Meaning Kali Tandava

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Meaning Kali Tandava

Post by silbermond67 »

Obviously, I didn't post the correct thread title in my previous post (I didn't name it "meaning"), as I would like to have the
English meaning of the Kali Tandava song.

Lakshman was so kind to provide the lyrics, but perhaps can anybody post the English meaning ?

hUm hUm karE sabha rUpA nIla nIrada lOcanE
trailOkyayita mukha dEvE kAlikAvai namOstutE
prakhya nIrabharE bhaurE ruNDamAlAdharambitE
sarvE lambOdarE bhImE kAlikAvai namOstutE
nava yauvana sampannE gaja kumbhOpa mardhani
vAgIshvari shivE shAntE kAlikAvai namOstutE
lOla jihvE hAralOkE mitra daya vibhUSitE
ghOra hAsvatkarE dEvi kAlikAvai namOstutE
vyAghra carmAmbaradharE khaDgata shrIkarE dharE
kapAlendIvarE vAmE kAlikAvai namOstutE
nIlOtpala jaTA vArai sindhUrindu mukhOdayE
khuradvatrOSTa dashanE kAlikAvai namOstutE
praLayanana ghumrAvE candrasUryAgni lOcanE
shailavatE shubaE mAtaha kAlikAvai namOstutE
brahma shambhuja naudhEsha shabA mAdhya pratantitE
trEtakOTi samAyuktE kAlikAvai namOstutE

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Re: Meaning Kali Tandava

Post by Amateur »

Here is an attempt.
Not sure of certain words. Though the song is in Sanskrit, there seems to be some influence of Bengali in a few words.
Changes (based on my ears) are shown in bold font. Will try to get the last verse correct as well soon. Would appreciate corrections.

hUm hUm kArE SavArUDhE nIla nIraja lOcanE
trailOkyaika mukhe divyE kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli who makes the noise hum hum, is mounted on a corpse, has eyes like a blue lotus, has her face to all three worlds and is divine (1)

prakhya nIrabharE ghorE muNDamAlApralambitE
sarvE lambOdarE bhImE kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli who looks very frightening, has a garland of skulls hanging, is Siva’s consort, has a big belly (or is voracious), is fearful(2)

nava yauvana sampannE gaja kumbhOpama stanI
vAgISvarI SivE SAntE kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli who is endowed with fresh youth, has bosoms resembling an elephant’s forehead, is eloquent (literally the master of Speech), is auspicious, is peaceful (3)

lOla jihvE harAlOkE netratraya vibhUshitE
ghOra hAsvatkarE dEvi kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli whose tongue hangs down, is endowed with three eyes looking at Siva, has a terrible laugh (4)

vyAghra carmAmbaradharE khaDga kartri(???) karE dharE
kapAlendIvarE vAmE kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli who wears the tiger skin, has in her hand the sword and kartri (???), holds the skull and lotus in her left hands (5)

nIlOtpala jaTAbhAra sindUrendu mukhOdayE
sphuradvaktrOshTa daSanE kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli whose braided hair is like the blue lotus, whose face blooms like the red moon, has radiant face, lips and teeth (6)

praLAyAnaladhUmrAvE candrasUryAgni lOcanE
SailavAsE SubhE mAtaH kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli who resembles the (dark) smoke of the pralayaagni (ultimate fire of destruction), has eyes resembling the moon, sun and fire, lives in the mountain, is our auspicious mother. (Durga is also called dhUmrA)

brahma SaMbhU (jalaudhESa sabhA mAdhya pratantitE)
prEtakOTi samAyuktE kAlikAvai namOstutE
Salutations to KAli (not sure of the first line: something about Brahma, Siva and water???? ), is accompanied by hordes of ghosts.

1. KAli made the noise hum and killed the demon dhUmralOcana; she is often depicted as sitting on a corpse. kAlika is the name used and the particle vai is added for emphasis.
2. SarvA is one name for Parvati and KAli being one form of Devi, SarvA is used here as well. One has taken the words in the first part of this verse to be correct and the translation provided accordingly. Lambodara means both big bellied and voracious. Since the goddess ate up the millions of clones of the demon raktabeeja voracious is also applicable. She is also depicted often with a big belly and that also fits. The dancer seems to imply this by her gestures.
3. The word Siva may be translated to mean auspicious (may also be translated as kind, generous etc.). SivA is another name for Durga or PArvati and so fits as well.
4. harAloka = hara (Siva) + Aloka (looking)
5. Not sure of the word after KhaDga. It sounds like kartri. Kartri is a weapon associated with tArA in Buddhism. tArA is believed to be like kAli and there are many similarities. In Sanskrit kartarI is a sword like weapon so it may be the right word.
6. jaTAbhAra means the mass of braided hair. Sphura can mean throbbing or brilliance/radiance/shining etc. If it was just lips and face, throbbing may apply especially when the goddess is in battle. The inclusion of teeth prompts the choice of radiance or brilliance as the meaning

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Re: Meaning Kali Tandava

Post by aaaaabbbbb »

Beautiful interpretation!

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Joined: 24 Jan 2013, 19:07

Re: Meaning Kali Tandava

Post by silbermond67 »

Thank you very much for your help !

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Joined: 09 Feb 2010, 04:05

Re: Meaning Kali Tandava

Post by natyasri »

how do you show sitting on corpse?

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