't think that way, we elders will surely be oldies!
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- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Ambujam Krishna
I called my self elderly as I felt I should be in a position to bless others.
- Posts: 16860
- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Ambujam Krishna
You still can! I am not that far behind, though!
- Posts: 4170
- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Smt. arasi
Can you clarify whether Smt. Anantha lakshmi Sadagopan and Anantha Lakshmi chella are same?
Is VV Sadagopan is relative of Ananthalakshmi sadagopan ?
These are long lingering doubts in my mind.
Can you clarify whether Smt. Anantha lakshmi Sadagopan and Anantha Lakshmi chella are same?
Is VV Sadagopan is relative of Ananthalakshmi sadagopan ?
These are long lingering doubts in my mind.
- Posts: 16860
- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Ambujam Krishna
I do not know who Ananthalakshmi Chella is.
AS's husband Sadagopan and VVS were first cousins. Trivandrum Aiyya (who composed kannan varakkANenE peNNE and other songs), like VVS was a composer too, and was another cousin.
AS was a close friend of Ambujam Krishna. She has tuned some of her songs and would sing the songs which VVS tuned and also the songs tuned by Semmangudi and others. She taught them to Sundar , her grand daughters and others. Her daughter Sujatha Vijayaraghavan has put in a lot of effort in publishing AK's songs.
AS's husband Sadagopan and VVS were first cousins. Trivandrum Aiyya (who composed kannan varakkANenE peNNE and other songs), like VVS was a composer too, and was another cousin.
AS was a close friend of Ambujam Krishna. She has tuned some of her songs and would sing the songs which VVS tuned and also the songs tuned by Semmangudi and others. She taught them to Sundar , her grand daughters and others. Her daughter Sujatha Vijayaraghavan has put in a lot of effort in publishing AK's songs.
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Sundar is vocal vidwan Madurai Sundar , who is the disciple of TNS who is based out of USarasi wrote: She taught them to Sundar , her grand daughters and others.
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 16:52
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Arasi - I think we need a family tree to understand all the connections!
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 00:29
Re: Ambujam Krishna
srkris was ahead of this and in fact suggested the members to start a tree for each individual under www.geni.commohan wrote:Arasi - I think we need a family tree to understand all the connections!
- Posts: 4170
- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Ambujam Krishna
One more song of SMT Ambhujam krishna rendered by Smt Aruna Sairam:
E'-SWARA 011-Gyanamazai pozukindran-SMT. Aruna Sairam
A Mixing by me.
E'-SWARA 011-Gyanamazai pozukindran-SMT. Aruna Sairam
A Mixing by me.
- Posts: 16860
- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Ambujam Krishna
A super song with a fantastic mix by you!
gAna mazhai pozhiginRAn was tuned by V.V.Sadagopan and he sang it with such bhAvam.
I'm hoping you may have the audio in your collection which is not from a concert but just of his singing of some of the songs from the first volume of Geethamala . He was the tune smith for all the songs in it.
gAna mazhai pozhiginRAn was tuned by V.V.Sadagopan and he sang it with such bhAvam.
I'm hoping you may have the audio in your collection which is not from a concert but just of his singing of some of the songs from the first volume of Geethamala . He was the tune smith for all the songs in it.
- Posts: 960
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 09:39
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Is there any book containing the lyrics of Smt. Ambujam Krishna's compositions? I can see only the list of compositions and not the lyrics.
- Posts: 393
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:57
Re: Ambujam Krishna
A website dedicated to the great devotee Smt. Ambujam Krishna please....... meanings of her songs too please 

- Posts: 14158
- Joined: 10 Feb 2010, 18:52
Re: Ambujam Krishna
Sorry, I don't have the audio clips from volume 1.
Ambujam Krishna's songs have been published (5 volumes so far) under the title Geethamala. These should be available from The Karnatic Music Book Centre in Royapettah, Chennai.
I don't thin there is a website for Ambujam Krishna's songs.
Sorry, I don't have the audio clips from volume 1.
Ambujam Krishna's songs have been published (5 volumes so far) under the title Geethamala. These should be available from The Karnatic Music Book Centre in Royapettah, Chennai.
I don't thin there is a website for Ambujam Krishna's songs.