M.S. Gopalakrishnan

Carnatic Musicians
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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by akriti53 »

Dear CRama

Thanks a lot for your encouragement.

One incident that come to my mind. I was traveling in a MSRTC bus from Sholapur to Kholapur during my travels in Maharashtra for audits during Dec 1980. The bus was crowded and I had to stand a long way . As I was standing I noticed a photo of our MSG sir in the local Marathi news paper which one of the passenger was reading. I immediately requested the seated passenger to show that page to me . He was not very impressed with my enthusiasm and told me curtly that he will give when he gets down from the bus. I waited patiently and I could only get a glimpse of MSG sir's photo when he flipped pages. Some how I controlled my urge and waited patiently. After about two hours , he got down and he handed that paper to me. This photo was a part of a review of a concert he played in Sholapur written in Marathi. I later got the translation of the same. I was honestly moved that he was so well received in Maharashtra. The reviewer presented a very good review of the Hindustani concert. Many times I have come across people ( artistes including )simply dismiss his Hindustani music stating that he is not well received in the North stating that he does not understand idiom of their music. I honestly felt nice and a good review of his Hindustani Music from a HM critic is some thing to be savored. I have heard him at Lucknow where the audience was in rapt attention. He is always called to perform in Gwalior 'gharana' sangeet samorohs' held in Gwalior, Delhi and other places. One of well known present day Tabla player Akram Khan told me that he played with MSG at Allahabad music festival which is a very prestigious venue. Akram told me that he, as a very staunch HM follower, really appreciated MSG sir's presentation and many musicians present in the concert were very moved .

More later.

With warm regards

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by varsha »


vintage AIR Sammelan Concert

Sam Swaminathan
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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by Sam Swaminathan »

Thanks a lot Varsha for the recording and akriti53 for your memories with Sri MSG sir. Please continue sharing if you have some more recording and ofcourse, the anecdotes.

One incident about MSG Sir that I want to share....I was travelling from Singapore to Bombay. A young man sitting next to me and he was glued to his ipad with ear pieces on. About an hour to go before we reached Mumbai, he turned to me and asked if I am a south indian and whether I liked indian music. I replied in the affirmative. He said to me " I have some thing extremely devine, would you like to listen and tell me who could it be (meaning the artist). He turned over one side of the ear plug which I promptly put into my ear. And lo and behold, there was MSG Sir, playing Purya Dhanashri, in its most prestine form ! The young man asked me if I knew the artist. I replied, yes, indeed, MSG sir was my maanasiga guru. It turned out that the young man was learning violin in Bombay, worked in Singapore and while his teacher was some learned guru in Mumbai, his maanasiga guru was Smt N Rajam! Two diamond studded crowns from south india for the hindutani music!

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by eesha »

varsha wrote:http://www.mediafire.com/?y86treqes8sl7

vintage AIR Sammelan Concert
Thanks for that, do you have the rest of the concert ??

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by varsha »

last track of the program - a bhajan - added to the same mediafire folder . cheers.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by akriti53 »

Dear all,

Thanks Sam Swaminathan. It is always a great feeling to receive any information on our MSG sir and that too from an unexpected source. One night I was listening to a Natya sangeet piece played by MSG sir in Chalisgaon in Maharashtra in my room on the first floor. ( I had gone for an audit to the NTC mills there) The night was peaceful and I was enjoying the radio concert. As there was some radio noise , I must have increased the volume to hear clearly. Suddenly one of the junior clerk who deals with cotton waste called my name and asked who is singing the natya sangeet. I told him that it is not vocal and it is being played on the violin. He called one or two of his friends to recognize which natya sangeet is being played and thoroughly enjoyed the piece . He did not know who was playing and simply said that it evoked fond memories of his experience with nataya sangeet which due to circumstances, he could not pursue. I was honestly elated to see such a wonderful expressions on their faces after listening to our MSG sir.

In this same town, I had a rather heart breaking experience. Generally music is much appreciated in Maharashtra . Wherever you go, be it a village or a small town, one will come across traditional abhangs being sung with a lot of fervor. Many has taken to classical music and are keen listeners. I had even come across aged people who come a long way ( even as far from Kanpur) to listen to concerts in music festival such as Sawai Ghandarv festival at Pune. On my first day at Chalisgaon, I was a bit unwell and I was taken to a doctor called Doctor Dathe. He is just a dispenser of medicine and was not a certified doctor. His place was just a small room and as I was leaving his room I noticed a violin hanging from a hook . I immediately turned and asked him whether he plays violin. He asked me a return question as to whether I am interested in music. When I told him that I am very much interested in music, he became very excited and asked other persons to wait and went to another room and put on the shruthi box and started playing the violin much to the amusement of his waiting patients. He played a superb Megh alaap in the instrumental style. I was really moved to learn that he is disciple of Gajanan Bua Joshi ( Both vocalist and violinist). He has learnt directly from Gajanan bua for many years and as he could not get any concerts for a living , he had resort to being a dispenser of medicine to the locals. I then invited him to play at the NTC mills hoping some money could be given to him. from the fund available for such purposes. He came and played but there was no audience except myself and as if that is not pathetic, I later learnt that he was paid only Rs 100 for all the effort. I felt very bad that such a musician is not recognized and respected and he is treated as some unwanted guest. He played for me for more than 3 hours. He played Jinjhoti, Kedar, Malhar and Bhairavi. His technique was good and his music was very chaste and fulfilling. He had a very high regard for MSG sir whom he had heard many times in the AIR programs.

With warm regards,

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by cameo »

happened to listen to this yesterday:

and went on listening for about 100 times by now...!!

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by venkatakailasam »

INS-MSG 016-Padma Bushan MS Gopalakrishnan-rAgam_tAnam_pallavi-bEgaDA.flv


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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by venkatakailasam »

Parur brothers-MSG-MSA-Violin duet


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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by bilahari »

An AIR recording of MSG-Narmadha featuring a rItigowLa, sowrASTRam, vijayaSri, rudrapriya, and sahAna:
http://www.sangeethamshare.org/vignesh/ ... 0/002-MSG/

kanchi perivaa
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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by kanchi perivaa »

It is really difficult to come across a violinist or even a musician who has so beautifully imbibed the two different traditions of music, carnatic and hindustani, and presented them without one getting in the way of the other. Most Carnatic musicians trying their hand at hindustani bring a carnatic "saayal" to it, and vice versa!

Among the violin trimurthis, I have greatly enjoyed Shri. MSG's dexterity over the instrument and Shri. TNK's powerful bowing and sound. The two have an unmatchable sound.
Last edited by kanchi perivaa on 28 Mar 2013, 16:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by srikant1987 »

Last edited by srikant1987 on 28 Mar 2013, 16:50, edited 1 time in total.

kanchi perivaa
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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by kanchi perivaa »

Pardon my words, I did mean to write "have"! Thank you srikant1987.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by hnbhagavan »

kanchi perivaa,

Hello Sir,

Very nice tributes to MSG Sir.Indeed a great personality conquering both Hindustani and carnatic forms.
But I could not understand your reference to TNK in the context.In case You mention TNK,then LGJ should find a place too.

kanchi perivaa
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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by kanchi perivaa »

dear hnbhagavan,
my reference to Shri. TNK here is out of my humble appreciation for the tonal quality produced by a violinist. What I wanted to say earlier was, along with Shri. MSG's tonal quality, another violinist that I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to is Shri. TNK, in this aspect.
Thank you.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by hnbhagavan »

Hello kanchi perivaa,

Thanks for your reply.Still my doubt remains unanswered.In the history of Violin in carnatic music,the contributions of MS Gopalakrishnan,Lalgudi G Jayaraman and TN Krishnan is widely recognize and referred as violin trinty.
Each have individual styles and most of the violinists today follow one of the 3 styles.My question to you more clearly is why you have not mentioned Lalgudi sir in your
When you are paying tributes to MSG,if you have not referred to other violinists,I would not have responded.Since you made reference to TN Krishnan,I have a doubt that you are not recognizing the Lalgudi Bani.

Nick H
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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by Nick H »

why you have not mentioned...
Where would one stop? Why should one stop at three?

It is not obligatory in any way to mention all three of these names when one or two are mentioned. With no disrespect whatsoever to the mentioned or the unmentioned, why should a person be browbeaten to mention all three, or have demands made to know why they did not. What is the use of that? He is free to mention or not to mention. Let him be.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by hnbhagavan »

Dear nick,

Of course,there are many more great names.One is at liberty to mention or not.I only pointed out the three major schools in Violin which has dominated for decades.
I have nothing further to say and will not write further on the topic.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by kapali »

We should of course include Chowdiah and his bani - In the 40's and 50's his name was synonymous with the violin!

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by cacm »

I have carefully listened & read the following four occasions meant to commemorate the GENIUS & MEMORY OF M.S.G.:
1) THE MEMORIAL TRIBUTE CONCERT BY Dr.M.Narmadha(M.S.G'S CHIEF DISCIPLE & DAUGHTER) at Chromepet on the 10th day- I don't know how she did it- but as one who has been listening to him from 1950- she has managed to CAPTURE the technique & spirit of M.S.G. in an unbelievable fashion & may have paid the ULTIMATE TRIBUTE TO M.S.G. NOT ONLY WAS EVERY ITEM SUPERB but her choice of KUMADAKRIYA brought out what M.S.G. was ALL ABOUT! UNBELIEVABLY WELL PLAYED & M.S.G. would have been happy & proud of his student.
2)The "KATRINILAE VARUM GEETHAM" PROGRAM on Dhoordarshan on M.S.G. was again superb due to M.S.G.himself and
Dr.M.Narmadha & gave insights& knowledge of why the Parur school is a MAJOR SCHOOL. The moderator(SRI.Kannan(?) was great too!
3) The condolence meeting at Raghasudha Hall with all the musical giants starting with TNK gave colleagues & experts regards & whys of M.S.G'S GENIUS.
4) The SRUTHI issue & esp. the two masterly articles by Dr.N.Ramanathan(himself a violinist & professor) & Dr.M.Narmadha were SUPERB. Dr.M.N'S article was very moving while providing expert details about M.S.G. a difficult task
I wish to congragulate Dr. M.Narmadha for PROPERLY educating & celebrating the man & genius M.S.G. In these days while most of the Disciples USE the names of their Gurus mostly to gain ADVANTAGE while crassly violating or wrongly claiming great
adherence etc it is VERY REFRESHING to find an exception in Dr.M.Narmadha. I wish her all the best in her efforts to propagate the Parur Tradition & REQUEST ALL THE FANS OF M.S.G. to encourage as well as support Dr.M.Narmadha in her efforts. THIS IS THE BEST TRIBUTE TO M.S.G. WE CAN PAY. VKV

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by cacm »

kapali wrote:We should of course include Chowdiah and his bani - In the 40's and 50's his name was synonymous with the violin!
Actually greats like MMI & GNB even well after the fifties considered SRI.Chowdiah to be an all time great & insisted on having him as accompanist. The '63 M.A.Concert of M.M.I.- T.C.- V.R.-A.R. is in my opinion is certainly one of the BESTMMI CONCERTS & in my opinion ONE of the ALL TIME great concerts in no small measure to T.C. who brought out the best in the main artist as well as the other accompanists. CERTAINLY ONE OF A KIND GENIUS. VKV

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by SrinathK »

I have read on a Hindu newspaper article that Sri. MSG used a 400 year old (!!) violin made by Giovanni Paolo Maggini -- which would make it a hundred years older than even the Stradivarius and Guarnerius violins. How did he preserve his instruments? Can some tell me what strings he used during his career?

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by hnbhagavan »

Some Rasika wanted to listen to MSG's Bhavanuta:

Here is the link:

http://play.raaga.com/marathi/song/albu ... tha-149670

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by venkatakailasam »

Concert 216-Hindustani Ragas- Shri. MS Gopala Krishnan(2.57hrs)
Courtesy : HMG Murthy
Listen at:
http://myblogkumara.blogspot.in/2014/06 ... y-vii.html
Concert details:
01-PuriyaDhanashri 57.52Mts
02-Tumri 22.12mts
03-Yaman 64mts
04-Malkauns 33mts

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On this day of the birthday of late Sri MSG, I am giving the drop box links of MSG's few audio clippings of the master.
The presentations of the audios were the imaginations of Sri MSG WHICH ARE VERY UNIQUE.
1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9luyvvmuna9w ... I.mp3?dl=0
2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4rtlarnc8gg1 ... N.mp3?dl=0
3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7kgr1r5kctbiy ... M.mp3?dl=0
4. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ayj7h271av9v4 ... A.mp3?dl=0
5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/llsuuzksqj7qd ... I.mp3?dl=0
6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4lto9jqt8c37 ... A.mp3?dl=0
7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8samfyhqrcay0 ... G.mp3?dl=0
Enjoy the music.

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Post by CRama »

Nageswaran Sir, Thanks for your audio links.

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Post by arasi »

Thank you, Nageswaran.
Did you see the other thread which has an article from Dina Thandi on Narmada's US tour?

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Post by hnbhagavan »

I am getting error 404 when i click on the links.

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Post by Rsachi »

Thank you Sri Nageswaran!
Mohana is sweetness personified.
BrindavanaSaranga (strictly Brindavani as there is no Ga) is dynamic.
KHP, Keeravani and Nalinakanti are spell-binding.

I remember a Nalinakanti of MSG and MSA that went on and on in Mysore in 1960s- a once-in-a-lifetime experience in a house concert!!!!

Thank you, sir. This is perhaps the best collection of clips I have heard in recent times of MSG.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by SrinathK »

The things MSG could do with a violin -- God even Paganini couldn't have played on one string on one finger like that (ok we are comparing apples to cauliflowers, but still). He had every bow technique mastered -- even the ricochet. And his tone was something else too -- thick and rich like pure honey, the intensity and viscosity of sweet chocolate. Of violinists of those days, I would probably compare only Jascha Heifetz's skills to MSG's. Just the greatest. ever.

The last time I ever got to hear him live was in a concert at Ananta Padmanabhaswamy temple. He needed a chair by that point, but unmindful of the impact of age and health, in his brief alapana passages he sometimes made my hairs stand up with some sweet and simple phrases soaked in raga hues that showed me the whole raga in a new dimension in those brief seconds and I was like "What was THAT?!!"

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by V.S.Narasimhan »

Dear Carnatic Music Connoisseurs,
NEVER compare Western Classical Violinists with Carnatic Violinists! Did Paganini play Carnatic Music or MSG play Western Classical Music?
Paganini was such a great Violinist & Composer in his own genre and our MSG stands high in our Carnatic Music. LEAVE AT THAT!
Why should one equate Jacha Heifetz to MSG? Again, I ask, did Heifetz play Carnatic Music or MSG play Western Classical Music?
Western Classical Music & Carnatic Music are like OCEANS! DON'T COMPARE THE TWO MUSICS or the musicians!

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by hnbhagavan »

Post #332
Well said Sir,Rasikas should stop such unwanted comparisons and draw conclusions!

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by balakk »

Some old-school MSG Hindustani pieces:

Abhogi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGLcyqZ5mMs

Yaman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfmxtt4IPC8

Puriya dhaneshri : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgYjD0BGpt0

Sudh Kalyan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlmvU_2iDQ0

Malkaus : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KrA7hVYAew

Hamsadhwani : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3x84jT-KjA

Desh, Kafi, Sindhu bhairavi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q22G0jcWgdc

Thumri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_82gK8MBNk

Don't know if these have already been posted, just sharing them as I found them. Very good recordings too.

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Re: M S Gopalkrishnan

Post by rajeshnat »

Today Jan 03,2016- I saw in The Hindu where there was a notice of the great MSG given by his family on his death anniversary . I only had just one chance to hear his solo violin in Nungambakkam Cultural Academy(how can i forget his last dazzling fast tirruppugazh in hamsanandi and kamas jayathi jayathi, that day it was a bhairavi main). I have attended few of his concerts where he accompanied but i was too young then -cannot recollect that much now. Of course more than anything how can we forget maestro MS Gopalakrishnan when he came to our nageswaran sir's previous house in west mambalam.

Change his name to M S Gopalakrishnan , he is very much a carnatic gopalakrishnan musician even though he had forays into hindustani gopalkrishnan land. Add that a plus to his name

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Sri MSG's 86th birthday

Post by srutishree91 »

Namaskarams, all.
Yesterday (10-6-17) was the 86th birthday of our Guruji, Sri MS Gopalakrishnan, Naa bhootho, naa bhavishyathi.
It is impossible to forget his music, his demeanour, and his utter simpleness, humility.
Let us strive to emulate his perfection and perseverance.

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Re: M.S. Gopalakrishnan

Post by varsha »

belated wishes
A magnificent Gladiator of our times , with a violin for a Sword.
Always arousing thunderous appreciation , teary feelings ( like here )
Precision of a tracer bullet
Softness of demeanour that belied the harshness of practice
A bridge between two banks , that many other could only cross , but not stay on for long , as he dared

https://archive.org/details/06NaguMOmuK ... iTyAgarAja

Glory be !!

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Re: M.S. Gopalakrishnan

Post by shankarank »

And he does the same in style again, drawing the listeners in, at every turn!!


@Sachi_R @cpblog For your kind attention!

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Re: M.S. Gopalakrishnan

Post by shankarank »

A very delectable concert of Sri MSG and Sri TS in Cleveland 1975.


The announcements kind of reflects his outreach to who could be some unknown audience. The nalinakanti svarams are absolute delight.

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Re: M.S. Gopalakrishnan

Post by Pasupathy »

2394. சங்கீத சங்கதிகள் - 343
தாய் வீட்டுச் சீதனத்திற்கு தனி மவுசு...!
---- எம்.எஸ்.கோபாலகிருஷ்ணன் நேர்காணல்

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