Any Carnatic Violin Teacher in Lucknow?

To teach and learn Indian classical music
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Posts: 1374
Joined: 02 Sep 2007, 23:08

Post by ganesh_mourthy »

Dear members,

I would greatly appreciate if you let me know if there is anyone to teach Carnatic Violin in
Lucknow. My friend is a great lover of carnatic violin and he has learnt for almost 2 years. but for various reason and in pursuit of life he had to move to lucknow. He is greatly frustrated that since he does not know if there is anyone to teach him carnatic violin there. I would grealty appreciate if you let me know if there is anyone to teach in Lucknow.


Posts: 1374
Joined: 02 Sep 2007, 23:08

Post by ganesh_mourthy »

I am still waiting to know if there is anyone in Lucknow. hopes?

Posts: 2127
Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16

Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, ganesh mourthy, You have written that your friend had already learnt Karnataka Violin for 2 years and now he wants to continue his learning. By this I presume that he had almost completed learning Varnas and is able to play all the Varnas well in two speeds. In such case, what he had already learnt must be systematic and knowledgeable and that knowledge must make him able to continue the process on his own. If not, now, if he can put the already learnt things together he, no doubt, becomes able to do this within a very short time.
Generally I entertain the aspirants between the age of 10 and 20 years, make them regular practice for a minimum of 4 hours daily, take every care of my student vigilantly and directly teach Violin for 1 or 1 ½ years only upto Varnas, of course, in an un-conventional way which enables him/her to start learning and playing even the first Kriti on his/her own. After Varnas mostly I initiate and guide him than direct teaching. As it may not be so easy to find a Karnataka-violin teacher in Lucknow and if he can regularly practice for more than 4 hours daily, he can contact me by Yahoo messenger and I shall help him in every possible manner. My ID is ‘msakella2002’ on both Yahoo messenger and Skype and generally I remain online daily at 8 am., unless the power is cut, to enable my students contact me. amsharma.

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