Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been sung
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been sung
4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been sung???-- is there more??
I am posting a long post , to chronicle the 4 raga rtp or what is called as chatur raga pallavi. It requires extraordinary skill to accompolish and more importantly a real stamina to sing them. Perhaps the combination of musical intellect and the stamina at its best.
1. The first of the chatur raga pallavi , was sung by our paddhati creator shri Ariyakudi Ramanuja Iyengar. Shankarabharanai azhaittOdi vAdi kalyani darbArukku. This was actually composed by Kunrakkudi Krishnayyar, but popularized by ariyakudi
There are different artist who have sung this , starting with ARI, KVN. Few contemporary artists like TMK and SGC have also sung this. I personally heard only once in a live concert when TNS sang during his sangeetha kalanidhi concert sang this pallavi. I reviewed this TNS concert in this jungle. Out of all singers who have sung this , nothing beats shri KVN's rendition , if I am right he was accompanied by MSG and PR.
2. There was one other pallavi in 4 ragas , that arasi said some time back in the forum, where her uncle shri vv sadagopan has sung . I cannot recollect that, may be arasi should share that again with the words and ragas.
Assuming ARI sang in 1940's till early/mid 2000 or so, there was no more new chatur pallavis for a
long time.... Then
3.IIRC, The third person who sang a 4 raga pallavi was Maharajapuram Ramachandran.This he took up after a long gap as to the best of my knowledge no more new 4 raga pallavis were sung other than the ARI one. Ramachandran combined saveri-mohanam- todi- kalyani ragas. This was not reviewed in the forum , but the recording was available in sangeethapriya. The pallavi was saveri balakanai mohana kumaranai azhaitodi vadi kalyani. It is clear that Ramachandran replaced the popular pallavi and just made few adjustments. But definitely remarkable effort by ramachandran considering noone came up anything in the last 50 years. I downloaded sometime in 2008 when ramachandran sang this pallavi, it is just wonderful.
4.The fourth person to sing chatur raga pallavi was Smt manda sudharani. She sang in academy in 2009. It was reviewed in our forum. The pallavi was in ragas Shankarabharanam, Kalyani, Valaji, Kaanada, with the first two in purvangam and the next two in uttarangam. I have not heard this pallavi of sudharani.
Then in 2011 or 2012 we had two more artists coming up with two new chatur pallavis
5. The young brilliant abhishek came up with a pallavi in 4 rAgAs-simhEndramadhyam, rasikapriya, tODi and hamsavinOdini. The pallavi line was nigama sudhA vinOdini nIrajadaLa lOcani sadA. This concert was reviewed by mahavishnu and also IIRC sujiram in our forum. It is lovely pallavi , very intense and abhishek has rocked.
6. Then the creative Suryaprakash also sang a very manodharmic pallavi in 4 hamsa ragas (hamsanandi,hamsadhwani, hamsanada, hamsavinodhini).The pallavi in misrachapu talam had these lines
Anandi ni sadhA pAhi
dhwani swaroopini
sunAda niranjani
sAma gAna viNodini
shree hamsa
I and Mohan from Australia have reviewed this concert in two seperate concerts.
In short ARI,Maharajapuram ramachandran,Manda sudharani , Abhishek Raghuram and Suryaprakash have created 5 superb chatur pallavis and sang for the first time.
By the way when I say 4 raga pallavis they are 4 ragas , 4 tanams, 4 neravals and 4 swaras.Nothing like 2 ragas in taanam and another two in swaras .Everything has to be four in all 4 contexts (alaapana, taanam, neraval, and swaras) I would like to know the following:
1.If there are any more 4 raga pallavis other than the 5 that I mentioned (Arasi will hopefully recollect shri VV Sadagopan's one).
2. On a side note,One of the most nicest things that is happening in the last 10 years is , the pallavi is having real renaissance . Musicians are just digging and presenting it. IT JUST REQUIRES extraordinary confidence to present pallavis in four ragas- musical skill and real sustenance and lung power.That too with the lines embedding ragas and the transitioning from one raga to another is just mind-boggling. A real case study of what CM's best is ???
Edited on March 10,2013:
Apart from the 5, two more artists have done , S Kalayanraman and Ranjani Gayatri
6. SKR has sung a 4-Ranjani Pallavi - Ranjani Ni Ranjani Bhakta Manoranjani - Rasika Janaranjani Nalarulvay Sriranjani.
7. RG Sisters presented a Chatur raga RTP last year in RLKM Bangalore.
The ragas are kalyani,valaji,dhanyasi and revathi.
pallavi line is "nityakaLyANi sharvANI kAtyAyinI, pAlayamAm chaturvEda swarUpiNI"
8. There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari. The alapana in the first 5 ragas and tanam in the last 4, finishing off with Bhairavi tanam. The neraval is done first as a ragamalika (within each cycle of the pallavi), and then the neraval is done singing the complete pallavi in one raga at a time. Swaraprasthara is in each of the 9 ragas.
I am posting a long post , to chronicle the 4 raga rtp or what is called as chatur raga pallavi. It requires extraordinary skill to accompolish and more importantly a real stamina to sing them. Perhaps the combination of musical intellect and the stamina at its best.
1. The first of the chatur raga pallavi , was sung by our paddhati creator shri Ariyakudi Ramanuja Iyengar. Shankarabharanai azhaittOdi vAdi kalyani darbArukku. This was actually composed by Kunrakkudi Krishnayyar, but popularized by ariyakudi
There are different artist who have sung this , starting with ARI, KVN. Few contemporary artists like TMK and SGC have also sung this. I personally heard only once in a live concert when TNS sang during his sangeetha kalanidhi concert sang this pallavi. I reviewed this TNS concert in this jungle. Out of all singers who have sung this , nothing beats shri KVN's rendition , if I am right he was accompanied by MSG and PR.
2. There was one other pallavi in 4 ragas , that arasi said some time back in the forum, where her uncle shri vv sadagopan has sung . I cannot recollect that, may be arasi should share that again with the words and ragas.
Assuming ARI sang in 1940's till early/mid 2000 or so, there was no more new chatur pallavis for a
long time.... Then
3.IIRC, The third person who sang a 4 raga pallavi was Maharajapuram Ramachandran.This he took up after a long gap as to the best of my knowledge no more new 4 raga pallavis were sung other than the ARI one. Ramachandran combined saveri-mohanam- todi- kalyani ragas. This was not reviewed in the forum , but the recording was available in sangeethapriya. The pallavi was saveri balakanai mohana kumaranai azhaitodi vadi kalyani. It is clear that Ramachandran replaced the popular pallavi and just made few adjustments. But definitely remarkable effort by ramachandran considering noone came up anything in the last 50 years. I downloaded sometime in 2008 when ramachandran sang this pallavi, it is just wonderful.
4.The fourth person to sing chatur raga pallavi was Smt manda sudharani. She sang in academy in 2009. It was reviewed in our forum. The pallavi was in ragas Shankarabharanam, Kalyani, Valaji, Kaanada, with the first two in purvangam and the next two in uttarangam. I have not heard this pallavi of sudharani.
Then in 2011 or 2012 we had two more artists coming up with two new chatur pallavis
5. The young brilliant abhishek came up with a pallavi in 4 rAgAs-simhEndramadhyam, rasikapriya, tODi and hamsavinOdini. The pallavi line was nigama sudhA vinOdini nIrajadaLa lOcani sadA. This concert was reviewed by mahavishnu and also IIRC sujiram in our forum. It is lovely pallavi , very intense and abhishek has rocked.
6. Then the creative Suryaprakash also sang a very manodharmic pallavi in 4 hamsa ragas (hamsanandi,hamsadhwani, hamsanada, hamsavinodhini).The pallavi in misrachapu talam had these lines
Anandi ni sadhA pAhi
dhwani swaroopini
sunAda niranjani
sAma gAna viNodini
shree hamsa
I and Mohan from Australia have reviewed this concert in two seperate concerts.
In short ARI,Maharajapuram ramachandran,Manda sudharani , Abhishek Raghuram and Suryaprakash have created 5 superb chatur pallavis and sang for the first time.
By the way when I say 4 raga pallavis they are 4 ragas , 4 tanams, 4 neravals and 4 swaras.Nothing like 2 ragas in taanam and another two in swaras .Everything has to be four in all 4 contexts (alaapana, taanam, neraval, and swaras) I would like to know the following:
1.If there are any more 4 raga pallavis other than the 5 that I mentioned (Arasi will hopefully recollect shri VV Sadagopan's one).
2. On a side note,One of the most nicest things that is happening in the last 10 years is , the pallavi is having real renaissance . Musicians are just digging and presenting it. IT JUST REQUIRES extraordinary confidence to present pallavis in four ragas- musical skill and real sustenance and lung power.That too with the lines embedding ragas and the transitioning from one raga to another is just mind-boggling. A real case study of what CM's best is ???
Edited on March 10,2013:
Apart from the 5, two more artists have done , S Kalayanraman and Ranjani Gayatri
6. SKR has sung a 4-Ranjani Pallavi - Ranjani Ni Ranjani Bhakta Manoranjani - Rasika Janaranjani Nalarulvay Sriranjani.
7. RG Sisters presented a Chatur raga RTP last year in RLKM Bangalore.
The ragas are kalyani,valaji,dhanyasi and revathi.
pallavi line is "nityakaLyANi sharvANI kAtyAyinI, pAlayamAm chaturvEda swarUpiNI"
8. There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari. The alapana in the first 5 ragas and tanam in the last 4, finishing off with Bhairavi tanam. The neraval is done first as a ragamalika (within each cycle of the pallavi), and then the neraval is done singing the complete pallavi in one raga at a time. Swaraprasthara is in each of the 9 ragas.
Last edited by rajeshnat on 11 Mar 2013, 11:45, edited 3 times in total.
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 30 Apr 2009, 23:15
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
A famous chatur raaga RTP with "ranjani theme" by S.Kalyanaraman during the "long period gap" mentioned between 2) and 3)
Ranjani, Manoranjani, Sriranjani, Janaranjani
[update]Recording available in
Download from Album ID: 00-C0199[/update]
Ranjani, Manoranjani, Sriranjani, Janaranjani
[update]Recording available in
Download from Album ID: 00-C0199[/update]
Last edited by eesha on 09 Mar 2013, 15:21, edited 3 times in total.
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 30 Apr 2009, 23:15
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
You can listen to some clips from this RTP here:rajeshnat wrote:4.The fourth person to sing chatur raga pallavi was Smt manda sudharani. She sang in academy in 2009. It was reviewed in our forum. The pallavi was in ragas Shankarabharanam, Kalyani, Valaji, Kaanada, with the first two in purvangam and the next two in uttarangam. I have not heard this pallavi of sudharani. ... arani.html
[update]And here: ... agam-tanam[/update]
Last edited by eesha on 09 Mar 2013, 16:21, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 109
- Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 07:01
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
Sri SKR has sung a 4-Ranjani Pallavi - Ranjani Ni Ranjani Bhakta Manoranjani - Rasika Janaranjani Nalarulvay Sriranjani. Gayathri Gireesh has mentioned this pallavi in the DVD on SKR and said that she has also been inspired to sing this in her concerts.
Sri PSN has mentioned a concert of Sri SKR at Sastri Hall which was in Kalyani, Keeravani, Surutti & SindhuBhairavi - but it was not a ragakshara pallavi, but some regular pallavi like Un Darisanam Kidaikkumo Nataraja Dayanidhe.
There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari.
Sri PSN has mentioned a concert of Sri SKR at Sastri Hall which was in Kalyani, Keeravani, Surutti & SindhuBhairavi - but it was not a ragakshara pallavi, but some regular pallavi like Un Darisanam Kidaikkumo Nataraja Dayanidhe.
There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari.
- Posts: 74
- Joined: 07 Mar 2010, 20:11
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
RG Sisters presented a Chatur raga RTP last year in RLKM Bangalore.
The ragas are kalyani,valaji,dhanyasi and revathi.
pallavi line is "nityakaLyANi sharvANI kAtyAyinI, pAlayamAm chaturvEda swarUpiNI"
See the link for review in Rasikas.
RG Sisters presented a Chatur raga RTP last year in RLKM Bangalore.
The ragas are kalyani,valaji,dhanyasi and revathi.
pallavi line is "nityakaLyANi sharvANI kAtyAyinI, pAlayamAm chaturvEda swarUpiNI"
See the link for review in Rasikas.
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
O i forgot this totally shri SKR has sung in all 4 raga alapanas, he has sung swaras and pallavi neraval in 4 ragas. Did he also sing 4 tanams,eesha wrote:A famous chatur raaga RTP with "ranjani theme" by S.Kalyanaraman during the "long period gap" mentioned between 2) and 3)
Ranjani, Manoranjani, Sriranjani, Janaranjani
[update]Recording available in
Download from Album ID: 00-C0199[/update]
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
Oops I forgot about this ,Thankscsuresh wrote:Rajeshnat,KSJ,
RG Sisters presented a Chatur raga RTP last year in RLKM Bangalore.
The ragas are kalyani,valaji,dhanyasi and revathi.
pallavi line is "nityakaLyANi sharvANI kAtyAyinI, pAlayamAm chaturvEda swarUpiNI"
See the link for review in Rasikas.
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
KSJaishankar wrote: Sri PSN has mentioned a concert of Sri SKR at Sastri Hall which was in Kalyani, Keeravani, Surutti & SindhuBhairavi - but it was not a ragakshara pallavi, but some regular pallavi like Un Darisanam Kidaikkumo Nataraja Dayanidhe.
There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari.
I think you are taking a navaragamaliga , I am assuming there was only neraval and swaras in 9 ragas . I am not sure if ravikiran performed alapana in 9 ragas and 9 taanams.KSJaishankar wrote: There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari.
With respect to PSN talking about 4 raga in kalyani, keeravani, shurutti and sindhubhairavi, I have also heard it from PSN. But I amnot sure if he sang 4 taanams . I am talking precisely about 4 Ragas AND 4 Taanams AND 4 Neravals AND 4 swaras.
By the way , Just recollecting a post in the last season , there was a mention about mandolin srinivas attempting 5 ragas , not sure if he did all 4 areas.I will Keep mandolin srinivas and SKR in 4 in hold till some one clarifies.
I missed RG sisters and the other SKR ranjani 4 ragas. I will edit the post to include two more. So totally 7.
- Posts: 151
- Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 19:03
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
rajeshnat wrote: Shankarabharanai azhaittu vAdi todi darbArukku.
The pallavi line is Shankarabharanai azhai todi vAdi kalyani darbArukku
Then you have the four ragas.........
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
Thanks , I do know the line , did not type it right.Corrected.
Thanks , I do know the line , did not type it right.Corrected.
- Posts: 109
- Joined: 04 Feb 2010, 07:01
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
Ravi Kiran has sung alapana in the first 5 ragas and tanam in the last 4, finishing off with Bhairavi tanam. The neraval is done first as a ragamalika (within each cycle of the pallavi), and then the neraval is done singing the complete pallavi in one raga at a time. Swaraprasthara is in each of the 9 ragas.
On the SKR pallavi mentioned by Sri PSN, he categorically states 4 alapanas, 4 tanams, neraval as ragamalika and swarams in all 4 ragas too. Even the 4-Ranjani pallavi has alapana, tanam and swaras in all the 4 ragas.
On the SKR pallavi mentioned by Sri PSN, he categorically states 4 alapanas, 4 tanams, neraval as ragamalika and swarams in all 4 ragas too. Even the 4-Ranjani pallavi has alapana, tanam and swaras in all the 4 ragas.
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
Is the pallavi of SKR in 4 ragas Kalyani, Keeravani, Surutti & SindhuBhairavi, available? If yes please post the link.
Thanks for your info , I have added ravikiran pallavi in the first post. So there are totally 8 artists.
Thanks for your info , I have added ravikiran pallavi in the first post. So there are totally 8 artists.
- Posts: 16860
- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
I'm yet to find time to spend at at the moment.
I do have a quick look every day of course!
The answer to your question:
Yes, VVS did sing this pallavi which he composed it in tamizh. He sang it a few times in his concerts in the late forties.
mOhana vELai idE
vasantha kAlamidE
malayamArutham vISum
Anandabhairavi aruLum
mOhana vELai idE!
How I wish a modern day singer takes up this tamizh one to sing!
I'm yet to find time to spend at at the moment.
I do have a quick look every day of course!
The answer to your question:
Yes, VVS did sing this pallavi which he composed it in tamizh. He sang it a few times in his concerts in the late forties.
mOhana vELai idE
vasantha kAlamidE
malayamArutham vISum
Anandabhairavi aruLum
mOhana vELai idE!
How I wish a modern day singer takes up this tamizh one to sing!
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Arasiarasi wrote: Yes, VVS did sing this pallavi which he composed it in tamizh. He sang it a few times in his concerts in the late forties.
mOhana vELai idE
vasantha kAlamidE
malayamArutham vISum
Anandabhairavi aruLum
mOhana vELai idE!
How I wish a modern day singer takes up this tamizh one to sing!
Have u heard this pallavi in person , with his strong voice V V S must have performed it brilliantly. I am assuming for sure we may not have the recording. Let some modern day singer take this.
- Posts: 2498
- Joined: 06 Feb 2010, 05:42
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
I think you are taking a navaragamaliga , I am assuming there was only neraval and swaras in 9 ragas . I am not sure if ravikiran performed alapana in 9 ragas and 9 taanams.KSJaishankar wrote: There is a commercial recording of a navaragamalika ragakshara pallavi by Sri Ravikiran (it is a vocal rendition). The pallavi goes as Bhairavi Janaranjani Raskipapriya Varamuliyave - Sri Saraswathi Manohari. The 9 ragas are not immediately apparent in this case - they are Bhairavi, Janranjani, Ranjani, Rasikapriya, Varamu, Sriragam, Saraswathi, Manohari & SaraswathiManohari.
I can spot one more ragam in this. Varamu.. Then it becomes a dasha rAga pallavi. May be then we have to take only janaranjani and not Ranjani also. .
- Posts: 16860
- Joined: 22 Jun 2006, 09:30
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
I have heard it more than once. Loved it as a child, and still do.
If at all, Nellai Sangeetha Sabha concerts are one source to explore.Perhaps Lakshminarayanan Sriram can help (Look under Captivating Music thread in General Discussions and see what gems he has posted).
Yes, VVS did sing it engagingly. We are prejudiced, of course (ask Maduraimini too!). mOhana vELai idE was perhaps what made us children change our minds about pallavis--that they were boring
I have heard it more than once. Loved it as a child, and still do.
If at all, Nellai Sangeetha Sabha concerts are one source to explore.Perhaps Lakshminarayanan Sriram can help (Look under Captivating Music thread in General Discussions and see what gems he has posted).
Yes, VVS did sing it engagingly. We are prejudiced, of course (ask Maduraimini too!). mOhana vELai idE was perhaps what made us children change our minds about pallavis--that they were boring

- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: 4 raga chatur raga RTP - a collection of what has been s
PunarvasuPUNARVASU wrote:
I think you are taking a navaragamaliga , I am assuming there was only neraval and swaras in 9 ragas . I am not sure if ravikiran performed alapana in 9 ragas and 9 taanams.
I can spot one more ragam in this. Varamu.. Then it becomes a dasha rAga pallavi. May be then we have to take only janaranjani and not Ranjani also. .
As per Ksjaishankar in post #11
Ravi Kiran has sung alapana in the first 5 ragas and tanam in the last 4, finishing off with Bhairavi tanam. The neraval is done first as a ragamalika (within each cycle of the pallavi), and then the neraval is done singing the complete pallavi in one raga at a time. Swaraprasthara is in each of the 9 ragas.
- Posts: 4170
- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Ragam thanam pallavi Bairavi Malika..Bairavi, Nattabairavi,Maha Bairavi.....
mlv 015-rtp-natabhairavi.mp3
rtp 026-tmk 002 - chadur raga-ragamalika -
rtp 026-tmk 002 - chadur raga-ragamalika.mp3
mlv 015-rtp-natabhairavi.mp3
rtp 026-tmk 002 - chadur raga-ragamalika -
rtp 026-tmk 002 - chadur raga-ragamalika.mp3
- Posts: 10091
- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Two more in the list where 4 ragams , 4 neraval , 4 taanam and 4 ragamaliga swaras were sung in the last month of July 2013. After the first post of 9 4 raga RTPS, the below two are 10th and 11th.
10. saketaraman sang a RTP comprising four ragas belonging to the Ranjani family- Ranjani, Sreeranjani, Janaranjani and Karnaranjani. The pallavi was Ranjani Manjubhaashini paavani Sreeranjani Janani Janaranjani Pahimam Karnaranjani. The pallavi was set to Sankeernajathi Triputa thalam -2 kalai.
11. TNS Krishna presented a four raga rtp in shankarabharanam,todi,durbar and kalyani. THe pallavi was taken up in Khanda Triputa talam 4 kalai- Atheetha eduppu. But the pallavi was intelligently modified as Sankarabharananai Azhaithodi vaadi Kalyani PALLAVI Darbarukku. Krishna deserves kudos for including the theme of the concert in the pallavi. He did elaborate neraval and anulomam trilomam. After trikalam, I think he presented the pallavi with variation of speed in poorvangam and utharangam.
10. saketaraman sang a RTP comprising four ragas belonging to the Ranjani family- Ranjani, Sreeranjani, Janaranjani and Karnaranjani. The pallavi was Ranjani Manjubhaashini paavani Sreeranjani Janani Janaranjani Pahimam Karnaranjani. The pallavi was set to Sankeernajathi Triputa thalam -2 kalai.
11. TNS Krishna presented a four raga rtp in shankarabharanam,todi,durbar and kalyani. THe pallavi was taken up in Khanda Triputa talam 4 kalai- Atheetha eduppu. But the pallavi was intelligently modified as Sankarabharananai Azhaithodi vaadi Kalyani PALLAVI Darbarukku. Krishna deserves kudos for including the theme of the concert in the pallavi. He did elaborate neraval and anulomam trilomam. After trikalam, I think he presented the pallavi with variation of speed in poorvangam and utharangam.
Last edited by rajeshnat on 20 Aug 2013, 15:12, edited 3 times in total.
- Posts: 2939
- Joined: 18 Nov 2009, 16:58
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Rajesh. I appreciate your quick update of this thread. I am induced to listen to the other ragamalika pallavis mentioned in this thread which I have not heard so far. Can you upload that Mah Ramachandran pallavi, if you have got it?
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
In the above link that shri venkatakailasam has posted , the fourth link is the 4 raga rtp of maharajapuram shri ramachandran in sAveri-mohanam-todi-kalyaniCRama wrote: Can you upload that Mah Ramachandran pallavi, if you have got it?
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
so far we have 11 rtp of 4 ragas (there should be 4 ragas - 4 taanam- 4 neraval and 4 swaras- not merely a ragamaliga in one or two places). So far we have got 11, including the one of shri vv sadagopan (I am assuming shri sadagopan did all four, hope we get that recording ) . Refer post #1 and post #19 for all 11 RTP -quad core rtp. Let us hope we will have the 12th one soon
- update as of Aug 20,2013
- update as of Aug 20,2013
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 16:52
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Sudha Ragunathan sang a 5 raga RTP in Melbourne in 2012. It was set to Sankirna Jati Triputa tala. She sang ragam and tanam in the 5 ragas. The lyrics are:
raghunAyakA (Hamsadhwani) raghunandanA (Sahana) raghuvara (Pantuvarali) ramAbhirAma (Darbar) nI samAna evaru rAmA (Kharaharapriya) raghunAyakA
raghunAyakA (Hamsadhwani) raghunandanA (Sahana) raghuvara (Pantuvarali) ramAbhirAma (Darbar) nI samAna evaru rAmA (Kharaharapriya) raghunAyakA
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
what about pallavi neraval and swaras .mohan wrote:Sudha Ragunathan sang a 5 raga RTP in Melbourne in 2012. It was set to Sankirna Jati Triputa tala. She sang ragam and tanam in the 5 ragas. The lyrics are:
raghunAyakA (Hamsadhwani) raghunandanA (Sahana) raghuvara (Pantuvarali) ramAbhirAma (Darbar) nI samAna evaru rAmA (Kharaharapriya) raghunAyakA
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
That sounds exciting. Any recording available?mohan wrote:Sudha Ragunathan sang a 5 raga RTP in Melbourne in 2012. It was set to Sankirna Jati Triputa tala. She sang ragam and tanam in the 5 ragas. The lyrics are:
raghunAyakA (Hamsadhwani) raghunandanA (Sahana) raghuvara (Pantuvarali) ramAbhirAma (Darbar) nI samAna evaru rAmA (Kharaharapriya) raghunAyakA
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Yes pallavi had the 5 ragas for each part of the line. swaram in all 5 ragas - can't recall about neraval.rajeshnat wrote: what about pallavi neraval and swaras .
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
IIRC, Smt. SR sang the same, or a similar RTP in NJ a couple of years ago.
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
One thing that is intriguing is the lack of inclination on the part Artists including some seniors in rendering a Ragamalika RTP..
Is it due to lack of knowledge or they fear to traverse from one to another while rendering this..
Perhaps, in evaluating their knowledge for considering eligibility to SK, this aspect may be kept in mind..
Is it due to lack of knowledge or they fear to traverse from one to another while rendering this..
Perhaps, in evaluating their knowledge for considering eligibility to SK, this aspect may be kept in mind..
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
To some, a true RTP is in one raga only - the musician gives an elaborate alapana, tanam, neraval etc in this raga and is able to explore it in depth.
With multiple ragas, there is usually minimal time to spend on each raga resulting in very fleeting raga exposition. For example, if you listen to the Ranjani-mala RTP by S. Kalyanaraman, he starts off with a short Ranjani and even shorter versions of manoranjani, sriranjani and janaranjani. Perhaps there were time constraints.
While I enjoy multi-raga pallavis for their novelty value, there is nothing like an elaborate exposition in one raga for example like GNB has treated Kalyani, Shanmughapriya or Thodi.
With multiple ragas, there is usually minimal time to spend on each raga resulting in very fleeting raga exposition. For example, if you listen to the Ranjani-mala RTP by S. Kalyanaraman, he starts off with a short Ranjani and even shorter versions of manoranjani, sriranjani and janaranjani. Perhaps there were time constraints.
While I enjoy multi-raga pallavis for their novelty value, there is nothing like an elaborate exposition in one raga for example like GNB has treated Kalyani, Shanmughapriya or Thodi.
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Mohan,mohan wrote: Yes pallavi had the 5 ragas for each part of the line. swaram in all 5 ragas - can't recall about neraval.
I am assuming sudha just sang the taanam in 5 , just touched very briefly the pallavi line as a stopper to land with that respective keyphrase to sing swaras and then that keyword of the pallavi line . I am also assuming she would have not done trikalam, with that assumption of she not singing the neraval and going to swaras, I will not enumerate her pallavi in the chatur defintion of AND of ragam+ taanam + neraval + swaras. I am assuming this kind of pallavi was also done by charumathi ramachandran (though not sure if she did it for 4 or 5 ragas). We stick with just a count of 11 (without sudha ).
I agree with you on the single raga rtp , it has its charm not just gnb for me ssi's varAli,kiravani and bhairavi also fall in that ecstasy of one lovely flavour. But every musician only sings 10 to 20% of single raga rtp, more likely he/she goes for multiraga.Nevertheless I miss single raga rtp.
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Perhaps the term RTP should be reserved for a single raga elaboration only.
We should coin a new term, say RMTP to characterize Ragamalika RTP..
We should coin a new term, say RMTP to characterize Ragamalika RTP..
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
RTPM, may be? Ragam, Tanam, Pallavi Malikai?
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Hear some of Sudha Ragunathan's 5 Ragamalika pallavi at ... than-live/
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Rajesh, Mechakalyani has kindly posted the link to the audio. The whole pallavi uses 5 ragas and there is trikalam, etc so you can decide if you want to include it in your count.rajeshnat wrote: I am assuming sudha just sang the taanam in 5 , just touched very briefly the pallavi line as a stopper to land with that respective keyphrase to sing swaras and then that keyword of the pallavi line . I am also assuming she would have not done trikalam, with that assumption of she not singing the neraval and going to swaras, I will not enumerate her pallavi in the chatur defintion of AND of ragam+ taanam + neraval + swaras.
- Posts: 366
- Joined: 30 Apr 2009, 23:15
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
The audio links in the page not working. Is it working for anyone ??Hear some of Sudha Ragunathan's 5 Ragamalika pallavi at ... than-live/
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Yes it works for me at ... than-live/
thru Firefox and Chrome
thru Firefox and Chrome
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Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Nice Tight-Rope-Walking by Sudha..
Nice Tight-Rope-Walking by Sudha..
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Like eesha ,the sudha link when clicked it says buffering and never plays . I tried with firefox and chrome , both not working.
Will try to hear first in another machine and then decide whether to be included.
Will try to hear first in another machine and then decide whether to be included.
- Posts: 4170
- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Why wasting time...
I got the message that it has been disabled..
I got the message that it has been disabled..
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 16:52
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Maybe there is an issue accessing from India. Here is the direct link from the source code: ... malika.mp3
- Posts: 1978
- Joined: 24 Aug 2011, 15:06
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
I have a brilliant version of this 4 raga pallavi by Alleppey Venkatesan
Other multi raga rtps
Susarla Sivram has sung two - bunch of gowlas and rajinis
N Ravikiran once met the request of a friend of mine in bangalore - for singing a pallavi as a tribute to saptaswaras - the concert has a speech by UKS on Ravikiran.Wonderful piece of music . I can post the sung pallavi alone so that we do not offend the version mustbea bootlegged version - has all kinds of noises / disturbances but still a beauty
He has sung a Shatrharagamila pallavi at Cleveland , if am not mistaken.
Other multi raga rtps
Susarla Sivram has sung two - bunch of gowlas and rajinis
N Ravikiran once met the request of a friend of mine in bangalore - for singing a pallavi as a tribute to saptaswaras - the concert has a speech by UKS on Ravikiran.Wonderful piece of music . I can post the sung pallavi alone so that we do not offend the version mustbea bootlegged version - has all kinds of noises / disturbances but still a beauty
He has sung a Shatrharagamila pallavi at Cleveland , if am not mistaken.
- Posts: 348
- Joined: 17 Feb 2007, 06:15
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Manakkal Rangarajan has sung a 3 Raga RTP: Mohanam, Nayaki, Thodi
NAYAKIyai azhaithu vara MOHANArangani azhaiTHODI vadi (i may be little off with 2/3 word)
Alapana is only in Mohanam, but Thanam and swaras in all ragas.
He does trikalam in all 3 ragas, and swaras at such a speed in all three ragas.
NAYAKIyai azhaithu vara MOHANArangani azhaiTHODI vadi (i may be little off with 2/3 word)
Alapana is only in Mohanam, but Thanam and swaras in all ragas.
He does trikalam in all 3 ragas, and swaras at such a speed in all three ragas.
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- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
SrI Viswanatham Bhajeham in fourteen Ragas, set to Adi Tala. The sequence of fourteen Ragas that appear in this Ragamalika are Sriragam, Arabhi, Gowri, Nata, Gowla, Mohanam, followed by viloma swaras (rendering of swaras in the reverse order of Ragas). The second half contains Sama, Lalita, Bhairavam, Saranga, Sankarabharanam, Kambhoji, Devakriya, Bhoopalam, followed again by viloma swaras, and finally ending in the commencing Raga, Sriragam. This composition is in praise of Lord Viswanatha, of the temple located in the village Kulikkarai, near Tiruvarur, Tamilnadu...
see at: ... &start=175
Ramaswami Dikshitar (1735 -1817) could aptly be called a Ragamalika Chakravarti (King of Ragamalika)....
One of his Ragamalikas is 'Manasa Verutarula', set in 48 Ragas and in Adi Tala, on Lord Venkateswara. A second one, 'Sivamohanasakti nannu' on Goddess Meenakshi of Madurai is set in 44 Ragas in Roopaka Tala. Yet another one, 'Samajagamana ninnu korinadira' is set in 20 Ragas, Adi Tala, and is dedicated to King Amarasimhan.
The crown jewel of all his work is the longest composition in Carnatic music, nay, in all music, the 'Ashtottara Shata Raga-Tala malika', commencing with the phrase 'Natakadi'. As the name signifies, this magnum opus is a Ragatalamalika ostensibly containing 108 Ragas and set in 108 Talas, one for each line. However, the original text is unfortunately not available in complete form and only 61 Ragas and 61 Talas have come down to us. The text that is presently available can be found in Subbarama Dikshitar's encyclopedic treatise, Sangeeta Sampradaya Pradarsini.
The text of this Ragatalamalika employs all the Ghana Ragas - Nata, Gowla, Varali, Sriragam and Arabhi. Also, all important Melakarta Ragas appear, namely, Todi, Mayamalavagowla, Sankarabharanam, Kalyani, Pantuvarali and Gamakakritya. Many Upanga and Bhashanga Ragas have also been employed, e.g. Sama, Mohanam, Manirangu, Bilahari, Saveri, Punnagavarali, Kurinji, Surati, Begada, Devagandhari etc. The Pratimadhyama Ragas used are Ramakriya, Kalyani, Saranga, Yamankalyani and Gamakakriya. While most of the Talas used are known and precisely defined in musical literature, no clue is available for the anga-s of the Talas with the names Lali, Lakshana, Srimatkirti, Akshara and Kala, that appear in the text. Ramaswami Dikshitar composed this monumental work and a few other pieces in praise of his patron, Venkatakrishna Mudaliar of Manali. The vaggeyakara-mudra (signature of the composer) Venkatakrishna is used in all his work.
Muthuswami Dikshitar (1776-1834 AD), son of Ramaswami Dikshitar, is part of the Trinity of composers in Carnatic music. He was a composer par excellence, who chose to sing in praise of various deities in temples that he visited during his extensive pilgrimages. About 480 of his compositions are available in print. These gems furnish a complete musical pilgrimage of the various temples, not only from South India, but as far north as Badrinath, and Kathmandu in Nepal. Most of his compositions, particularly his Ragamalikas feature the Raga-mudra, as well as Guruguha, his own mudra or signature.
Only four Ragamalikas of Muthuswami Dikshitar are currently in vogue and are also available in print. They are:
SrI Viswanatham Bhajeham in fourteen Ragas, set to Adi Tala.
Madhavo mampatu in ten Ragas, set to Roopaka Tala. on the Dashavaratam or the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu.
Simhasanasthite in four auspicious Ragas, namely Sowrashtra, Vasanta, Surati and Madhyamavati, set to Roopaka Tala in praise of Devi Parvati.
Poornachandrabimba vadane in six Ragas - Poornachandrika, Narayani, Saraswatimanohari, Suddhavasantam, Hamsadhwani and Nagadhwani - also set in Roopaka Tala, on Goddess Kamalamba of the mammoth Tiruvarur temple. I have come across a recent book (published in Srirangam), that gives two additional lines of text, in Ragas Kedaram and Bilahari, rendering it an Ashta Ragamalika rather that a Shad Ragamalika.
Shri PP.N at
see at: ... &start=175
Ramaswami Dikshitar (1735 -1817) could aptly be called a Ragamalika Chakravarti (King of Ragamalika)....
One of his Ragamalikas is 'Manasa Verutarula', set in 48 Ragas and in Adi Tala, on Lord Venkateswara. A second one, 'Sivamohanasakti nannu' on Goddess Meenakshi of Madurai is set in 44 Ragas in Roopaka Tala. Yet another one, 'Samajagamana ninnu korinadira' is set in 20 Ragas, Adi Tala, and is dedicated to King Amarasimhan.
The crown jewel of all his work is the longest composition in Carnatic music, nay, in all music, the 'Ashtottara Shata Raga-Tala malika', commencing with the phrase 'Natakadi'. As the name signifies, this magnum opus is a Ragatalamalika ostensibly containing 108 Ragas and set in 108 Talas, one for each line. However, the original text is unfortunately not available in complete form and only 61 Ragas and 61 Talas have come down to us. The text that is presently available can be found in Subbarama Dikshitar's encyclopedic treatise, Sangeeta Sampradaya Pradarsini.
The text of this Ragatalamalika employs all the Ghana Ragas - Nata, Gowla, Varali, Sriragam and Arabhi. Also, all important Melakarta Ragas appear, namely, Todi, Mayamalavagowla, Sankarabharanam, Kalyani, Pantuvarali and Gamakakritya. Many Upanga and Bhashanga Ragas have also been employed, e.g. Sama, Mohanam, Manirangu, Bilahari, Saveri, Punnagavarali, Kurinji, Surati, Begada, Devagandhari etc. The Pratimadhyama Ragas used are Ramakriya, Kalyani, Saranga, Yamankalyani and Gamakakriya. While most of the Talas used are known and precisely defined in musical literature, no clue is available for the anga-s of the Talas with the names Lali, Lakshana, Srimatkirti, Akshara and Kala, that appear in the text. Ramaswami Dikshitar composed this monumental work and a few other pieces in praise of his patron, Venkatakrishna Mudaliar of Manali. The vaggeyakara-mudra (signature of the composer) Venkatakrishna is used in all his work.
Muthuswami Dikshitar (1776-1834 AD), son of Ramaswami Dikshitar, is part of the Trinity of composers in Carnatic music. He was a composer par excellence, who chose to sing in praise of various deities in temples that he visited during his extensive pilgrimages. About 480 of his compositions are available in print. These gems furnish a complete musical pilgrimage of the various temples, not only from South India, but as far north as Badrinath, and Kathmandu in Nepal. Most of his compositions, particularly his Ragamalikas feature the Raga-mudra, as well as Guruguha, his own mudra or signature.
Only four Ragamalikas of Muthuswami Dikshitar are currently in vogue and are also available in print. They are:
SrI Viswanatham Bhajeham in fourteen Ragas, set to Adi Tala.
Madhavo mampatu in ten Ragas, set to Roopaka Tala. on the Dashavaratam or the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu.
Simhasanasthite in four auspicious Ragas, namely Sowrashtra, Vasanta, Surati and Madhyamavati, set to Roopaka Tala in praise of Devi Parvati.
Poornachandrabimba vadane in six Ragas - Poornachandrika, Narayani, Saraswatimanohari, Suddhavasantam, Hamsadhwani and Nagadhwani - also set in Roopaka Tala, on Goddess Kamalamba of the mammoth Tiruvarur temple. I have come across a recent book (published in Srirangam), that gives two additional lines of text, in Ragas Kedaram and Bilahari, rendering it an Ashta Ragamalika rather that a Shad Ragamalika.
Shri PP.N at
- Posts: 1819
- Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 21:43
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
Smt Charumathi Ramachandran, in her US tour in the 1990s, sang "Saramathi Surabhimanavathi Rupavathi Sakala Kalavathi Sama Veda....Saramathi" as her Pallavi line with alapanas and tanams in all the ragams mentioned with Kalpana swarams in all of the ragas.
- Posts: 1191
- Joined: 22 Oct 2013, 22:44
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
In 2003 MFAC concert - I've heard Mandolin Srinivas render a Pallavi in 5 Ghana Ragas. I have also heard him render several 3 raga pallavis.
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- Joined: 07 Feb 2010, 19:16
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
72 Melaragamalika composition of Maha Vaidyanatha Sivan,
SMT MS. Subbhulakshmi
Shri Musiri Subramania Iyer , And
Smt. R Vedavalli..
Listen at: ... -maha.html
SMT MS. Subbhulakshmi
Shri Musiri Subramania Iyer , And
Smt. R Vedavalli..
Listen at: ... -maha.html
- Posts: 1086
- Joined: 08 Apr 2007, 08:19
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been s
I have heard Aleppey Venkatesan, ARI's last disciple (?), present this famous 4 raga pallavi " SankarAbharaNanai azhaithOdi vAdi kalyANI darbhArukku" elaborately several times live in Chennai and here too.
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- Joined: 03 Feb 2010, 08:04
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been sung
After a long time resurrecting this thread as there are two more - 4 raga pallavis where ragam , neraval swaram and taanam is taken up by main artist(no part splitting with vocal and violin)
13. Raji Gopalakrishnan has sung this pallavi in 2010. Abhishek her disciple had reviewed it
RAgam TAnam Pallavi (KalyAna Vasantam / KalyANi / VasantA / VAsanti - Khanda Triputa)
Pallavi: KalAvati DayA Nidhi NeeyE Gathi
KalyAna Vasanta Priya
RAgamAlika Swarams in: KalyAna Vasantam, KalyANi, VasantA, VAsanti, NaLinakAnti, Amritavarshini, Valaji.
14. Vishudev namboothiri has sung a 4 raga pallavi just few days back on June 2016. Thanks to crama who reviewed it.
Pallavi- Chatur raga pallavi- Naattai mayakkum Aayiramaandu nilaikkum Srutilaya bhaavathodinaintha Isaikke aadaram neeye.
Ragams- Nattai, Maund, Thodi and Kedaram.
Talam- Adi 4 kalai.
13. Raji Gopalakrishnan has sung this pallavi in 2010. Abhishek her disciple had reviewed it
RAgam TAnam Pallavi (KalyAna Vasantam / KalyANi / VasantA / VAsanti - Khanda Triputa)
Pallavi: KalAvati DayA Nidhi NeeyE Gathi
KalyAna Vasanta Priya
RAgamAlika Swarams in: KalyAna Vasantam, KalyANi, VasantA, VAsanti, NaLinakAnti, Amritavarshini, Valaji.
14. Vishudev namboothiri has sung a 4 raga pallavi just few days back on June 2016. Thanks to crama who reviewed it.
Pallavi- Chatur raga pallavi- Naattai mayakkum Aayiramaandu nilaikkum Srutilaya bhaavathodinaintha Isaikke aadaram neeye.
Ragams- Nattai, Maund, Thodi and Kedaram.
Talam- Adi 4 kalai.
- Posts: 3633
- Joined: 04 Aug 2011, 13:54
Re: Chathur raga(4 raga) RTP-a collection of what has been sung
I have heard Sudha sing bhairavi mala in Odakathur Mutt a decade ago.