AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

To teach and learn Indian classical music
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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Unless the aspirant has the source to listen to the music he/she cannot learn the music. In the olden days when there were no gadgets either to record or reproduce the sound the aspirant was compelled to rely upon somebody else for this purpose. By all this since a very long time, ultimately, the so called teachers made the poor aspirant dependent upon them perennially.

In the olden days we have been used to go by walk even to Varanasi. But, after the invention of cycle or motor-cycle or car or train or aero-plane or helicopter etc., the mode of journey has gradually been quickened saving our invaluable time or energy or money. Nowadays each and everybody laughs at any person if he/she talks about going to Varanasi by foot. While the foreigners have always been in the process of research and development of many aspects in benefiting the society our music-teachers are adamant to find such beneficial methods themselves or even to follow such proven methods for the benefit of the poor aspirants and their parents.

Very sadly, in our music, our so called music-teachers or Gurus want to properly and efficiently utilise the modern sound-gadgets and Skype for themselves only to earn more money but not to make the process of learning more easy and fast. Surprisingly, each and every music-teacher talks very extensively about Manodharma-sangita and tells it is very difficult to get it. But many experiments undoubtedly proved that Manodharma Sangita is very easy to get and not that difficult as confused by the so-called Vidwans.

Last year, on 08-08-2015, I have given a Lec-dem in IGNCA, Bangalore on the modern learning methods in our music. In this respect, my 13 yr. old great-grand-daughter, Chi. Padmaja from Bangalore, having been trained by me for 1 ½ yrs., only @ weekly two classes by telephone from Hyderabad, sang both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of the Varna @ 4-6-8 notes per beat followed by a Chapu-tala-kriti with brief Ragalapana and intricate mathematical Swarakalpana. In this respect it is very important to note that, in any of these classes, I did never sing even for a minute. But, later, in the panel-discussion half-a-dozen local experts in music participated and discussed many other aspects but without observing this important point. That is the pity.

Again, very recently, I happened to go through a video ( of a veteran musician in which he himself moderated the panel discussion also along with a panel of experts in respect of his Lec-dem on Manodharma Sangita held earlier. In it, in the beginning he expressed “Though this cannot be taught how does a teacher guide the aspirant into the process of Manodhrama Sangita - we shall discuss”. But, very sadly, later in this discussion, none of them came out with any logical and graded plan of action to be followed either by the teacher or the aspirant in this respect. So, accordingly, I have recorded my dis-satisfaction in this respect in the comments of this video.

The true music-teacher always sings or plays the instrument the minimum but initiates the aspirant sing or play the maximum in which way the mother eats very little just to show her kid how and what to eat. Had these experts in the above discussions given any suitable and logical plan of action to arrive at the Manodharma-sangita it would have helped the inquisitive aspirants a lot. But, very sadly, as usual, the real purpose of them has not been fulfilled. That is the pity.

Each and every person, in general, does anything of his life as per his/her own Manodharma and this certainly defers from person to person. In such case I do not know why, when and by whom this word ‘Manodharma-sangita’ was created in respect of our Sangita only, in particular. More over, most of the veteran musicians speak very extensively about this Manodharma-sangita but do nothing in arriving at it very quickly and efficiently. That is the pity.

In the olden days when there were no gadgets either to record or re-produce the sound the aspirant was compelled to depend upon any other person in many ways in learning music. But, now, when such modern gadgets are very easily available and accessible to any person is it necessary to depend upon another person in learning music? No. In which way a person need not walk all the way to and from Varanasi but properly utilise the modern travelling facilities to save the invaluable time, money and energy, nowadays, the aspirant also can rely mostly upon these modern-sound-gadgets in learning the music. The experienced music-teacher only must pave way not to sing or play the instrument himself/herself and make the aspirant also follow him/her but initiate the aspirant to the maximum to work and learn things on his/her own in this process. But, as this drastically reduces not only the importance of the teacher making the aspirant independent but also the earnings of the teacher by quickening the process of learning no music-teacher comes out to follow this. Thus, no music-teacher prefers to give notated compositions or pre-recorded CDs or DVDs or encourages the aspirant to write the Kalpana-swaras or Ragalapana in notation on one pretext or the other.

In this modern ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ system in learning our music there is a perfect and logical plan of action to very quickly arrive at the Manodharma-sangita hardly within a couple of years. In this system while the aspirant’s role, mostly relying upon the notations, audio-files and video-files, is more than 95% the teacher’s role is limited to less than 5%. All our music-teachers, who have always been used to mostly sing or play the instruments themselves, perennially keeping the poor aspirant dependent upon them, are unable to understand or digest or even willing to make the aspirant work independently in this manner. However, though not all, the honest and efficient music-teachers among them are very strictly following this modern system at some places like Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam, Chennai, Bangalore, Poona etc. and getting amazing results. As part of them the respective urls of such talented kids are furnished in the above posts for the benefit of the interested aspirants and their parents. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Since a long time I have been used to go through a number of youtube-videos containing the Lec-dems rendered by many musicians of different levels in respect of approaching the Manodharmam. But, very sadly, each and everybody gave his/her own traditional and circuitous method which ends no where but not any logical method at all. Ultimately, basing upon my extensive experiments on the kids themselves, I, in many cases, having found that, at the first instance, it is essential to save the kid from the inefficiencies of the teacher, arrived at an affective logical method of learning our music. By very strictly following this, after getting properly stabilised their rhythmical abilities hardly within a month and, accordingly, following the Kalpanaswara-exercises 1, 2 & 3 in all the popular six Talas furnished in the msakella’s Easy Methods, several kids are able to sing even creative Swarakalpana hardly within the fist six months of learning. The videos of several talented kids furnished in all the above posts prove this beyond any doubt.

While the exercises of Kalpanaswaras 1, 2 & 3 furnished in the CD of this book are abundantly helping the aspirants in singing even the creative Kalpanaswaras, the exercises of Ragalapana-notations of three Ragas are helping the aspirants in singing the Alapanas of the Ragas also hardly within only one year. These Alapana exercises are furnished in segmented-notation and each segment is sung twice and once with Akaram to be helpful to the aspirants. While following them the aspirant can listen to each segment several times and get them by-heart very easily and conveniently at his/her own time and pace which is not at all possible while learning from a teacher in person. Unlike in the past, to serve this purpose very quickly and very efficiently, these Ragas are segmented, recorded and this book is supplied along with an audio CD.

While only three ragas are furnished in this book, now, 16 more folders containing some more Ragas and their respective segments played by the Great Violin-trinity (MSG-LGJ-MC) are kept ready for the use of the interested aspirants.

Having successfully and efficiently accompanied hundreds of musicians all over the globe for several years the Raga delineation of this Violin-trinity is always higher and unparalleled. That is why their versions are taken and furnished to help our kids and as a sample the url link of the Mohana-raga-folder is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants all over the globe. Any aspirant, whoever wants the folders of other Ragas also, can choose the version of Mohana-raga played by one of them, properly notate in English, sing and record in the same segmented manner and send them all to me by email. amsharma


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AMS Re: Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Yesterday I have read in the news papers that the Great Ilairajah imposed some kind of restriction upon the singers that they should not sing the songs he had tuned. This may be legally right but very ridiculous and I very sincerely and honestly feel that this day is a BLACK-DAY for music. Then what about our Trinity, Thyagaraja, Dikshitat and Shyamashastry and other great composers and their invaluable compositions. Are all our musicians not making different kinds of businesses out of their compositions? Even to think about this is a very great sin, I feel. I cannot and do not like to write much in this foreign language in this respect.

I very sincerely and honestly feel it as my duty to provide each and every possible thing to the aspirants learning our music all over the globe. In this respect I have already uploaded nearly 1000 videos under nearly 35 to 40 playlists to ‘’ to help the aspirants learning either vocal or violin. Also uploaded two CDs to 'sangeethamshare'. In the same manner I have also brought out five books along with notated compositions and pre-recorded CDs to be helpful for these aspirants. Now, I hereunder furnish the respective urls of the audio-files (nearly 40 GB) uploaded to ‘MediaFire’ to help the aspirants all over the globe. I shall extremely be happy if all other musicians also honestly help our aspirants in this manner. amsharma

MediaFire Audio-files uploaded by msakella:
20161229 & 20170311:

LGJ-Compositions: ... mpositions

LGJ-Ragas: ... /LGJ-Ragas


Mridangam-tanis: ... ngam_Tanis

MSG-Compositions: ... mpositions


MSG-Ragas: ... /MSG-Ragas

NKM-Compositions: ... mpositions

NKM-Ragas: ... /NKM-Ragas

NKM_AMS_VKR_USA Concerts: ... A_Concerts

Segmented Violin Ragas: ... olin_Ragas








Kedaragaula: ... edaragaula

Kharaharapriya: ... aharapriya

Madhyamavati: ... dhyamavati


Purvakalyani: ... rvakalyani


Shankarabharanam: ... rabharanam

Shanmukhapriya: ... mukhapriya


Tambura Shrutis:













Voleti-Ragas: ... leti-Ragas

Navanakshatramalika-Audios: ... ika-Audios

01. Shankarabharanam: ... rabharanam
02. Kambhoji: ... 2.Kambhoji
03. Bhairavi: ... 3.Bhairavi
04. Kharaharapriya: ... aharapriya
05. Todi:
06. Saveri:
07. Mohana:
08. Purvakalyani: ... rvakalyani
09. Madhyamavati: ... dhyamavati

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

After 5 years after my retirement in 1996, in 2001, in an introspection, the Almighty had brought out my inefficiencies as a music-teacher and also blessed me with an amazing and unbelievable system of learning our music in which the teacher's role is minimised to less than 5 % and the role of the aspirant is maximised to more than 95% making the entire process of learning very strictly 'logical, time-bound & result-oriented'.

In our old suicidal system of learning music the aspirant is compelled to mostly depend upon the teacher and illogically learn a large number of items only by listening to him face to face but not any part of the so called Manodharma as it is not the tradition to be taught or learnt. But, in this unique modern system of learning, right from the first day of learning, singing creative Kalpanasvaras which is the entrance of Manodharma is the Crux and, accordingly, kids are able to sing both intricate rhythmical and creative Svarakalpana and Ragalapana also hardly within one year even before learning the first Kriti on their own and with the barest minimum dependence upon the teacher.

Accordingly, in 2010, I have initiated 11 yr. old Chi. Shreenidhi, grand-daughter of my friend Shri S.Nageshwaran, Chennai in this unique system of learning music weekly twice by Skype as she resides in Chennai and myself at Hyderabad. Even without singing myself Sa or Pa even for a minute in any of the classes I have made her ably sing a mini-concert of 45 mts., with brief Ragalapana and intricate mathematical and creative Svarakalpana in Chapu-tala ( in Chennai in December, 2010 in Global Rasikas Meet and proved that a kid could very efficiently be initiated in singing Svarakalpana and Ragalapana hardly within a year.

Again, in the same manner, without playing Violin even for a minute in most of the classes, I have also initiated a seven year old kid, Chi. Rishabh Ranganathan-Violin of Chicago weekly twice by Skype and made him successfully play a 45 mts., mini-violin-concert after 2 years at Parthasarathy Swamy Sabha, Chennai (

Again in 2014, in the same manner I, without singing Sa or Pa even for a minute in any of the classes, have properly initiated my great-grand-daughter Chi. Padmaja (11 yr. old) of Bangalore weekly twice by Skype and, within a span of hardly 1 1/2 yrs., made her sing a mini-concert at IGNCA, Bangalore (20150808- ... gRDmIMym5X)
and another at IIT, Chennai (20150830- ... 10MUWEQ2cP)
with intricate mathematical and creative Svarakalpana and brief Ragalapana efficiently and successfully.

Recently, in the 2nd week of March, 2017, two kids, Chi Jyothirmayi (11yrs.- 9397104646) and Chi. Sai Meghana (23 yrs.-8106132115), who have previously learnt few bare Varnas & Kritis, have approched me to learn music.

Then, as per this unique modern system, I, as usual, without singing Sa or Pa even once in any of the classes, initiated them twice in a week by Skype to work hard very regularly with different rhythmial exercises. They did them well and proceeded further learning things on their own mostly relying upon the Keyboard, metronome, detailed and symbolised notations, audio and video files.

As per this modern system, from Varnas, they have played and sang all of them, at the first instance @ one-note-per-second. And later they have played and sang @ 4-6-8 notes per beat
(i.e., both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis) also successfully and sent the first, Natakuranji-varna to me by WhatsApp on 20170517 and later all other 8 Varnas and Bhairavi-Svarajati too.

While they are dealing with Kalyani-varna, I have initiated them to, simultaneously, to practice first the Jati and later the Svara of the Kalpanasvaras- 1, 2 & 3 of my book, 'Akella's Easy Methods'. They successfully fulfilled it. Then, I have initiated them in singing creative Kalpanasvaras for both Sama & Vishama-grahas also, in learning Kritis in Kalyani & Mohana and in singing brief Ragalapana too.

Now, the respective URL link is furnished hereunder in which the respective videos are furnished chronologically to prove that the kids can very efficiently be initiated in singing not only creative and intricate mathematical Kalpanasvaras but brief Ragalapana too hardly even within 3 months.

AMS-Jyothirmayi & SaiMeghana: ... Bwfx1O_rLu

20170526, 27-1.KS.1, 2, 3
20170530-2.KS.1, 2, 3
20170601-3.KS.1, 2, 3
20170610 & 14-Todi
20170619 & 20-Saveri
20170624 & 25-1.1.KS.1, 2, 3
20170627, 28, 07/01 & 02-Bhairavi
20170706, 08, 09, 12 & 13-1.2.KS.1, 2, 3
20170811 & 12-Evarura-Mohana-Chapu

Just like in driving a motorcycle or in cooking in which the true-teacher without doing himself merely initiates the aspirant in doing and learning things on his own, me too, without singing or playing Sa or Pa in most of the classes, have merely initiated the aspirants in doing and learning things on their own. In my extensive experiments it was proved, beyond any doubt, that by initiating the aspirant in this manner the aspirant himself/herself works independently as per his/her own pace or sharpness or intelligence. But, if the teacher himself sings a little and makes the aspirant follow him, by that, the aspirant's pace will become restricted and he also becomes dependent upon the teacher which is not at all desirable.

In this unique system, right from the first day of the lesson, the aspirant works himself independently with the help of the notations, audio-files, video-files, keyboard and very strictly along with the metronome under the vigilant supervision of the teacher up to the Varnas. Later, from Kritis, this supervision is gradually reduced.

Efficient, honest and reliable music-teacher never tries to dump the aspirant with a large number of items but properly equips him with the mostly needed material to proceed further and further quickly on his own. Thus, removing all the
illogicalities of the old system, now, the process of learning is reduced to a couple of years only as against the old system of 10 or 15 years or even more.

Some of the efficient, honest and reliable music-teachers who are more interested in sincerely helping the kids from Hyderabad (9440258683-with 3 local branches), Bangalore (9243088386), Chennai (9444025313), Vishakhapatnam (9849883416), and Pune (9890934346) than in the pecuniary benefits are striving hard to help the aspirants by saving their invaluable time, energy and money of nearly 200 kids.

Almost, since last 10 years, through these columns of 'rasikas' l have very fervently been appealing to the teaching community to follow this unique method in teaching our music and honestly help the kids and their parents as well by saving the invaluable time, energy and money of them. But, except very few honest teachers who are more interested in truly helping the kids than in the pecuniary benefits came out open and are very sincerely helpng to nearly 200 school-going kids at different places, as mentioned above, following this modern system of learning.

In my extensive research upon these illogical methods in teaching our music which are unanimously followed by all these parasitical performers of music since many years many atrocities of them came into light. To tell the bare fact, since many years, they all have wantonly, maliciously and illogically closed all the easy doors leading to music and made the poor aspirants perennially dependents upon the so called 'Gurus' which became handy to squeeze them in many ways and I am ready to prove this at any time and place. When I,
only by the grace of the Almighty, could gradually find them all, take all the possible remedial measures and implemented them in our institution, Svarabhangima at Secunderabad the process of learning music became independent, quicker and much efficient and all the 60+ school-going kids are amazingly and unbelievably becoming able to sing even creative Svarakalpana and Ragalapana hardly within a year.

In fact, institutions like the Music Academy, Chennai must come out and hold periodical meetings and discussions at length among the music-teachers to help the poor aspirants. But, as most of the so called experts of these institutions are mostly conservatives and egoistic persons and as any action in this direction not only culminates into heavy financial loss to the music-teachers but also spills out their own beans in this respect embarassingly none of them is favourable to hold any kind of such meetings or discussions and the like in truly helping the poor aspirants. They may be experts in performing, but the question is, can any one of them, without singing himself for more than 5% in any of the music-classes, initiate the aspirant work for more than 95%, learn things accordingly, sing the Varnas in full @ 4-6-8 notes per beat and sing creative Swarakalpana along with the intricate mathematical Svarakalpana within one year even before learning the first Kriti on his own? Anybody who can do so can prove it in the above mentioned manner furnishing the respective urls chronologically in these columns.

In general, insensible rogues and culprits only turn a deaf-ear irresponsibly against such challenges, become tight-lipped and do not even respond at all. But, even though many of our stalwart musicians and reputed teachers are mostly conservatives and egoistic persons, I honestly hope that, unlike the rogues and culprits, they will certainly respond positively in this respect and do the needful in honestly helping our aspirants. amsharma.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by svasanth »

I would like to download the entire CDs - if that is too large at least split into 4 or 6 files - its a paid to download 481 files one by one! Would be great if that can be arranged please.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear b/s-member, svasanth,

AMS - Rhythms - And - Rhythmelodies – Tables
This material is freely available from the following link: amsharma ... hods-2007/ ... PerSecond/

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by svasanth »

Respected Sir,

Thank you for the response. I had already accessed the first link (the second one does not seem to work). My issue is that each file in these folders needs to be downloaded one at a time, and you can imagine the pain to do this almost 500 times!

Is there a place from where I can download the entire folders in one go.


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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear b/s-member, svasanth,

I am not well versed in this computer technology. However, I am trying to manage with it in serving our people. Now, I hereunder furnish two more Dropbox links from which you can download them conveniently. Try them. Or, if not, if you send somebody I shall give these two CDs for you. amsharma

CD-1: ... Q30pa?dl=0
CD-2: ... uAH_a?dl=0

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by svasanth »

Thank you - much appreciated!

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to my previous post No.553 pertaining to the videos of the kids, Chis. Jyothirmayi & SaiMeghana, later, they continued their progress as furnished hereunder:

20170826-Kritis in Hindola & Hamsadhvani
20170803: Kriti in Shreeranjani
20170807-Kriti in Shreeranjani.

In this respect it is very important to note that the kids, if they are properly guided by an efficient and honest teacher, they can certainly becoame able to sing even creative Kalpanasvaras along with intricate mathematical Kalpanasvaras for the Kritis of all the six prominent Talas hardly within the duration of six months. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Like in the post No.554, in the same 2nd week of March, 2017, Chi. Chennu Akhileshwar (21 yrs.), a fresh candidate belonging to Telangana but studying Engineering in Bangkok, also approached me to learn music.

Then, as per this unique modern system, I have tested the level of his instinctive abilities and initiated him weekly twice by Skype to work hard very regularly with different rhythmical exercises. After one month, even without singing myself Sa or Pa even once in any of the classes, I have initiated him by telephone in doing and learning things independently on his own mostly relying upon the Keyboard, metronome, detailed and symbolised notations, audio and video files and my instructions.

In the old, quantitative and suicidal system of teaching, while the aspirant is perennially made dependent upon the so called Guru in singing along and learning a number of items from him which will not allow to properly utilise the instrinctive skills of the aspirant but enables only to develop his imitative abilities the modern qualitative method of learning (not teaching) makes him independent in working and learning the items on his own fully utilising and developing his instinctive skills. In the old and quantitative system of teaching in the span of 10 yrs or even more while less than 20% of the aspirants only may become knowledgeable in singing concerts, in this modern and qualitative system of learning, more than 80% of the aspirants will certainly become knowledgeable in singing concerts. But, as this modern system is not financially encouraging to earn more in the quickened span of learning many music-teachers are adament to follow it but becoming tight-lipped to comment.

Till now, within 7 months in which he was hospitalised for 2 ½ months, my student covered 5 Varnas in Natakuranji, Kambhoji, Darbar, Shankarabharana and Kalyani and, simultaneously, started singing the Jati & Kalpana-swaras-1 and they all are furnished date-wise in youtube link: ... Bwfx1O_rLu. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by thanjavooran »

Kudos to Guruji's efforts.
With wishes,
30 10 3017

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, thanjavooran,

Thank you for your kind appreciation.

I sincerely feel happy if all our kids and their parents are largely benefitted by saving their invaluable time, energy and money in the process of learning our classical music. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

If a person, being aware of the driving of the motor-cycle and also owns a motor-cycle, wants to attend to an urgent personal work, can certainly attend to it and get it done independently and successfully without depending upon any other person. But, if the same person is not aware of the driving of the motor-cycle and also does not own a motor-cycle, he is compelled to absolutely become dependent upon others in many aspects and does not have any guarantee in getting his personal work fulfilled within time. To tell the fact, the condition of the aspirant learning music in the old method is also not much different with the above dependent person.

There are only two ways in learning music, 1.listening to the song sung by somebody either face to face or from a pre-recorded gadget and rely upon the ordinary or the symbolised notation of the item. Than learning from face to face, relying upon a pre-recorded gadget enables the aspirant not only to utilise his own instinctive talents but also to work more time of his own choice in the process of learning the items without depending upon any other person.

Merely by listening to the song sung by the singer the aspirant can very easily reproduce it. While some aspirants may need to listen to it many a time some intelligent aspirants may do so by listening to it few times only and this depends upon the grasping and imitative abilities of the aspirant. In this kind of process of learning music as the teacher does not have any other responsibility than singing himself and making the aspirant also sing along with him in singing all the musicians, without any exception, have all along been preferring this method only since a very long time.

Also there is another process of learning music in which the teacher has to write in notation either the item or composition or Niraval or Swarakalpana or Ragalapana, give it to the aspirant and, explaining him each and every detail, make him sing or the teacher has to train the aspirant not only in properly writing all of them in notation but also in singing them on his own.

As most of the stalwarts of music have always been very busily engaged in regularly singing concerts at various places and in earning many things out of them they all, absolutely avoiding the laborious task of writing in notation, preferred to remain always singing either in their regular practice or in making different aspirants also sing along with them as this facilitates them not only to sing their concerts efficiently but also in escaping away from the responsibility of inculcating the knowledge of writing the notation of items or compositions or Niraval or Swarakalpana or Ragalapana in the aspirant. By all this, ultimately, the poor aspirant was made the scape goat always remaining as dependent upon the teacher in the process of listening to him, while learning the items.

Among the four southern states of our country the Tamilians always stand in the fore front in serving the cause of music in so many ways and means and all the others follow them. Even among them, the persons with conservative, egoistic and selfish attitudes are mostly used to dominate the field and they are the people who have formulated this old method of teaching music in which the poor aspirants have to spend 10 or 15 years or even more in going on listening to the teacher and imitating him in singing in the process of learning a number of compositions as nothing of them should be written in notation. More over, by all this, unfortunately, the aspirant is not at all allowed to utilise his own instinctive abilities but his imitative abilities only.

Having seen this precarious dependent life of the poor aspirants and their parents, Subbarama Dikshitar, the grand-son of Muthuswamy Dikshitar the great, with great heart, brought out his monumental work, Sangeeta Sampradaya Pradarshini (Telugu), in 1902 along with hundreds of music compositions written in symbolised notation for the first time in the annals of our music literature to honestly help the poor aspirants and their parents. In the history of our music, till now, he was the first and only person who very sincerely, honestly and constructively brought out this symbolised notation to help the poor aspirants by minimising their dependency upon the teacher in the process of learning music. But, most unfortunately, our conservative, selfish and egoistic musicians, who have declared that music should never be written in any manner but be learnt listening to it directly face to face from the teacher himself, have profusely praised Subbarama Dikshitar overtly but covertly dumped the symbolised notation without using or developing or propagating it in any manner.

In my extensive research in this respect, it has undoubtedly been proved that, like in respect of the account of the clothes given to the washer-man or the account of money in the banks, it helps a lot to the aspirants in working for many more hours of their choice and learning music with minimum dependency upon others if each and everything (items or compositions or Niraval or Kalpana-swaras or Ragalapana) is written in ordinary notation or symbolised notation followed by the pre-recorded audio or video-files (by all this, it is evident that the person who, without singing himself, initiates the aspirant sing all the Varnas learnt both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis within the first 6 months and Swarakalpana within next 6 months only must be called 'teacher' or, no doubt, a 'cheater').

For this purpose, for the first time in the history, I have fully categorised all the 12 notes and brought out 60 symbols along with the respective notation and audio-file and supplied along with my book, 'msakella's Easy Methods in Learning Karnataka Music-2007'.

Keeping all the above in view, I have brought out everything to be learnt either in symbolised notation or ordinary notation and audio and video files to honestly help the aspirants who work on their own at their residences even in my absence (I never sing or play even for a single minute in any of the classes but only listen to them for 10 or 15 mts.).

In continuation to the items mentioned in the post No.554, now, the video files of Chy. Jyothirmayi and Chy. Sai Meghana, who, in their progress, sang 'Prakkala nilabadi-Kharaharapriya-Triputa' Kriti efficiently along with the brief Ragalapana, creative and intricate mathematical Swarakalpana to the odd-starting point of Tala (each time they have started with the creative-swara and concluded with the mathematical-swara) are uploaded to ‘youtube’ and the respective urls are furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Till now the classical music is taught in an irresponsible system in which the poor aspirant is made absolutely dependent upon the teacher. In this suicidal system the poor aspirant is compelled to depend upon the whims and fancies of the teacher while the teacher himself sings at his convenience and makes the aspirant also sing along with him. Thus, the aspirant has to listen to the teacher’s singing and repeat the same by singing along with the teacher. The teacher will not give him any written material or audio-file or video-file but goes on teaching in the same manner a number of items or compositions. More over the teacher tells that Manodharma Sangeeta could neither be taught nor learnt but could be obtained only by the aspirant himself by learning a number of Varnas and Kritis and hard-working on his own.

But all my extensive experiments in this respect undoubtedly proved this system absolutely wrong and paved way to find a very strict logical method in learning our music. In this modern ‘time-bound and result-oriented’ system of learning our music while the teacher’s role is minimised to less than 1% the role of the aspirant is maximised to more than 99%. In this logical system everything is written in notation and the aspirant has to rely upon and work hard independently as much as he can with the help of notated pdf files, audio-files and video-files, Key-board and Metronome. The under mentioned disciples have, thus, been working vigorously on their own under my supervision on telephone (in which I never sing Sa or Pa even once in any of their classes) and attained this high standard as mentioned hereunder.

In continuation to the items mentioned in the post No.564, now, the video files of Chy. Jyothirmayi (11 yrs - 8397104646) and Chy. Sai Meghana (23 yrs - 8106132115) who have worked on their own with the help of the notated PDF files and audio/video files and sung 'Himadrisuthe-Kalyani-Adi (Trisra-gati) Kriti efficiently along with brief Ragalapana, creative and intricate mathematical Swarakalpana are uploaded to 'youtube' and the respective urls are furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

Chi. Sai Meghana:
Chi. Jyothirmayi:

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Eventhough all the music-teachers are always used to teach saralees, jantas, datus, hecchu-sthayi-swaras and taggu-sthayi-swaras in Adi-tala only they introduce all the 7 different Talas and Jaatis in Alankaras only but do not introduce the Gatis at all. Pitiably enough none of them is ready even to give any logical explanation in this respect. By very blindly following several such traditional quantitative methods but not logical at all many are not aware that, by all this, many of our kids from several generations are pitiably becoming musically handicapped. Eventhough I also did in the same manner in my Govt. service as full-time music-teacher in the absence of any academic supervision, later, I became aware of this truth in my extensive experiments only which gave me several sleep-less nights for my irresponsibility and inactiveness in this respect.

At this juncture the Almighty opened my eyes and blessed me with an un-believable and amazing qualitative methods in learning our music and, since then only, I am able to serve our society truly and truthfully.

In this modern and logical method, mostly, the rhythmical abilities of the aspirant make him progressive. Eventhough my teachers did not teach me even the barest minimum odd-trisra-gati I was compelled, somehow, to learn it on my own being a professional-violin-accompanist. Even in my service I did not teach this to my students as this was not prescribed in any of the syllabi countrywide in those days. But, in my later experiments as I found this most essential to teach the aspirants even the barest minimum-odd-trisra-gati I made it compulsory to learn this to all our students which brought out many amazing results.

Later, I have started to possibly initiate the students in rendering all the odd-gatis and, among them, Chi. Shankara Aditya from Warangal became able to render all the Jati-alankaras @ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 units per beat which are already uploaded to ‘youtube’. Now, he had recently rendered the Kalyani-Adi-Varna-Purvanga @ 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 notes per beat and Uttaranga @ 4-6-8 notes per beat and, now, they are uploaded to ‘youtube’ and the respective urls are furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants.

I shall be very happy if any music-teacher also makes his disciples sing in the same manner, uploads the respective video files to YouTube and furnish here the respective urls for the benefit of the interested aspirants. Amsharma ... RC7ejO9y-6

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the post 565, today, I have uploaded the videos for the benefit of the interested aspirants in which Chi. Shankara Aditya sang both the Purvanga and Uttaranga of the Saveri-Adi-Varna @ 3-4-5-7-9 Gatis in different ways. The link is furnished hereunder: ... RC7ejO9y-6

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the items mentioned in the post No.565, now, the video files of Chy. Jyothirmayi (11 yrs - 8397104646) and Chy. Sai Meghana (23 yrs - 8106132115) who have worked on their own with the help of the notated PDF files and audio/video files and sung 'Nijamaithe-Bhairavi-Triputa” Kriti efficiently along with brief Ragalapana, creative and intricate mathematical Swarakalpana are uploaded to 'youtube' and the respective urls are furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

Kum. Sai Meghana:
Kum. Jyothirmayi:

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In general, many of the musicians, being deficient in rhythmical intricacies and having an allergic feeling to deal with the mathematical Svarakalpana, in particular, prefer to mostly manage with Ragalapana and also declare that Ragalapana is the criteria of our music. But, my umpteen experiments in this respect as a reliable teacher, I have found that singing the mathematical Svarakalapana alone is the gate-way to Manodharma Sangeeta which paves way in shaping an efficient singer or even a reliable teacher within a short time.

In our Tamilian brothern, while the noble persons like our brother-member, sbala, strived hard to learn ‘Talaprastara’ and efficiently define it in making it easier to other aspirants, some other conservative, egoistic and selfish gentlemen also strived hard in making more harm than good like ignoring the invaluable symbolised notation of Subbarama Dikshitar, ignoring to modify even the definition of Talaprastara in the music-syllabi, sparing no efforts to make videos of the rare finger techniques of the famous instrumentalists like the Violin wizards, MSG, LGJ, MC etc., for the posterity and running away from the responsibility of inculcating the knowledge of Manodharma Sangeeta in the aspirants but to wantonly and wastefully elongate the quantitative process of learning music for a number of years. But, some musicians have also brought out some youtube videos in respect of some of the aspects of Manodharma Sangeeta and they are:

In my extensive experiments upon the qualitative methods under a ‘time-bound and result-oriented plan’ in learning our music while the criteria is singing the mathematical and creative Svarakalpana even before the completion of learning Varnas within the span of 12 months I have found that the teacher must initiate the aspirant to regularly practice certain rhythmical exercises to later enable him proceed further managing with different exercises set in different Gatis. Even later, just like in learning the cycling in which way the teacher should not cycle but initiates the aspirant cycles, even in music, the teacher, even without singing Sa or Pa even once in any of the classes, must provide the needed notations, audio-files and video-files and initiate the aspirant work more and more on his/her own. In music, how much duration the teacher sings himself and makes the aspirant also follow him in singing that much the aspirant incurs the loss in utilising his instinctive abilities in learning the music.

Unfortunately, none of the above musicians did provide the aspirant any notations or audio-files or video-files to rely upon and practice regularly more and more along with them on his/her own. When I have provided them in a graded manner to our kids and initiated them to proceed they worked more and more on their own and became able to sing both creative and mathematical Svarakalpana and brief Ragalapana also within one year (refer the playlist ‘AMS-Jyothirmayi, Sai Meghana and Akhil’ in ‘’ and observe). amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the post No.561. now, the respective videos of the Begada-Varna sung by Chi. Chennu Akhileshwar both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis very efficiently are uploaded to youtube and the respective urls are furnished hereunder.

If the music-teachers are that efficient and honest in shaping our kids as gems we can certainly find many talented students to do the same and make our music field shine above all other systems of music. In the same manner, all the 70+ kids of our music institute ’Swara Bhangima’ at Secunderabad are able to sing like this very efficiently and all our teachers always strive hard to maintain these standards. But, how many of the other employed-music-teachers in the music institutions are doing like this in shaping our kids as gems is a big question? Even if I, since a long time, have been asking them to do the same and furnish the respective urls here in this column for the benefit of the aspirants our music-teachers are so great that everybody tries only to turn a deaf-ear in this respect but does nothing even to prove his/her efficiency and honesty. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the post No.567, today, I have uploaded the videos to youtube for the benefit of the interested aspirants in which Chi. Shankara Aditya sang the Purvanga of the Bhairavi-Ata-Varna @ 3-4-5-7-9 notes-per-beat @ 50 beats-per-minute and the Uttaranga @ 4-6-8 npb @ 50 bpm. The links are furnished hereunder.

I shall be very happy if any music-teacher also makes his disciples sing in the same manner, uploads the respective video files to YouTube and furnish here the respective urls for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Many extensive experiments undoubtedly revealed that Manodharma Sangita could very easily be acquired within one year, even before learning the first Kriti basing upon a logical and step-wise plan. But, our highly selfish music-teachers will not follow this and honestly help the poor aspirants and their parents as they want to earn more by elongating the process for many years and conveniently escape throwing the responsibility of learning Manodharma Sangita upon the poor aspirants themselves.

My disciples, Chy. Jyothirmayi (12 yrs - 8397104646) and Chy. Sai Meghana (24 yrs - 8106132115), whom I have just been initiating without singing myself even Sa or Pa in any of the classes since last 11 months from March, 2017, have very recently sang a mini concert on 20180104 successfully in our ‘Sampradaya-celebrations’ with a Varna both in Chaturashra and Trisra gatis, ‘Prakkalanilabadi’ along with brief Ragalapana and intricate Swarakalpana and another Kriti in Hindola-raga. The same has been uploaded to youtube and the respective url is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

If all the music-teachers initiate their students to learn music in this novel method of learning the aspirants will certainly become benefited by saving their invaluable time, energy and money. But, the efficient teachers who can manage both the Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis efficiently and who give high preference to the kids than the money can only follow this and help the aspirants and their respective parents which, in fact, becomes a million dollar question.

In continuation to the post No.561, the videos of Todi Varna both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis sung by Chi. Chennu Akhileshwar, who had completed his engineering education in Bangkok and returned to his native place here, are now uploaded and the respective urls are finished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Being a professional performer and a professional teacher for more than 60 years I have more acquaintance than many others of our State with the Karnataka-classical-music-field which is entirely different with the other South Indian States.

Since last one year I have very actively been working by initiating the interested kids learn music quickly and efficiently in the modern methods of learning and also by writing various articles in my mother-tongue (not idiotic but idiomatic) Telugu through WhatsApp to enlighten our people. Interested persons can find them all in ‘’. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the post No.572, my disciples, Chy. Jyothirmayi (12 yrs - 8397104646) and Chy. Sai Meghana (24 yrs - 8106132115), whom I have been initiating without singing myself even Sa or Pa in any of the classes since last10 months and who are progressing with the help of the notations and audio-files I have supplied they have started the first Varna in Natakuranji (video dt. 20170517) and proceeded further with all the 8 other Varnas and Swarajati. In the meantime they have also become able to sing the mathematical and creative Swarakalpana and, later, also learnt Kritis, on their own, in the Ragas Kalyani, Mohana, Hindola, Hamsadhvani, Shreeranjani, Kharaharapriya, Kalyani, Bhairavi and Shankarabharana along with brief Ragalapana and mathematical and creative Swarakalpana. Now, the video-file of their Sarojadalanetri-Shankarabharana is uploaded to youtube and the respective url is furnished hereunder for the benefit of the aspirants. amsharma'

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

If all the music-teachers, without singing themselves, initiate their students to learn music in this novel method of learning the aspirants will certainly become benefited by saving their invaluable time, energy and money. But, the efficient teachers who can manage both the Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis efficiently and who give high preference to the kids than the money can only follow this and help the aspirants and their respective parents which, in fact, becomes a million dollar question.

In continuation to the post No.573, the videos of Saveri Varna both in Chaturashra and Trisra-gatis sung by Chi. Chennu Akhileshwar, who had worked on his own and learnt them without my help at all, are now uploaded and the respective urls are funished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

On 1st July, 2018, many of my direct and indirect disciples, music lovers and well-wishers have celebrated my Shatabhishekam at Hyderabad and very importantly nearly more than 160 students learning music in these AMS Easy Methods at different places have very efficiently demonstrated different levels of their music under the able guidance of their committed teachers. The video link is furnished here and the interested can enjoy it. The write-up given by the dynamic organizer, Shri. J.S.Eshwaraprasad himself in this connection is furnished herunder. amsharma


Shata Gala Swara Laya Malika, a special Karnataka music presentatioin was conducted at Hyderabad on 1st July, 2018 on the occasion of Shatabhishekam of Violin Vidwan Shri Akella Mallikarjuna Sharma. Stalwarts of Karnataka music – viz. Sarvashri Annavarapu Ramaswamy, Komanduri Sheshadri, AIR Station Director V. Udayashankar, D. Raghavachary (of Hyderabad Bros), Ayyagari Shyamasundar, Hyderabad Sisters, Lalitha & Haripriya and Professors from Telutu University as well as organisers of Music Sabhas in twin cities of Hyderabad & Secunderabad attended.

The opening slot in the programme was Sapta-tala Jati-alankaras presented @ 4-3-8-6-units (Chaturashra & Trisra-gatis) by 50 kids.

The next was Sapta-tala Alankaras @ 1-2-3-4-6-8-units per beat - each Tala one round of Jati, next round Swaras – using Ragas Kharaharapriya, Chakravakam, Shubhapantuvarali, Dhenuka, Sihmendramadhyama, Rishabhapriya and Kamavardhani by 60 kids.

Following this was 100 voices vociferously putting a great show of Jati, Swara & Sahitya precisely interwoven into Trisra, Khanda & Mishra breaks in Chaturashra-gati Adi-tala - viz., starting with Nagumomugalavaani in Madhyamavati continued with….

(a) Shankarabharana swara with ‘Shakti sahita ganapatini’ nottu-swara (with Trisra breaks).

(b) Nadanamakriya swara with Annamacharya Keertana ‘Vacchenu Alamelumanga’ (with Khanda breaks),

(c) Shriranjani swara with Lakshana-geeta “Rerejayajaya’ (with Mishra breaks).

---finally culminating into Madhyamavati - Nagumomugalavaani.

Final lap of the show was Raga, Keertana & Kalpanaswara section –

(i) Saumitri Bhagyame Bhagyamu - Kharaharapriya,

(ii) Sharavanabhavaananda - Pantuvarali,

(iii) Shriguruguha - Shuddhasaveri,

(iv) Gopala ravela karunimcha vadela - Mohana (RTP).

--- all four items capably delivered by 30 students with all the ingredients viz., Ragamalika kalpanaswaras, Grahabheda and suitable musical mathematics all very dear to Guru Akella.

Music direction was by Smt. Chidrupa Lakshmi Eshwaraprasad and Chi.J.S.Shreeram (mother & son) both disciples of Shri Akella.

At the concluding felicitation function Shri Annavarapu Ramaswamy, Shri Komanduri Sheshadri and Shri V.Udayashankar were eloquent about Shri Akella’s relentless and dedicated service to further the cause of reaching and teaching young aspirants at a faster pace, with arithmetic and qualitative brilliance.

Shri J.S.Eshwaraprasad, Managing Trustee of Sampradaya presented the Sanmaanapatram and the programme was ably and capably compered by Shri M. Dakshinamurthy, AIR, Hyderabad.

Reacting to the whole evening programme Guru Shri Akella Mallikarjuna Sharma said he was very highly pleased with the efforts put in by Shri Eshwaraprasad and family in continuoualy striving to impart on the lines of AMS Easy Methods promulgated by himself.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by rajeshnat »

Sir.Nice to hear your Shatabhishekam . May you have your best health in future.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, rajeshnat,

Thank you for your kind appreciation.

By the grace of the Almighty and best wishes of near and dear like you still I am able to serve our people mostly in Telugu States nowadays through WhatsApp and Youtube efficiently, sincerely and honestly as ever. amsharma

Kyvalya Vocalist
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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by Kyvalya Vocalist »

@ Sri MS Akella

Dear Sir,


Felt an extreme pleasure while watching the little ones demonstrating their laya ability through jatis, swara kalpanas. Children/students were able to shift from one nada to another nada effortlessly. Highly commendable training given by Sri Sriram and Smt. Chidrupa Lakshmi Eshwaraprasad. It clearly proves the authenticity of your teaching and learning methodology. My heartiest congratulations to the entire team who put up this successful show case. May many carnatic aspirants make use of these "AMS easy methods of learning" which are unconditionally available on youtube.

Thank you sir for sharing.


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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, Kyvalya Vocalist,

Thank you for your kind appreciation.

I have been blessed by the Almighty with the topics, Talaprastara and Easy Methods in learning our music. HE also, along with the cooperation of the like minded people, made me, honestly and efficiently serve around 300 poor aspirants and their parents in different places in learning our music saving their invaluable time, energy and money through this logical system of learning our music. I may not be able to help all the people on the globe but am able to serve a small fraction of the society.. For this I feel extremely happy and satisfied and I ever remain grateful to the Almighty. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the 576th post Chi Akhil, after finishing the Bhairavi-Ata-Varna and Svarajati also, took a long gap due to the ill-health of his father and some domestic problems, again resumed his regular practice and now learnt on his own and with my barest minimum guidance and efficiently sang the three-phased Kalpanasvaras of both the mathematical and creative varieties in each of 1. Trisra-rupaka and 2. Trisra-triputa-talas even without learning even a single Kriti. The respective links of youtube are furnished hereunder for the benefit of the interested aspirants. amsharma ... _rLu&t=82s ... O_rLu&t=0s ... O_rLu&t=0s ... O_rLu&t=0s ... O_rLu&t=0s ... &index=106

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the previous post No. 582, I hereunder furnish the youtube links in which Chi Akhil very efficiently sang the 3 phased Kalpanasvaras in Rupaka-tala even without learning any Kriti and without any help from me. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by bmvarun »

Sir, the MP3s and the books are not available in the link you have shared

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, bmvarun,

On seeing your post just now I have verified this following link and found them. You also please try it again. amsharma ... hods-2007/

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by musantha »

@ Sri MS Akella

Dear Sir,


Your music teachings are very inspirational and a great treasure. Thank you very much.

Please let me know how I can order the Sangeetha Svararag Sudha book in English with CDs.

Thanks & Regards,
Mugundhan S.

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Pl. speak to my mobile No. 9908822992 and discuss. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the previous post No. 583, I hereunder furnish the youtube link in which Chi Akhil very efficiently sang the mathematical and creative Kalpanasvaras-1 in Adi (medium-tempo) even without learning any Kriti and without any help from me.

Having become aware of the criminal loss already incurred since a very long time by our Karnataka-music community made by the egoistic and highly selfish legends of our music under the guise of music-teachers, I, only by the grace of Shirdi Saibaba, almost 10 years back, brought out a very logical method in learning our music by which, with the minimum dependence upon the teacher, the aspirant woks independenctly utilizing his/her own instintictive abilities and learns all the needed basic grammar hardly within only one year mostly depending upon the key-board, metronome, written material, audio and video files. In this process while the aspirant’s role is more than 95% (90% in respect of Instrumental-music) the teacher’s role is minimized to less than 5% (10% in respect of instrumental-music). Many of the relevant details of this method along with the respective urls of videos of the aspirants are also furnished in many of the posts of this thread. By going through this material one can very easily understand in which way all our kids have very plannedly been deceived by them incurring heavy loss of time, energy and money all along these years. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

I, very sincerely, feel it as my duty as a responsible music-teacher to bring out to the notice of all others the illogicality crept into the very primary exercises of our music by our highly selfish, egoistic, conservative and ignorant legends of our music who themselves think as great teachers.

Previously also, only by the grace of the Almighty, I could remove many illogicalities imposed upon the methods of learning our music by these so called legends who are not teachers at all but cheaters and made it very efficiently 'time-bound and result oriented' unlike in the past. In making the entire process of learning our music very strictly logical, fast and easy I have brought out five books with symbolised, detailed and general-notations and symbolised easy Muktayis of Mullapudi School of Mridangam along with more than 1000 videos uploaded to YouTube. To help the poor aspirants all these books are supplied along with pre-recorded CDs or DVDs at cheaper rates.

While the learning of a number of compositions face to face direct from the so called Guru is the only criteria in the age-old system of teaching (cheating) music but not any grammer of music, in the modern logical system of learning music, the aspirant is initiated to work hard on his/her own independently for more than 95% with the criteria of becoming able to deal with the grammer like singing Swarakalpana and Ragalapana even before learning Kritis within a span of only one year.

Along with some efficient and honest music-teachers and lovers we, since last more than 10 years, have been working relentlessly on these lines and getting abundant results in our Telugu States. In this context many articles are also brought out in Telugu through
'' enlightening our Telugu people and many are following this and getting amazing results too.

Accordingly the person who sings/plays for less than 5% in the class is a true music-teacher and the person who exceeds this duration is, no doubt, a cheater I feel.

Now, very recently, I could locate another basic illogicality in our Alankaras where while short syllables only are used in five Alankaras longer syllables are also used in the remaining two Alankaras of Jhampa and Ata-talas. Now, these two Alankaras have been made more logical by replacing them with short syllables only and modifying them into 'srgmgrs-rgm' and 'srgrs-rgmgr-srgm' respectively which helps a lot to the students in their regular strenuous practice. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the context of my previous post I would like to share the following information also.

Just like in learning cycling or cooking or music who ever mostly makes the aspirant himself or herself do and learn things on his or her own is the true teacher or otherwise a cheater.

Anywhere, at any place and at any time the selfish, egoistic, ignorant and such persons having very bad qualities, in general, prefer to dominate the society and rule as they like. Most unfortunately, the same thing happened to our Karnataka music long long ago by such persons and many are not aware that much harm has already been done in this manner.

Most unfortunately, irrespective of the rank or cadre or level, since a very long time, no music-teacher had ever tried to look into the various problems of the aspirants, the torch-bearers of our culture and to solve them in their favour. In general, all the music-teachers sing themselves and make the aspirants also sing along with them just like the teacher who mostly drives the cycle himself in cycling or cooks the items himself in cooking. None of the present teachers knows how, without singing himself/herself, to initiate the aspirant sing himself/herself or even tries to know.

Around 1900 Subbarama Dikshitar, having seen the plight of the perennially dependent music-students, brought out his monumental work, Sageeta Sampradaya Pradarshani in Telugu along with hundreds of compositions written in symbolised notations for the first time in the history to truly and truthfully help them a lot. But, these selfish gentle-men overtly praised him profusely but covertly, without using or developing or propagating these symbols, imposed a rule upon the students that they must learn music face to face only from their teacher without writing anything which helped only to horribly elongate the process of learning music for many years keeping the aspirants perennially dependents upon the so called Gurus, the parasitical performers but not teachers at all. In all these performing arts like cycling or cooking or dancing or music while the aspirant's role is more than 95% the true teacher's role should not exceed more than 5 %. As all these legends are parasitical performers only but not teachers at all they have always been used to sing themselves much making the aspirant also sing along with him/her which helped not only to illogically elongate the process of learning for many years without utilizing their instinctive abilities at all but the imitative ability only but also to absolutely waste their invaluable time, energy and money. All the more the music grammar of singing creative music under the guise of so called 'Manodharma Sangita' has never been taught to the aspirant on the pretext that it should neither be taught nor learnt which, in fact, is a deliberate lie just to cheat.

My extensive research in this respect obviously revealed that, in the above suicidal process, the imitative ability only is utilised but not any of the aspirant's instinctive abilities unfortunately. Thus, when I, without singing even for a single minute, properly initiated my students to work hard on their own according to a very strict logical plan they are able to sing even creative Swarakalpana for the compositions in all the six popular Talas along with brief Ragalapana also hardly within the span of only one year that too even before learning Kritis.

While less than 20% of the aspirants only may become professional performers in the age old, elongated and grammar-less method of learning a number of compositions far more than 80% certainly become both professional performers and teachers as well by independent learning of hardly a couple of years that too along with the very crucial grammar.

This system of learning music along with the most important grammar (not merely a number of compositions) abundantly helps both the aspirants and their parents as well by saving their invaluable time, energy and money. Having been blessed with this method of learning music by the grace of the Almighty in 2001 since then I have started cultivating this in our musically-backward area, Telugu States along with some like minded persons.

In 2015 my disciple, Dr. M.Prasanna, music-teacher, had very strictly been advised not to sing at all for some time by her family Doctor. At this time she had learnt this method of learning music and she brought out more than 50 kids from the Scheduled castes and tribes who have never been exposed to this invisible fine-art ( ... 6uikF91ekv).

In 2017 three students, Jyothirmayi, Meghana and Akhil are trained in the method and their details are furnished below:
AMS-Jyothirmayi, Sai Meghana & Akhil: ... Bwfx1O_rLu ... 58#p319958

Very recently another lady student, Chi. Sow. Krishnaveni (+919392409317) of 25 yrs. of age from Warangal, who has been learning music since 2007 and had already passed Diploma in Music and M.A. from Padmavathi University but been able to sing very brief Ragalapana and Swarakalpana in three Ragas only, came to me on 20190429 and showed interest in singing Swarakalpana and Ragalapana. When I have given her the videos of some intricate rhythmical exercises she could do them, then and there, very efficiently. Later, when I have given her my book, AMS Easy Methods along with the CD on 20190502 she was able to very efficiently cover all the different levels of Swarakalpana in all the popular six Talas within 20190513 (12 days only) of my book and proved that, if properly initiated by the true-teacher, many students can do so very quickly and efficiently. (all these audio-files are posted in WhatsApp)

I shall be very happy if any of the efficient and reputed music-teachers from Chennai also do in this manner and furnish the audios or videos of their students here, chronologically, in this forum. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the context of my previous post I would like to share the following also.

As mentioned in my previous post Chi. Sow. Krishnaveni (30 yrs.) from Warangal could very efficiently sing both creative and mathematical Swarakalpana to the compositions in all the six popular Talas in the phased manner furnished and supplied by me in my book 'AMS Easy Methods' hardly within 12 days.

Later, again furnishing the relevant written material, when I have continued to initiate her by phone in singing the creative and mathematical Swarakalpana to one-unit gap in the 2nd degree from Samam to the Charanam 'tAmarasadaLanEtri' of the Kriti 'ammarAvamma-kaLYani-trisrarUpaka' she very efficiently fulfilled this task also on 20190518 which is very difficult to manage even to many of the professional performers (respective audio files are uploaded to the respective WhatsApp group).

Later, again furnishing the relevant written material, when I have continued to initiate her by phone in singing the creative and mathematical Swarakalpana to three-unit gap in the 2nd degree from Samam to the Anupallavi 'savanarakshaka' of the Kriti 'evarura-mOhana-cApu' she very efficiently fulfilled this task also on 20190522 which is very difficult to manage even to many of the professional performers (respective audio files are uploaded to the respective WhatsApp group).

Thus, she could very efficiently fulfilled the singing of both creative and mathematical Swarakalpana of all the above all hardly within three-weeks of time to which any reputed music-cheater from Chennai would have very gladly and lavishly wasted the invaluable time of a couple of years at the least, more physical energy in that period and enormous money of this dependent student as he likes. By the grace of the Almighty she was saved in this manner.

Even in 2010, when I was awarded the TTK award, I have demonstrated this logical system of learning our music in the Chennai Music Academy and I have been propagating, implementing, getting very encouraging results and furnishing them in these columns. In spite of all these things no music-cheater from Chennai acts honestly in sincerely helping the music students by possibly quickening the process of learning music. That is the greatness of our very highly selfish music-cheaters. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

In continuation to the context of my previous post I would like to share the following also.

Later, even without my barest minimum help she sang the following efficiently and effortlessly hardly within a couple of months time of which the respective links are furnished hereunder.

This obviously reveals that we have abundant talent everywhere if the efficient, honest and truthful teacher (not cheater) taps it out in time.

Hereafter mostly I prefer to work at my place only in saving the invaluable time, energy and money of our Telugu kids than wasting my conserved energies in activating other worthless music-cheaters. amsharma

[6/9, 11:26 PM] WglKv Krishnaveni: Kalyani-1 unit gap- ... p=drivesdk

[6/9, 11:26 PM] WglKv Krishnaveni: Mohana-3 units gap- ... p=drivesdk

20190524-WglKv Krishnaveni:Kalyani-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190526-WglKv Krishnaveni: Mohana-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190528-WglKv Krishnaveni: Shreerajani-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190530-WglKv Krishnaveni:Kharaharapriya-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190602-WglKv Krishnaveni: Kambhoji-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190605-WglKv Krishnaveni: Bhairavi-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190608-WglKv Krishnaveni: Todi-raga- ... p=drivesdk

20190616-WglKv Krishnaveni-Kalyani-Adi-
Varna-Purvanga- @ 4-6-8 units per beat: ... p=drivesdk

20190616-WglKv Krishnaveni-Kalyani-Adi-
Varna-Uttaranga- @ 4-6-8 units per beat: ... p=drivesdk

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Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 21:16

Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Having become old enough, by oversight, I forgot to furnish the video-links of the 12 yr. old kid, Chi. Chandra, one of the 7 kids of the ‘Swarakalpana Shikshana Shibir-1’.

This Shibir was held at Hyderabad in July & August, 2019. A set of 14 videos are sent by WhatsApp to the13 interested candidates and, among them, 7 have successfully rendered the rhythmical exercises and got selected for this training to be given and taken through WhatsApp process and through pdf files and audios only consisting of 3-level rhythmical and musical exercises (the teacher and students need not meet in person at all). In this workshop this above kid fulfilled the training within 22 days and the respective videos are furnished hereunder (the Swarakalpana Shikshana shibir-2 is going to start now). amsharma

1.Trisra Rupaka: ... ehF2O_SuDN ... O3OI_-zOLL_ ... 2Za9nNR8ET

2.Rupaka: ... uh9sywZULO ... ZBJWuBv26Y ... kY0SrDQAVU

3.Chapu: ... 4gy2hUmF-d ... h04BqNCPbV ... Gp94NZ3wk0

4. Adi (medium-tempo): ... WDF3gshrzR ... aXzk8H2IPM ... zX-LtCwidG

5.Ad (Trisra-gati): ... EpfnCwqcKf ... ES6qIcwh_k ... VvmpvyuT4E

6.. Adi (Slow-tempo): ... I5_u6k4arI ... QVvePIBlKG ... WBAFuxlJN7

Posts: 32
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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by raga_tala »

Namaskarams AMS Sir,

I have been following your basic exercises playlist, and they are very helpful especially some of the bowing techniques for playing at higher speed. Could you please elaborate more on the thanam bowing, I would like to better understand the technique for that, similar to how MSG sir plays it in the shankarabarnam ata tala varnam ? (If I made a mistake in the technique name , please excuse me)

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Dear brother-member, raga¬_tala,

My mobile No. is 9908822992 and my skype ID is msakella2002. Give me a phone call, get the time fixed to meet on Skype and I shall do the needful to your requirement. amsharma

Posts: 31
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 11:57

Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by DivyaVinod »

I would like to continue my carnatic vocal classes, I have done with my beginner lesssons, would like to pursue my music journey. I would prefer to have skype classes because I am a working women in Bangalore.
Can you anyone of you guide me to a guru where I can get knowledge on tiruppavais and next journey of music ?

Divya M

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

I am not at all acquainted with Tiruppavais. Please try to get through any musician at Bangalore. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

Another ‘Swarakalpana Shikhana Shibir-2’ is now running at Hyderabad along with nearly 30 candidates who are selected after a rhythmical test and are participating mainly by WhatsApp. This is meant to initiate them within a month to make them sing both mathematical and creative Svarakalpana. As usual some links containing pdf, audio and video files are sent to the candidates to work on their own with oral guidance from me by phone only. Among them, 10 yrs. old Chi.Harshita (Chennai-9241106284) stood first in fulfilling this task of singing both mathematical and creative Svarakalapna to the compositioins in six Talas, Trisra-rupaka, Rupaka, Triputa, Adi (medium-tempo), Adi (Trisra-gati) and Adi (slow-tempo) and the respective Google links of the video files are furnished hereunder. I feel very happy if any teacher or performer comes forward from Chennai, does like this in the same manner I do and furnish the respective links here in helping our kids at Chennai. amsharma

01.Trisra-roopaka: ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk

02.Roopaka: ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk

03.Triputa: ... p=drivesdk ... OHo23/view
?usp=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk

04.Adi (medium tempo): ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk

05.Adi (Trisra-gati): ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk

06.Adi (slow-tempo): ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk ... p=drivesdk

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by msakella »

As per our history Thyagaraja had fulfilled in learning music for only one year from his teacher, Sonthi Venkataramanaiah. In my extensive experiments it has been proved that, in such performing arts like our music, the person who restricts his/her own role to less than 5% but initiates the student to work for more than 95% can only justify and suitably called as an ideal teacher. All others are performers only but not teachers at all which none of them realizes.

Only after 5 yrs. after my retirement in 1996, having proved myself as an inefficient teacher by the grace of the Almighty in 2001, my real life as a true-teacher started and been able to serve the society truely and truthfully.

Even though we have umpteen Sangitakalanidhis, Sangita Kala Acharyas, Degree-holders and Doctorates, none of these highly egoistic and selfish Tamilian musicians bothered or tried to look into this very beneficial system of learning musiic as they all are of performers' perspective only but not of teachers' perspective and also they don't like to make learning music so fast and easy to the students.

In the same manner, long ago, they also have a great reputation for having most successfully ditched the symbolised notation which was newly introduced to help the poor music-students by Subbarama Dikshitar furnishing hundreds of music compositions in this symbolised notation in his monumental work, Sangita Sampradaya Pradarshini,1902. In this manner the so called legendary performers also posing as great teachers too never made the music-learning fast and easier even to our own kids. I can prove this at any time and place but I very well know that none of them openly comes out to discuss but is ready to turn a deaf ear to such unhelpful things.

Thus, in fact, very sadly, these professional musicians, in the absence of their teachers' perspective have wantonly omitted five very important aspects of music even from the syllabi of different music examinations and they are 1. Talaprastara 2. Swaraprastara
3. Categorising and defining different oscillations of notes as per the present-day need 4. Symbolised notation and 5. Odd Trisra-gati at the least.

1. Tàlaprastara: For the first time in the history, the full details of this rarest topic have been brought out by me even in 1972 in my book, Talaprastara Saagara (Telugu) which was donated to Andhra Pradesh Sangita Nataka Academy. But, after taking it out from the cold storage for 13 long years (12 yrs. of Aranyavaasa + 1 yr. of Ajnaatavaasa) this was published only in 1985. I have also demonstrated this topic in the Music Academy, Madras in 1983 and donated a copy to their library too. This topic is very helpful to the students in Swarakalpana. But, most unfortunately, none of our musicians know the knowledge or value of it or even bothered about including the newly found material in the syllabi of the various music examinations (however, I have included this in the syllabi of Certificate & Diploma examinations of AP).

2. Even though the topic Swaraprastara is already available in detail and also of immense help to the students, very sadly, this invaluable topic also has not been included in the syllabi.

3. Even though we have the very old categorization of 15 Kampitas & Gamakas these things have never been suitably defined and categorised keeping the needs of the present-day to help the poor students at the least.

4. As mentioned above, the very highly helpful system 'symbolised-notation' also has not been used or developed or propagated but ditched successfully by all these honourable performers.

5. Due to these professional performers who are not teachers at all immense loss has already been incurred by several generations of our musicians by not including the Trisra-gati at the least in these syllabi (however, with the help of the then Prof.N. Ramanathan, Madras University this, at first, was included in this University around 2005 and later in our institutions in AP upto some extent).

Very sadly, many are not aware that, due to these very highly egoistic, selfish and parasitic performing musicians, many of our aspirants, since many generations, have incurred great loss of knowledge and became impotent in its own way.

However, I don't think that any sensible teacher will act accordingly to strengthen our students' community by including them in the syllabi of our music examinations. amsharma

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Re: AMS Easy Methods 2007 CD - Teaching and Learning Methods

Post by pmantra »

Pranams to all.
I being a music teacher of tswreis(gurukulas) started using ams easy methods from 2015 May.
Its a known fact that this novel system works very very efficiently. I raised as many as 100 students in this system (66 students at Tsers adavimallela) and 31 students (TswrFas malkajigiri).
By now, This system started giving me good reputation as an music teacher and now has given me an International education award in the category of *Best Music Teacher* 2019. My achievements as teacher in the form of videos by these 100 aspirants served as a testimonials in judging me in 3 phases and one round of Personal interview.
This award is given away by KITES productions and was presented to me at Novotel Goa on 21/12/2019.
I am one amongst 75 international awardees and I am the * only one* Music teacher amongst the awardees.(only one delegate from telangana).
All the credit goes to AMS easy learning methods.
I humbly request all the music teachers on this occassion to step out of our comfort zones and adopt this novel system and produce as many as young musical minds arounds us.
Together we can make healthy musicians for the future which would be the dire need in this era.
Dr. M. Prasanna.

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