Arkay Ramakrishnan

Prominent critics and rasikas
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Arkay Ramakrishnan

Post by rajeshnat »

Arkay Ramakrishan along with Jaya Balakrishnan(started by her father SV Krishnan)are surely the pillars to sustain CM encouraging talent and more importantly having the drive to continue . Nice article by The Hindu dated jan 2022. Arkay Ramakrishnan is very much part of our forum , and I am pretty sure Jaya will also see this forum. Let arkay and jaya continue with their zeal in their madhuradhwani and naada inbam in their Luz carnatic bastion. Thank you ... 266703.ece

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Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30

Re: Arkay Ramakrishnan

Post by arasi »


A teaming sea of concerts there, it seems
No dearth in numbers now, we realize
It didn't happen overnight, as is evident
In the two guiding lighthouses you cite

Taking it for granted is a human trait
Making way to a concert is a big deal
As if we are granting a favor to music
Even when the fare is offered free

Still, how they persist in their efforts
Giving life to music, voice to the unheard
Making room for seniors often forgotten
New talents too who need to be noted

Getting a bit personal--Jaya a gem
I cherish in my heart for her worthiness
The other, I would love to meet and greet
Both do amazing work, may God bless :)

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