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Post by Sachi_R »

Please click on the image below. It will take you to the Youtube video:


Of all the incredible feats of Lord Sri Krishna as a child described in the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Kalinga mardana is most bewitching. A battle between a child and a mighty multi-headed demon of a snake spitting fire and poison swishing about with such might that no mortal would ever escape its strangle. Krishna leaps on his head, stamps his foot so hard that the snake reels under the blow. Soon the snake is so subdued that Krishna starts entertaining the startled villagers with his dance and flute play as he holds the snake by his tail.

This scene is etched in our memories and so many poets have sung its description, with increasing astonishment. There is a Dasa composition that a Swamiji sang once in Ravindra Kalakshetra, about how the gods musically accompanied Krishna's Kalinga Nartana dance blissfully.

The OVK masterpiece Kalinga Nartana Tillana is an eternal challenge. Only Smt. Aruna Sayeeram tackles it in every concert with typical panache.

Now comes OVK KNT 2.0.

From whom else but Sri. Kuldeep M Pai!

Not only has Kuldeep decoded the song, and trained the redoubtable Sooryagayathri AND Rahul Vellal, but also added superb musical touches of 360° excellence. The percussion by Sri.Ganapathy and the audio effects are truly matchless. Watching the final product presented by the trio (Youtube link embedded in the image at the top) offers a heady and irrestible thrill that no Disney roller-coaster can come anywhere near!

I am sure this will set a new benchmark in our music.


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Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30

Re: OVK KNT 2.0

Post by arasi »

Delightful beyond words...THANKS!

Posts: 13754
Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 22:26

Re: OVK KNT 2.0

Post by rshankar »

After 'seeing' the dance in the trio's singing, here is a version by the all-too talented ensemble from the Sree Devi Nrithyalaya, showcasing Smt. Sheela Unnikrishnan's scintillating choreography. Their mELattUr style adds to the sinuous grace of the snake so beautifully portrayed.

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