slokas to improve longevity

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slokas to improve longevity

Post by satyabalu »

I intend presenting Subramania Bhujangam in ragamalika for a function-Sadabhishegam of my relative.Any suggestion for suitable raga for each stanza? Are there any slokas to improve longevity.Mridyanjaya Homam is arranged.

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by cmlover »

Any set of 24 ragas will be wonderful. No need to be picky. Make sure pratimadhyama ragas get an equal share. Begin with Shanmukapriya and end of course with Surutti. Do share it with us for sure..

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by rshankar »

kanda sashTi kavacam is a true kavacam (armor) where the lord is asked to protect every part of the body by name - examples (in no order) - poDipunai neTRiyai punita vEl kAkka; kaNgal iRaNDum kadirvEl kAkka; mArbai ratnavaDivEl kAkka etc...and then goes on to ask for protection from disease*/sorcery/animal stings etc - pilli SUniyam, peRum pagai agala valla bhUtam valATTiDa peygaL allal paDuttum aDangAmuniyum, piLLaigaL tinnum puzhaikaDai muniyum, koLLivAi pEyum kuRaLai pEyum, peNgaLai toDarum brahmarAkshasarum aDiyenai kaNDAl alaRi kalangiDa...... tELum pAmbum seyyAn pUran kaDiviDa vishangal kaDittu uyar angam ERiya vishangaL eLiduDan iRanga, oLippum Sullukkum, orutalai nOyum, vAdam, caittiyam, pittAm, sUlai, kshyam, kunmam, sokku, sirangu, kuDaiccal silandi kuDal, veppuRudi pakka piLavai paDartoDai vAzhai kaDuvan paDuvan kaittAL silandi parkuttaRaNai paru araiyAppum ellA piNiyum enranai kaNDAL niLLAdODa nI yenakkarulvAi etc.... and protection from the messengers of death - kAla dUtar yenai kaNDAl kalangiDA anji naDungiDa aranDu puraNDiDa vAi viTTalaRi madikeTTODiDa paDiyil muTTApAshakayiTRinAl kaTTu kaTTu kadaRiDa kAttu muTTu muTTu muzhigaL pidunga, sekku sekku sedir-sedirAga, sokku sokku sUrpagai sokku kuTRu kuTRu kUrvaDivElAl paTRu paTRu pagalavan taNaleri....

I have no clue what many of these diseases are in allopathic terms - but I am sure if this were composed in modern terms, it would include many ills pertinent to the times we live in!

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by arasi »

kAlan varumunnE cancer-ininRum kAkka un vEl!
kaDum Alzheimer aNugAdirukka Sakti vEl!
kAlum kaiyyum noDindu pOgAdirukkat tuNaiyAm vEl!

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by satyabalu »

cmlover wrote:Any set of 24 ragas will be wonderful. No need to be picky. Make sure pratimadhyama ragas get an equal share. Begin with Shanmukapriya and end of course with Surutti. Do share it with us for sure..
THQ.Assure to share when comes out well. Everything should come out well when our intentions are good.!

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by keerthi »

i remember posting a reply, and it seems to have disappeared! but then, I probably forgot to click on submit.. :$

The mRtyunjaya mantra and several stotra-s like vaidyanAthASTAka, and the various kavaca-s addressed to narasimha, hanumAn, durgA etc. call upon different names of the respective deity to protect each part of the body.

Among songs -

durusugA krpajUci in saveri (shAma shAstri) says 'aroga-dRDha-sharIramunu salupu nanu'

emanticchEvo in sahAna (tyAgaraja) says 'yashamAyuvu sadbhaktiyu.. susharIramosangE rAma!'

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by rshankar »

arasi wrote:Ravi,
kAlan varumunnE cancer-ininRum kAkka un vEl!
kaDum Alzheimer aNugAdirukka Sakti vEl!
kAlum kaiyyum noDindu pOgAdirukkat tuNaiyAm vEl!
Perfect, Arasi!

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by sramaswamy »

rshankar wrote:kanda sashTi kavacam is a true kavacam (armor) where the lord is asked to protect every part of the body by name - examples (in no order) -

Thanks for the explanation. I have always wondered what all those words in the kavacam meant. While many of the words sound terrifying, (like kaTTu kaTTu kadaRiDa kaTTu and muTTu muTTu muzhigaL pidungida) we cannot deny that it sounds so very rhythmic and poetic.

One of my friends is against reciting the kavacam as he says it talks about being violent against the people who are not good to you. Is there anything in the kavacam talks about taking revenge against people who are your enemies or against you?

Nick H
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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by Nick H »

I've just come from the motoring forum and read that as skodas to improve longevity


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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by VK RAMAN »

VishNO shODasha nAmastotram:

OushadE chintayEvishNum, bhOjanE cha janaardhanam
sayanE padmanaabham cha vivaahE cha prajaapatim

yudhE chankradharam dEvam pravAsE cha trivikramamn
nArAyaNam tanutyAgE sreedharam priyasamgamE

duswapnE smara gOvindham sankaTe madhusUdhanam
kaananE nArasimham cha paavakE jalasaayinum

jalamadhyE varaaham cha parvatE reghunandhanam
gamanE vAmanam chaiva sarakaaryEshu madhavam

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Re: slokas to improve longevity

Post by cmlover »

There is no jihad in Hinduism.
Also there is no forceful conversion to Hinduism.
There are folks who have been fanatical about their personal Gods. But that is not part of the Hindu Faith!

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